/* This file is part of libquickmail. libquickmail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. libquickmail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with libquickmail. If not, see . */ #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(DLL_EXPORT) && !defined(BUILD_QUICKMAIL_DLL) #define BUILD_QUICKMAIL_DLL #endif #include "quickmail.h" #include #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #if _MSC_VER #define snprintf _snprintf #define strdup _strdup #endif #ifndef NOCURL #if (defined(STATIC) || defined(BUILD_QUICKMAIL_STATIC)) && !defined(CURL_STATICLIB) #define CURL_STATICLIB #endif #include #else #include "smtpsocket.h" #endif #define LIBQUICKMAIL_VERSION_MAJOR 0 #define LIBQUICKMAIL_VERSION_MINOR 1 #define LIBQUICKMAIL_VERSION_MICRO 18 #define VERSION_STRINGIZE_(major, minor, micro) #major"."#minor"."#micro #define VERSION_STRINGIZE(major, minor, micro) VERSION_STRINGIZE_(major, minor, micro) #define LIBQUICKMAIL_VERSION VERSION_STRINGIZE(LIBQUICKMAIL_VERSION_MAJOR,LIBQUICKMAIL_VERSION_MINOR,LIBQUICKMAIL_VERSION_MICRO) #define NEWLINE "\r\n" #define NEWLINELENGTH 2 //#define NEWLINE "\n" //#define NEWLINELENGTH 1 #define MIME_LINE_WIDTH 72 #define BODY_BUFFER_SIZE 256 //definitions of the differen stages of generating the message data #define MAILPART_INITIALIZE 0 #define MAILPART_HEADER 1 #define MAILPART_BODY 2 #define MAILPART_BODY_DONE 3 #define MAILPART_ATTACHMENT 4 #define MAILPART_END 5 #define MAILPART_DONE 6 static const char* default_mime_type = "text/plain"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define DEBUG_ERROR(errmsg) static const char* ERRMSG_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR = "Memory allocation error"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char* randomize_zeros (char* data) { //replace all 0s with random digits char* p = data; while (*p) { if (*p == '0') *p = '0' + rand() % 10; p++; } return data; } char* str_append (char** data, const char* newdata) { //append a string to the end of an existing string char* p; int len = (*data ? strlen(*data) : 0); if ((p = (char*)realloc(*data, len + strlen(newdata) + 1)) == NULL) { free(p); DEBUG_ERROR(ERRMSG_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) return NULL; } *data = p; strcpy(*data + len, newdata); return *data; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct email_info_struct { int current; //must be zet to 0 time_t timestamp; char* from; struct email_info_email_list_struct* to; struct email_info_email_list_struct* cc; struct email_info_email_list_struct* bcc; char* subject; char* header; struct email_info_attachment_list_struct* bodylist; struct email_info_attachment_list_struct* attachmentlist; char* buf; int buflen; char* mime_boundary_body; char* mime_boundary_part; struct email_info_attachment_list_struct* current_attachment; FILE* debuglog; char dtable[64]; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct email_info_email_list_struct { char* data; struct email_info_email_list_struct* next; }; void email_info_string_list_add (struct email_info_email_list_struct** list, const char* data) { struct email_info_email_list_struct** p = list; while (*p) p = &(*p)->next; if ((*p = (struct email_info_email_list_struct*)malloc(sizeof(struct email_info_email_list_struct))) == NULL) { DEBUG_ERROR(ERRMSG_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) return; } (*p)->data = (data ? strdup(data) : NULL); (*p)->next = NULL; } void email_info_string_list_free (struct email_info_email_list_struct** list) { struct email_info_email_list_struct* p = *list; struct email_info_email_list_struct* current; while (p) { current = p; p = current->next; free(current->data); free(current); } *list = NULL; } char* email_info_string_list_concatenate (struct email_info_email_list_struct* list) { char* result = NULL; struct email_info_email_list_struct* listentry = list; while (listentry) { if (listentry->data && *listentry->data) { if (result) str_append(&result, "," NEWLINE "\t"); str_append(&result, "<"); str_append(&result, listentry->data); str_append(&result, ">"); } listentry = listentry->next; } return result; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct email_info_attachment_list_struct { char* filename; char* mimetype; void* filedata; void* handle; quickmail_attachment_open_fn email_info_attachment_open; quickmail_attachment_read_fn email_info_attachment_read; quickmail_attachment_close_fn email_info_attachment_close; quickmail_attachment_free_filedata_fn email_info_attachment_filedata_free; struct email_info_attachment_list_struct* next; }; struct email_info_attachment_list_struct* email_info_attachment_list_add (struct email_info_attachment_list_struct** list, const char* filename, const char* mimetype, void* filedata, quickmail_attachment_open_fn email_info_attachment_open, quickmail_attachment_read_fn