path: root/release/src/btools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'release/src/btools/')
1 files changed, 408 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/release/src/btools/ b/release/src/btools/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f7025acf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/src/btools/
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jonathan Zarate
+# - strip un-needed objects
+# - create xref of symbols used
+sub error
+ print STDERR "\n*** ERROR: " . (shift) . "\n\n";
+ exit 1;
+sub basename
+ my $fn = shift;
+ if ($fn =~ /([^\/]+)$/) {
+ return $1;
+ }
+ return $fn;
+sub load
+ my $fname = shift;
+ if ((-l $fname) ||
+ ($fname =~ /\/lib\/modules\/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) ||
+ ($fname =~ /\.(asp|gif|png|svg|js|jsx|css|txt|pat|sh)$/)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (-d $fname) {
+ my $d;
+ if (opendir($d, $fname)) {
+ foreach (readdir($d)) {
+ if ($_ !~ /^\./) {
+ load($fname . "/" . $_);
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($d);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ my $f;
+ my $base;
+ my $ok;
+ my $s;
+ $base = basename($fname);
+ print LOG "\n\nreadelf $base:\n";
+ open($f, "mipsel-linux-readelf -WhsdD ${fname} 2>&1 |") || error("readelf - $!\n");
+ while (<$f>) {
+ print LOG;
+ if (/\s+Type:\s+(\w+)/) {
+ $elf_type{$base} = $1;
+ $ok = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$ok) {
+ close($f);
+ return;
+ }
+ print "$elf_type{$base} $base", " " x 30, "\r";
+ push(@elfs, $base);
+ while (<$f>) {
+ print LOG;
+ if (/\(NEEDED\)\s+Shared library: \[(.+)\]/) {
+ push(@{$elf_lib{$base}}, $1);
+ }
+ elsif (/Symbol table for image:/) {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ while (<$f>) {
+ print LOG;
+ if (/\s+(WEAK|GLOBAL)\s+(?:DEFAULT|VISIBLE)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)/) {
+ $s = $3;
+ if ($2 eq 'UND') {
+ if ($1 eq 'GLOBAL') {
+ $elf_ext{$base}{$s} = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ print LOG "*** not GLOBAL\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($2 eq 'ABS') {
+ }
+ elsif ($2 =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ $elf_exp{$base}{$s} = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ print LOG "*** unknown type\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (!/Num Buc:/) {
+ print LOG "*** strange line\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close($f);
+sub fixDynDep
+ my ($user, $dep) = @_;
+ if (!defined $elf_dyn{$user}{$dep}) {
+ push(@{$elf_lib{$user}}, $dep);
+ $elf_dyn{$user}{$dep} = 1;
+ print LOG "FixDynDep: $user = $dep\n";
+ }
+sub fixDyn
+ my $s;
+ foreach (@elfs) {
+ if (/^libipt_.+\.so$/) {
+ fixDynDep("iptables", $_);
+ }
+ elsif (/^CP\d+\.so$/) {
+ fixDynDep("smbd", $_);
+ }
+ }
+ fixDynDep("l2tpd", "");
+ fixDynDep("l2tpd", "");
+# fixDynDep("", "");
+# fixDynDep("", "");
+sub usersOf
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $sym = shift;
+ my @x;
+ my $e;
+ my $l;
+ @x = ();
+ foreach $e (@elfs) {
+ foreach $l (@{$elf_lib{$e}}) {
+ if ($l eq $name) {
+ if ((!defined $sym) || (defined $elf_ext{$e}{$sym})) {
+ push(@x, $e);
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return @x;
+sub resolve
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $sym = shift;
+ my $l;
+ foreach $l (@{$elf_lib{$name}}) {
+# print "\n$l $sym ", $elf_exp{$l}{$sym}, "\n";
+ return $l if (defined $elf_exp{$l}{$sym});
+ }
+ return "*** unresolved ***";
+sub fillGaps
+ my $name;
+ my $sym;
+ my @users;
+ my $u;
+ my $t;
+ my $found;
+# print "Resolving implicit links...\n";
+ foreach $name (@elfs) {
+ foreach $sym (keys %{$elf_ext{$name}}) {
+ $found = 0;
+ if (resolve($name, $sym) eq "*** unresolved ***") {
+ @users = usersOf($name);
+ foreach $u (@users) {
+ # if exported by $u
+ if (defined $elf_exp{$u}{$sym}) {
+ fixDynDep($name, $u);
+ $found = 1;
+ }
+ # if exported by shared libs of $u
+ if (($t = resolve($u, $sym)) ne "*** unresolved ***") {
+ fixDynDep($name, $t);
+ $found = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($found == 0) {
+ print "Unable to resolve $sym used by $name\n", @users;
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub tab
+ my $current = shift;
+ my $target = shift;
+ my $s = "";
+ my $n;
+ while (1) {
