path: root/old
diff options
authorAndreas Baumann <>2018-09-30 21:28:10 +0200
committerAndreas Baumann <>2018-09-30 21:28:10 +0200
commita68c1c8e9c4dcf834ca2e89ab4f73a3eaaeab28e (patch)
tree6d518ea0e2bafbd4723c59f4032b8d85305f2d26 /old
parent9e5c8a8491c6bd1aff0cddb093c55a580f7fcbb1 (diff)
first working compilation with ec
Diffstat (limited to 'old')
1 files changed, 613 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/old/modula2.ebnf b/old/modula2.ebnf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f92125
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/modula2.ebnf
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+ * [1]Home
+ * [2]News
+ * [3]Development
+ * [4]Community
+The GNU Modula-2 front end to GCC
+ [5]Prev [6]Next
+ * [7]Overview
+ * [8]Using
+ * [9]Obtaining
+ * [10]Licence
+ * [11]GNU Project
+ * [12]Contributing
+ * [13]Internals
+ * [14]EBNF
+ * [15]Libraries
+ * [16]Indices
+EBNF of GNU Modula-2
+ This chapter contains the EBNF of GNU Modula-2. This grammer currently
+ supports both PIM and ISO dialects. The rules here are automatically
+ extracted from the grammer files in GNU Modula-2 and serve to document
+ the syntax of the extensions described earlier and how they fit in with
+ the base language.
+ Note that the first six productions are built into the lexical analysis
+ phase.
+Ident := is a builtin and checks for an identifier
+ =:
+Integer := is a builtin and checks for an integer
+ =:
+Real := is a builtin and checks for an real constant
+ =:
+string := is a builtin and checks for an string constant
+ =:
+FileUnit := ( DefinitionModule | ImplementationOrProgramModule )
+ =:
+ProgramModule := 'MODULE' Ident [ Priority ] ';' { Import }
+ Block Ident '.'
+ =:
+ImplementationModule := 'IMPLEMENTATION' 'MODULE' Ident [ Priority ]
+ ';' { Import } Block Ident '.'
+ =:
+ImplementationOrProgramModule := ImplementationModule |
+ ProgramModule
+ =:
+Number := Integer | Real
+ =:
+Qualident := Ident { '.' Ident }
+ =:
+ConstantDeclaration := Ident '=' ConstExpression
+ =:
+ConstExpression := SimpleConstExpr [ Relation SimpleConstExpr ]
+ =:
+Relation := '=' | '#' | '<>' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' |
+ 'IN'
+ =:
+SimpleConstExpr := UnaryOrConstTerm { AddOperator ConstTerm }
+ =:
+UnaryOrConstTerm := '+' ConstTerm | '-' ConstTerm |
+ ConstTerm
+ =:
+AddOperator := '+' | '-' | 'OR'
+ =:
+ConstTerm := ConstFactor { MulOperator ConstFactor }
+ =:
+MulOperator := '*' | '/' | 'DIV' | 'MOD' | 'REM' |
+ 'AND' | '&'
+ =:
+ConstFactor := Number | ConstString | ConstSetOrQualidentOrFunction |
+ '(' ConstExpression ')' |
+ 'NOT' ConstFactor | ConstAttribute
+ =:
+ConstString := string
+ =:
+ComponentElement := ConstExpression [ '..' ConstExpression ]
+ =:
+ComponentValue := ComponentElement [ 'BY' ConstExpression ]
+ =:
+ArraySetRecordValue := ComponentValue { ',' ComponentValue }
+ =:
+Constructor := '{' [ ArraySetRecordValue ] '}'
+ =:
+ConstSetOrQualidentOrFunction := Constructor | Qualident [ Constructor |
+ ConstActualParameter
+s ]
+ =:
+ConstActualParameters := '(' [ ExpList ] ')'
+ =:
+ConstAttribute := '__ATTRIBUTE__' '__BUILTIN__' '(' '(' ConstAttributeExpression
+ ')' ')'
+ =:
+ConstAttributeExpression := Ident | '<' Qualident ',' Ident
+ '>'
+ =:
+Element := ConstExpression [ '..' ConstExpression ]
+ =:
+ByteAlignment := '<*' AttributeExpression '*>'
