/* * Initialization and support routines for self-booting * compressed image. * * Copyright 2005, Broadcom Corporation * All Rights Reserved. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS OFFERED "AS IS", AND BROADCOM GRANTS NO WARRANTIES OF ANY * KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY STATUTE, COMMUNICATION OR OTHERWISE. BROADCOM * SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT CONCERNING THIS SOFTWARE. * * $Id: bcmstdlib.c,v 2005/03/07 07:31:12 kanki Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include static const char digits[17] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; static const char ldigits[17] = "0123456789abcdef"; static int __atox(char *buf, unsigned int num, unsigned int radix, int width, const char *digits) { char buffer[16]; char *op; int retval; op = &buffer[0]; retval = 0; do { *op++ = digits[num % radix]; retval++; num /= radix; } while (num != 0); if (width && (width > retval)) { width = width - retval; while (width) { *op++ = '0'; retval++; width--; } } while (op != buffer) { op--; *buf++ = *op; } return retval; } #define isdigit(x) (((x) >= '0') && ((x) <= '9')) extern int vsprintf(char *buf, const char *fmt, va_list ap); int vsprintf(char *buf, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { char *optr; const char *iptr; unsigned char *tmpptr; unsigned int x; int i; int leadingzero; int leadingnegsign; int islong; int width; int width2 = 0; int hashash = 0; optr = buf; iptr = fmt; while (*iptr) { if (*iptr != '%') { *optr++ = *iptr++; continue; } iptr++; if (*iptr == '#') { hashash = 1; iptr++; } if (*iptr == '-') { leadingnegsign = 1; iptr++; } else leadingnegsign = 0; if (*iptr == '0') leadingzero = 1; else leadingzero = 0; width = 0; while (*iptr && isdigit(*iptr)) { width += (*iptr - '0'); iptr++; if (isdigit(*iptr)) width *= 10; } if (*iptr == '.') { iptr++; width2 = 0; while (*iptr && isdigit(*iptr)) { width2 += (*iptr - '0'); iptr++; if (isdigit(*iptr)) width2 *= 10; } } islong = 0; if (*iptr == 'l') { islong++; iptr++; } switch (*iptr) { case 's': tmpptr = (unsigned char *) va_arg(ap, unsigned char *); if (!tmpptr) tmpptr = (unsigned char *) "(null)"; if ((width == 0) & (width2 == 0)) { while (*tmpptr) *optr++ = *tmpptr++; break; } while (width && *tmpptr) { *optr++ = *tmpptr++; width--; } while (width) { *optr++ = ' '; width--; } break; case 'd': i = va_arg(ap, int); if (i < 0) { *optr++='-'; i = -i;} optr += __atox(optr, i, 10, width, digits); break; case 'u': x = va_arg(ap, unsigned int); optr += __atox(optr, x, 10, width, digits); break; case 'X': case 'x': x = va_arg(ap, unsigned int); optr += __atox(optr, x, 16, width, (*iptr == 'X') ? digits : ldigits); break; case 'p': case 'P': x = va_arg(ap, unsigned int); optr += __atox(optr, x, 16, 8, (*iptr == 'P') ? digits : ldigits); break; case 'c': x = va_arg(ap, int); *optr++ = x & 0xff; break; default: *optr++ = *iptr; break; } iptr++; } *optr = '\0'; return (optr - buf); } int sprintf(char *buf, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; int count; va_start(ap, fmt); count = vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return count; } int printf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; int count, i; char buffer[512]; va_start(ap, fmt); count = vsprintf(buffer, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { putc(buffer[i]); } return count; } void * memset(void *dest, int c, uint n) { unsigned char *d; d = (unsigned char *)dest; while (n) { *d++ = (unsigned char) c; n--; } return d; } void * memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, uint n) { unsigned char *d; const unsigned char *s; d = (unsigned char *)dest; s = (const unsigned char *)src; while (n) { *d++ = *s++; n--; } return dest; } int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, uint n) { const unsigned char *ss1; const unsigned char *ss2; ss1 = (const unsigned char *)s1; ss2 = (const unsigned char *)s2; while (n) { if (*ss1 < *ss2) return -1; if (*ss1 > *ss2) return 1; ss1++; ss2++; n--; } return 0; } char * strcpy(char *dest, const char *src) { char *ptr = dest; while (*src) *ptr++ = *src++; *ptr = '\0'; return dest; } char * strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, uint n) { char *ptr = dest; while (*src && (n > 0)) { *ptr++ = *src++; n--; } if (n > 0) *ptr = '\0'; return dest; } uint strlen(const char *s) { uint n = 0; while (*s) { s++; n++; } return n; } int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) { while (*s2 && *s1) { if (*s1 < *s2) return -1; if (*s1 > *s2) return 1; s1++; s2++; } if (*s1 && !*s2) return 1; if (!*s1 && *s2) return -1; return 0; } int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, uint n) { while (*s2 && *s1 && n) { if (*s1 < *s2) return -1; if (*s1 > *s2) return 1; s1++; s2++; n--; } if (!n) return 0; if (*s1 && !*s2) return 1; if (!*s1 && *s2) return -1; return 0; } char * strchr(const char *str,int c) { char *x = (char *)str; while (*x != (char)c) { if (*x++ == '\0') return (NULL); } return (x); } char * strrchr(const char *str,int c) { char *save = NULL; do { if (*str == (char) c) save = (char*)(str); } while (*str++ != '\0'); return (save); } char * strcat(char *d, const char *s) { char *x, *ss = (char *)s; x = &d[strlen(d)]; while ((*x++ = *ss++)) ; return (d); }