#include "webserver.h" #include "master.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static struct MHD_Daemon *d; static int handle_request( void *cls, struct MHD_Connection *connection, const char *url, const char *method, const char *version, const char *upload_data, size_t *upload_data_size, void **ptr ) { struct MHD_Response *response; int ret; fprintf( stderr, "%s http request: %s\n", method, url ); if( strcmp( method, "GET" ) == 0 ) { char biruda_msg[8192]; biruda_msg[0] = '\0'; if( strcmp( url, "/status" ) == 0 ) { for( int pos = 0; pos < MAX_COORDINATORS; pos++ ) { coordinator_t *c = &coordinator[pos]; if( c->used ) { char part[256]; snprintf( part, sizeof( part ), "coordinator %s %s %s %d %s %lld (%d)\n", c->host, c->os, c->arch, c->cpus, ( c->alive ? "alive" : "dead" ), (long long)c->lastAlive, pos ); strncat( biruda_msg, part, sizeof( biruda_msg ) ); for( int i = 0; i < c->nof_workers; i++ ) { worker_t *w = &c->worker[i]; snprintf( part, sizeof( part ), "worker %s %s %s %s (%d)\n", w->name, worker_state_str( w->state ), worker_exection_mode_str( w->mode ), ( w->command == NULL ? "" : w->command ), i ); strncat( biruda_msg, part, sizeof( biruda_msg ) ); } } } } else if( strcmp( url, "/worker" ) == 0 ) { const char *op = MHD_lookup_connection_value( connection, MHD_GET_ARGUMENT_KIND, "op" ); printf( "Got GET operation '%s'\n", op ); if( op == NULL ) { return MHD_NO; } if( strcmp( op, "output" ) == 0 ) { const char *name = MHD_lookup_connection_value( connection, MHD_GET_ARGUMENT_KIND, "name" ); if( name != NULL ) { master_output_outstanding_messages( name, biruda_msg, sizeof( biruda_msg ) ); } else { return MHD_NO; } } else if( strcmp( op, "tail" ) == 0 ) { const char *name = MHD_lookup_connection_value( connection, MHD_GET_ARGUMENT_KIND, "name" ); if( name != NULL ) { master_output_tail( name, biruda_msg, sizeof( biruda_msg ) ); } else { return MHD_NO; } } } else { snprintf( biruda_msg, sizeof( biruda_msg ), "Welcome to biruda! Please state your wish..\n" ); } response = MHD_create_response_from_buffer( strlen( biruda_msg ), (void *)biruda_msg, MHD_RESPMEM_MUST_COPY ); ret = MHD_queue_response( connection, MHD_HTTP_OK, response ); MHD_destroy_response( response ); } else if( strcmp( method, "POST" ) == 0 ) { if( strcmp( url, "/worker" ) == 0 ) { char biruda_msg[2048]; biruda_msg[0] = '\0'; const char *op = MHD_lookup_connection_value( connection, MHD_GET_ARGUMENT_KIND, "op" ); printf( "Got POST operation '%s'\n", op ); if( op == NULL ) { return MHD_NO; } if( strcmp( op, "start" ) == 0 ) { const char *name = MHD_lookup_connection_value( connection, MHD_GET_ARGUMENT_KIND, "name" ); if( name != NULL ) { printf( "Got POST parameter for starting a worker with name '%s'\n", name ); int res = master_start_worker( name ); if( res < 0 ) { snprintf( biruda_msg, sizeof( biruda_msg ), "Queueing start request message failed\n" ); } else { snprintf( biruda_msg, sizeof( biruda_msg ), "Queued start worker request\n" ); } response = MHD_create_response_from_buffer( strlen( biruda_msg ), (void *)biruda_msg, MHD_RESPMEM_MUST_COPY ); ret = MHD_queue_response( connection, ( res == 0 ) ? MHD_HTTP_OK : MHD_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, response ); MHD_destroy_response( response ); } } else if( strcmp( op, "stop" ) == 0 ) { const char *name = MHD_lookup_connection_value( connection, MHD_GET_ARGUMENT_KIND, "name" ); if( name != NULL ) { printf( "Got POST parameter for stopping a worker with name '%s'\n", name ); int res = master_stop_worker( name ); if( res < 0 ) { snprintf( biruda_msg, sizeof( biruda_msg ), "Queueing stop request message failed\n" ); } else { snprintf( biruda_msg, sizeof( biruda_msg ), "Queued stop worker request\n" ); } response = MHD_create_response_from_buffer( strlen( biruda_msg ), (void *)biruda_msg, MHD_RESPMEM_MUST_COPY ); ret = MHD_queue_response( connection, ( res == 0 ) ? MHD_HTTP_OK : MHD_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, response ); MHD_destroy_response( response ); } } else { return MHD_NO; } } else { return MHD_NO; } } else { return MHD_NO; } return ret; } int webserver_init( unsigned int port ) { d = MHD_start_daemon( MHD_USE_SELECT_INTERNALLY, port, NULL, NULL, &handle_request, NULL, MHD_OPTION_END ); if( d == 0 ) { return 1; } printf( "http daemon started on port %d\n", port ); return 0; } void webserver_terminate( ) { MHD_stop_daemon( d ); puts( "http daemon stopped" ); } int webserver_free( ) { return 0; }