+++ title = "Data Protection And Privacy" +++ This website uses a static HTML generator, so no cookies are used. I don't use any social media buttons like Facebook likes. I don't track the web pages with any tool like Google Analytics or Piwik. I do keep Apache log entries and firewall rules with IP, Date and User-Agent information for at most 7 days in order to fight attacks and spam. Currently I'm using a Wordpress theme which uses Google fonts. I don't think Google is using the IPs of the access for anything outside normal attack and spam prevention. If you know more, I'm glad to hear about it. For more information about Google Fonts see https://developers.google.com/fonts/faq, section "What does using the Google Fonts API mean for the privacy of my users?". I'm also willing to cache Google fonts locally or remove them alltogether, if required. Till then, if you are concerned, use lynx or w3m to browse my pages in text mode.