/* * sqlite3xx - sqlite3 C++ layer, following the ideas of libpqxx * Copyright (C) 2009 Andreas Baumann * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of * the GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #include "sqlite3xx/prepared_statement.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "sqlite3xx/except.hpp" #include "sqlite3xx/connection.hpp" #include "port/unused.h" namespace sqlite3xx { /* declaration */ prepare::declaration::declaration( connection& c, const string& stmt ) : _c( c ), _stmt( stmt ) { } const prepare::declaration& prepare::declaration::operator( )( const string& sql_type, param_treatment treat ) const { _c.prepare_param_declare( _stmt, sql_type, treat ); return *this; } /* invocation */ prepare::invocation::invocation( connection& c, transaction& t, const string& stmt ) : _c( c ), _t( t ), _stmt( stmt ) { _c.prepared_reset( _stmt ); _pos = 0; } result prepare::invocation::exec( ) const { return _c.prepared_exec( _stmt ); } prepare::invocation& prepare::invocation::setparam( const int& value, bool nonnull ) { SQLITEXX_UNUSED( nonnull ); _pos++; _c.prepare_setparam( _stmt, _pos, value ); return *this; } prepare::invocation& prepare::invocation::setparam( const unsigned int& value, bool nonnull ) { SQLITEXX_UNUSED( nonnull ); _pos++; _c.prepare_setparam( _stmt, _pos, value ); return *this; } prepare::invocation& prepare::invocation::setparam( const char* value, bool nonnull ) { SQLITEXX_UNUSED( nonnull ); _pos++; _c.prepare_setparam( _stmt, _pos, value ); return *this; } prepare::invocation& prepare::invocation::setparam( const string& value, bool nonnull ) { SQLITEXX_UNUSED( nonnull ); _pos++; _c.prepare_setparam( _stmt, _pos, value.c_str( ) ); return *this; } prepare::invocation& prepare::invocation::setparam( const double& value, bool nonnull ) { SQLITEXX_UNUSED( nonnull ); _pos++; _c.prepare_setparam( _stmt, _pos, value ); return *this; } prepare::invocation& prepare::invocation::setparam( const long& value, bool nonnull ) { SQLITEXX_UNUSED( nonnull ); _pos++; _c.prepare_setparam( _stmt, _pos, value ); return *this; } prepare::invocation& prepare::invocation::setparam( const uintmax_t& value, bool nonnull ) { SQLITEXX_UNUSED( nonnull ); _pos++; _c.prepare_setparam( _stmt, _pos, value ); return *this; } /* prepared statement */ prepared_stmt::prepared_stmt( sqlite3 *db, string __sql ) : _db( db ) { int rc; const char *tail; _sql = __sql; #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER >= 3005000 rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db, _sql.c_str( ), -1, &_stmt, &tail ); #else rc = sqlite3_prepare( db, _sql.c_str( ), -1, &_stmt, &tail ); #endif switch( rc ) { case SQLITE_OK: break; case SQLITE_BUSY: throw database_locked( ); default: { ostringstream s; s << "sqlite3::prepared_stmt::prepared_stmt error: " << sqlite3_errmsg( _db ); string msg = s.str( ); throw sql_error( msg, _sql ); } } } prepared_stmt::~prepared_stmt( ) { assert( _stmt != NULL ); if( false /* TODO: access to _c.trace( ) */ ) cout << "TRACE: finalizing prepared statement '" << _sql << "'" << endl; sqlite3_finalize( _stmt ); _stmt = NULL; } string prepared_stmt::sql( ) { return _sql; } void prepared_stmt::addparam( const string& sqltype, prepare::param_treatment& treatment ) { parameters.push_back( param( sqltype, treatment ) ); } void prepared_stmt::reset( ) { int rc; assert( _stmt != NULL ); rc = sqlite3_reset( _stmt ); switch( rc ) { case SQLITE_OK: break; case SQLITE_BUSY: throw database_locked( ); default: { ostringstream s; s << "sqlite3::prepared_stmt::reset error: " << sqlite3_errmsg( _db ); string msg = s.str( ); throw sql_error( msg, _sql ); } } } void prepared_stmt::setparam( const int pos, const int v ) { int rc; assert( _stmt != NULL ); rc = sqlite3_bind_int( _stmt, pos, v ); if( rc != SQLITE_OK ) { ostringstream s; s << "sqlite3::prepared_stmt::setparam bind error: " << sqlite3_errmsg( _db ) << " (rc: " << rc << ")"; string msg = s.str( ); throw sql_error( msg, _sql ); } } void prepared_stmt::setparam( const int pos, const unsigned int v ) { int rc; assert( _stmt != NULL ); rc = sqlite3_bind_int( _stmt, pos, v ); if( rc != SQLITE_OK ) { ostringstream s; s << "sqlite3::prepared_stmt::setparam bind error: " << sqlite3_errmsg( _db ) << " (rc: " << rc << ")"; string msg = s.str( ); throw sql_error( msg, _sql ); } } void prepared_stmt::setparam( const int pos, const char* v ) { int rc; assert( _stmt != NULL ); rc = sqlite3_bind_text( _stmt, pos, v, strlen( v ), SQLITE_STATIC ); if( rc != SQLITE_OK ) { ostringstream s; s << "sqlite3::prepared_stmt::setparam bind error: " << sqlite3_errmsg( _db ) << " (rc: " << rc << ")"; string msg = s.str( ); throw sql_error( msg, _sql ); } } void prepared_stmt::setparam( const int pos, const double v ) { int rc; assert( _stmt != NULL ); rc = sqlite3_bind_double( _stmt, pos, v ); if( rc != SQLITE_OK ) { ostringstream s; s << "sqlite3::prepared_stmt::setparam bind error: " << sqlite3_errmsg( _db ) << " (rc: " << rc << ")"; string msg = s.str( ); throw sql_error( msg, _sql ); } } void prepared_stmt::setparam( const int pos, const long v ) { int rc; assert( _stmt != NULL ); rc = sqlite3_bind_int64( _stmt, pos, v ); if( rc != SQLITE_OK ) { ostringstream s; s << "sqlite3::prepared_stmt::setparam bind error: " << sqlite3_errmsg( _db ) << " (rc: " << rc << ")"; string msg = s.str( ); throw sql_error( msg, _sql ); } } void prepared_stmt::setparam( const int pos, const uintmax_t v ) { int rc; assert( _stmt != NULL ); rc = sqlite3_bind_int64( _stmt, pos, v ); if( rc != SQLITE_OK ) { ostringstream s; s << "sqlite3::prepared_stmt::setparam bind error: " << sqlite3_errmsg( _db ) << " (rc: " << rc << ")"; string msg = s.str( ); throw sql_error( msg, _sql ); } } sqlite3_stmt* prepared_stmt::getStmt( ) const { return _stmt; } } /* namespace sqlite3xx */