path: root/tvision/classes/win32/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tvision/classes/win32/')
1 files changed, 564 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tvision/classes/win32/ b/tvision/classes/win32/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1655d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvision/classes/win32/
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2002 by Salvador E. Tropea (SET)
+ Based on code contributed by Vadim Beloborodov.
+ Description:
+ Win32 Screen routines.
+ The original implementation was done by Vadim, I removed some code, added
+some routines and adapted it to the new architecture.
+ One important detail is that Vadim implemented it with threads. The
+thread that monitors the window size is different, that's why a lock is
+ ToDo: Set UseScreenSaver when we are in full screen.
+ Configuration variables:
+ ScreenWidth
+ ScreenHeight
+ AppCP
+ ScrCP
+ InpCP
+ Notes:
+1) I changed all the code related to the save/restore state using a new
+screen buffer. I comment more in the "WinNT" driver. One really strange
+thing is that this driver behaves better with the cursor. Don't know why.
+I also added the resize window stuff.
+#include <tv/configtv.h>
+#define Uses_string
+#define Uses_stdlib
+#define Uses_unistd
+#define Uses_TScreen
+#define Uses_TEvent
+#define Uses_TGKey
+#define Uses_TVCodePage
+#include <tv.h>
+#include <tv/win32/win32clip.h>
+// I delay the check to generate as much dependencies as possible
+#ifdef TVOS_Win32
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <tv/win32/screen.h>
+#include <tv/win32/mouse.h>
+#include <tv/win32/key.h>
+//#define DEBUG
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ #define DBPr1(a) fputs(a,stderr)
+ #define DBPr2(a,b) fprintf(stderr,a,b)
+ #define DBPr3(a,b,c) fprintf(stderr,a,b,c)
+ #define DBPr1(a)
+ #define DBPr2(a,b)
+ #define DBPr3(a,b,c)
+int TScreenWin32::ExitEventThread=0;
+HANDLE TScreenWin32::EventThreadHandle=NULL;
+DWORD TScreenWin32::oldConsoleMode,
+ TScreenWin32::newConsoleMode;
+unsigned TScreenWin32::xCurStart,
+ TScreenWin32::yCurStart;
+unsigned TScreenWin32::saveScreenWidth,
+ TScreenWin32::saveScreenHeight;
+ if (!InitConsole()) return;
+ flags0=CodePageVar | CursorShapes | CanSetVideoSize;
+ startupMode=getCrtMode();
+ startupCursor=getCursorType();
+ saveScreenWidth =GetCols();
+ saveScreenHeight=GetRows();
+ unsigned maxX=saveScreenWidth, maxY=saveScreenHeight;
+ long aux;
+ if (optSearch("ScreenWidth",aux))
+ maxX=aux;
+ if (optSearch("ScreenHeight",aux))
+ maxY=aux;
+ if (maxX!=saveScreenWidth || maxY!=saveScreenHeight)
+ {
+ setCrtModeRes(maxX,maxY);
+ // Update cached values
+ GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hOut,&ConsoleInfo);
+ }
+ cursorLines=getCursorType();
+ screenWidth =GetCols();
+ screenHeight=GetRows();
+ screenBuffer=new ushort[screenHeight*screenWidth];
+ ZeroMemory(screenBuffer,screenHeight*screenWidth*sizeof(ushort));
+ GetCursorPos(xCurStart,yCurStart);
+ suspended=0;
+ setCrtData();
+int TScreenWin32::InitConsole()
+ DWORD flags;
+ // Check if we are running in a console
+ if (!GetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE),&flags))
+ return 0;
+ // Get handles to access Standard Input and Output
+ hIn =GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
+ hStdOut=GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
+ // Create a new buffer, it have their own content and cursor
+ hOut=CreateConsoleScreenBuffer(GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