email_info_attachment_read, quickmail_attachment_close_fn email_info_attachment_close, quickmail_attachment_free_filedata_fn email_info_attachment_filedata_free) { struct email_info_attachment_list_struct** p = list; while (*p) p = &(*p)->next; if ((*p = (struct email_info_attachment_list_struct*)malloc(sizeof(struct email_info_attachment_list_struct))) == NULL) { DEBUG_ERROR(ERRMSG_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) return NULL; } (*p)->filename = strdup(filename ? filename : "UNNAMED"); (*p)->mimetype = (mimetype ? strdup(mimetype) : NULL); (*p)->filedata = filedata; (*p)->handle = NULL; (*p)->email_info_attachment_open = email_info_attachment_open; (*p)->email_info_attachment_read = email_info_attachment_read; (*p)->email_info_attachment_close = email_info_attachment_close; (*p)->email_info_attachment_filedata_free = email_info_attachment_filedata_free; (*p)->next = NULL; return *p; } void email_info_attachment_list_free_entry (struct email_info_attachment_list_struct* current) { if (current->handle) { if (current->email_info_attachment_close) current->email_info_attachment_close(current->handle); //else // free(current->handle); current->handle = NULL; } if (current->filedata) { if (current->email_info_attachment_filedata_free) current->email_info_attachment_filedata_free(current->filedata); else free(current->filedata); } if (current->mimetype) free(current->mimetype); free(current->filename); free(current); } void email_info_attachment_list_free (struct email_info_attachment_list_struct** list) { struct email_info_attachment_list_struct* p = *list; struct email_info_attachment_list_struct* current; while (p) { current = p; p = current->next; email_info_attachment_list_free_entry(current); } *list = NULL; } int email_info_attachment_list_delete (struct email_info_attachment_list_struct** list, const char* filename) { struct email_info_attachment_list_struct** p = list; while (*p) { if (strcmp((*p)->filename, filename) == 0) { struct email_info_attachment_list_struct* current = *p; *p = current->next; email_info_attachment_list_free_entry(current); return 0; } p = &(*p)->next; } return -1; } void email_info_attachment_list_close_handles (struct email_info_attachment_list_struct* list) { struct email_info_attachment_list_struct* p = list; while (p) { if (p->handle) { if (p->email_info_attachment_close) p->email_info_attachment_close(p->handle); //else // free(p->handle); p->handle = NULL; } p = p->next; } } //dummy attachment functions void* email_info_attachment_open_dummy (void* filedata) { return &email_info_attachment_open_dummy; } size_t email_info_attachment_read_dummy (void* handle, void* buf, size_t len) { return 0; } struct email_info_attachment_list_struct* email_info_attachment_list_add_dummy (struct email_info_attachment_list_struct** list, const char* filename, const char* mimetype) { return email_info_attachment_list_add(list, filename, mimetype, NULL, email_info_attachment_open_dummy, email_info_attachment_read_dummy, NULL, NULL); } //file attachment functions void* email_info_attachment_open_file (void* filedata) { return (void*)fopen((char*)filedata, "rb"); } size_t email_info_attachment_read_file (void* handle, void* buf, size_t len) { return fread(buf, 1, len, (FILE*)handle); } void email_info_attachment_close_file (void* handle) { if (handle) fclose((FILE*)handle); } struct email_info_attachment_list_struct* email_info_attachment_list_add_file (struct email_info_attachment_list_struct** list, const char* path, const char* mimetype) { //determine base filename const char* basename = path + strlen(path); while (basename != path) { basename--; if (*basename == '/' #ifdef _WIN32 || *basename == '\\' || *basename == ':' #endif ) { basename++; break; } } return email_info_attachment_list_add(list, basename, mimetype, (void*)strdup(path), email_info_attachment_open_file, email_info_attachment_read_file, email_info_attachment_close_file, NULL); } //memory attachment functions struct email_info_attachment_memory_filedata_struct { char* data; size_t datalen; int mustfree; }; struct email_info_attachment_memory_handle_struct { const char* data; size_t datalen; size_t pos; }; void* email_info_attachment_open_memory (void* filedata) { struct email_info_attachment_memory_filedata_struct* data; struct email_info_attachment_memory_handle_struct* result; data = ((struct email_info_attachment_memory_filedata_struct*)filedata); if (!data->data) return NULL; if ((result = (struct email_info_attachment_memory_handle_struct*)malloc(sizeof(struct email_info_attachment_memory_handle_struct))) == NULL) { DEBUG_ERROR(ERRMSG_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) return NULL; } result->data = data->data; result->datalen = data->datalen; result->pos = 0; return result; } size_t email_info_attachment_read_memory (void* handle, void* buf, size_t len) { struct email_info_attachment_memory_handle_struct* h = (struct email_info_attachment_memory_handle_struct*)handle; size_t n = (h->pos + len <= h->datalen ? len : h->datalen - h->pos); memcpy(buf, h->data + h->pos, n); h->pos += n; return n; } void email_info_attachment_close_memory (void* handle) { if (handle) free(handle); } void email_info_attachment_filedata_free_memory (void* filedata) { struct email_info_attachment_memory_filedata_struct* data = ((struct email_info_attachment_memory_filedata_struct*)filedata); if (data) { if (data->mustfree) free(data->data); free(data); } } struct email_info_attachment_list_struct* email_info_attachment_list_add_memory (struct email_info_attachment_list_struct** list, const char* filename, const char* mimetype, char* data, size_t datalen, int mustfree) { struct email_info_attachment_memory_filedata_struct* filedata; if ((filedata = (struct email_info_attachment_memory_filedata_struct*)malloc(sizeof(struct email_info_attachment_memory_filedata_struct))) == NULL) { DEBUG_ERROR(ERRMSG_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) return NULL; } filedata->data = data; filedata->datalen = datalen; filedata->mustfree = mustfree; return email_info_attachment_list_add(list, filename, mimetype, filedata, email_info_attachment_open_memory, email_info_attachment_read_memory, email_info_attachment_close_memory, email_info_attachment_filedata_free_memory); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL const char* quickmail_get_version () { return VERSION_STRINGIZE(LIBQUICKMAIL_VERSION_MAJOR, LIBQUICKMAIL_VERSION_MINOR, LIBQUICKMAIL_VERSION_MICRO) #if defined(NOCURL) "-light" #endif ; } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL int quickmail_initialize () { #if defined(NOCURL) && defined(_WIN32) static WSADATA wsaData; int wsaerr = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 0), &wsaData); if (wsaerr) return -1; atexit((void(*)())WSACleanup); #endif return 0; } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL quickmail quickmail_create (const char* from, const char* subject) { int i; struct email_info_struct* mailobj; if ((mailobj = (struct email_info_struct*)malloc(sizeof(struct email_info_struct))) == NULL) { DEBUG_ERROR(ERRMSG_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) return NULL; } mailobj->current = 0; mailobj->timestamp = time(NULL); mailobj->from = (from ? strdup(from) : NULL); mailobj->to = NULL; mailobj->cc = NULL; mailobj->bcc = NULL; mailobj->subject = (subject ? strdup(subject) : NULL); mailobj->header = NULL; mailobj->bodylist = NULL; mailobj->attachmentlist = NULL; mailobj->buf = NULL; mailobj->buflen = 0; mailobj->mime_boundary_body = NULL; mailobj->mime_boundary_part = NULL; mailobj->current_attachment = NULL; mailobj->debuglog = NULL; for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { mailobj->dtable[i] = (char)('A' + i); mailobj->dtable[26 + i] = (char)('a' + i); } for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { mailobj->dtable[52 + i] = (char)('0' + i); } mailobj->dtable[62] = '+'; mailobj->dtable[63] = '/'; srand(time(NULL)); return mailobj; } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL void quickmail_destroy (quickmail mailobj) { free(mailobj->from); email_info_string_list_free(&mailobj->to); email_info_string_list_free(&mailobj->cc); email_info_string_list_free(&mailobj->bcc); free(mailobj->subject); free(mailobj->header); email_info_attachment_list_free(&mailobj->bodylist); email_info_attachment_list_free(&mailobj->attachmentlist); free(mailobj->buf); free(mailobj->mime_boundary_body); free(mailobj->mime_boundary_part); free(mailobj); } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL void quickmail_set_from (quickmail mailobj, const char* from) { free(mailobj->from); mailobj->from = strdup(from); } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL const char* quickmail_get_from (quickmail mailobj) { return mailobj->from; } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL void quickmail_add_to (quickmail mailobj, const char* email) { email_info_string_list_add(&mailobj->to, email); } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL void quickmail_add_cc (quickmail mailobj, const char* email) { email_info_string_list_add(&mailobj->cc, email); } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL void quickmail_add_bcc (quickmail mailobj, const char* email) { email_info_string_list_add(&mailobj->bcc, email); } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL void quickmail_set_subject (quickmail mailobj, const char* subject) { free(mailobj->subject); mailobj->subject = (subject ? strdup(subject) : NULL); } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL const char* quickmail_get_subject (quickmail mailobj) { return mailobj->subject; } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL