/* sqlite3xx - sqlite3 C++ layer, following ideas of libpqxx Copyright (C) 2009 Andreas Baumann This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "port/string.h" #include "sqlite3xx/result.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include "sqlite3xx/except.hpp" #include "port/unused.h" #include "port/sleep.h" using namespace std; namespace sqlite3xx { /* field */ ostream& operator<<( ostream& o, const result::field& f ) { int type = f._t.column_type( f._c ); switch( type ) { case SQLITE_INTEGER: { int value = f._t.GetValueInt( f._c ); o << value; } break; case SQLITE3_TEXT: { const unsigned char* value = f._t.GetValueText( f._c ); o << value; } break; case SQLITE_FLOAT: { double value = f._t.GetValueDouble( f._c ); o << value; } break; case SQLITE_NULL: o << "(NULL)"; break; default: o << "(Unknown type " << type << "!)"; } return o; } /* result */ void result::Step( ) { int rc; TRY_AGAIN_STEP: rc = sqlite3_step( _stmt ); switch( rc ) { case SQLITE_DONE: if( _crow == 0 ) { /* never had a result, will never read-ahead and buffer */ _status = st_nodata; } else { /* last row */ _status = st_lastrow; _crow++; } break; case SQLITE_ROW: _status = st_hasdata; _crow++; break; /* don't fail if the sqlite file is locked by another writer, try again later */ case SQLITE_BUSY: // sqlitexx_port_sleep( 1 ); goto TRY_AGAIN_STEP; default: { ostringstream s; s << "Illegal state after sqlite3_step (sqlite code: " << rc << ")"; string str = s.str( ); string msg = sqlite3_errmsg( sqlite3_db_handle( _stmt ) ); throw sql_error( str, msg ); } } } void result::BufferData( ) { const char *tmp = NULL; _cache.resize( columns( ) + 1 ); for( size_type i = 0; i < columns( ); i++ ) { CachedValue value; value.type = column_type( i ); switch( value.type ) { case SQLITE_INTEGER: value.value.i = sqlite3_column_int( _stmt, i ); break; case SQLITE3_TEXT: /* KLUDGE: the documentation is not specific about returning NULL here * I get the feeling this is undefined behaviour, so people should not * relly on it from outside. */ tmp = (const char *)sqlite3_column_text( _stmt, i ); if( tmp != NULL ) { value.value.s = (unsigned char *)strdup( tmp ); } else { value.type = SQLITE_NULL; value.value.s = NULL; } break; case SQLITE_FLOAT: value.value.d = sqlite3_column_double( _stmt, i ); break; case SQLITE_NULL: value.value.s = NULL; break; default: { ostringstream s; s << "Illegal type " << value.type << " when buffering row " << _row; string msg = s.str( ); throw logic_error( msg ); } } _cache.at( i ) = value; } } void result::FillColNameMap( ) { size_type i; const char* colname; for( i = 0; i < columns( ); i++ ) { colname = sqlite3_column_name( _stmt, i ); _colmap.insert( make_pair( string( colname ), i ) ); } } void result::FillColTypeMap( ) { size_type i; _coltype.resize( columns( ) + 1 ); for( i = 0; i < columns( ); i++ ) { _coltype.at( i ) = sqlite3_column_type( _stmt, i ); } } result::result( const result& r ) { _stmt = r._stmt; _status = r._status; _colmap = r._colmap; _coltype = r._coltype; _cache = r._cache; _row = r._row; _crow = r._crow; } result::result( sqlite3_stmt* stmt ) { _stmt = stmt; _status = st_nascent; _row = 0; _crow = 0; Step( ); if( _status == st_hasdata || _status == st_lastrow ) { FillColNameMap( ); FillColTypeMap( ); BufferData( ); Step( ); } } result::~result( ) { switch( _status ) { case st_nascent: /* created no result fetched, weird, but ok */ break; case st_nodata: /* a command without result data, just reset the prepared statement * so it can be used again for the next set of parameters */ break; case st_lastrow: break; case st_hasdata: case st_nomoredata: /* TODO: free row table data */ break; default: throw logic_error( "Illegal state in destructor" ); } } result& result::operator=( const result& r ) { if( this != &r ) { _stmt = r._stmt; _status = r._status; _colmap = r._colmap; _coltype = r._coltype; _cache = r._cache; _row = r._row; _crow = r._crow; } return *this; } result::size_type result::affected_rows( ) const { switch( _status ) { case st_nascent: throw logic_error( "Called affected_rows() before sqlite3_step!" ); case st_nodata: return sqlite3_changes( sqlite3_db_handle( _stmt ) ); case st_hasdata: case st_lastrow: case st_nomoredata: throw logic_error( "Affected rows doesn't make sence in a query!" ); default: throw logic_error( "Illegal state in affected_rows()" ); } } result::size_type result::size( ) const { /* TODO: can we get this value with sqlite3_step, I doubt! * at least we know from the state wheter it's 0 or 1 and more */ switch( _status ) { case st_nascent: throw logic_error( "Called size() before sqlite3_step!" ); case st_nodata: return 0; case st_hasdata: /* ..but we know that the result must be at least _row */ return _row + 2; case st_nomoredata: return _row + 1; case st_lastrow: return _row + 1; default: throw logic_error( "Illegal state in size()" ); } } result::size_type result::columns( ) const { return sqlite3_column_count( _stmt ); } const result::tuple result::operator[]( result::size_type i ) throw( ) { if( _row == i ) { return tuple( this, i ); } else if( i == _row + 1 ) { _row++; BufferData( ); Step( ); return tuple( this, i ); } else { throw logic_error( "Illegal access outside scope of cursor!" ); } } result::size_type result::column_number( string name ) const { ColMap::const_iterator it = _colmap.find( name ); if( it == _colmap.end( ) ) { throw invalid_argument( "Unknown column '" + name + "' requested" ); } return it->second; } int result::column_type( size_type i ) const { if( _status != st_hasdata && _status != st_lastrow ) { throw logic_error( "Fetching row after sqlite returned no data!" ); } return _coltype[i]; } /* value caching */ result::CachedValue::CachedValue( const CachedValue& v ) { type = v.type; value = v.value; if( type == SQLITE3_TEXT ) { value.s = (unsigned char *)strdup( (const char *)v.value.s ); } } result::CachedValue::~CachedValue( ) { if( type == SQLITE3_TEXT && value.s != NULL ) { free( value.s ); value.s = NULL; } } result::CachedValue& result::CachedValue::operator= ( const result::CachedValue& v ) { if( this != &v ) { type = v.type; value = v.value; if( type == SQLITE3_TEXT ) { value.s = (unsigned char *)strdup( (const char *)v.value.s ); } } return *this; } /* const iterator for tuples */ result::const_iterator result::const_iterator::operator++( int incr ) { SQLITEXX_UNUSED( incr ); const_iterator old( *this ); // idx++; return old; } bool result::const_iterator::operator<( const result::const_iterator& i ) const { SQLITEXX_UNUSED( i.dummy ); // idx < i.idx return false; } } /* namespace sqlite3xx */