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authorAndreas Baumann <>2024-01-14 19:46:20 +0100
committerAndreas Baumann <>2024-01-14 19:46:20 +0100
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+ <h1>cucu: a compiler u can understand (part&nbsp;2)</h1>
+<p>So far, we have defined language grammar and have written a lexer. In this part
+we will write a parser for our language. Before we start, we need some helper
+<pre><code>int peek(char *s) {
+ return (strcmp(tok, s) == 0);
+int accept(char *s) {
+ if (peek(s)) {
+ readtok();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int expect(char *s) {
+ if (accept(s) == 0) {
+ error(&quot;Error: expected '%s'\n&quot;, s);
+ }
+<p><code>peek()</code> returns non-zero value if the next token is equal to the given string.
+<code>accept()</code> reads the next token, if it&rsquo;s equal to the given string, otherwise it
+ returns 0. And <code>expect()</code> helps us to check language syntax.</p>
+<h2>the harder part</h2>
+<p>As you can see from the language grammar, statements and various expression
+types are strongly interconnected. It means we have to write all parser
+functions at once, keeping in mind the recursion. Let&rsquo;s go again from top
+to bottom. Here&rsquo;s our top-level compiler() functions:</p>
+<pre><code>static int typename();
+static void statement();
+static void compile() {
+ while (tok[0] != 0) { /* until EOF */
+ if (typename() == 0) {
+ error(&quot;Error: type name expected\n&quot;);
+ }
+ DEBUG(&quot;identifier: %s\n&quot;, tok);
+ readtok();
+ if (accept(&quot;;&quot;)) {
+ DEBUG(&quot;variable definition\n&quot;);
+ continue;
+ }
+ expect(&quot;(&quot;);
+ int argc = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ argc++;
+ typename();
+ DEBUG(&quot;function argument: %s\n&quot;, tok);
+ readtok();
+ if (peek(&quot;)&quot;)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ expect(&quot;,&quot;);
+ }
+ expect(&quot;)&quot;);
+ if (accept(&quot;;&quot;) == 0) {
+ DEBUG(&quot;function body\n&quot;);
+ statement();
+ }
+ }
+<p>It reads type name, then an identifier. If it&rsquo;s followed by a semicolon -
+it&rsquo;s a variable declaration. If it&rsquo;s followed by a paren - it&rsquo;s a function.
+Function scans function arguments one by one, and if function is not
+followed by a semicolon - it&rsquo;s a definition (function with a body), otherwise -
+it&rsquo;s just a declaration (just function name and prototype).</p>
+<p>Here, <code>typename()</code> is function that just skips the valid type name. We accept
+only <code>int</code> and <code>char</code> and various pointers to them (<code>char *</code>):</p>
+<pre><code>static int typename() {
+ if (peek(&quot;int&quot;) || peek(&quot;char&quot;)) {
+ readtok();
+ while (accept(&quot;*&quot;));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+<p>The most interesting part is the <code>statement()</code> function. It parses a single
+statement, which can be a block, a local variable definition/declaration,
+a <code>return</code> statement etc. Here how it should look like:</p>
+<pre><code>static void statement() {
+ if (accept(&quot;{&quot;)) {
+ while (accept(&quot;}&quot;) == 0) {
+ statement();
+ }
+ } else if (typename()) {
+ DEBUG(&quot;local variable: %s\n&quot;, tok);
+ readtok();
+ if (accept(&quot;=&quot;)) {
+ expr();
+ DEBUG(&quot; :=\n&quot;);
+ }
+ expect(&quot;;&quot;);
+ } else if (accept(&quot;if&quot;)) {
+ /* TODO */
+ } else if (accept(&quot;while&quot;)) {
+ /* TODO */
+ } else if (accept(&quot;return&quot;)) {
+ if (peek(&quot;;&quot;) == 0) {
+ expr();
+ }
+ expect(&quot;;&quot;);
+ DEBUG(&quot;RET\n&quot;);
+ } else {
+ expr();
+ expect(&quot;;&quot;);
+ }
+<p>So, if it&rsquo;s a block <code>{ .. }</code> - just read statements until end of block is met.
