path: root/setedit/setedit/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'setedit/setedit/')
1 files changed, 1352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/setedit/setedit/ b/setedit/setedit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83dc118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setedit/setedit/
@@ -0,0 +1,1352 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 1996-2003 by Salvador E. Tropea (SET),
+ see copyrigh file for details */
+#define Uses_stdio
+#define Uses_string
+#define Uses_snprintf
+#define Uses_MsgBox
+#define Uses_TDialog
+#define Uses_TRadioButtons
+#define Uses_TButton
+#define Uses_TSItem
+#define Uses_TLabel
+#define Uses_TRect
+#define Uses_TProgram
+#define Uses_TDeskTop
+#define Uses_TScreen
+#define Uses_TInputLine
+#define Uses_TSortedListBox
+#define Uses_TScrollBar
+#define Uses_TStringCollection
+#define Uses_TCheckBoxes
+#define Uses_TCEditor
+#define Uses_TDeskTopClock
+#define Uses_TApplication
+#define Uses_TCEditWindow
+#define Uses_TStaticText
+#define Uses_fpstream
+#define Uses_TSOSListBox
+#define Uses_TVCodePage
+#define Uses_TVFontCollection
+// EasyDiag requests
+#define Uses_TSButton
+#define Uses_TSLabelRadio
+#define Uses_TSLabelCheck
+#define Uses_TSRadioButtons
+#define Uses_TSInputLine
+#define Uses_TSVeGroup
+#define Uses_TSSortedListBox
+#define Uses_TSHzGroup
+#define Uses_TSCheckBoxes
+#define Uses_TSHzLabel
+#define Uses_TSStaticText
+#define Uses_TFileCollection
+// First include creates the dependencies
+#include <easydia1.h>
+#include <ceditor.h>
+// Second request the headers
+#include <easydiag.h>
+#include <diaghelp.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define Uses_SETAppVarious
+#define Uses_SETAppDialogs
+#define Uses_TSetEditorApp
+#define Uses_SETAppConst
+#define Uses_SETAppFiles
+#include <setapp.h>
+#include <codepage.h>
+#include <advice.h>
+#include <edcollec.h>
+#include <edspecs.h>
+#define Uses_TSOSListBoxMsg
+#include <edmsg.h>
+// Forced width of the encodings and fonts list boxes
+const int wForced=24;
+/******************************* File Open Dialog options ****************************/
+typedef struct
+ uint32 sortType;
+ uint32 caseType;
+ uint32 parentSort;
+ uint32 dotFiles;
+ uint32 exclude;
+} BoxFO;
+class TDiaFO : public TDialog
+ TDiaFO();
+ virtual void handleEvent(TEvent& event);
+ void updateState(unsigned sType);
+ int parentSortEnabled;
+ TRadioButtons32 *sortType;
+ TView *parentSort;
+TDiaFO::TDiaFO() :
+ TWindowInit(&TDiaFO::initFrame),
+ TDialog(TRect(1,1,1,1),__("Open File options"))
+ parentSortEnabled=1;
+void TDiaFO::handleEvent(TEvent& event)
+ TDialog::handleEvent(event);
+ if (event.what==evBroadcast)
+ {
+ if (event.message.command==cmClusterPress || event.message.command==cmClusterMovedTo)
+ { // OK, a child changed now see if that's the sortType
+ if (event.message.infoPtr==sortType)
+ { // I know how to use &&, but I preffer it ;-)
+ uint32 sType;
+ sortType->getData(&sType);
+ updateState(sType);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void TDiaFO::updateState(unsigned sType)
+ if (parentSortEnabled && sType==fcolAlphabetical)
+ {
+ parentSort->setState(sfDisabled,True);
+ parentSortEnabled=0;
+ }
+ else
+ if (!parentSortEnabled && sType!=fcolAlphabetical)
+ {
+ parentSort->setState(sfDisabled,False);
+ parentSortEnabled=1;
+ }
+int SetFileOpenDialogOptions(void)
+ TDiaFO *d=new TDiaFO();
+ TSViewCol *col=new TSViewCol(d);
+ BoxFO box;
+ //-------------- Transfer options
+ unsigned oldOptions=TFileCollection::sortOptions;
+ box.sortType=TFileCollection::sortOptions & fcolTypeMask;
+ box.caseType=(TFileCollection::sortOptions & fcolCaseInsensitive) >> fcolCaseBit;
+ box.parentSort=(TFileCollection::sortOptions & fcolParentLast) >> fcolParentBit;
+ box.dotFiles=(TFileCollection::sortOptions & fcolDotsLast) >> fcolDotsBit;
+ box.exclude=(TFileCollection::sortOptions & fcolHideMask) >> fcolHideBit;
+ TSLabel *Sort=TSLabelRadio(__("~S~ort type"),__("~A~lphabetical"),
+ __("~D~irectories first"),__("~F~iles first"),0);
+ d->sortType=(TRadioButtons32 *)Sort->linked->view;
+ TSLabel *Case=TSLabelRadio(__("Case style"),__("~C~apital letters go first"),
+ __("Case ~i~nsensitive"),0);
+ TSLabel *Parent=TSLabelRadio(__("Parent directory (..)"),__("First in the ~l~ist"),
+ __("At the ~e~nd of the list"),0);
+ d->parentSort=Parent->linked->view;
+ d->updateState(box.sortType);
+ // Note: MinGW have a really nasty namespace pollution, the grp1 and grp2
+ // names are defined as numeric constants in dlgs.h, which I don't request.
+ // I'm sick of these faults, MinGW is really bad.
