/* tolua: event functions ** Support code for Lua bindings. ** Written by Waldemar Celes ** TeCGraf/PUC-Rio ** Apr 2003 ** $Id: tolua_event.c,v 1.7 2011/01/13 13:43:46 fabraham Exp $ */ /* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it. ** The software provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and ** the author has no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates, ** enhancements, or modifications. */ #include #include #include #include "tolua.h" /* Store at peer * It stores, creating the corresponding table if needed, * the pair key/value in the corresponding peer table */ static void storeatpeer (lua_State* L, int index) { /* stack: key value (to be stored) */ lua_pushstring(L,"tolua_peer"); lua_rawget(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); /* stack: k v peer */ lua_pushvalue(L, index); lua_rawget(L,-2); /* stack: k v peer peer[u] */ if (!lua_istable(L,-1)) { lua_pop(L,1); /* stack: k v peer */ lua_newtable(L); /* stack: k v peer table */ lua_pushvalue(L,index); lua_pushvalue(L,-2); /* stack: k v peer table u table */ lua_rawset(L,-4); /* stack: k v peer peer[u]=table */ } lua_insert(L,-4); /* put table before k */ lua_pop(L,1); /* pop peer */ lua_rawset(L,-3); /* store at table */ lua_pop(L,1); /* pop peer[u] */ } /* Module index function */ static int module_index_event (lua_State* L) { lua_pushstring(L,".get"); lua_rawget(L,-3); if (lua_istable(L,-1)) { lua_pushvalue(L,2); /* key */ lua_rawget(L,-2); if (lua_iscfunction(L,-1)) { lua_call(L,0,1); return 1; } else if (lua_istable(L,-1)) return 1; } /* call old index meta event */ if (lua_getmetatable(L,1)) { lua_pushstring(L,"__index"); lua_rawget(L,-2); lua_pushvalue(L,1); lua_pushvalue(L,2); if (lua_isfunction(L,-1)) { lua_call(L,2,1); return 1; } else if (lua_istable(L,-1)) { lua_gettable(L,-3); return 1; } } lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } /* Module newindex function */ static int module_newindex_event (lua_State* L) { lua_pushstring(L,".set"); lua_rawget(L,-4); if (lua_istable(L,-1)) { lua_pushvalue(L,2); /* key */ lua_rawget(L,-2); if (lua_iscfunction(L,-1)) { lua_pushvalue(L,1); /* only to be compatible with non-static vars */ lua_pushvalue(L,3); /* value */ lua_call(L,2,0); return 0; } } /* call old newindex meta event */ if (lua_getmetatable(L,1) && lua_getmetatable(L,-1)) { lua_pushstring(L,"__newindex"); lua_rawget(L,-2); if (lua_isfunction(L,-1)) { lua_pushvalue(L,1); lua_pushvalue(L,2); lua_pushvalue(L,3); lua_call(L,3,0); } } lua_settop(L,3); lua_rawset(L,-3); return 0; } /* Class index function * If the object is a userdata (ie, an object), it searches the field in * the alternative table stored in the corresponding "peer" table. */ static int class_index_event (lua_State* L) { int t = lua_type(L,1); if (t == LUA_TUSERDATA) { /* Access alternative table */ lua_pushstring(L,"tolua_peer"); lua_rawget(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); /* stack: obj key peer */ lua_pushvalue(L,1); lua_rawget(L,-2); /* stack: obj key peer peer[u] */ if (lua_istable(L,-1)) { lua_pushvalue(L,2); /* key */ lua_rawget(L,-2); /* stack: obj key peer peer[u] value */ if (!lua_isnil(L,-1)) return 1; } lua_settop(L,2); /* stack: obj key */ /* Try metatables */ lua_pushvalue(L,1); /* stack: obj key obj */ while (lua_getmetatable(L,-1)) { /* stack: obj key obj mt */ lua_remove(L,-2); /* stack: obj key mt */ if (lua_isnumber(L,2)) /* check if key is a numeric value */ { /* try operator[] */ lua_pushstring(L,".geti"); lua_rawget(L,-2); /* stack: obj key mt func */ if (lua_isfunction(L,-1)) { lua_pushvalue(L,1); lua_pushvalue(L,2); lua_call(L,2,1); return 1; } } else { lua_pushvalue(L,2); /* stack: obj key mt key */ lua_rawget(L,-2); /* stack: obj key mt value */ if (!lua_isnil(L,-1)) return 1; else lua_pop(L,1); /* try C/C++ variable */ lua_pushstring(L,".get"); lua_rawget(L,-2); /* stack: obj key mt tget */ if (lua_istable(L,-1)) { lua_pushvalue(L,2); lua_rawget(L,-2); /* stack: obj key mt value */ if (lua_iscfunction(L,-1)) { lua_pushvalue(L,1); lua_pushvalue(L,2); lua_call(L,2,1); return 1; } else if (lua_istable(L,-1)) { /* deal with array: create table to be returned and cache it in peer */ void* u = *((void**)lua_touserdata(L,1)); lua_newtable(L); /* stack: obj key mt value table */ lua_pushstring(L,".self"); lua_pushlightuserdata(L,u); lua_rawset(L,-3); /* store usertype in ".self" */ lua_insert(L,-2); /* stack: obj key mt table value */ lua_setmetatable(L,-2); /* set stored value as metatable */ lua_pushvalue(L,-1); /* stack: obj key met table table */ lua_pushvalue(L,2); /* stack: obj key mt table table key */ lua_insert(L,-2); /* stack: obj key mt table key table */ storeatpeer(L,1); /* stack: obj key mt table */ return 1; } } } lua_settop(L,3); } lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } else if (t== LUA_TTABLE) { module_index_event(L); return 1; } lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } /* Newindex function * It first searches for a C/C++ varaible to be set. * Then, it either stores it in the alternative peer table (in the case it is * an object) or in the own table (that represents the class or module). */ static int class_newindex_event (lua_State* L) { int t = lua_type(L,1); if (t == LUA_TUSERDATA) { /* Try accessing a C/C++ variable to be set */ lua_getmetatable(L,1); while (lua_istable(L,-1)) /* stack: t k v mt */ { if (lua_isnumber(L,2)) /* check if key is a numeric value */ { /* try operator[] */ lua_pushstring(L,".seti"); lua_rawget(L,-2); /* stack: obj key mt func */ if (lua_isfunction(L,-1)) { lua_pushvalue(L,1); lua_pushvalue(L,2); lua_pushvalue(L,3); lua_call(L,3,0); return 0; } } else { lua_pushstring(L,".set"); lua_rawget(L,-2); /* stack: t k v mt tset */ if (lua_istable(L,-1)) { lua_pushvalue(L,2); lua_rawget(L,-2); /* stack: t k v mt tset func */ if (lua_iscfunction(L,-1)) { lua_pushvalue(L,1); lua_pushvalue(L,3); lua_call(L,2,0); return 0; } lua_pop(L,1); /* stack: t k v mt tset */ } lua_pop(L,1); /* stack: t k v mt */ if (!lua_getmetatable(L,-1)) /* stack: t k v mt mt */ lua_pushnil(L); lua_remove(L,-2); /* stack: t k v mt */ } } lua_settop(L,3); /* stack: t k v */ /* then, store as a new field */ storeatpeer(L,1); } else if (t== LUA_TTABLE) { module_newindex_event(L); } return 0; } static int do_operator (lua_State* L, const char* op) { if (lua_isuserdata(L,1)) { /* Try metatables */ lua_pushvalue(L,1); /* stack: op1 op2 */ while (lua_getmetatable(L,-1)) { /* stack: op1 op2 op1 mt */ lua_remove(L,-2); /* stack: op1 