+If it starts with a type name - it&rsquo;s a local variable. Conditional statements
+(&ldquo;if/then/else&rdquo;) and loops are just stubs for now. Think of how you would
+implement them according to the grammar we use.</p>
+<p>Anyway, most of the statement contain expressions inside. So, we need to make a
+function that parses an expression. Expression parser is a recursive descent
+parser, so it&rsquo;s a number of functions that call each other recursively until
+primary expression is found. Primary expression as we can see from the grammar
+is a number (constant) or an identifier (variable or function).</p>
+<pre><code>static void prim_expr() {
+ if (isdigit(tok[0])) {
+ DEBUG(&quot; const-%s &quot;, tok);
+ } else if (isalpha(tok[0])) {
+ DEBUG(&quot; var-%s &quot;, tok);
+ } else if (accept(&quot;(&quot;)) {
+ expr();
+ expect(&quot;)&quot;);
+ } else {
+ error(&quot;Unexpected primary expression: %s\n&quot;, tok);
+ }
+ readtok();
+static void postfix_expr() {
+ prim_expr();
+ if (accept(&quot;[&quot;)) {
+ expr();
+ expect(&quot;]&quot;);
+ DEBUG(&quot; [] &quot;);
+ } else if (accept(&quot;(&quot;)) {
+ if (accept(&quot;)&quot;) == 0) {
+ expr();
+ DEBUG(&quot; FUNC-ARG\n&quot;);
+ while (accept(&quot;,&quot;)) {
+ expr();
+ DEBUG(&quot; FUNC-ARG\n&quot;);
+ }
+ expect(&quot;)&quot;);
+ }
+ DEBUG(&quot; FUNC-CALL\n&quot;);
+ }
+static void add_expr() {
+ postfix_expr();
+ while (peek(&quot;+&quot;) || peek(&quot;-&quot;)) {
+ if (accept(&quot;+&quot;)) {
+ postfix_expr();
+ DEBUG(&quot; + &quot;);
+ } else if (accept(&quot;-&quot;)) {
+ postfix_expr();
+ DEBUG(&quot; - &quot;);
+ }
+ }
+static void shift_expr() {
+ add_expr();
+ while (peek(&quot;&lt;&lt;&quot;) || peek(&quot;&gt;&gt;&quot;)) {
+ if (accept(&quot;&lt;&lt;&quot;)) {
+ add_expr();
+ DEBUG(&quot; &lt;&lt; &quot;);
+ } else if (accept(&quot;&gt;&gt;&quot;)) {
+ add_expr();
+ DEBUG(&quot; &gt;&gt; &quot;);
+ }
+ }
+static void rel_expr() {
+ shift_expr();
+ while (peek(&quot;&lt;&quot;)) {
+ if (accept(&quot;&lt;&quot;)) {
+ shift_expr();
+ DEBUG(&quot; &lt; &quot;);
+ }
+ }
+static void eq_expr() {
+ rel_expr();
+ while (peek(&quot;==&quot;) || peek(&quot;!=&quot;)) {
+ if (accept(&quot;==&quot;)) {
+ rel_expr();
+ DEBUG(&quot; == &quot;);
+ } else if (accept(&quot;!=&quot;)) {
+ rel_expr();
+ DEBUG(&quot;!=&quot;);
+ }
+ }
+static void bitwise_expr() {
+ eq_expr();
+ while (peek(&quot;|&quot;) || peek(&quot;&amp;&quot;)) {
+ if (accept(&quot;|&quot;)) {
+ eq_expr();
+ DEBUG(&quot; OR &quot;);
+ } else if (accept(&quot;&amp;&quot;)) {
+ eq_expr();
+ DEBUG(&quot; AND &quot;);
+ }
+ }
+static void expr() {
+ bitwise_expr();
+ if (accept(&quot;=&quot;)) {
+ expr();
+ DEBUG(&quot; := &quot;);
+ }
+<p>It&rsquo;s a big piece of code, but don&rsquo;t be afraid - it&rsquo;s really simple.