+ TSVeGroup *Grp1=MakeVeGroup(1,Sort,Case,Parent,0);
+ Grp1->makeSameW();
+ TSLabel *DotFiles=TSLabelRadio(__("Files starting with a dot"),__("~N~ormally sorted"),
+ __("After the ~r~est"),0);
+ TSLabel *Exclude=TSLabelCheck(__("Exclude files"),__("Ending ~w~ith tilde"),
+ __("Ending with .bk~p~"),__("Startin~g~ with ."),0);
+ TSVeGroup *Grp2=MakeVeGroup(1,DotFiles,Exclude,0);
+ Grp2->makeSameW();
+ col->insert(xTSLeft,yTSUp,Grp1);
+ col->insert(xTSRightOf,yTSUp,Grp2,Grp1);
+ EasyInsertOKCancel(col);
+ col->doIt();
+ delete col;
+ d->options|=ofCentered;
+ d->helpCtx=cmeFileOpenOptions;
+ if (execDialog(d,&box)==cmOK)
+ {
+ //-------------- Transfer options
+ TFileCollection::sortOptions=box.sortType | (box.caseType << fcolCaseBit) |
+ (box.parentSort << fcolParentBit) | (box.dotFiles << fcolDotsBit) |
+ (box.exclude << fcolHideBit);
+ if (oldOptions!=TFileCollection::sortOptions)
+ { // Some things aren't really intuitive so give some comments:
+ if (box.sortType==fcolAlphabetical)
+ {
+ if (box.caseType==fcolCaseSensitive)
+ GiveAdvice(gadvFOShiftCase);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (box.caseType==fcolCaseSensitive)
+ GiveAdvice(gadvFOShFuzzy);
+ else
+ GiveAdvice(gadvFOShiftDirs);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const int cmTestScrv=0x2220,cmInfoScrv=0x2221,cmHelpScrv=0x2222;
+class TDiaScrSaver : public TDialog
+ TDiaScrSaver(void);
+ virtual void handleEvent(TEvent& event);
+ void UpdateCommands(char *s);
+ TCollection *savers;
+ TSortedListBox *list;
+ TView *xtOpt;
+ int commandsOn;
+TDiaScrSaver::TDiaScrSaver(void) :
+ TWindowInit(&TDiaScrSaver::initFrame),
+ TDialog(TRect(1,1,1,1),__("Screen saver"))
+ commandsOn=1;
+void ShowText(char *Text, char *Title)
+ TSViewCol *col=new TSViewCol(new TDialog(TRect(1,1,1,1),Title));
+ char *s=Text;
+ for (; *s; s++)
+ if (*s=='\r')
+ *s=' ';
+ TSStaticText *text=new TSStaticText(Text,72);
+ col->insert(xTSCenter,1,text);
+ col->insert(xTSCenter,yTSUnder,new TSButton(__("O~K~"),cmOK,bfDefault,10),0,text);
+ TDialog *d=col->doIt();
+ delete col;
+ d->options|=ofCentered;
+ execDialog(d,0);
+ delete[] Text;
+void TDiaScrSaver::UpdateCommands(char *s)
+ int type;
+ WichSaverIs(s,type);
+ if (type==scsvInternal)
+ {
+ if (commandsOn)
+ {
+ disableCommand(cmInfoScrv);
+ disableCommand(cmHelpScrv);
+ xtOpt->setState(sfDisabled,True);
+ commandsOn=0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!commandsOn)
+ {
+ enableCommand(cmInfoScrv);
+ enableCommand(cmHelpScrv);
+ xtOpt->setState(sfDisabled,False);
+ commandsOn=1;
+ }
+ }
+void TDiaScrSaver::handleEvent(TEvent& event)
+ char *s,*s2,oldSaverState;
+ TDialog::handleEvent(event);
+ if (event.what==evCommand)
+ {
+ switch (event.message.command)
+ {
+ case cmTestScrv:
+ // Keep current state
+ s=TSetEditorApp::WhichScrSaver;
+ oldSaverState=TSetEditorApp::UseScreenSaver;
+ // Set it for testing
+ TSetEditorApp::UseScreenSaver=1;
+ TSetEditorApp::WhichScrSaver=strdup((char *)(savers->at(list->focused)));
+ s2=strdup(TSetEditorApp::ExtScrSaverOpts);
+ xtOpt->getData(TSetEditorApp::ExtScrSaverOpts);
+ // Try it
+ editorApp->screenSaver();
+ // Restore all
+ strcpy(TSetEditorApp::ExtScrSaverOpts,s2);
+ free(s2);
+ delete TSetEditorApp::WhichScrSaver;
+ TSetEditorApp::WhichScrSaver=s;
+ TSetEditorApp::UseScreenSaver=oldSaverState;
+ break;
+ case cmInfoScrv:
+ s=GetScrSaverInfo((char *)(savers->at(list->focused)));
+ if (s)
+ ShowText(s,__("Information"));
+ break;
+ case cmHelpScrv:
+ s=GetScrSaverHelp((char *)(savers->at(list->focused)));
+ if (s)
+ ShowText(s,__("Help for screen saver"));
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ clearEvent(event);
+ }
+ else
+ if (event.what==evBroadcast && event.message.command==cmListItemFocused)
+ { // The TListBox changed
+ UpdateCommands((char *)(savers->at(list->focused)));
+ clearEvent(event);
+ }
+#pragma pack(1)
+typedef struct
+ uint32 scr_on CLY_Packed;
+ TCollection *savers CLY_Packed;
+ ccIndex scr_sel CLY_Packed;
+ char xtOp[extscrsParMxLen];// CLY_Packed;
+ char time[5];// CLY_Packed;
+ char timeM[5];// CLY_Packed;
+} BoxSavers;
+#pragma pack()
+void SetScreenSaversOptions(void)
+ if (!TScreen::useScreenSaver())
+ {
+ messageBox(__("The screen saver can't be used on this terminal"),mfInformation | mfOKButton);
+ return;
+ }
+ TDiaScrSaver *diaPrefs=new TDiaScrSaver();
+ TSViewCol *col=new TSViewCol(diaPrefs);
+ TSSortedListBox *scrv=new TSSortedListBox(24,5,tsslbVertical);
+ diaPrefs->list=(TSortedListBox *)scrv->view;
+ TSInputLine *extOptIn=new TSInputLine(extscrsParMxLen,24);
+ diaPrefs->xtOpt=extOptIn->view;
+ TSLabel *extOpts=new TSLabel(__("E~x~ternal options"),extOptIn);
+ TSVeGroup *Scrv=new TSVeGroup(
+ MakeVeGroup(0,TSLabelRadio(__("Sc~r~een saver (?)"),__("OF~F~"),__("O~N~"),0),
+ scrv,extOpts,0), // First 3 joined