void quickmail_add_header (quickmail mailobj, const char* headerline) { str_append(&mailobj->header, headerline); str_append(&mailobj->header, NEWLINE); } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL void quickmail_set_body (quickmail mailobj, const char* body) { email_info_attachment_list_free(&mailobj->bodylist); if (body) email_info_attachment_list_add_memory(&mailobj->bodylist, default_mime_type, default_mime_type, strdup(body), strlen(body), 1); } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL char* quickmail_get_body (quickmail mailobj) { size_t n; char* p; char* result = NULL; size_t resultlen = 0; if (mailobj->bodylist && (mailobj->bodylist->handle = mailobj->bodylist->email_info_attachment_open(mailobj->bodylist->filedata)) != NULL) { do { if ((p = (char*)realloc(result, resultlen + BODY_BUFFER_SIZE)) == NULL) { free(result); DEBUG_ERROR(ERRMSG_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) break; } result = p; if ((n = mailobj->bodylist->email_info_attachment_read(mailobj->bodylist->handle, result + resultlen, BODY_BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0) resultlen += n; } while (n > 0); if (mailobj->bodylist->email_info_attachment_close) mailobj->bodylist->email_info_attachment_close(mailobj->bodylist->handle); //else // free(mailobj->bodylist->handle); mailobj->bodylist->handle = NULL; } return result; } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL void quickmail_add_body_file (quickmail mailobj, const char* mimetype, const char* path) { email_info_attachment_list_add(&mailobj->bodylist, (mimetype ? mimetype : default_mime_type), (mimetype ? mimetype : default_mime_type), (void*)strdup(path), email_info_attachment_open_file, email_info_attachment_read_file, email_info_attachment_close_file, NULL); } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL void quickmail_add_body_memory (quickmail mailobj, const char* mimetype, char* data, size_t datalen, int mustfree) { email_info_attachment_list_add_memory(&mailobj->bodylist, (mimetype ? mimetype : default_mime_type), (mimetype ? mimetype : default_mime_type), data, datalen, mustfree); } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL void quickmail_add_body_custom (quickmail mailobj, const char* mimetype, char* data, quickmail_attachment_open_fn attachment_data_open, quickmail_attachment_read_fn attachment_data_read, quickmail_attachment_close_fn attachment_data_close, quickmail_attachment_free_filedata_fn attachment_data_filedata_free) { email_info_attachment_list_add(&mailobj->bodylist, (mimetype ? mimetype : default_mime_type), (mimetype ? mimetype : default_mime_type), data, (attachment_data_open ? attachment_data_open : email_info_attachment_open_dummy), (attachment_data_read ? attachment_data_read : email_info_attachment_read_dummy), attachment_data_close, attachment_data_filedata_free); } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL int quickmail_remove_body (quickmail mailobj, const char* mimetype) { return email_info_attachment_list_delete(&mailobj->bodylist, mimetype); } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL void quickmail_list_bodies (quickmail mailobj, quickmail_list_attachment_callback_fn callback, void* callbackdata) { struct email_info_attachment_list_struct* p = mailobj->bodylist; while (p) { callback(mailobj, p->filename, p->mimetype, p->email_info_attachment_open, p->email_info_attachment_read, p->email_info_attachment_close, callbackdata); p = p->next; } } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL void quickmail_add_attachment_file (quickmail mailobj, const char* path, const char* mimetype) { email_info_attachment_list_add_file(&mailobj->attachmentlist, path, mimetype); } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL void quickmail_add_attachment_memory (quickmail mailobj, const char* filename, const char* mimetype, char* data, size_t datalen, int mustfree) { email_info_attachment_list_add_memory(&mailobj->attachmentlist, filename, mimetype, data, datalen, mustfree); } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL void quickmail_add_attachment_custom (quickmail mailobj, const char* filename, const char* mimetype, char* data, quickmail_attachment_open_fn attachment_data_open, quickmail_attachment_read_fn attachment_data_read, quickmail_attachment_close_fn attachment_data_close, quickmail_attachment_free_filedata_fn attachment_data_filedata_free) { email_info_attachment_list_add(&mailobj->attachmentlist, filename, mimetype, data, (attachment_data_open ? attachment_data_open : email_info_attachment_open_dummy), (attachment_data_read ? attachment_data_read : email_info_attachment_read_dummy), attachment_data_close, attachment_data_filedata_free); } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL int quickmail_remove_attachment (quickmail mailobj, const char* filename) { return