LuceneAnalyzer is a small shell tool (in Java) which allows dump and inspecting a Lucene index. Something for the 'sort-uniq-cut-awk' guys out there. :-)

binaries version 0.0.1 Sources version 0.0.1

Example usage:

    shell> ./ /dir_to_some_lucene_index

Example output:

Global Information:
        number of documents: 17909
        total number of features: 304312
        total number of tokens: 5231542
        version: 1219148058135
        still current: true
        maximal document number: 22382
        has deletions: true

Field Information:
Fields of type 'ALL':
body     achieves        45
body     achieving       216
body     achilles        4
body     achillesferse   1

The Git repository is accessible also as (if the machine is up).

In case of questions, contact me at <abaumann at yahoo dot com>.