+++ title = "Linux Packaging" description = "packaging for Linux distributions" +++ Like everybody else I started with standard distributions like Slackware, SuSE, Centos etc. At a certain point I got fed up with the overbloated nature (configuration wizards for example) in nowadays distributions and their way of patching long-dead versions of libraries instead of simply upgrading to the authors newest fixed version. It was around 2001 when I spotted the [LFS](http://www.linuxfromscratch.org) project. But doing everything from scratch all the time is tiresome.. While searching for a Linux distribution which is simple to configure and doesn't suffer from "feature-itis" I came across [CRUX](http://www.crux.nu) first and [ARCH Linux](http://www.archlinux.org) half a year later or so. I stopped to maintain the CRUX packages. I'm still maintaing some ARCH Linux packages, mainly things I need for personal hacking. See my [ARCH packages](http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?SeB=m&K=andreas_baumann). I'm also trying to play with a [minimalistic Linux](/software/minilinux). A little bit extreme maybe, but given the current CoreOS maybe also not. :-)