+ return 0; // Something went wrong
+ // Make the new one the active
+ if (!SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(hOut))
+ return 0;
+ // If we are here this driver will be used
+ initialized=1;
+ if (dCB) dCB();
+ // Enable mouse input
+ GetConsoleMode(hIn,&oldConsoleMode);
+ SetConsoleMode(hIn,newConsoleMode);
+ SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ConsoleEventHandler,TRUE);
+ GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hOut,&ConsoleInfo);
+ InitializeCriticalSection(&lockWindowSizeChanged);
+ TDisplayWin32::Init();
+ TScreen::clearScreen=clearScreen;
+ TScreen::setCharacter=setCharacter;
+ TScreen::setCharacters=setCharacters;
+ TScreen::System_p=System;
+ TScreen::Resume=Resume;
+ TScreen::Suspend=Suspend;
+ TScreen::setCrtModeRes_p=SetCrtModeRes;
+ TScreen::setVideoModeRes_p=SetVideoModeRes;
+ TScreen::setVideoMode=SetVideoMode;
+ TScreen::setVideoModeExt=SetVideoModeExt;
+ TVWin32Clipboard::Init();
+ TGKeyWin32::Init();
+ THWMouseWin32::Init();
+ DWORD EventThreadID;
+ EventThreadHandle=CreateThread(NULL,0,HandleEvents,NULL,0,&EventThreadID);
+ UINT outCP=GetConsoleOutputCP();
+ UINT inCP=GetConsoleCP();
+ // Look for user settings
+ optSearch("AppCP",forcedAppCP);
+ optSearch("ScrCP",forcedScrCP);
+ optSearch("InpCP",forcedInpCP);
+ // User settings have more priority than detected settings
+ codePage=new TVCodePage(forcedAppCP!=-1 ? forcedAppCP : outCP,
+ forcedScrCP!=-1 ? forcedScrCP : outCP,
+ forcedInpCP!=-1 ? forcedInpCP : inCP);
+ SetDefaultCodePages(outCP,outCP,inCP);
+ return 1;
+void TScreenWin32::DoneConsole()
+ DWORD written;
+ // Stop the events thread
+ ZeroMemory(&ir,sizeof(ir));
+ ExitEventThread=1;
+ ir.EventType=KEY_EVENT;
+ WriteConsoleInput(hIn,&ir,1,&written);
+ WaitForSingleObject(EventThreadHandle,INFINITE);
+ CloseHandle(EventThreadHandle);
+ DeleteCriticalSection(&lockWindowSizeChanged);
+ THWMouseWin32::DeInit();
+ TGKeyWin32::DeInit();
+DWORD WINAPI TScreenWin32::HandleEvents(void *)
+ DWORD dwRead;
+ while (!ExitEventThread)
+ {
+ WaitForSingleObject(hIn,INFINITE);
+ if (!ExitEventThread)
+ {
+ if (PeekConsoleInput(hIn,&ir,1,&dwRead) && dwRead>0)
+ {
+ switch (ir.EventType)
+ {
+ THWMouseWin32::HandleMouseEvent();
+ break;
+ case KEY_EVENT:
+ TGKeyWin32::HandleKeyEvent();
+ break;
+ // Vadim wrote it, I never could make Windows resize.
+ // Not even providing a larger screen buffer.
+ EnterCriticalSection(&lockWindowSizeChanged);
+ WindowSizeChanged=1;
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&lockWindowSizeChanged);
+ default:
+ ReadConsoleInput(hIn,&ir,1,&dwRead);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ ReadConsoleInput(hIn,&ir,1,&dwRead);
+ }
+ return 0;
+void TScreenWin32::Resume()
+ DBPr1("TScreenWin32::Resume\n");
+ // First switch to our handle
+ SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(hOut);
+ // Now we can save the current window size
+ GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hOut,&ConsoleInfo);
+ saveScreenWidth =ConsoleInfo.dwSize.X;
+ saveScreenHeight=ConsoleInfo.dwSize.Y;
+ // Restore our window size
+ SetCrtModeRes(screenWidth,screenHeight);
+ GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hOut,&ConsoleInfo);
+ setCrtData();
+ // Invalidate the cache to force a redraw
+ ZeroMemory(screenBuffer,screenHeight*screenWidth*sizeof(ushort));
+ GetConsoleMode(hIn,&oldConsoleMode);
+ SetConsoleMode(hIn,newConsoleMode);
+ SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ConsoleEventHandler,TRUE);
+void TScreenWin32::Suspend()
+ // Restore window size (using our handle!)