op2 mt */ lua_pushstring(L,op); /* stack: op1 op2 mt key */ lua_rawget(L,-2); /* stack: obj key mt func */ if (lua_isfunction(L,-1)) { lua_pushvalue(L,1); lua_pushvalue(L,2); lua_call(L,2,1); return 1; } lua_settop(L,3); } } if (strcmp(op,".eq")==0) { lua_pushboolean(L,lua_rawequal(L,1,2)); return 1; } else { tolua_error(L,"Attempt to perform operation on an invalid operand",NULL); return 0; } } static int class_add_event (lua_State* L) { return do_operator(L,".add"); } static int class_sub_event (lua_State* L) { return do_operator(L,".sub"); } static int class_mul_event (lua_State* L) { return do_operator(L,".mul"); } static int class_div_event (lua_State* L) { return do_operator(L,".div"); } static int class_lt_event (lua_State* L) { return do_operator(L,".lt"); } static int class_le_event (lua_State* L) { return do_operator(L,".le"); } static int class_eq_event (lua_State* L) { return do_operator(L,".eq"); } static int class_gc_event (lua_State* L) { if (lua_type(L,1) == LUA_TUSERDATA) { int top = lua_gettop(L); void* u = *((void**)lua_touserdata(L,1)); lua_pushstring(L,"tolua_gc"); lua_rawget(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); /* gc */ lua_pushlightuserdata(L,u); /* gc u */ lua_rawget(L,-2); /* gc func */ if (!lua_isnil(L, -1)) { /* remove entry from table */ lua_pushlightuserdata(L,u); lua_pushnil(L); lua_rawset(L,-4); if (lua_isfunction(L,-1)) { /* call collect function */ lua_pushvalue(L,1); /* tolua_gc tolua_gc.u(func) u */ lua_call(L,1,0); /* tolua_gc */ } else if (lua_isuserdata(L,-1) && *((void**)lua_touserdata(L,-1))==NULL) { /* free object */ free(u); tolua_release(L,u); /* unmap from tolua tables */ } } lua_settop(L,top); } return 0; } /* Register module events * It expects the metatable on the top of the stack */ TOLUA_API void tolua_moduleevents (lua_State* L) { lua_pushstring(L,"__index"); lua_pushcfunction(L,module_index_event); lua_rawset(L,-3); lua_pushstring(L,"__newindex"); lua_pushcfunction(L,module_newindex_event); lua_rawset(L,-3); } /* Check if the object on the top has a module metatable */ TOLUA_API int tolua_ismodulemetatable (lua_State* L) { int r = 0; if (lua_getmetatable(L,-1)) { lua_pushstring(L,"__index"); lua_rawget(L,-2); r = (lua_tocfunction(L,-1) == module_index_event); lua_pop(L,2); } return r; } /* Register class events * It expects the metatable on the top of the stack */ TOLUA_API void tolua_classevents (lua_State* L) { lua_pushstring(L,"__index"); lua_pushcfunction(L,class_index_event); lua_rawset(L,-3); lua_pushstring(L,"__newindex"); lua_pushcfunction(L,class_newindex_event); lua_rawset(L,-3); lua_pushstring(L,"__add"); lua_pushcfunction(L,class_add_event); lua_rawset(L,-3); lua_pushstring(L,"__sub"); lua_pushcfunction(L,class_sub_event); lua_rawset(L,-3); lua_pushstring(L,"__mul"); lua_pushcfunction(L,class_mul_event); lua_rawset(L,-3); lua_pushstring(L,"__div"); lua_pushcfunction(L,class_div_event); lua_rawset(L,-3); lua_pushstring(L,"__lt"); lua_pushcfunction(L,class_lt_event); lua_rawset(L,-3); lua_pushstring(L,"__le"); lua_pushcfunction(L,class_le_event); lua_rawset(L,-3); lua_pushstring(L,"__eq"); lua_pushcfunction(L,class_eq_event); lua_rawset(L,-3); lua_pushstring(L,"__gc"); lua_pushcfunction(L,class_gc_event); lua_rawset(L,-3); }