$Id: DEVELOPERS,v 2002/07/25 06:52:39 honor Exp $ Developers Information Mailing List Subscribe to the pptpclient-devel mailing list if you intend to contribute to this project. On this mailing list we discuss problems and changes. https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pptpclient-devel Patches You may send patches by e-mail, direct or to the mailing list, or if you have CVS commit rights, you may use them. Developers have permission (and encouragement) to adjust more than the file that they are submitting. Other files that may be adjusted are: ChangeLog documentation of changes at the code level. NEWS a history of changes as far as an end user is concerned. AUTHORS a list of people who want credit for contributions. TODO a list of things yet to be done. See section two of Eric Raymond's Software Release Practice HOWTO for some useful information on good patching practice. http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/Software-Release-Practice-HOWTO/ CVS Commits Mailing List Subscribe to the pptpclient-commits mailing list and you will receive messages from the CVS server when another developer commits. https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pptpclient-commits CVS Tags There are two types of tags. Upstream source and release tags. Upstream source tags are set by the person who brings in the upstream version of ppp or ppp-mppe, and are not expected to move. This is because we are not the authoritative maintainer for those two packages; we're just generating a package ourselves. Upstream source tags at the moment are openssl-0_9_6 openssl-mppe-0_9_6 ppp-2_4_0 ppp-2_4_1 ppp-mppe-2_4_0 ppp-mppe-2_4_1 Release tags are set by the release engineer who makes the releases. Only he is to move these tags. Release tags at the moment are pptp-linux-1_0_3-1 pptp-linux-1_1_0-rc1 pptp-linux-1_1_0-rc2 pptp-linux-1_1_0-rc3 ppp-mppe-2_4_0-3 ppp-mppe-2_4_1-rc1 Internet Relay Chat Developers who use IRC on a regular basis are welcome to add the project's channel to their list of autojoin channels. Server: irc.openprojects.net Channel: #pptp --