+ =:
+OptAlignmentExpression := [ AlignmentExpression ]
+ =:
+AlignmentExpression := '(' ConstExpression ')'
+ =:
+Alignment := [ ByteAlignment ]
+ =:
+TypeDeclaration := Ident '=' Type Alignment
+ =:
+Type := SimpleType | ArrayType | RecordType | SetType |
+ PointerType | ProcedureType
+ =:
+SimpleType := Qualident [ SubrangeType ] |
+ Enumeration | SubrangeType
+ =:
+Enumeration := '(' IdentList ')'
+ =:
+IdentList := Ident { ',' Ident }
+ =:
+SubrangeType := '[' ConstExpression '..' ConstExpression ']'
+ =:
+ArrayType := 'ARRAY' SimpleType { ',' SimpleType } 'OF' Type
+ =:
+RecordType := 'RECORD' [ DefaultRecordAttributes ] FieldListSequence
+ 'END'
+ =:
+DefaultRecordAttributes := '<*' AttributeExpression '*>'
+ =:
+RecordFieldPragma := [ '<*' FieldPragmaExpression { ',' FieldPragmaExpression }
+ '*>' ]
+ =:
+FieldPragmaExpression := Ident [ '(' ConstExpression ')' ]
+ =:
+AttributeExpression := Ident '(' ConstExpression ')'
+ =:
+FieldListSequence := FieldListStatement { ';' FieldListStatement }
+ =:
+FieldListStatement := [ FieldList ]
+ =:
+FieldList := IdentList ':' Type RecordFieldPragma |
+ 'CASE' CaseTag 'OF' Varient { '|' Varient } [
+ 'ELSE' FieldListSequence ] 'END'
+ =:
+TagIdent := [ Ident ]
+ =:
+CaseTag := TagIdent [ ':' Qualident ]
+ =:
+Varient := [ VarientCaseLabelList ':' FieldListSequence ]
+ =:
+VarientCaseLabelList := VarientCaseLabels { ',' VarientCaseLabels }
+ =:
+VarientCaseLabels := ConstExpression [ '..' ConstExpression ]
+ =:
+CaseLabelList := CaseLabels { ',' CaseLabels }
+ =:
+CaseLabels := ConstExpression [ '..' ConstExpression ]
+ =:
+SetType := ( 'SET' | 'PACKEDSET' ) 'OF' SimpleType
+ =:
+PointerType := 'POINTER' 'TO' Type
+ =:
+ProcedureType := 'PROCEDURE' [ FormalTypeList ]
+ =:
+FormalTypeList := '(' ( ')' FormalReturn |
+ ProcedureParameters ')' FormalReturn )
+ =:
+FormalReturn := [ ':' OptReturnType ]
+ =:
+OptReturnType := '[' Qualident ']' | Qualident
+ =:
+ProcedureParameters := ProcedureParameter { ',' ProcedureParameter }
+ =:
+ProcedureParameter := '...' | 'VAR' FormalType |
+ FormalType
+ =:
+VarIdent := Ident [ '[' ConstExpression ']' ]
+ =:
+VariableDeclaration := VarIdentList ':' Type Alignment
+ =:
+VarIdentList := VarIdent { ',' VarIdent }
+ =:
+Designator := Qualident { SubDesignator }
+ =:
+SubDesignator := '.' Ident | '[' ExpList ']' |
+ '^'
+ =:
+ExpList := Expression { ',' Expression }
+ =:
+Expression := SimpleExpression [ Relation SimpleExpression ]
+ =:
+SimpleExpression := [ '+' | '-' ] Term { AddOperator Term }
+ =:
+Term := Factor { MulOperator Factor }
+ =:
+Factor := Number | string | SetOrDesignatorOrFunction |
+ '(' Expression ')' | 'NOT' Factor |
+ ConstAttribute
+ =:
+SetOrDesignatorOrFunction := ( Qualident [ Constructor |
+ SimpleDes [ ActualParameters ] ] |
+ Constructor )
+ =:
+SimpleDes := { '.' Ident | '[' ExpList ']' |
+ '^' }
+ =:
+ActualParameters := '(' [ ExpList ] ')'
+ =:
+Statement := [ AssignmentOrProcedureCall |
+ IfStatement | CaseStatement |
+ WhileStatement | RepeatStatement |
+ LoopStatement | ForStatement |
+ WithStatement | AsmStatement |
+ 'EXIT' | 'RETURN' [ Expression ] |
+ RetryStatement ]
+ =:
+RetryStatement := 'RETRY'
+ =:
+AssignmentOrProcedureCall := Designator ( ':=' Expression |
+ ActualParameters |
+ )
+ =:
+StatementSequence := Statement { ';' Statement }
+ =:
