"ez-ipupdate" Ez-ipupdate is a client for the dynamic IP service offered by http://www.ez-ip.net. It has several options and is quite complete. It is written in pure C and supports a daemon mode (Linux only right now). This program has been tested under Linux and Solaris. See the file INSTALL for compilation and installation instructions. For more info check "http://www.gusnet.cx/proj/ez-ipupdate" For user contributed documentation check "http://www.gusnet.cx/proj/ez-ipupdate/userdoc.php" When setting it up please try to use daemon mode WITH A CACHE FILE! This will be much apreciated by all the people offering dynamic DNS services. INCOMPATIBILITIES -With version 3.0.0 you must specify a service-type (no more default to ez-ip.net) and you must specify an interface (no more default to eth0) -With version 2.9.2 the justlinux service became the name of the justlinux v2.0 service and pgpow is still the same old justlinux v1.0 service. Angus Mackay