email_info_attachment_list_delete(&mailobj->attachmentlist, filename); } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL void quickmail_list_attachments (quickmail mailobj, quickmail_list_attachment_callback_fn callback, void* callbackdata) { struct email_info_attachment_list_struct* p = mailobj->attachmentlist; while (p) { callback(mailobj, p->filename, p->mimetype, p->email_info_attachment_open, p->email_info_attachment_read, p->email_info_attachment_close, callbackdata); p = p->next; } } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL void quickmail_set_debug_log (quickmail mailobj, FILE* filehandle) { mailobj->debuglog = filehandle; } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL void quickmail_fsave (quickmail mailobj, FILE* filehandle) { int i; size_t n; char buf[80]; while ((n = quickmail_get_data(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, mailobj)) > 0) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) fprintf(filehandle, "%c", buf[i]); } } DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL size_t quickmail_get_data (void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* userp) { struct email_info_struct* mailobj = (struct email_info_struct*)userp; //abort if no data is requested if (size * nmemb == 0) return 0; //initialize on first run if (mailobj->current == MAILPART_INITIALIZE) { free(mailobj->buf); mailobj->buf = NULL; mailobj->buflen = 0; free(mailobj->mime_boundary_body); mailobj->mime_boundary_body = NULL; free(mailobj->mime_boundary_part); mailobj->mime_boundary_part = NULL; mailobj->current_attachment = mailobj->bodylist; mailobj->current++; } //process current part of mail if no partial data is pending while (mailobj->buflen == 0) { if (mailobj->buflen == 0 && mailobj->current == MAILPART_HEADER) { char* s; //generate header part char** p = &mailobj->buf; mailobj->buf = NULL; str_append(p, "User-Agent: libquickmail v" LIBQUICKMAIL_VERSION NEWLINE); if (mailobj->timestamp != 0) { char timestamptext[32]; if (strftime(timestamptext, sizeof(timestamptext), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", localtime(&mailobj->timestamp))) { str_append(p, "Date: "); str_append(p, timestamptext); str_append(p, NEWLINE); } #ifdef _WIN32 //fallback method for Windows when %z (time zone offset) fails else if (strftime(timestamptext, sizeof(timestamptext), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&mailobj->timestamp))) { TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tzinfo; if (GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzinfo) != TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID) sprintf(timestamptext + strlen(timestamptext), " %c%02i%02i", (tzinfo.Bias > 0 ? '-' : '+'), (int)-tzinfo.Bias / 60, (int)-tzinfo.Bias % 60); str_append(p, "Date: "); str_append(p, timestamptext); str_append(p, NEWLINE); } #endif } if (mailobj->from && *mailobj->from) { str_append(p, "From: <"); str_append(p, mailobj->from); str_append(p, ">" NEWLINE); } if ((s = email_info_string_list_concatenate(mailobj->to)) != NULL) { str_append(p, "To: "); str_append(p, s); str_append(p, NEWLINE); free(s); } if ((s = email_info_string_list_concatenate(mailobj->cc)) != NULL) { str_append(p, "Cc: "); str_append(p, s); str_append(p, NEWLINE); free(s); } if (mailobj->subject) { str_append(p, "Subject: "); str_append(p, mailobj->subject); str_append(p, NEWLINE); } if (mailobj->header) { str_append(p, mailobj->header); } if (mailobj->attachmentlist) { str_append(p, "MIME-Version: 1.0" NEWLINE); } if (mailobj->attachmentlist) { mailobj->mime_boundary_part = randomize_zeros(strdup("=PART=SEPARATOR=_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_=")); str_append(p, "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\""); str_append(p, mailobj->mime_boundary_part); str_append(p, "\"" NEWLINE NEWLINE "This is a multipart message in MIME format." NEWLINE NEWLINE "--"); str_append(p, mailobj->mime_boundary_part); str_append(p, NEWLINE); } if (mailobj->bodylist && mailobj->bodylist->next) { mailobj->mime_boundary_body = randomize_zeros(strdup("=BODY=SEPARATOR=_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_=")); str_append(p, "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\""); str_append(p, mailobj->mime_boundary_body); str_append(p, NEWLINE); } mailobj->buflen = strlen(mailobj->buf); mailobj->current++; } if (mailobj->buflen == 0 && mailobj->current == MAILPART_BODY) { if (mailobj->current_attachment) { if (!mailobj->current_attachment->handle) { //open file with body data while (mailobj->current_attachment) { if ((mailobj->current_attachment->handle = mailobj->current_attachment->email_info_attachment_open(mailobj->current_attachment->filedata)) != NULL) { break; } mailobj->current_attachment = mailobj->current_attachment->next; } if (!mailobj->current_attachment) { mailobj->current_attachment = mailobj->attachmentlist; mailobj->current++; } //generate attachment header if (mailobj->current_attachment && mailobj->current_attachment->handle) { mailobj->buf = NULL; if (mailobj->mime_boundary_body) { mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, NEWLINE "--"); mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, mailobj->mime_boundary_body); mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, NEWLINE); } mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, "Content-Type: "); mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, (mailobj->bodylist && mailobj->current_attachment->filename ? mailobj->current_attachment->filename : default_mime_type)); mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, NEWLINE "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" NEWLINE "Content-Disposition: inline" NEWLINE NEWLINE); mailobj->buflen = strlen(mailobj->buf); } } if (mailobj->buflen == 0 && mailobj->current_attachment && mailobj->current_attachment->handle) { //read body data if ((mailobj->buf = malloc(BODY_BUFFER_SIZE)) == NULL) { DEBUG_ERROR(ERRMSG_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) } if (mailobj->buf == NULL || (mailobj->buflen = mailobj->current_attachment->email_info_attachment_read(mailobj->current_attachment->handle, mailobj->buf, BODY_BUFFER_SIZE)) <= 0) { //end of file free(mailobj->buf); mailobj->buflen = 0; if (mailobj->current_attachment->email_info_attachment_close) mailobj->current_attachment->email_info_attachment_close(mailobj->current_attachment->handle); //else // free(mailobj->current_attachment->handle); mailobj->current_attachment->handle = NULL; mailobj->current_attachment = mailobj->current_attachment->next; } } } else { mailobj->current_attachment = mailobj->attachmentlist; mailobj->current++; } } if (mailobj->buflen == 0 && mailobj->current == MAILPART_BODY_DONE) { mailobj->buf = NULL; if (mailobj->mime_boundary_body) { mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, NEWLINE "--"); mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, mailobj->mime_boundary_body); mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, "--" NEWLINE); mailobj->buflen = strlen(mailobj->buf); free(mailobj->mime_boundary_body); mailobj->mime_boundary_body = NULL; } mailobj->current++; } if (mailobj->buflen == 0 && mailobj->current == MAILPART_ATTACHMENT) { if (mailobj->current_attachment) { if (!mailobj->current_attachment->handle) { //open file to attach while (mailobj->current_attachment) { if ((mailobj->current_attachment->handle = mailobj->current_attachment->email_info_attachment_open(mailobj->current_attachment->filedata)) != NULL) { break; } mailobj->current_attachment = mailobj->current_attachment->next; } //generate attachment header if (mailobj->current_attachment && mailobj->current_attachment->handle) { mailobj->buf = NULL; if (mailobj->mime_boundary_part) { mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, NEWLINE "--"); mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, mailobj->mime_boundary_part); mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, NEWLINE); } mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, "Content-Type: "); mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, (mailobj->current_attachment->mimetype ? mailobj->current_attachment->mimetype : "application/octet-stream")); mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, "; Name=\""); mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, mailobj->current_attachment->filename); mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, "\"" NEWLINE "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" NEWLINE NEWLINE); mailobj->buflen = strlen(mailobj->buf); } } else { //generate next line of attachment data size_t n = 0; int mimelinepos = 0; unsigned char igroup[3] = {0, 0, 0}; unsigned char ogroup[4]; mailobj->buflen = 0; if ((mailobj->buf = (char*)malloc(MIME_LINE_WIDTH + NEWLINELENGTH + 1)) == NULL) { DEBUG_ERROR(ERRMSG_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) n = 0; } else { while (mimelinepos < MIME_LINE_WIDTH && (n = mailobj->current_attachment->email_info_attachment_read(mailobj->current_attachment->handle, igroup, 3)) > 0) { //code data ogroup[0] = mailobj->dtable[igroup[0] >> 2]; ogroup[1] = mailobj->dtable[((igroup[0] & 3) << 4) | (igroup[1] >> 4)]; ogroup[2] = mailobj->dtable[((igroup[1] & 0xF) << 2) | (igroup[2] >> 6)]; ogroup[3] = mailobj->dtable[igroup[2] & 0x3F]; //padd with "=" characters if less than 3 characters were read if (n < 3) { ogroup[3] = '='; if (n < 2) ogroup[2] = '='; } memcpy(mailobj->buf + mimelinepos, ogroup, 4); mailobj->buflen += 4; mimelinepos += 4; } if (mimelinepos > 0) { memcpy(mailobj->buf + mimelinepos, NEWLINE, NEWLINELENGTH); mailobj->buflen += NEWLINELENGTH; } } if (n <= 0) { //end of file if (mailobj->current_attachment->email_info_attachment_close) mailobj->current_attachment->email_info_attachment_close(mailobj->current_attachment->handle); else free(mailobj->current_attachment->handle); mailobj->current_attachment->handle = NULL; mailobj->current_attachment = mailobj->current_attachment->next; } } } else { mailobj->current++; } } if (mailobj->buflen == 0 && mailobj->current == MAILPART_END) { mailobj->buf = NULL; mailobj->buflen = 0; if (mailobj->mime_boundary_part) { mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, NEWLINE "--"); mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, mailobj->mime_boundary_part); mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, "--" NEWLINE); mailobj->buflen = strlen(mailobj->buf); free(mailobj->mime_boundary_part); mailobj->mime_boundary_part = NULL; } //mailobj->buf = str_append(&mailobj->buf, NEWLINE "." NEWLINE); //mailobj->buflen = strlen(mailobj->buf); mailobj->current++; } if (mailobj->buflen == 0 && mailobj->current == MAILPART_DONE) { break; } } //flush pending data if any if (mailobj->buflen > 0) { int len = (mailobj->buflen > size * nmemb ? size * nmemb : mailobj->buflen); memcpy(ptr, mailobj->buf, len); if (len < mailobj->buflen) { mailobj->buf = memmove(mailobj->buf, mailobj->buf + len, mailobj->buflen - len); mailobj->buflen -= len; } else { free(mailobj->buf); mailobj->buf = NULL; mailobj->buflen = 0; } return len; } //if (mailobj->current != MAILPART_DONE) // ;//this should never be reached mailobj->current = 0; return 0; } #ifndef NOCURL char* add_angle_brackets (const char* data) { size_t datalen = strlen(data); char* result; if ((result = (char*)malloc(datalen + 3)) == NULL) { DEBUG_ERROR(ERRMSG_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) return NULL; } result[0] = '<'; memcpy(result + 1, data, datalen); result[datalen + 1] = '>'; result[datalen + 2] = 0; return result; } #endif DLL_EXPORT_LIBQUICKMAIL const char* quickmail_send (quickmail mailobj, const char* smtpserver, unsigned int smtpport, const char* username, const char* password) { #ifndef NOCURL //libcurl based sending CURL *curl; CURLcode result = CURLE_FAILED_INIT; //curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); if ((curl = curl_easy_init()) != NULL) { struct curl_slist *recipients = NULL; struct email_info_email_list_struct* listentry; //set destination URL char* addr; size_t len = strlen(smtpserver) + 14; if ((addr = (char*)malloc(len)) == NULL) { DEBUG_ERROR(ERRMSG_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) return ERRMSG_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; } snprintf(addr, len, "smtp://%s:%u", smtpserver, smtpport); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, addr); free(addr); //try Transport Layer Security (TLS), but continue anyway if it fails curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USE_SSL, (long)CURLUSESSL_TRY); //don't fail if the TLS/SSL a certificate could not be verified //alternative: add the issuer certificate (or the host certificate if //the certificate is self-signed) to the set of certificates that are //known to libcurl using CURLOPT_CAINFO and/or CURLOPT_CAPATH curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0L); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0L); //set authentication credentials if provided if (username && *username) curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERNAME, username); if (password) curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PASSWORD, password); //set from value for envelope reverse-path if (mailobj->from && *mailobj->from) { addr = add_angle_brackets(mailobj->from); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_MAIL_FROM, addr); free(addr); } //set recipients listentry = mailobj->to; while (listentry) { if (listentry->data && *listentry->data) { addr = add_angle_brackets(listentry->data); recipients = curl_slist_append(recipients, addr); free(addr); } listentry = listentry->next; } listentry = mailobj->cc; while (listentry) { if (listentry->data && *listentry->data) { addr = add_angle_brackets(listentry->data); recipients = curl_slist_append(recipients, addr); free(addr); } listentry = listentry->next; } listentry = mailobj->bcc; while (listentry) { if (listentry->data && *listentry->data) { addr = add_angle_brackets(listentry->data); recipients = curl_slist_append(recipients, addr); free(addr); } listentry = listentry->next; } curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT, recipients); //set callback function for getting message body curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, quickmail_get_data); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_READDATA, mailobj); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1L); //enable debugging if requested if (mailobj->debuglog) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_STDERR, mailobj->debuglog); } //send