+ MakeHzGroup(new TSButton(__("T~e~st"),cmTestScrv),
+ new TSButton(__("~I~nfo"),cmInfoScrv),
+ new TSButton(__("~H~elp"),cmHelpScrv),0)); // Buttons separated
+ Scrv->makeSameW();
+ TSHzLabel *timeL=new TSHzLabel(__("~T~ime"),new TSInputLine(5));
+ TSStaticText *seconds=new TSStaticText(__("seconds"));
+ TSHzGroup *Time=new TSHzGroup(timeL,seconds);
+ Scrv=new TSVeGroup(Scrv,Time,0);
+ TSHzGroup *TimeM=new TSHzGroup(new TSHzLabel(__("Ti~m~e"),new TSInputLine(5)),
+ new TSStaticText(__("mouse sec.")));
+ TSVeGroup *ScreenSaver=new TSVeGroup(Scrv,TimeM,0);
+ col->insert(2,1,ScreenSaver);
+ EasyInsertOKCancel(col,4);
+ TDialog *d=col->doIt();
+ delete col;
+ d->options|=ofCentered;
+ d->helpCtx=cmeEdGralOptions;
+ BoxSavers box;
+ memset(&box,0,sizeof(BoxSavers));
+ box.scr_on=TSetEditorApp::UseScreenSaver;
+ char buf[32];
+ sprintf(buf,"%d",TSetEditorApp::screenSaverTime);
+ strncpy(box.time,buf,4);
+ sprintf(buf,"%d",TSetEditorApp::screenSaverTimeMouse);
+ strncpy(box.timeM,buf,4);
+ strcpy(box.xtOp,TSetEditorApp::ExtScrSaverOpts);
+ diaPrefs->savers=box.savers=GetScreenSaverList();
+ ccIndex w;
+ if (TSetEditorApp::WhichScrSaver &&
+ ((TStringCollection *)box.savers)->search(TSetEditorApp::WhichScrSaver,w))
+ box.scr_sel=w;
+ else
+ box.scr_sel=0;
+ diaPrefs->UpdateCommands(TSetEditorApp::WhichScrSaver);
+ if (execDialog(d,&box)==cmOK)
+ {
+ TSetEditorApp::UseScreenSaver=box.scr_on;
+ delete TSetEditorApp::WhichScrSaver;
+ TSetEditorApp::WhichScrSaver=strdup((char *)(box.savers->at(box.scr_sel)));
+ TSetEditorApp::screenSaverTime=atoi(box.time);
+ TSetEditorApp::screenSaverTimeMouse=atoi(box.timeM);
+ strcpy(TSetEditorApp::ExtScrSaverOpts,box.xtOp);
+ }
+#pragma pack(1)
+typedef struct
+ uint32 ops CLY_Packed;
+ uint32 clk_on CLY_Packed;
+ uint32 clk_mode CLY_Packed;
+ char editors[5];// CLY_Packed;
+ char closed[5];// CLY_Packed;
+} BoxGral;
+#pragma pack()
+unsigned SetGeneralEditorOptionsMain(void)
+ TSViewCol *col=new TSViewCol(__("General editor options"));
+ TSLabel *tcb=TSLabelCheck(__("~S~ave/Desktop options"),
+ __("Make ~b~ackups"),
+ #define MAKE_BKPS 1
+ __("~U~NIX-style backups"),
+ #define UNIX_STYLE_BKPS 2
+ __("H~i~dden backups"),
+ #define HIDDEN_BKPS 4
+ __("R~e~member bkps to delete"),
+ #define REMM_BKPS 8
+ __("~D~on't create desktop files"),
+ #define DONT_CREATE_DST 16
+ __("Save desktop files ~h~idden"),
+ #define SAVE_HIDDEN_DST 32
+ __("Tile windows ~v~ertically first"),
+ #define TILE_VERT 64
+ #if defined(TVOS_DOS) || (defined(TVOS_Win32) && defined(TVCompf_Cygwin))
+ __("Save UNIX files ~a~s UNIX"),
+ #else
+ __("Save DOS files ~a~s DOS"),
+ #endif
+ #define SAVE_ASIS 128
+ __("Don't remember cursor ~p~osition"),
+ #define NO_CURSOR_POS 256
+ __("Don't ~w~arn about read-only files"),
+ #define NO_RO_WARNING 512
+ __("Open ~r~ead-only files as R.O. buffers"),
+ #define RO_AS_RO 1024
+ 0);
+ TSHzGroup *Clock=new TSHzGroup(TSLabelRadio(__("~C~lock"),__("OFF"),__("ON"),0),
+ TSLabelRadio(__("St~y~le"),__("AM/PM"),__("24 hs"),0));
+ TSHzLabel *MaxEds=new TSHzLabel(__("~M~ax. editor copies"),new TSInputLine(5));
+ TSHzLabel *MaxClo=new TSHzLabel(__("Max. c~l~osed to remember"),new TSInputLine(5));
+ TSVeGroup *FirstCol=MakeVeGroup(0,tcb,Clock,MaxEds,MaxClo,0);
+ FirstCol->makeSameW();
+ col->insert(xTSLeft,yTSUp,FirstCol);
+ col->insert(xTSCenter,yTSDown,
+ MakeHzGroup(new TSButton(__("O~K~"),cmOK,bfDefault),
+ new TSButton(__("Cancel"),cmCancel),
+ new TSButton(__("+ Desk~t~op"),cmYes),
+ new TSButton(__("+ Others"),cmNo),0));
+ TDialog *d=col->doItCenter(cmeEdGralOptions);
+ delete col;
+ BoxGral box;
+ memset(&box,0,sizeof(BoxGral));
+ //------ Arrange the "Save options" ----------
+ if (TCEditor::editorFlags & efBackupFiles)
+ box.ops|=MAKE_BKPS;
+ if (TCEditor::editorFlags & efSaveEOLasis)
+ box.ops|=SAVE_ASIS;
+ if (TCEditor::editorFlags & efUNIXBkpStyle)
+ box.ops|=UNIX_STYLE_BKPS;
+ if (TCEditor::editorFlags & efHiddenBkps)
+ box.ops|=HIDDEN_BKPS;
+ if (TCEditor::editorFlags & efDoNotWarnRO)
+ box.ops|=NO_RO_WARNING;
+ if (TCEditor::editorFlags & efROasRO)
+ box.ops|=RO_AS_RO;
+ // To avoid filling the disk with .dst files
+ unsigned DesktopFilesOptions=GetDSTOptions();
+ if (!(DesktopFilesOptions & dstCreate))
+ box.ops|=DONT_CREATE_DST;
+ // To be less annoying
+ if (DesktopFilesOptions & dstHide)
+ box.ops|=SAVE_HIDDEN_DST;
+ // If files are specified in the command line open only these files
+ if (DesktopFilesOptions & dstNoCursorPos)
+ box.ops|=NO_CURSOR_POS;
+ // Store the list of backups in the desktop file so an Alt+Q can delete it
+ if (DesktopFilesOptions & dstRemmeberFK)
+ box.ops|=REMM_BKPS;
+ // Better to compare files
+ unsigned dsktOps=TApplication::deskTop->getOptions();
+ if (dsktOps & dsktTileVertical)
+ box.ops|=TILE_VERT;
+ //------ End of the "Save options" ----------
+ box.clk_on=TSetEditorApp::ShowClock;
