AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-05-12reactivated samuraiAndreas Baumann
2023-05-11added some docu, small fixes and first boot on real i486Andreas Baumann
2023-05-10fixes around low memory and NBD rootAndreas Baumann
2023-05-08improved size of ramdisk, we can boot with 24M nowAndreas Baumann
2023-05-08added booting from nbdAndreas Baumann
2023-05-05started creating a root imageAndreas Baumann
2023-05-05renamed "root" to "build"Andreas Baumann
2023-05-05split scripts into config/lib/scriptsAndreas Baumann
2023-05-04updated abase for fixed ping issuesAndreas Baumann
2023-05-04added references and docu for pingAndreas Baumann
2023-05-04added proper reboot and shutdownAndreas Baumann
2023-05-04added some ideas about NBD root device in kernel and ramdiskAndreas Baumann
2023-05-03updated kernel to 6.3.1Andreas Baumann
2023-04-29forgot to add initialization on CDW-4002Andreas Baumann
2023-04-29- more docu on isa on qemu, using more epoch compliant hardware in qemu scriptsAndreas Baumann
2023-04-29updated abase for pingAndreas Baumann
2023-04-28updated kernel to 6.3Andreas Baumann
2023-04-27added abase with a working ifconfig up/downAndreas Baumann
2023-04-25added a new abase version with ifconfig -a to show us network interfacesAndreas Baumann
2023-04-24made modules workAndreas Baumann
2023-04-23- integrated last documentation from trial 1Andreas Baumann
2023-04-23added a lot more documentation from experimental first trialAndreas Baumann
2023-04-22added CPUS variable to parallelize the buildAndreas Baumann
2023-04-21added much more documentation and linksAndreas Baumann
2023-04-21forgot to download libtermkeyAndreas Baumann
2023-04-21started to add documentationAndreas Baumann
2023-04-21added libevent for visAndreas Baumann
2023-04-21fixed hard-coded tcc pathes in stage 1 patchAndreas Baumann
2023-04-20- almost complete ramdiskAndreas Baumann
2023-04-14added abase (more) and mandocAndreas Baumann
2023-04-11- added a proper chroot scriptAndreas Baumann
2023-04-10first building versionAndreas Baumann