File Type table. This is :included by the joerc file. Scripts can look like this '#!/usr/bin/python' or this '#! /usr/bin/env python3' A text file [text] No '.' in file name? Assume it's a text file and we want wordwrap on. * Text file. *.txt Not a text file [not_text] File name with '.'? It's probably not a text file. *.* -wordwrap Diff [diff] * +\? [A-Za-z] +Index: [A-Za-z] +Only in +Nur in +--- +\*\*\* +[1-9][0-9]*[cda] *.diff *.patch -syntax diff Troff [troff] *.1 * -wordwrap -syntax troff TeX [tex] *.tex *.sty -syntax tex -tex_comment -no_double_quoted -wordwrap News/mail files. [email] *.article* *.followup *.letter NN newsreader *tmp/nn.* mail *tmp/Re* elm *tmp/snd.* dmail *tmp/dmt* pine *tmp/pico.* Mutt *tmp/mutt-* -wordwrap -syntax mail AVR assembly language [avr] *.avr *.inc -syntax avr -autoindent -wordwrap -tab 8 Generic assembly language [assembly] *.asm *.s *.S -highlighter_context -wordwrap -syntax asm Mason (Perl in HTML) [mason] *.mas -autoindent -title -syntax mason -smarthome -smartbacks -highlighter_context SML [sml] *.sml -autoindent -title -syntax sml -smarthome -smartbacks -istep 2 -highlighter_context OCaml [ocaml] *.ml OCaml language interface *.mli -autoindent -title -syntax ocaml -smarthome -smartbacks -istep 2 -highlighter_context Ruby [ruby] *.rb * +#![ ]*[^\n]*ruby[0-9.]*\> *.gemspec *Gemfile *Rakefile *Guardfile *.rabl -autoindent -title -pound_comment -syntax ruby -text_delimiters do=end -highlighter_context Perl [perl] * +#![ ]*[^\n]*perl[0-9.]*\> *.pl *.pm *.t -autoindent -title -syntax perl -smarthome -smartbacks -pound_comment -single_quoted -highlighter_context SQL [sql] *.sql -autoindent -title -syntax sql -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -c_comment -vhdl_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters BEGIN|Begin|begin=END|End|end -cpara >#!;*/% -highlighter_context AWK [awk] *.awk -autoindent -title -syntax awk -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -pound_comment -highlighter_context YACC [yacc] *.y -autoindent -title -syntax c -highlighter_context -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -c_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters #if|#ifdef|#ifndef=#elif=#else=#endif -cpara >#!;*/% Lex [lex] *.l *.lex -autoindent -title -syntax c -highlighter_context -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -c_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters #if|#ifdef|#ifndef=#elif=#else=#endif -cpara >#!;*/% Ada [ada] *.adb *.ads -syntax ada -autoindent -title -istep 2 -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -vhdl_comment -text_delimiters declare|Declare|DECLARE|exception|Exception|EXCEPTION|if|If|IF|loop|Loop|LOOP|case|Case|CASE|package|Package|PACKAGE|procedure|Procedure|PROCEDURE|record|Record|RECORD|function|Function|FUNCTION=end|End|END -highlighter_context COBOL [cobol] *.cbl *.cob -syntax cobol -highlighter_context REXX [rexx] *.rex *.REX * +#![ ]*[^\n]*rexx[0-9.]*\> -syntax rexx -autoindent -title -highlighter_context SED script [sed] *.sed -syntax sed -highlighter_context Postscript [postscript] *.ps *.eps -syntax ps -highlighter_context C language [c] *.c *.cpp *.cc *.c++ C language header file *.h * *.hpp *.h++ *.hh *.mm -autoindent -title -syntax c -highlighter_context -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -c_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters #if|#ifdef|#ifndef=#elif=#else=#endif -cpara >#!;*/% Verilog [verilog] *.v Verilog header file *.vh -autoindent -syntax verilog -istep 2 -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -c_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters `ifdef|`ifndef=`else=`endif:begin=end:case|casex|casez=endcase:function=endfunction:module=endmodule:task=endtask:attribute=endattribute:primitive=endprimitive:table=endtable -cpara >#!;*/% -highlighter_context VHDL [vhdl] *.vhd -autoindent -syntax vhdl -istep 2 -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -vhdl_comment -text_delimiters entity|ENTITY|if|IF|component|COMPONENT|loop|LOOP|configuration|CONFIGURATION|units|UNITS|record|RECORD|case|CASE|function|FUNCTION|package|PACKAGE|architecture|ARCHITECTURE|block|BLOCK|process|PROCESS|generate|GENERATE=end|END -cpara >#!;*-/% -highlighter_context XML [xml] *.xml *.xsd * +<.xml *.jnlp RESX/.NET resource files *.resx Ant's build.xml *build.xml -autoindent -syntax xml -highlighter_context Apple plists [plist] *.plist -autoindent -syntax xml HTML [html] *.htm *.html -wordwrap -autoindent -smarthome -smartbacks -syntax html CSS [css] *.css -wordwrap -autoindent -smarthome -smartbacks -syntax css JAVA [java] *.java -autoindent -title -syntax java -smarthome -smartbacks -c_comment -cpp_comment -purify -cpara >#!;*/% -highlighter_context Javascript [javascript] *.js * +#![ ]*[^\n]*nodejs[0-9.]*\> -autoindent -title -syntax js -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -c_comment -cpp_comment -cpara >#!;*/% -highlighter_context JSON [json] *.json -autoindent -syntax json -smarthome -smartbacks -highlighter_context Typescript [typescript] *.ts -autoindent -title -syntax typescript -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -c_comment -cpp_comment -cpara >#!;*/% -highlighter_context Hypertext preprocessor file [php] *.php -autoindent -title -syntax php -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -highlighter_context Python [python] * +#![ ]*[^\n]*python[0-9.]*\> *.py -autoindent -title -syntax python -highlighter_context -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -pound_comment C-shell [csh] * +#![ ]*[^\n ]*/csh\> +#![ ]*[^\n ]*/tcsh\> *.csh *.login *.logout *.tcsh *.tcshrc -autoindent -title -syntax csh -pound_comment -highlighter_context Shell [sh] * +#![ ]*[^\n ]*/sh\> +#![ ]*[^\n ]*/bash\> *.sh *profile *.bash *.bashrc *.bash_login *.bash_logout -autoindent -title -syntax sh -highlighter_context -pound_comment -text_delimiters do=done:if=elif=else=fi:case=esac Lisp [lisp] *.lisp *.lsp *.el -autoindent -title -syntax lisp -semi_comment -highlighter_context Korn shell [ksh] * +#![ ]*[^\n ]*/ksh\> *.ksh -autoindent -title -syntax sh -highlighter_context -pound_comment -text_delimiters do=done:if=elif=else=fi:case=esac -highlighter_context PASCAL [pascal] *.p *.pas -autoindent -title -syntax pascal -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -text_delimiters begin|BEGIN|record|RECORD|case|CASE=end|END:repeat|REPEAT=until|UNTIL -highlighter_context Fortran [fortran] *.f *.f90 *.for *.FOR -autoindent -title -syntax fortran -highlighter_context Cadence SKILL [skill] *.il -semi_comment -syntax skill -autoindent -title -istep 3 -indentc 32 -smartbacks -smarthome -indentfirst -highlighter_context Lua [lua] *.lua * +#![ ]*[^\n]*lua[0-9.]*\> -autoindent -title -syntax lua -highlighter_context TCL [tcl] *.tcl -autoindent -title -syntax tcl -highlighter_context Go language [go] *.go -autoindent -title -syntax go -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -c_comment -text_delimiters #if|#ifdef|#ifndef=#elif=#else=#endif -cpara >#!;*/% -highlighter_context CSharp [c#] *.cs -autoindent -title -syntax csharp -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -cpara >#!;*/% -text_delimiters #region=#endregion:#if=#elif=#else=#endif -highlighter_context Joe Syntax File [jsf] *.jsf * -autoindent -title -syntax jsf -smarthome -highlighter_context Joe Colorscheme file [jcf] *.jcf -syntax jcf M4 / Autoconfig file [m4] *.ac *.m4 -autoindent -title -syntax m4 -highlighter_context Matlab file (clashes with objective-C) [matlab] *.m -wordwrap -syntax matlab -highlighter_context UNIX configuration file [conf] Automake file *.am System RC file *rc Makefile *Makefile * * *makefile *AKEFILE -autoindent -syntax conf -pound_comment -highlighter_context Windows batch files [bat] *.bat *.cmd -autoindent -syntax batch -highlighter_context JOERC file [joerc] *ftyperc *joerc *jmacsrc *jstarrc *rjoerc *jpicorc * * * * * -syntax joerc -highlighter_context Markdown [markdown] *.md -syntax md -wordwrap YAML [yaml] *.yml *.yaml -autoindent -smarthome -smartbacks -pound_comment -syntax yaml -highlighter_context Debian apt [debian] *apt/sources.list *sources.list.* -pound_comment -syntax debian Java's .properties [java_properties] *.properties this is part of the specification: -encoding iso-8859-1 -pound_comment -syntax properties -highlighter_context INI Files [ini] *.ini *.inf *hgrc *.gitconfig *.git/config -syntax ini -pound_comment -semi_comment -highlighter_context plain ERB [erb] *.erb -syntax erb -highlighter_context ERB within HTML [erb_html] *.html.erb -syntax htmlerb -highlighter_context Haml [haml] *.haml -syntax haml -istep 2 -indentc 32 -autoindent -smarthome -smartbacks -highlighter_context Erlang [erlang] *.erl *.eterm *.app.src *rebar.config *.hrl *.erlang -syntax erlang -autoindent -title -highlighter_context Sieve (ManageSieve) [sieve] *.sieve -syntax sieve -autoindent -title -highlighter_context Puppet [puppet] *.pp -syntax puppet -pound_comment -autoindent -title -highlighter_context ip(6)tables [iptables] * +# Generated by iptables-save +# Generated by ip6tables-save -syntax iptables -pound_comment PowerShell [powershell] *.ps1 *.psm1 -syntax powershell -autoindent -smarthome -smartbacks -highlighter_context Git COMMIT_EDITMSG [git-commit] *COMMIT_EDITMSG -syntax git-commit Elixir [elixir] *.ex *.exs -autoindent -smarthome -smartbacks -title -syntax elixir -pound_comment -text_delimiters do=else=end -indentc 32 -istep 2 -highlighter_context R [r] *.r -autoindent -title -syntax r -pound_comment -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -highlighter_context Groovy [groovy] *.gvy *.groovy *.gy *.gsh -autoindent -title -syntax groovy -c_comment -cpp_comment -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -highlighter_context Clojure [clojure] *.clj *.cljs *.cljc *.edn -autoindent -title -syntax clojure -semi_comment -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -highlighter_context Rust [rust] *.rs -autoindent -title -syntax rust -c_comment -cpp_comment -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -highlighter_context Coffeescript [coffee] *.coffee -autoindent -title -syntax coffee -pound_comment -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -highlighter_context Scala [scala] *.scala -autoindent -title -syntax scala -c_comment -cpp_comment -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -highlighter_context Swift [swift] *.swift -autoindent -title -syntax swift -c_comment -cpp_comment -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -highlighter_context D [d] *.d -autoindent -title -syntax d -c_comment -cpp_comment -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -highlighter_context Docker [dockerfile] *Dockerfile -autoindent -title -syntax dockerfile -pound_comment -highlighter_context RPM Spec [spec] *.spec -autoindent -syntax spec Haskell [haskell] *.hs -autoindent -smarthome -smartbacks -syntax haskell -vhdl_comment -highlighter_context