+ box.clk_mode=TDeskTopClock::mode;
+ char buf[32];
+ sprintf(buf,"%d",TSetEditorApp::maxOpenEditorsSame);
+ strncpy(box.editors,buf,4);
+ sprintf(buf,"%d",TEditorCollection::maxClosedToRemember);
+ strncpy(box.closed,buf,4);
+ unsigned command=execDialog(d,&box.ops);
+ if (command!=cmCancel)
+ {
+ //------ Decode the "Save options" ----------
+ #define O(a,b) if (box.ops & a) TCEditor::editorFlags|=b; else \
+ TCEditor::editorFlags&=~b
+ O(MAKE_BKPS, efBackupFiles);
+ O(HIDDEN_BKPS, efHiddenBkps);
+ O(NO_RO_WARNING, efDoNotWarnRO);
+ O(RO_AS_RO, efROasRO);
+ #undef O
+ // Filter options of this dialog
+ DesktopFilesOptions&=dstEdMask | dstOwMask | dstCfMask;
+ if (!(box.ops & DONT_CREATE_DST))
+ DesktopFilesOptions|=dstCreate;
+ if (box.ops & SAVE_HIDDEN_DST)
+ DesktopFilesOptions|=dstHide;
+ if (box.ops & NO_CURSOR_POS)
+ DesktopFilesOptions|=dstNoCursorPos;
+ if (box.ops & REMM_BKPS)
+ DesktopFilesOptions|=dstRemmeberFK;
+ if (box.ops & TILE_VERT)
+ TApplication::deskTop->setOptions(dsktOps | dsktTileVertical);
+ else
+ TApplication::deskTop->setOptions(dsktOps & (~dsktTileVertical));
+ EnvirSetIntVar("SET_CREATE_DST",DesktopFilesOptions);
+ if (box.ops & SAVE_ASIS)
+ TCEditor::editorFlags|=efSaveEOLasis;
+ else
+ TCEditor::editorFlags&=~efSaveEOLasis;
+ //------ End of the "Save options" ----------
+ TSetEditorApp::ShowClock=box.clk_on;
+ TDeskTopClock::mode=box.clk_mode;
+ TSetEditorApp::maxOpenEditorsSame=atoi(box.editors);
+ TEditorCollection::maxClosedToRemember=atoi(box.closed);
+ if (TEditorCollection::maxClosedToRemember<0)
+ TEditorCollection::maxClosedToRemember=0;
+ if (TEditorCollection::maxClosedToRemember>200)
+ TEditorCollection::maxClosedToRemember=200;
+ /* Avoid dangerous values */
+ if (TSetEditorApp::maxOpenEditorsSame<1)
+ TSetEditorApp::maxOpenEditorsSame=1;
+ }
+ return command;
+#pragma pack(1)
+typedef struct
+ uint32 editors CLY_Packed;
+ uint32 otherWindows CLY_Packed;
+ uint32 closed CLY_Packed;
+} BoxMoreDst;
+#pragma pack()
+uint32 DecodeMask(unsigned val, unsigned op1, unsigned op2, unsigned mask)
+ val&=mask;
+ if (!val) return 0;
+ if (val==op1) return 1;
+ if (val==op2) return 2;
+ return 3;
+unsigned EncodeMask(uint32 val, unsigned op1, unsigned op2)
+ if (val==1) return op1;
+ if (val==2) return op2;
+ return 0;
+unsigned SetGeneralEditorOptionsMoreDst(void)
+ TSViewCol *col=new TSViewCol(__("More desktop options"));
+ TSLabel *editors=TSLabelRadio(__("Remember editor windows"),
+ __("~A~lways"),__("~O~nly if no file specified"),__("~N~ever"),0);
+ TSLabel *others=TSLabelRadio(__("Remember other windows"),
+ __("Al~w~ays"),__("On~l~y if no file specified"),__("Neve~r~"),0);
+ TSLabel *closed=TSLabelRadio(__("Remember ~c~losed windows"),
+ __("Alway~s~"),__("Onl~y~ if no file specified"),__("Ne~v~er"),0);
+ col->insert(xTSLeft,yTSUp,MakeVeGroup(0,editors,others,closed,0));
+ col->insert(xTSCenter,yTSDown,
+ MakeHzGroup(new TSButton(__("O~K~"),cmOK,bfDefault),
+ new TSButton(__("Cancel"),cmCancel),
+ new TSButton(__("~M~ain options"),cmYes),0));
+ TDialog *d=col->doItCenter(cmeEdGralOptions);
+ delete col;
+ BoxMoreDst box;
+ unsigned DstOption=GetDSTOptions();
+ box.editors=DecodeMask(DstOption,dstEdOnlyIfNoCL,dstEdNever,dstEdMask);
+ box.otherWindows=DecodeMask(DstOption,dstOwOnlyIfNoCL,dstOwNever,dstOwMask);
+ box.closed=DecodeMask(DstOption,dstCfOnlyIfNoCL,dstCfNever,dstCfMask);
+ unsigned command=execDialog(d,&box);
+ if (command!=cmCancel)
+ {
+ // Filter options of this dialog
+ DstOption&=~(dstEdMask | dstOwMask | dstCfMask);
+ DstOption|=EncodeMask(box.editors,dstEdOnlyIfNoCL,dstEdNever);
+ DstOption|=EncodeMask(box.otherWindows,dstOwOnlyIfNoCL,dstOwNever);
+ DstOption|=EncodeMask(box.closed,dstCfOnlyIfNoCL,dstCfNever);
+ EnvirSetIntVar("SET_CREATE_DST",DstOption);
+ }
+ return command;
+#pragma pack(1)
+typedef struct
+ uint32 end CLY_Packed;
+ uint32 beep CLY_Packed;
+ uint32 opts CLY_Packed;
+ uint32 opsAv CLY_Packed;
+ char width[5];// CLY_Packed;
+ uint32 opsZoom CLY_Packed;
+} BoxOthers;
+#pragma pack()
+unsigned SetGeneralEditorOptionsOthers(void)
+ TSViewCol *col=new TSViewCol(__("Other options"));
+ TSVeGroup *MsgWin=MakeVeGroup(0,
+ TSLabelRadio(__("At the end of error list in message window"),
+ __("~J~ust stop"),
+ __("~I~ndicate with a message"),
+ __("Wrap (~c~ircular list)"),0),
+ new TSCheckBoxes(new TSItem(__("Make a beep"),0)),
+ TSLabelCheck(__("When creating message and similar windows"),
+ __("Use the ~v~ertical direction"),
+ __("Use the ~r~ight side"),0),
+ TSLabelRadio(__("When opening files"),
+ __("~U~se reserved width or 7 (hz dir)"),
+ __("~A~void message and project windows"),0),
+ new TSHzLabel(__("Reserved ~w~idth"),new TSInputLine(5)),
+ TSLabelRadio(__("Zoom windows when"),
+ __("No ~p~roject window"),
+ __("No prj. wi~n~dow or it's zoomed"),
+ __("A~l~ways"),0),
