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diff --git a/docs/pf-limits-in-openbsd.html b/docs/pf-limits-in-openbsd.html
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+PF Limits in OpenBSD
+ This article documents one of several insidious little gotchas I've
+ encountered using OpenBSD systems in a core-router/firewall capacity in
+ lieu of Cisco 2851 or Juniper j4350 class hardware. Specifically,
+ various hard memory limits built into PF, which, when encountered,
+ cause PF to stop accepting new connections.
+ Incidently, [4]here is the story of how I wound up replacing the
+ preponderant quantity of my networking gear with openBSD and saved
+ metric-oodles of coinage.
+ Anyway, the upshot is that if you use OpenBSD with PF in a production
+ environment and you aren't aware of PF's memory limit (especially the
+ state-related memory limits), you have a ticking time-bomb on your
+ network. Just FYI.
+ I'd been playing with OpenBSD for fun, in low-budget side projects, and
+ non-prod environments for years before that fateful day that I ran into
+ the state-table limit like a brick wall.
+ It was shortly after I'd replaced the cisco-based core routing
+ infrastructure of our Headquarters building with OpenBSD. It presented
+ as a sort of network "glitch". You know, the unexplainable little
+ connectivity loss that only affects one user. Probably his cable, or
+ wall socket. But then it was two or three users, and then it was a user
+ whose connectivity was working fine, except for he couldn't create new
+ ssh connections suddenly (wha?). It was gone as quickly as it appeared,
+ and never seemed to adhere to any sort of consistent set of symptoms.
+ It was quite maddening.
+ At some point I noticed that if I was quick enough, I could catch a "no
+ route to host" error message from PF on the console of the core
+ routers, and that's when I really started looking at them in earnest.
+ It turns out, as I've already said, the kernel keeps memory set aside
+ for PF to do things like create state tables and state table entries.
+ In my case I was hitting the limit on the total number of states PF was
+ allowed to track at once. This meant that new connections would fail
+ with no route to host until some other state expired and made room for
+ the new one. This looked downright wierd troublshooting from the
+ outside because protocols like HTTP (which are stateless) would still
+ work pretty well, while others like SSH (which requires a constant
+ connection) were more likely to have problems.
+ You can see the default sizes of these limits using pfctl -sm:
+# pfctl -sm
+states hard limit 10000
+src-nodes hard limit 10000
+frags hard limit 5000
+tables hard limit 1000
+table-entries hard limit 200000
+ These are pretty sane defaults for most people who are running OpenBSD
+ routers, which is to say, nerds who have wedged it on to their
+ [5]soekris board or the wrt54 they found at the second-hand store, or
+ the 8086 they found under the sink in their dad's house.
+ If you're running production routers on real hardware you're going to
+ want to raise those a bit. And by `bit' I mean like two orders of
+ magnitude. Do this with a line in your pf.conf that looks something
+ like this:
+ set limit { states 1000000, frags 1000000, src-nodes 100000, tables
+ 1000000, table-entries 1000000 }
+ You can check to see if you've ever hit one of these limits with pfctl
+ -si, which displayes the values for a whole bunch of couters tracked by
+ PF:
+[dave@a][~]--> sudo pfctl -si
+Status: Enabled for 686 days 01:20:03 Debug: err
+State Table Total Rate
+ current entries 39401
+ searches 587674569722 9914.3/s
+ inserts 23981800145 404.6/s
+ removals 23981760744 404.6/s
+ match 24166482278 407.7/s
+ bad-offset 0 0.0/s
+ fragment 0 0.0/s
+ short 0 0.0/s
+ normalize 1282 0.0/s
+ memory 0 0.0/s
+ bad-timestamp 0 0.0/s
+ congestion 204 0.0/s
+ ip-option 433656 0.0/s
+ proto-cksum 0 0.0/s
+ state-mismatch 135709 0.0/s
+ state-insert 0 0.0/s
+ state-limit 0 0.0/s
+ src-limit 0 0.0/s
+ synproxy 0 0.0/s
+ If you have RRDTool installed, you can use this shell script to push
+ some of these values into an RRD (or repurpose it to feed collectd or
+ gmond or whatever):
+pfctl_info() {
+ local output=$($pfctl -si 2>&1)
+ local temp=$(echo "$output" | $gawk '
+ BEGIN {BytesIn=0; BytesOut=0; PktsInPass=0; PktsInBlock=0; \
+ PktsOutPass=0; PktsOutBlock=0; States=0; StateSearchs=0; \
+ StateInserts=0; StateRemovals=0}
+ /Bytes In/ { BytesIn = $3 }
+ /Bytes Out/ { BytesOut = $3 }
+ /Packets In/ { getline;PktsInPass = $2 }
+ /Passed/ { getline;PktsInBlock = $2 }
+ /Packets Out/ { getline;PktsOutPass = $2 }
+ /Passed/ { getline;PktsOutBlock = $2 }
+ /current entries/ { States = $3 }
+ /searches/ { StateSearchs = $2 }
+ /inserts/ { StateInserts = $2 }
+ /removals/ { StateRemovals = $2 }
+ END {print BytesIn ":" BytesOut ":" PktsInPass ":" \
+ PktsInBlock ":" PktsOutPass ":" PktsOutBlock ":" \
+ States ":" StateSearchs ":" StateInserts ":" StateRemovals}
+ ')
+### collect the data
+### update the database
+$rrdtool update ${RRDHOME}/pf_stats_db.rrd --template BytesIn:BytesOut:PktsInPas
+ And then use the following to draw graphs from it:
+cd ${RRDHOME}
+######## pf state rate graph
+/usr/local/bin/rrdtool graph pf_stats_states.png \
+-w 785 -h 151 -a PNG \
+--slope-mode \
+--start -86400 --end now \
+--font DEFAULT:7: \
+--title "pf state rate" \
+--watermark "`date`" \
+--vertical-label "states/sec" \
+--right-axis-label "searches/sec" \
+--right-axis 100:0 \
+--x-grid MINUTE:10:HOUR:1:MINUTE:120:0:%R \
+--alt-y-grid --rigid \
+DEF:StateInserts=pf_stats_db.rrd:StateInserts:MAX \
+DEF:StateRemovals=pf_stats_db.rrd:StateRemovals:MAX \
+DEF:StateSearchs=pf_stats_db.rrd:StateSearchs:MAX \
+CDEF:scaled_StateSearchs=StateSearchs,0.01,* \
+DEF:States=pf_stats_db.rrd:States:MAX \
+CDEF:scaled_States=States,0.01,* \
+AREA:StateInserts#33CC33:"inserts" \
+GPRINT:StateInserts:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
+GPRINT:StateInserts:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
+GPRINT:StateInserts:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
+GPRINT:StateInserts:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\t\t" \
+LINE1:scaled_StateSearchs#FF0000:"searches" \
+GPRINT:StateSearchs:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
+GPRINT:StateSearchs:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
+GPRINT:StateSearchs:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
+GPRINT:StateSearchs:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\n" \
+LINE1:StateRemovals#0000CC:"removal" \
+GPRINT:StateRemovals:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
+GPRINT:StateRemovals:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
+GPRINT:StateRemovals:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
+GPRINT:StateRemovals:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\t\t" \
+LINE1:scaled_States#00F0F0:"States" \
+GPRINT:States:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
+GPRINT:States:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
+GPRINT:States:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
+GPRINT:States:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\n"
+ which will yield you a pretty, two-axis graph like the one below which
+ should help you avoid limits in the future.
+ PF State Graph
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+ 1.
+ 2.
+ 3.
+ 4.
+ 5.
+ 6.
+ 7.
+ 8.