+ SetCrtModeRes(saveScreenWidth,saveScreenHeight);
+ // Switch to the original handle
+ SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(hStdOut);
+ SetConsoleMode(hIn,oldConsoleMode);
+ SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ConsoleEventHandler,FALSE);
+ Suspend();
+ suspended=1;
+ setCursorType(startupCursor);
+ DoneConsole();
+ if (screenBuffer)
+ {
+ delete screenBuffer;
+ screenBuffer=0;
+ }
+void TScreenWin32::clearScreen()
+ COORD coord ={0,0};
+ DWORD read;
+ unsigned size=GetRows()*GetCols();
+ FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hOut,0x07,size,coord,&read);
+ FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(hOut,' ',size,coord,&read);
+void TScreenWin32::setCharacter(unsigned offset, ushort value)
+ setCharacters(offset,&value,1);
+void TScreenWin32::setCharacters(unsigned dst, ushort *src, unsigned len)
+ ushort *old=((ushort*)screenBuffer)+dst;
+ ushort *old_right=old+len-1;
+ ushort *src_right=src+len-1;
+ while (len>0 && *old==*src)
+ {
+ dst++;
+ len--;
+ old++;
+ src++;
+ }
+ /* remove unchanged characters from right to left */
+ while (len>0 && *old_right==*src_right)
+ {
+ len--;
+ old_right--;
+ src_right--;
+ }
+ /* write only middle changed characters */
+ if (len>0)
+ {
+ CHAR_INFO ch[maxViewWidth];
+ int i=0;
+ while (len-->0)
+ {
+ *old++=*src;
+ ch[i].Attributes=HIBYTE(*src);
+ ch[i].Char.AsciiChar=LOBYTE(*src);
+ i++;
+ src++;
+ }
+ ushort x=dst%screenWidth, y=dst/screenWidth;
+ SMALL_RECT to={x,y,x+i-1,y};
+ COORD bsize={i,1};
+ static COORD from={0,0};
+ WriteConsoleOutput(hOut,ch,bsize,from,&to);
+ }
+#ifndef TVCompf_Cygwin
+int TScreenWin32::System(const char *command, pid_t *pidChild, int in,
+ int out, int err)
+ // fork mechanism not implemented, indicate the child finished
+ if (pidChild)
+ *pidChild=0;
+ // If the caller asks for redirection replace the requested handles
+ if (in!=-1)
+ dup2(in,STDIN_FILENO);
+ if (out!=-1)
+ dup2(out,STDOUT_FILENO);
+ if (err!=-1)
+ dup2(err,STDERR_FILENO);
+ return system(command);
+// fork mechanism is implemented in Cygwin, so linux code should work -- OH
+// SET: Call to an external program, optionally forking
+int TScreenWin32::System(const char *command, pid_t *pidChild, int in,
+ int out, int err)
+ if (!pidChild)
+ {
+ // If the caller asks for redirection replace the requested handles
+ if (in!=-1)
+ dup2(in,STDIN_FILENO);
+ if (out!=-1)
+ dup2(out,STDOUT_FILENO);
+ if (err!=-1)
+ dup2(err,STDERR_FILENO);
+ return system(command);
+ }
+ pid_t cpid=fork();
+ if (cpid==0)
+ {// Ok, we are the child
+ // I'm not sure about it, but is the best I have right now.
+ // Doing it we can kill this child and all the subprocesses
+ // it creates by killing the group. It also have an interesting
+ // effect that I must evaluate: By doing it this process lose
+ // the controlling terminal and won't be able to read/write
+ // to the parents console. I think that's good.
+ if (setsid()==-1)
+ _exit(127);
+ char *argv[4];
+ // If the caller asks for redirection replace the requested handles
+ if (in!=-1)
+ dup2(in,STDIN_FILENO);
+ if (out!=-1)
+ dup2(out,STDOUT_FILENO);
+ if (err!=-1)
+ dup2(err,STDERR_FILENO);
+ argv[0]=getenv("SHELL");
+ if (!argv[0])
+ argv[0]="/bin/sh";
+ argv[1]="-c";
+ argv[2]=(char *)command;
+ argv[3]=0;
+ execvp(argv[0],argv);
+ // We get here only if exec failed
+ _exit(127);
+ }
+ if (cpid==-1)
+ {// Fork failed do it manually
+ *pidChild=0;
+ return system(command);
+ }
+ *pidChild=cpid;
+ return 0;
+TScreen *TV_Win32DriverCheck()
+ TScreenWin32 *drv=new TScreenWin32();
+ if (!TScreen::initialized)
+ {
+ delete drv;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return drv;
+ Description:
+ Change the window size to the desired value. The font size is ignored
+because it can't be controlled by the application, the Win32 API reference
+I have says: "A screen buffer can be any size, limited only by available
+memory. The dimensions of a screen buffer's window cannot exceed the
+corresponding dimensions of either the screen buffer or the maximum window
+that can fit on the screen based on the current font size (controlled
+exclusively by the user).".@*
+ It only works if we are windowed and this will prevent from going full
+screen unless Windows knows an equivalent text mode.
+ Return: 0 no change, 1 full change, 2 approx. change. by SET
+int TScreenWin32::SetCrtModeRes(unsigned w, unsigned h, int fW, int fH)
+ DBPr3("TScreenWin32::SetCrtModeRes(%d,%d)\n",w,h);
+ // Find current size
+ if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hOut,&info))
+ {
+ DBPr1("GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo failed\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Is the same used?