+ 0);
+ MsgWin->makeSameW();
+ col->insert(xTSLeft,yTSUp,MsgWin);
+ col->insert(xTSCenter,yTSDown,
+ MakeHzGroup(new TSButton(__("O~K~"),cmOK,bfDefault),
+ new TSButton(__("Cancel"),cmCancel),
+ new TSButton(__("~M~ain options"),cmYes),0));
+ TDialog *d=col->doItCenter(cmeEdGralOptions);
+ delete col;
+ BoxOthers box;
+ box.end=TSOSListBoxMsg::opsEnd;
+ box.beep=TSOSListBoxMsg::opsBeep;
+ box.opts=TSetEditorApp::geFlags & geMask1;
+ box.opsAv=TSetEditorApp::geFlags & geAvoidPrjAndMsg ? 1 : 0;
+ char buf[32];
+ sprintf(buf,"%d",TSetEditorApp::widthVertWindows);
+ strncpy(box.width,buf,4);
+ box.opsZoom=(TSetEditorApp::geFlags & geMask2)>>geShift2;
+ unsigned command=execDialog(d,&box);
+ if (command!=cmCancel)
+ {
+ TSOSListBoxMsg::opsEnd=box.end;
+ TSOSListBoxMsg::opsBeep=box.beep;
+ TSetEditorApp::geFlags=box.opts;
+ if (box.opsAv)
+ TSetEditorApp::geFlags|=geAvoidPrjAndMsg;
+ if (box.opsZoom)
+ TSetEditorApp::geFlags|=(box.opsZoom<<geShift2) & geMask2;
+ TSetEditorApp::widthVertWindows=atoi(box.width);
+ if (TSetEditorApp::widthVertWindows<6)
+ TSetEditorApp::widthVertWindows=6;
+ int mWidth=TDisplay::getCols()-12;
+ if (TSetEditorApp::widthVertWindows>mWidth)
+ TSetEditorApp::widthVertWindows=mWidth;
+ }
+ return command;
+void SetGeneralEditorOptions(void)
+ int dialog=0;
+ unsigned command=0;
+ do
+ {
+ switch (dialog)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ command=SetGeneralEditorOptionsMain();
+ if (command==cmYes)
+ dialog=1;
+ else if (command==cmNo)
+ dialog=2;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ command=SetGeneralEditorOptionsMoreDst();
+ if (command==cmYes)
+ dialog=0;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ command=SetGeneralEditorOptionsOthers();
+ if (command==cmYes)
+ dialog=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (command==cmYes || command==cmNo);
+/************************** Code page convert dialogs **************************/
+static int fromCP=-1, toCP=-1;
+static uint32 CPNoLow=0;
+const uchar Version=1;
+void SaveConvCPOptions(fpstream& s)
+ s << Version << fromCP << toCP << (ushort)CPNoLow;
+void LoadConvCPOptions(fpstream& s)
+ uchar version;
+ ushort aux;
+ s >> version >> fromCP >> toCP >> aux;
+ CPNoLow=aux;
+#pragma pack(1)
+typedef struct
+ TCollection *lFrom CLY_Packed;
+ ccIndex sFrom CLY_Packed;
+ TCollection *lTo CLY_Packed;
+ ccIndex sTo CLY_Packed;
+ uint32 ops CLY_Packed;
+} FromToBox;
+#pragma pack()
+int TSetEditorApp::ChooseConvCPs(int &From, int &To, uint32 &ops)
+ // Look for some default
+ int idDefScr, idDefApp, idDefInp;
+ TVCodePage::GetDefaultCodePages(idDefScr,idDefApp,idDefInp);
+ if (so && so->enForceApp)
+ idDefApp=so->enApp;
+ if (so && so->enForceScr)
+ idDefScr=so->enScr;
+ FromToBox box;
+ box.lFrom=box.lTo=TVCodePage::GetList();
+ box.sFrom=TVCodePage::IDToIndex(fromCP<0 ? idDefApp : fromCP);
+ box.sTo =TVCodePage::IDToIndex(toCP<0 ? idDefScr : toCP);
+ box.ops =CPNoLow;
+ TSHzGroup *cps=new TSHzGroup(
+ new TSLabel(__("~F~rom code page"),
+ new TSSortedListBox(wForced,6,tsslbVertical)),
+ new TSLabel(__("~T~o code page"),
+ new TSSortedListBox(wForced,6,tsslbVertical)));
+ TSVeGroup *all=new TSVeGroup(cps,
+ new TSCheckBoxes(
+ new TSItem(__("~D~on't remap codes below 32"),
+ new TSItem(__("~O~nly selected text"),0))));
+ all->makeSameW();
+ TSViewCol *col=new TSViewCol(__("Code page remap"));
+ col->insert(2,1,all);
+ EasyInsertOKCancel(col);
+ TDialog *d=col->doIt();
+ delete col;
+ d->options|=ofCentered;
+ d->helpCtx=cmeRemapCodePage;
+ int ret=execDialog(d,&box)==cmOK;
+ fromCP=From=TVCodePage::IndexToID(box.sFrom);
+ toCP=To=TVCodePage::IndexToID(box.sTo);
+ ops=CPNoLow=box.ops;
+ return ret;
+char *TSetEditorApp::CreateTitle(const char *title)
+ const char *t=TVIntl::getTextNew(title);
+ const char *d=TScreen::getDriverShortName();
+ char *res=new char[strlen(t)+3+strlen(d)+1];
+ strcpy(res,t);
+ strcat(res," - ");
+ strcat(res,d);
+ DeleteArray(t);
+ return res;
+stScreenOptions *TSetEditorApp::so=NULL;
+/************************** Code pages dialogs **************************/
+#pragma pack(1)
+typedef struct
+ uint32 appForce CLY_Packed;
+ TCollection *appList CLY_Packed;
+ ccIndex appCP CLY_Packed;
+ uint32 inpForce CLY_Packed;
+ TCollection *inpList CLY_Packed;
+ ccIndex inpCP CLY_Packed;
+ uint32 scrForce CLY_Packed;
+ TCollection *scrList CLY_Packed;
+ ccIndex scrCP CLY_Packed;
+ uint32 sndForce CLY_Packed;
+ TCollection *sndList CLY_Packed;
+ ccIndex sndCP CLY_Packed;
+} EncodingBox;
+#pragma pack()
+// New code pages dialogs
+void TSetEditorApp::EncodingOptions()
+ if (!so) return; // Sanity check
+ // Compute the height of the list boxes to use most of the desktop
+ TRect dkt=TProgram::deskTop->getExtent();
+ int height=dkt.b.y-dkt.a.y-10;
+ if (TScreen::codePageVariable())
+ height=(height-2)/2;