+ $n = $current + (4 - ($current % 4));
+ last if ($n > $target);
+ $s = $s . "\t";
+ $current = $n;
+ }
+ while ($current < $target) {
+ $s = $s . " ";
+ $current++;
+ }
+ return $s;
+sub genXref
+ my $f;
+ my $fname;
+ my $s;
+ my @u;
+# print "Generating Xref Report...\n";
+ open($f, ">libfoo_xref.txt");
+ foreach $fname (sort keys %elf_type) {
+ print $f "$fname:\n";
+ if (scalar(@{$elf_lib{$fname}}) > 0) {
+ print $f "Dependency:\n";
+ foreach $s (sort @{$elf_lib{$fname}}) {
+ print $f "\t$s", defined $elf_dyn{$fname}{$s} ? " (dyn)\n" : "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (scalar(keys %{$elf_exp{$fname}}) > 0) {
+ print $f "Export:\n";
+ foreach $s (sort keys %{$elf_exp{$fname}}) {
+ @u = usersOf($fname, $s);
+ if (scalar(@u) > 0) {
+ print $f "\t$s", tab(length($s) + 4, 40), " > ", join(",", @u), "\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print $f "\t$s\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (scalar(keys %{$elf_ext{$fname}}) > 0) {
+ print $f "External:\n";
+ foreach $s (sort keys %{$elf_ext{$fname}}) {
+ print $f "\t$s", tab(length($s) + 4, 40), " < ", resolve($fname, $s), "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print $f "\n";
+ }
+ close($f);
+sub genSO
+ my ($so, $arc, $opt) = @_;
+ my $name = basename($so);
+ my $sym;
+ my $fn;
+ my $inuse;
+ my @used;
+ my @unused;
+ my $cmd;
+ my $before, $after;
+ if (!-f $so) {
+ print "$name: not found, skipping...\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ foreach $sym (sort keys %{$elf_exp{$name}}) {
+ if (scalar(usersOf($name, $sym)) > 0) {
+ push(@used, $sym);
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@unused, $sym);
+ }
+ }
+# print "\n$name: Attempting to link ", scalar(@used), " and remove ", scalar(@unused), " objects...\n";
+ print LOG "\n\n${base}\n";
+ $cmd = "mipsel-uclibc-ld -shared -s -z combreloc --warn-common --fatal-warnings ${opt} -soname ${name} -o ${so}";
+ foreach (@{$elf_lib{$name}}) {
+ if ((!$elf_dyn{$name}{$_}) && (/^lib(.+)\.so/)) {
+ $cmd .= " -l$1";
+ }
+ else {
+# print LOG "Not marking for linkage: $_\n";
+ }
+ }
+# print "$cmd -u... ${arc}\n";
+ if (scalar(@used) == 0) {
+ print "\n\n\n$name: WARNING: Library is not used by anything.\n\n\n";
+ <>;
+# return 0;
+ }
+ $cmd .= " -u " . join(" -u ", @used) . " ". $arc;
+ print LOG "Command: $cmd\n";
+ print LOG "Used: ", join(",", @used), "\n";
+ print LOG "Unused: ", join(",", @unused), "\n";
+ $before = -s $so;
+ system($cmd);
+ if ($? != 0) {
+ error("ld returned $?");
+ }
+ $after = -s $so;
+ print "$name: Attempted to remove ", scalar(@unused), "/", scalar(@unused) + scalar(@used), " symbols. ";
+ printf "%.2fK - %.2fK = %.2fK\n", $before / 1024, $after / 1024, ($before - $after) / 1024;
+# print "\n$name: Attempting to link ", scalar(@used), " and remove ", scalar(@unused), " objects...\n";
+# printf "Before: %.2fK / After: %.2fK / Removed: %.2fK\n\n", $before / 1024, $after / 1024, ($before - $after) / 1024;
+ return ($before > $after)
+# print "\ - fooify shared libraries\n";
+# print "Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jonathan Zarate\n\n";
+$root = $ENV{"TARGETDIR"};
+$uclibc = $ENV{"TOOLCHAIN"};
+$router = $ENV{"SRCBASE"} . "/router";
+if ((!-d $root) || (!-d $uclibc) || (!-d $router)) {
+ print "Missing or invalid environment variables\n";
+ exit(1);
+#open(LOG, ">libfoo.debug");
+open(LOG, ">/dev/null");
+print "Loading...\r";
+print "Finished loading files.", " " x 30, "\r";
+genSO("${root}/lib/", "${uclibc}/lib/libc.a", "-init __uClibc_init ${uclibc}/lib/optinfo/interp.o");
+genSO("${root}/lib/", "${uclibc}/lib/libresolv.a");
+genSO("${root}/lib/", "${uclibc}/lib/libcrypt.a");
+genSO("${root}/lib/", "${uclibc}/lib/libm.a");
+genSO("${root}/lib/", "${uclibc}/lib/libpthread.a");
+genSO("${root}/lib/", "${uclibc}/lib/libutil.a");
+# genSO("${root}/lib/", "${uclibc}/lib/libdl.a");
+# genSO("${root}/lib/", "${uclibc}/lib/libnsl.a");
+genSO("${root}/usr/lib/", "${router}/openssl/libcrypto.a");
+genSO("${root}/usr/lib/", "${router}/zebra/lib/libzebra.a");
+# genSO("${root}/usr/lib/", "${router}/samba3/source/bin/libtamba.a");
+# genSO("${root}/usr/lib/", "${router}/iptables/libiptc/libiptc.a");
+# genSO("${root}/usr/lib/", "${router}/shared/libshared.a");
+# genSO("${root}/usr/lib/", "${router}/nvram/libnvram.a");
+print "\n";