path: root/release/src/router/matrixssl/src/pki/matrixPki.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'release/src/router/matrixssl/src/pki/matrixPki.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 138 deletions
diff --git a/release/src/router/matrixssl/src/pki/matrixPki.h b/release/src/router/matrixssl/src/pki/matrixPki.h
deleted file mode 100644
index aea0f1d5..00000000
--- a/release/src/router/matrixssl/src/pki/matrixPki.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
- * matrixPki.h
- * Release $Name: MATRIXSSL_1_8_8_OPEN $
- *
- * Public header file for MatrixPKI extension
- * Implementations interacting with the PKI portion of the
- * matrixssl library should only use the APIs and definitions
- * used in this file.
- */
- * Copyright (c) PeerSec Networks, 2002-2009. All Rights Reserved.
- * The latest version of this code is available at
- *
- * This software is open source; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This General Public License does NOT permit incorporating this software
- * into proprietary programs. If you are unable to comply with the GPL, a
- * commercial license for this software may be purchased from PeerSec Networks
- * at
- *
- * This program is distributed in WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- */
-#ifndef _h_MATRIXPKI
-#define _h_MATRIXPKI
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- Because the set of APIs exposed here is dependent on the package, the
- crypto layer header must be parsed to determine what defines are configured
- (USE_RSA, and USE_X509 specifically)
-#include "../../matrixCommon.h"
-#include "../crypto/matrixCrypto.h"
-#define REQ_FILE_TYPE 0
-#define KEY_FILE_TYPE 1
-#define CERT_FILE_TYPE 2
-#define MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH 16
-typedef uint32 sslChainLen_t[MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH];
- * PKI documented APIs
- */
-MATRIXPUBLIC int32 matrixPkiOpen(void);
-MATRIXPUBLIC void matrixPkiClose(void);
-#ifdef USE_RSA
- Private key reading and conversions
-MATRIXPUBLIC int32 matrixX509ReadPrivKey(psPool_t *pool, const char *fileName,
- const char *password, unsigned char **out,
- int32 *outLen);
-#endif /* USE_FILE_SYSTEM */
-MATRIXPUBLIC int32 matrixRsaParsePrivKey(psPool_t *pool, unsigned char *keyBuf,
- int32 keyBufLen, sslRsaKey_t **key);
-MATRIXPUBLIC int32 matrixRsaParsePubKey(psPool_t *pool, unsigned char *keyBuf,
- int32 keyBufLen, sslRsaKey_t **key);
-MATRIXPUBLIC void matrixRsaFreeKey(sslRsaKey_t *key);
-MATRIXPUBLIC int32 matrixRsaConvertToPublicKey(psPool_t *pool,
- sslRsaKey_t *privKey, sslRsaKey_t **pubKey);
- USE_X509 adds certificate support
-#ifdef USE_X509
-MATRIXPUBLIC int32 matrixX509ReadKeysMem(sslKeys_t **keys,
- unsigned char *certBuf, int32 certLen,
- unsigned char *privBuf, int32 privLen,
- unsigned char *trustedCABuf, int32 trustedCALen);
-MATRIXPUBLIC void matrixRsaFreeKeys(sslKeys_t *keys);
-MATRIXPUBLIC int32 matrixX509ReadKeys(sslKeys_t **keys, const char *certFile,
- const char *privFile, const char *privPass,
- const char *trustedCAFile);
-MATRIXPUBLIC int32 matrixX509ReadKeysEx(psPool_t *pool, sslKeys_t **keys,
- const char *certFile, const char *privFile,
- const char *privPass, const char *trustedCAFiles);
-MATRIXPUBLIC int32 matrixX509ReadCert(psPool_t *pool, const char *fileName,
- unsigned char **out, int32 *outLen,
- sslChainLen_t *chain);
-MATRIXPUBLIC int32 matrixX509ReadPubKey(psPool_t *pool, const char *certFile,
- sslRsaKey_t **key);
-#endif /* USE_FILE_SYSTEM */
-MATRIXPUBLIC int32 matrixRsaParseKeysMem(psPool_t *pool, sslKeys_t **keys,
- unsigned char *certBuf, int32 certLen, unsigned char *privBuf,
- int32 privLen, unsigned char *trustedCABuf, int32 trustedCALen);
-MATRIXPUBLIC int32 matrixX509ParseCert(psPool_t *pool, unsigned char *certBuf,
- int32 certlen, sslCert_t **cert);
-MATRIXPUBLIC void matrixX509FreeCert(sslCert_t *cert);
-MATRIXPUBLIC int32 matrixX509ParsePubKey(psPool_t *pool, unsigned char *certBuf,
- int32 certLen, sslRsaKey_t **key);
-MATRIXPUBLIC int32 matrixX509ValidateCert(psPool_t *pool,
- sslCert_t *subjectCert, sslCert_t *issuerCert,
- int32 *valid);
-MATRIXPUBLIC int32 matrixX509ValidateCertChain(psPool_t *pool,
- sslCert_t *chain, sslCert_t **subjectCert,
- int32 *valid);
-MATRIXPUBLIC int32 matrixX509UserValidator(psPool_t *pool,
- sslCert_t *subjectCert,
- int32 (*certValidator)(sslCertInfo_t *t, void *arg),
- void *arg);
-#endif /* USE_X509 */
-#endif /* USE_RSA */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _h_MATRIXPKI */