the message result = curl_easy_perform(curl); //free the list of recipients and clean up curl_slist_free_all(recipients); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); } return (result == CURLE_OK ? NULL : curl_easy_strerror(result)); #else //minimal implementation without libcurl SOCKET sock; char* errmsg = NULL; struct email_info_email_list_struct* listentry; char local_hostname[64]; int statuscode; //determine local host name if (gethostname(local_hostname, sizeof(local_hostname)) != 0) strcpy(local_hostname, "localhost"); //connect if ((sock = socket_open(smtpserver, smtpport, &errmsg)) != INVALID_SOCKET) { //talk with SMTP server if ((statuscode = socket_smtp_command(sock, mailobj->debuglog, NULL)) >= 400) { errmsg = "SMTP server returned an error on connection"; } else { size_t n; char buf[WRITE_BUFFER_CHUNK_SIZE]; do { if ((statuscode = socket_smtp_command(sock, mailobj->debuglog, "EHLO %s", local_hostname)) >= 400) { if ((statuscode = socket_smtp_command(sock, mailobj->debuglog, "HELO %s", local_hostname)) >= 400) { errmsg = "SMTP EHLO/HELO returned error"; break; } } //authenticate if needed if (username || password) { int len; int inpos = 0; int outpos = 0; size_t usernamelen = (username ? strlen(username) : 0); size_t passwordlen = (password ? strlen(password) : 0); char* auth; char* base64auth; if ((auth = (char*)malloc(usernamelen + passwordlen + 4)) == NULL) { DEBUG_ERROR(ERRMSG_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) return ERRMSG_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; } if ((base64auth = (char*)malloc(((usernamelen + passwordlen + 2) + 2) / 3 * 4 + 1)) == NULL) { DEBUG_ERROR(ERRMSG_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) return ERRMSG_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; } //leave the authorization identity empty to indicate it's the same the as authentication identity auth[0] = 0; len = 1; //set the authentication identity memcpy(auth + len, (username ? username : ""), usernamelen + 1); len += usernamelen + 1; //set the password memcpy(auth + len, (password ? password : ""), passwordlen + 1); len += passwordlen; //padd with extra zero so groups of 3 bytes can be read auth[usernamelen + len + 1] = 0; //encode in base64 while (inpos < len) { //encode data base64auth[outpos + 0] = mailobj->dtable[auth[inpos + 0] >> 2]; base64auth[outpos + 1] = mailobj->dtable[((auth[inpos + 0] & 3) << 4) | (auth[inpos + 1] >> 4)]; base64auth[outpos + 2] = mailobj->dtable[((auth[inpos + 1] & 0xF) << 2) | (auth[inpos + 2] >> 6)]; base64auth[outpos + 3] = mailobj->dtable[auth[inpos + 2] & 0x3F]; //padd with "=" characters if less than 3 characters were read if (inpos + 1 >= len) { base64auth[outpos + 3] = '='; if (inpos + 2 >= len) base64auth[outpos + 2] = '='; } //advance to next position inpos += 3; outpos += 4; } base64auth[outpos] = 0; //send originator e-mail address fprintf( stderr, "AUTH PLAIN %s\n", base64auth ); if ((statuscode = socket_smtp_command(sock, mailobj->debuglog, "AUTH PLAIN %s", base64auth)) >= 400) { errmsg = "SMTP authentication failed"; break; } } //send originator e-mail address if ((statuscode = socket_smtp_command(sock, mailobj->debuglog, "MAIL FROM:<%s>", mailobj->from)) >= 400) { errmsg = "SMTP server did not accept sender"; break; } //send recipient e-mail addresses listentry = mailobj->to; while (!errmsg && listentry) { if (listentry->data && *listentry->data) { if ((statuscode = socket_smtp_command(sock, mailobj->debuglog, "RCPT TO:<%s>", listentry->data)) >= 400) errmsg = "SMTP server did not accept e-mail address (To)"; } listentry = listentry->next; } listentry = mailobj->cc; while (!errmsg && listentry) { if (listentry->data && *listentry->data) { if ((statuscode = socket_smtp_command(sock, mailobj->debuglog, "RCPT TO:<%s>", listentry->data)) >= 400) errmsg = "SMTP server did not accept e-mail address (CC)"; } listentry = listentry->next; } listentry = mailobj->bcc; while (!errmsg && listentry) { if (listentry->data && *listentry->data) { if ((statuscode = socket_smtp_command(sock, mailobj->debuglog, "RCPT TO:<%s>", listentry->data)) >= 400) errmsg = "SMTP server did not accept e-mail address (BCC)"; } listentry = listentry->next; } if (errmsg) break; //prepare to send mail body if ((statuscode = socket_smtp_command(sock, mailobj->debuglog, "DATA")) >= 400) { errmsg = "SMTP DATA returned error"; break; } //send mail body data while ((n = quickmail_get_data(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, mailobj)) > 0) { socket_send(sock, buf, n); } //send end of data if ((statuscode = socket_smtp_command(sock, mailobj->debuglog, "\r\n.")) >= 400) { errmsg = "SMTP error after sending message data"; break; } } while (0); //log out socket_smtp_command(sock, mailobj->debuglog, "QUIT"); } } //close socket socket_close(sock); return errmsg; #endif }