Prerequisites ------------- required: * libpq from Postgresql and header files * libfuse FUSE library and header files Compilation ----------- make make install [DESTDIR=x] [prefix=x] Installation ------------ * Create a postgresql user and database (as user postgres) createuser -S -R -D -P someuser (enter some password) createdb -O someuser somedb make sure access permissions are right in pg_hba.conf. * Initialize the database schema (as user using fuse) psql -U someuser somedb < schema.sql * Mount the FUSE filesystem pgfuse "user=someuser dbname=somedb" If you use a password, store the password in ~/.pgpass: dbhost:5432:somedb:someuser:somepass (or in any file specified in the PASSFILE environment variable) Though you can specify password directly in the PostgreSQL connection string, this is not safe!