+ TSVeGroup *appEncode=NULL,*scrEncode=NULL,*sndEncode=NULL,*inpEncode=NULL;
+ appEncode=new TSVeGroup(
+ TSLabelCheck(__("~A~pplication"),__("Force encoding"),0),
+ new TSSortedListBox(wForced,height,tsslbVertical),
+ 0);
+ appEncode->makeSameW();
+ inpEncode=new TSVeGroup(
+ TSLabelCheck(__("~I~nput"),__("Force encoding"),0),
+ new TSSortedListBox(wForced,height,tsslbVertical),
+ 0);
+ inpEncode->makeSameW();
+ TSView *upperCPs=MakeHzGroup(appEncode,inpEncode,0);
+ TSView *lowerCPs=NULL;
+ if (TScreen::codePageVariable())
+ {// Only if the code page is variable
+ scrEncode=new TSVeGroup(
+ TSLabelCheck(__("~S~creen"),__("Force encoding"),0),
+ new TSSortedListBox(wForced,height,tsslbVertical),
+ 0);
+ scrEncode->makeSameW();
+ if (TScreen::canSetSBFont())
+ {// Only if the secondary font exists
+ sndEncode=new TSVeGroup(
+ TSLabelCheck(__("Second ~f~ont"),__("Force encoding"),0),
+ new TSSortedListBox(wForced,height,tsslbVertical),
+ 0);
+ sndEncode->makeSameW();
+ lowerCPs=MakeHzGroup(scrEncode,sndEncode,0);
+ }
+ else
+ lowerCPs=scrEncode;
+ }
+ char *title=CreateTitle(__("Encodings"));
+ TSViewCol *col=new TSViewCol(title);
+ DeleteArray(title);
+ col->insert(xTSLeft,yTSUp,upperCPs);
+ if (lowerCPs)
+ col->insert(xTSCenter,yTSUnder,lowerCPs,0,upperCPs);
+ col->insert(xTSCenter,yTSDown,
+ MakeHzGroup(new TSButton(__("O~K~"),cmOK,bfDefault),
+ new TSButton(__("Cancel"),cmCancel),
+ new TSButton(__("Set ~D~efaults"),cmYes),0));
+ TDialog *d=col->doIt();
+ delete col;
+ d->options|=ofCentered;
+ d->helpCtx=cmeEncodings;
+ EncodingBox box;
+ // Current TV settings
+ int idDefScr, idDefApp, idDefInp;
+ TVCodePage::GetDefaultCodePages(idDefScr,idDefApp,idDefInp);
+ //fprintf(stderr,"SO: App %d Inp %d Scr %d\n",so->enApp,so->enInp,so->enScr);
+ //fprintf(stderr,"DrvDef: App %d Inp %d Scr %d\n",idDefApp,idDefInp,idDefScr);
+ // Currently selected values
+ // Note: Here if the user isn't forcing the code page what we show is what the
+ // driver is currently using. The other option is to show what was selected last
+ // time it was forced but in this way:
+ // 1) The user doesn't know what's using currently, maybe s/he doesn't really want
+ // to force it.
+ // 2) The first code to handle v0.5.0 left it in 0 which is invalid.
+ int appCP, scrCP, sndCP, inpCP;
+ appCP=TVCodePage::IDToIndex(so->enForceApp && so->enApp!=-1 ? so->enApp : idDefApp);
+ inpCP=TVCodePage::IDToIndex(so->enForceInp && so->enInp!=-1 ? so->enInp : idDefInp);
+ scrCP=TVCodePage::IDToIndex(so->enForceScr && so->enScr!=-1 ? so->enScr : idDefScr);
+ sndCP=so->enSnd!=-1 ? TVCodePage::IDToIndex(so->enSnd) : scrCP;
+ // Data box
+ box.appForce=so->enForceApp;
+ box.inpForce=so->enForceInp;
+ box.scrForce=so->enForceScr;
+ box.sndForce=so->enForceSnd;
+ box.appCP=appCP;
+ box.inpCP=inpCP;
+ box.scrCP=scrCP;
+ box.sndCP=sndCP;
+ box.appList=box.inpList=box.scrList=box.sndList=TVCodePage::GetList();
+ unsigned ret=execDialog(d,&box);
+ if (ret==cmYes)
+ {// Set defaults
+ int priChanged=so->enForceScr || (so->enForceScr && idDefScr!=scrCP);
+ int sndChanged=so->enForceSnd || (so->enForceSnd && idDefScr!=sndCP);
+ so->enForceApp=so->enForceInp=so->enForceScr=so->enForceSnd=0;
+ so->enApp=idDefApp;
+ so->enInp=idDefInp;
+ so->enScr=so->enSnd=idDefScr;
+ TVCodePage::SetCodePage(so->enApp,so->enScr,so->enInp);
+ SetEditorFontsEncoding(priChanged,idDefScr,sndChanged,idDefScr);
+ // This is a full redraw, not just a refresh from the buffers
+ TProgram::application->Redraw();
+ }
+ else if (ret==cmOK)
+ {
+ int appChanged=box.appForce!=(uint32)so->enForceApp || (so->enForceApp && box.appCP!=appCP);
+ int inpChanged=box.inpForce!=(uint32)so->enForceInp || (so->enForceInp && box.inpCP!=inpCP);
+ int priChanged=box.scrForce!=(uint32)so->enForceScr || (so->enForceScr && box.scrCP!=scrCP);
+ int sndChanged=box.sndForce!=(uint32)so->enForceSnd || (so->enForceSnd && box.sndCP!=sndCP);
+ if (appChanged || inpChanged || priChanged || sndChanged)
+ {// At least one changed
+ so->enForceApp=box.appForce;
+ so->enForceInp=box.inpForce;
+ so->enForceScr=box.scrForce;
+ so->enForceSnd=box.sndForce;
+ // Transfer the settings or just revert to defaults
+ so->enApp=so->enForceApp ? TVCodePage::IndexToID(box.appCP) : idDefApp;
+ so->enInp=so->enForceInp ? TVCodePage::IndexToID(box.inpCP) : idDefInp;
+ so->enScr=so->enForceScr ? TVCodePage::IndexToID(box.scrCP) : idDefScr;
+ so->enSnd=so->enForceSnd ? TVCodePage::IndexToID(box.sndCP) : so->enScr;
+ TVCodePage::SetCodePage(so->enApp,so->enScr,so->enInp);
+ SetEditorFontsEncoding(priChanged,so->enForceScr ? so->enScr : idDefScr,
+ sndChanged,so->enForceSnd ? so->enSnd : idDefScr);
+ // This is a full redraw, not just a refresh from the buffers
+ TProgram::application->Redraw();
+ }
+ }
+/***************************** Fonts dialogs ****************************/
+#pragma pack(1)
