package "Biruda build service" version "0.0.1" usage "biruda [options]" description "Biruda Service" section "Main Options" option "config-file" c "the location of the service configuration file (optional, default is /etc/biruda/biruda.conf)" string typestr="file" optional option "test" t "test the configuration, don't start the service" optional option "print" p "print the configuration, don't start the service" optional option "verbose" v "increase verbosity (can be given multiple times)" optional multiple section "Unix Daemon" option "foreground" f "run in foreground, don't daemonize" optional option "pidfile" - "where to store the PID of the daemon" string typestr="filename" optional option "group" - "the unpriviledged group the daemon should run as" string typestr="group" optional option "user" - "the unpriviledged user the daemon should run as" string typestr="user" optional section "Command Line Interface" option "cli" i "start in command line interface (CLI), interactive mode" optional option "no-colors" - "disable colors in CLI mode" optional option "filename" F "filename to read commands from and execute them" string typestr="filename" optional