+Every function that parses expression type first tries to call a
+more prioritized expression parser. Then, if an expected operator is found -
+it calls more prioritized expression parser again. Now it has parsed both
+parts of a binary expression (like x+y, or x&amp;y, or x==y), so it can perform
+an operation and return. Some expression can be &ldquo;chained&rdquo; (like a+b+c+d), so
+we parse them with loops.</p>
+<p>We put debug output after every expression parser function. This will give us
+an interesting result. For example, if we parse this piece of code:</p>
+<pre><code>int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ int i = 2 + 3;
+ char *s;
+ func(i+2, i == 2 + 2, s[i+2]);
+ return i &amp; 34 + 2;
+<p>we will get this ouput:</p>
+<pre><code>identifier: main
+function argument: argc
+function argument: argv
+function body
+local variable: i
+ const-2 const-3 + :=
+local variable: s
+ var-func var-i const-2 + FUNC-ARG
+ var-i const-2 const-2 + == FUNC-ARG
+ var-s var-i const-2 + [] FUNC-ARG
+ var-i const-34 const-2 + AND RET
+<p>All our expressions are written in a postfix form (instead of <code>2+3</code> it&rsquo;s <code>2 3
++</code>). This is a natural form for stack machines, when operands are placed on
+the stack, then a function called pops up the operands, processes them and puts
+the result back on the stack.</p>
+<p>Though it might not be an optimal architecture for most modern CPUs, which are
+register-based, it&rsquo;s still very simple and fits our compiler needs.</p>
+<p>Ok, we are good. We&rsquo;ve got a lexer and a parser in less than 300 lines of code.
+What we need to do is to add some functions to work with the symbols (like
+variable names, or functions). A compiler should have a table of symbols to
+quickly find their addresses, so when you write &ldquo;i = 0&rdquo; - it means put zero
+into the location at address 0x1234 in RAM (if symbol &ldquo;i&rdquo; has address 0x1234 in
+Also, when you call &ldquo;func()&rdquo; it means - jump to address 0x5678 (if symbol &ldquo;func&rdquo;
+has value of 0x5678).</p>
+<p>We use the following structure for symbols:</p>
+<pre><code>struct sym {
+ char type;
+ int addr;
+ char name[];
+<p>Here <code>type</code> has special meaning. We use a single-letter codes to detect symbol
+<li><code>L</code> - is a local variable. <code>addr</code> stores variable location on the stack</li>
+<li><code>A</code> - function argument. <code>addr</code> also stores the location on the stack</li>
+<li><code>U</code> - undefined global variable. <code>addr</code> stores absolute address in RAM.</li>
+<li><code>D</code> - defined global variable. Same as above.</li>
+<p>So far, I&rsquo;ve added two functions: <code>sym_find(char *s)</code> to find symbol by its
+name, and <code>sym_declare()</code> to add a new symbol.</p>
+<p>Now we&rsquo;re are ready to develop <a href="/web/20160508094511/">backend architecture &rarr;</a></p>
+<p><em>Check <a href="/web/20160508094511/">part 1</a> if you missed something</em></p>
+ <p>Posted on 2012-10-24</p>
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+ INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 17:21:31 Jan 12, 2024.
+ SECTION 108(a)(3)).
+playback timings (ms):
+ captures_list: 1644.92 (11)
+ exclusion.robots: 0.202
+ exclusion.robots.policy: 0.19
+ cdx.remote: 0.077
+ esindex: 0.011
+ LoadShardBlock: 231.62 (3)
+ PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 237.607 (4)
+ load_resource: 369.139
+ PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 308.525
+--> \ No newline at end of file