+typedef struct
+ uint32 priUse CLY_Packed;
+ TCollection *priList CLY_Packed;
+ ccIndex priFont CLY_Packed;
+ TCollection *priSizes CLY_Packed;
+ ccIndex priSize CLY_Packed;
+ uint32 secUse CLY_Packed;
+ TCollection *secList CLY_Packed;
+ ccIndex secFont CLY_Packed;
+} FontsBox;
+#pragma pack()
+// An easydiag wrapper for TVBitmapFontDescLBox
+// An easydiag wrapper for TVBitmapFontSizeLBox
+// A TDialog class to connect the primary font with the available sizes
+class TDiaFont : public TDialog
+ TDiaFont(const char *aTitle);
+ virtual void handleEvent(TEvent& event);
+ TVBitmapFontDescLBox *pri;
+ TSortedListBox *sizes;
+ TVBitmapFontDescCol *fonts;
+ int selected;
+TDiaFont::TDiaFont(const char *aTitle) :
+ TWindowInit(&TDiaFont::initFrame),
+ TDialog(TRect(1,1,1,1),aTitle)
+ options|=ofCentered;
+ helpCtx=cmeFonts;
+void TDiaFont::handleEvent(TEvent& event)
+ TDialog::handleEvent(event);
+ if (event.what==evBroadcast)
+ {
+ if (event.message.command==cmListItemFocused &&
+ event.message.infoPtr==pri &&
+ pri->focused!=selected)
+ {
+ selected=pri->focused;
+ TVBitmapFontDesc *p=(TVBitmapFontDesc *)fonts->at(selected);
+ // Check if the sizes box is already initialized.
+ if (!sizes->list())
+ return;
+ TListBoxRec box;
+ if (!p->sizes->search((void *)sizes->list()->at(sizes->focused),box.selection))
+ {
+ unsigned w,h;
+ if (TScreen::getFontGeometry(w,h))
+ {
+ TVBitmapFontSize sz={w,h};
+ if (!p->sizes->search((void *)&sz,box.selection))
+ box.selection=0;
+ }
+ else
+ box.selection=0;
+ }
+ box.items=p->sizes;
+ sizes->setData(&box,False);
+ }
+ }
+void TSetEditorApp::FontsOptions()
+ if (!so) return; // Sanity check
+ if (!TScreen::canSetBFont())
+ {
+ messageBox(__("This terminal doesn't support changing fonts"),mfInformation | mfOKButton);
+ return;
+ }
+ unsigned wmin,wmax,hmin,hmax;
+ if (!TScreen::getFontGeometry(wmin,hmin))
+ {
+ messageBox(__("Can't determine fonts geometry"),mfError | mfOKButton);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!TScreen::getFontGeometryRange(wmin,hmin,wmax,hmax))
+ {
+ wmax=wmin;
+ hmax=hmin;
+ }
+ TVBitmapFontDescCol *fonts=
+ TVFontCollection::CreateListOfFonts(GetVariable("SET_FILES"),wmin,wmax,
+ hmin,hmax);
+ if (!fonts)
+ {
+ messageBox(__("No fonts available for current video mode"),mfInformation | mfOKButton);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Ok, we have fonts and we can use them
+ // Fill the data box
+ FontsBox box;
+ box.priUse=so->foPriLoad;
+ box.secUse=so->foSecLoad;
+ box.priList=box.secList=fonts;
+ // That's a gcc 3.4 requirement:
+ ccIndex aux;
+ if (!so->foPriName || !fonts->search(so->foPriName,aux))
+ aux=0;
+ box.priFont=aux;
+ if (!so->foSecName || !fonts->search(so->foSecName,aux))
+ aux=0;
+ box.secFont=aux;
+ TVBitmapFontDesc *pri=(TVBitmapFontDesc *)fonts->at(box.priFont),*sec;
+ box.priSizes=pri->sizes;
+ int filled=0;
+ TVBitmapFontSize sizeSt;
+ sizeSt.w=so->foPriW; sizeSt.h=so->foPriH;
+ if (!so->foPriName || !pri->sizes->search(&sizeSt,aux))
+ {
+ unsigned w,h;
+ if (TScreen::getFontGeometry(w,h))
+ {
+ sizeSt.w=w; sizeSt.h=h;
+ if (pri->sizes->search(&sizeSt,aux))
+ filled=1;
+ }
+ if (!filled)
+ aux=0;
+ }
+ box.priSize=aux;
+ // Create the dialog
+ TRect dkt=TProgram::deskTop->getExtent();
+ int height=dkt.b.y-dkt.a.y-10;
+ int retry;
+ do
+ {
+ // Primary font label, check box and list
+ TSLabel *priLBl=TSLabelCheck(__("~P~rimary"),__("~L~oad font"),0);
+ TSVBitmapFontDescLBox *priLB=new TSVBitmapFontDescLBox(wForced,height-1,tsslbVertical);
+ TSVeGroup *priOps=new TSVeGroup(priLBl,priLB,0);
+ priOps->makeSameW();
+ // Size
+ TSVBitmapFontSizeLBox *priSz=new TSVBitmapFontSizeLBox(12,height,tsslbVertical);
+ TSLabel *priSzl=new TSLabel(__("S~i~ze"),priSz);
+ // Secondary font options, only if available
+ TSVeGroup *secOps=NULL;
+ if (TScreen::canSetSBFont())
+ {
+ secOps=new TSVeGroup(TSLabelCheck(__("~S~econdary"),__("Lo~a~d font"),0),
+ new TSVBitmapFontDescLBox(wForced,height-1,tsslbVertical),0);
+ secOps->makeSameW();
+ }
+ retry=0;
+ char *title=CreateTitle(__("Fonts"));
+ TDiaFont *d=new TDiaFont(title);
+ DeleteArray(title);
+ // Setup the members used to do the connection
+ d->pri=(TVBitmapFontDescLBox *)priLB->view;
+ d->sizes=(TSortedListBox *)priSz->view;
+ d->selected=box.priSize;
+ d->fonts=fonts;
+ // Now create the EasyDiag collection
+ TSViewCol *col=new TSViewCol(d);
+ col->insert(xTSLeft,yTSUp,MakeHzGroup(priOps,priSzl,secOps,0));
+ EasyInsertOKCancel(col);
+ col->doIt();
+ delete col;
+ if (execDialog(d,&box)==cmOK)
+ {
+ pri=(TVBitmapFontDesc *)fonts->at(box.priFont);
+ sec=(TVBitmapFontDesc *)fonts->at(box.secFont);
+ TVBitmapFontSize *fontSize=(TVBitmapFontSize *)pri->sizes->at(box.priSize);
+ // We know the requested size for the primary font will work, but we don't
+ // know if the secondary font supports it.