+ if (info.dwSize.X==(int)w && info.dwSize.Y==(int)h)
+ {
+ DBPr3("Already using %d,%d size\n",w,h);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Find the max. size, depends on the font and screen size.
+ COORD max=GetLargestConsoleWindowSize(hOut);
+ COORD newSize={w,h};
+ if (newSize.X>max.X) newSize.X=max.X;
+ if (newSize.Y>max.Y) newSize.Y=max.Y;
+ // The buffer must be large enough to hold both modes (current and new)
+ COORD newBufSize=newSize;
+ if (info.dwMaximumWindowSize.X>newBufSize.X)
+ newBufSize.X=info.dwMaximumWindowSize.X;
+ if (info.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y>newBufSize.Y)
+ newBufSize.Y=info.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y;
+ DBPr3("Enlarging buffer from %d,%d to",info.dwMaximumWindowSize.X,
+ info.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y);
+ DBPr3(" %d,%d\n",newBufSize.X,newBufSize.Y);
+ // Enlarge the buffer size. It fails if not windowed.
+ if (!SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(hOut,newBufSize))
+ {
+ DBPr1("SetConsoleScreenBufferSize failed!\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Resize the window.
+ SMALL_RECT r={0,0,newSize.X-1,newSize.Y-1};
+ DBPr3("Resizing window to %d,%d\n",newSize.X,newSize.Y);
+ if (!SetConsoleWindowInfo(hOut,TRUE,&r))
+ {// Revert buffer size
+ DBPr1("SetConsoleWindowInfo failed!\n");
+ newSize.X=info.dwMaximumWindowSize.X;
+ newSize.Y=info.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y;
+ SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(hOut,newSize);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Now we can shrink the buffer to the needed size
+ SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(hOut,newSize);
+ // Ok! we did it.
+ return fW!=-1 || fH!=-1 || newSize.X!=(int)w || newSize.Y!=(int)h ? 2 : 1;
+void TScreenWin32::CheckSizeBuffer(int oldWidth, int oldHeight)
+ // allocating a zeroed screenBuffer, because this function
+ // is called in most cases (in RHIDE) after a SIGWINCH
+ if (screenWidth!=oldWidth || screenHeight!=oldHeight || !screenBuffer)
+ {
+ // Realloc screen buffer only if actually needed (it doesn't exist
+ // or screen size is changed)
+ if (screenBuffer)
+ DeleteArray(screenBuffer);
+ screenBuffer=new ushort[screenWidth*screenHeight];
+ }
+ memset(screenBuffer,0,screenWidth*screenHeight*sizeof(ushort));
+void TScreenWin32::SetVideoMode(ushort mode)
+ int oldWidth=screenWidth;
+ int oldHeight=screenHeight;
+ defaultSetVideoMode(mode);
+ CheckSizeBuffer(oldWidth,oldHeight);
+void TScreenWin32::SetVideoModeExt(char *mode)
+ int oldWidth=screenWidth;
+ int oldHeight=screenHeight;
+ defaultSetVideoModeExt(mode);
+ CheckSizeBuffer(oldWidth,oldHeight);
+int TScreenWin32::SetVideoModeRes(unsigned w, unsigned h, int fW, int fH)
+{// Set the screen mode
+ int ret=setCrtModeRes(w,h,fW,fH);
+ if (ret)
+ {// Memorize new values:
+ // Cache the values for TDisplay
+ GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hOut,&ConsoleInfo);
+ screenWidth =ConsoleInfo.dwSize.X;
+ screenHeight=ConsoleInfo.dwSize.Y;
+ DeleteArray(screenBuffer);
+ screenBuffer=new ushort[screenHeight*screenWidth];
+ ZeroMemory(screenBuffer,screenHeight*screenWidth*sizeof(ushort));
+ // This is something silly TV code spects: after a video mode change the
+ // cursor should go to the "default" state.
+ setCursorType(cursorLines);
+ // Cache the data about it and initialize related stuff
+ setCrtData();
+ }
+ return ret;
+// Anatoli's idea
+BOOL WINAPI TScreenWin32::ConsoleEventHandler(DWORD dwCtrlType)
+ if (dwCtrlType==CTRL_C_EVENT || dwCtrlType==CTRL_BREAK_EVENT)
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+#include <tv/win32/screen.h>
+#include <tv/win32/mouse.h>
+#include <tv/win32/key.h>
+#endif // TVOS_Win32