+ if (box.secUse)
+ {
+ TVBitmapFontSize *s;
+ if (box.priUse)
+ s=fontSize;
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned w=8,h=16;
+ TScreen::getFontGeometry(w,h);
+ sizeSt.w=w; sizeSt.h=h;
+ s=&sizeSt;
+ }
+ ccIndex pos;
+ if (!sec->sizes->search((void *)s,pos))
+ {
+ retry=1;
+ messageBox(mfError | mfOKButton,__("The selected secondary font doesn't support the primary size (%dx%d)"),s->w,s->h);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!retry)
+ SetEditorFonts(box.priUse,newStr(pri->name),newStr(pri->file),fontSize,
+ box.secUse,newStr(sec->name),newStr(sec->file));
+ }
+ }
+ while (retry);
+/***************************** Screen dialogs ****************************/
+#pragma pack(1)
+typedef struct
+ uint32 options CLY_Packed;
+ char sizeW[5];// CLY_Packed;
+ char sizeH[5];// CLY_Packed;
+ char sizeCW[5];// CLY_Packed;
+ char sizeCH[5];// CLY_Packed;
+ char command[80];// CLY_Packed;
+ char mode[10];// CLY_Packed;
+} ScreenSizeBox;
+#pragma pack()
+void ToStr(int val, char *dest)
+ char buf[32];
+ sprintf(buf,"%d",val);
+ strncpy(dest,buf,4);
+void TSetEditorApp::ScreenOptions()
+ if (!so) return; // Sanity check
+ if (!TScreen::canSetVideoSize())
+ {
+ messageBox(__("This terminal has a fixed size"),mfInformation | mfOKButton);
+ return;
+ }
+ ScreenSizeBox box;
+ box.options=so->scOptions;
+ ToStr(so->scWidth,box.sizeW);
+ ToStr(so->scHeight,box.sizeH);
+ ToStr(so->scCharWidth,box.sizeCW);
+ ToStr(so->scCharHeight,box.sizeCH);
+ sprintf(box.mode,"0x%03X",so->scModeNumber);
+ if (so->scCommand)
+ strcpy(box.command,so->scCommand);
+ else
+ box.command[0]=0;
+ int retry;
+ do
+ {
+ retry=0;
+ TSLabel *options=TSLabelRadio(__("Screen size options"),
+ __("~D~on't force"),
+ __("~S~ame as last run"),
+ __("~E~xternal program"),
+ __("~C~losest to specified size"),
+ __("Specified ~m~ode number"),0);
+ TSHzGroup *sizes=MakeHzGroup(
+ new TSVeGroup(new TSHzLabel(__("~W~idth "),new TSInputLine(5)),
+ new TSHzLabel(__("~H~eight"),new TSInputLine(5)),0),
+ new TSVeGroup(new TSHzLabel(__("Chars w~i~dth "),new TSInputLine(5)),
+ new TSHzLabel(__("Chars hei~g~ht"),new TSInputLine(5)),0),
+ 0);
+ TSLabel *external=new TSLabel(__("E~x~ternal program"),
+ new TSInputLine(80,36));
+ TSHzLabel *mode=new TSHzLabel(__("Mode ~n~umber"),new TSInputLine(10));
+ TSVeGroup *all=MakeVeGroup(options,sizes,external,mode,0);
+ all->makeSameW();
+ char *title=CreateTitle(__("Screen size"));
+ TSViewCol *col=new TSViewCol(title);
+ DeleteArray(title);
+ col->insert(xTSLeft,yTSUp,all);
+ EasyInsertOKCancel(col);
+ TDialog *d=col->doIt();
+ delete col;
+ d->options|=ofCentered;
+ d->helpCtx=cmeSetScreenOps;
+ if (execDialog(d,&box)==cmOK)
+ {
+ unsigned nW,nH,nCH,nCW;
+ nW=atoi(box.sizeW);
+ nH=atoi(box.sizeH);
+ nCW=atoi(box.sizeCW);
+ nCH=atoi(box.sizeCH);
+ if (nW<80 || nW>250 || nH<25 || nH>250)
+ {
+ messageBox(__("Please specify a screen size of at least 80x25 and no more than 250x250"),mfError | mfOKButton);
+ retry=1;
+ }
+ else if (nCW<5 || nCW>32 || nCH<7 || nCW>32)
+ {
+ messageBox(__("Please specify a character size of at least 5x7 and no more than 32x32"),mfError | mfOKButton);
+ retry=1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char *end;
+ so->scOptions=box.options;
+ so->scWidth=atoi(box.sizeW);
+ so->scHeight=atoi(box.sizeH);
+ so->scCharWidth=atoi(box.sizeCW);
+ so->scCharHeight=atoi(box.sizeCH);
+ so->scModeNumber=strtol(box.mode,&end,0);
+ DeleteArray(so->scCommand);
+ so->scCommand=newStr(box.command);
+ resetVideoMode();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while (retry);
+void TSetEditorApp::SetModifCheckOptions()
+ TSViewCol *col=new TSViewCol(__("Checking for modified files"));
+ col->insert(xTSCenter,yTSUpSep,
+ MakeVeGroup(tsveMakeSameW,
+ new TSStaticText(__("When a file on disk is newer than a file in edition:\n")),
+ new TSHzLabel(__("Seconds between checks"),new TSInputLine(5)),
+ TSLabelCheck(__("Related options"),
+ __("~D~on't check after executing an external program"),
+ __("Don't check while ~i~dle"),0),
+ 0));
+ EasyInsertOKCancel(col);
+ TDialog *d=col->doItCenter(cmeSetModiCkOps);
+ delete col;
+ struct
+ {
+ char time[5];// CLY_Packed;
+ uint32 ops CLY_Packed;
+ } box;
+ CLY_snprintf(box.time,5,"%d",TCEditor::minDifModCheck);
+ box.ops=modifFilesOps;
+ if (execDialog(d,&box)==cmOK)
+ {
+ TCEditor::minDifModCheck=atoi(box.time);
+ modifFilesOps=box.ops;
+ }