+IfStatement := 'IF' Expression 'THEN' StatementSequence { 'ELSIF'
+ Expression
+ 'THEN'
+ StatementSequence }
+ [ 'ELSE' StatementSequence ] 'END'
+ =:
+CaseStatement := 'CASE' Expression 'OF' Case { '|' Case }
+ [ 'ELSE' StatementSequence ] 'END'
+ =:
+Case := [ CaseLabelList ':' StatementSequence ]
+ =:
+WhileStatement := 'WHILE' Expression 'DO' StatementSequence 'END'
+ =:
+RepeatStatement := 'REPEAT' StatementSequence 'UNTIL' Expression
+ =:
+ForStatement := 'FOR' Ident ':=' Expression 'TO' Expression [
+ 'BY' ConstExpression ] 'DO' StatementSequence 'END'
+ =:
+LoopStatement := 'LOOP' StatementSequence 'END'
+ =:
+WithStatement := 'WITH' Designator 'DO' StatementSequence 'END'
+ =:
+ProcedureDeclaration := ProcedureHeading ';' ( ProcedureBlock
+ Ident )
+ =:
+DefineBuiltinProcedure := [ '__ATTRIBUTE__' '__BUILTIN__' '('
+ '(' Ident ')' ')' |
+ '__INLINE__' ]
+ =:
+ProcedureHeading := 'PROCEDURE' DefineBuiltinProcedure ( Ident
+ [ FormalParameters ]
+ =:
+Builtin := [ '__BUILTIN__' | '__INLINE__' ]
+ =:
+DefProcedureHeading := 'PROCEDURE' Builtin ( Ident [ DefFormalParameters ] )
+ =:
+ProcedureBlock := { Declaration } [ 'BEGIN' BlockBody ] 'END'
+ =:
+Block := { Declaration } InitialBlock FinalBlock 'END'
+ =:
+InitialBlock := [ 'BEGIN' BlockBody ]
+ =:
+FinalBlock := [ 'FINALLY' BlockBody ]
+ =:
+BlockBody := NormalPart [ 'EXCEPT' ExceptionalPart ]
+ =:
+NormalPart := StatementSequence
+ =:
+ExceptionalPart := StatementSequence
+ =:
+Declaration := 'CONST' { ConstantDeclaration ';' } |
+ 'TYPE' { TypeDeclaration ';' } |
+ 'VAR' { VariableDeclaration ';' } |
+ ProcedureDeclaration ';' |
+ ModuleDeclaration ';'
+ =:
+DefFormalParameters := '(' [ DefMultiFPSection ] ')' FormalReturn
+ =:
+DefMultiFPSection := DefExtendedFP | FPSection [ ';' DefMultiFPSection ]
+ =:
+FormalParameters := '(' [ MultiFPSection ] ')' FormalReturn
+ =:
+MultiFPSection := ExtendedFP | FPSection [ ';' MultiFPSection ]
+ =:
+FPSection := NonVarFPSection | VarFPSection
+ =:
+DefExtendedFP := DefOptArg | '...'
+ =:
+ExtendedFP := OptArg | '...'
+ =:
+VarFPSection := 'VAR' IdentList ':' FormalType
+ =:
+NonVarFPSection := IdentList ':' FormalType
+ =:
+OptArg := '[' Ident ':' FormalType [ '=' ConstExpression ] ']'
+ =:
+DefOptArg := '[' Ident ':' FormalType '=' ConstExpression ']'
+ =:
+FormalType := { 'ARRAY' 'OF' } Qualident
+ =:
+ModuleDeclaration := 'MODULE' Ident [ Priority ] ';' { Import
+ }
+ [ Export ] Block Ident
+ =:
+Priority := '[' ConstExpression ']'
+ =:
+Export := 'EXPORT' ( 'QUALIFIED' IdentList |
+ 'UNQUALIFIED' IdentList |
+ IdentList ) ';'
+ =:
+Import := 'FROM' Ident 'IMPORT' IdentList ';' |
+ 'IMPORT' IdentList ';'
+ =:
+DefinitionModule := 'DEFINITION' 'MODULE' [ 'FOR' string ] Ident
+ ';' { Import } [ Export ] { Definition }
+ 'END' Ident '.'
+ =:
+Definition := 'CONST' { ConstantDeclaration ';' } |
+ 'TYPE' { Ident ( ';' | '=' Type Alignment ';' ) } |
+ 'VAR' { VariableDeclaration ';' } |
+ DefProcedureHeading ';'
+ =:
+AsmStatement := 'ASM' [ 'VOLATILE' ] '(' AsmOperands ')'
+ =:
+NamedOperand := '[' Ident ']'
+ =:
+AsmOperandName := [ NamedOperand ]
+ =:
+AsmOperands := string [ ':' AsmList [ ':' AsmList [ ':' TrashList ] ] ]
+ =:
+AsmList := [ AsmElement ] { ',' AsmElement }
+ =:
+AsmElement := AsmOperandName string '(' Expression ')'
+ =:
+TrashList := [ string ] { ',' string }
+ =:
+ 1.
+ 2.
+ 3.
+ 4.
+ 5.
+ 6.
+ 7.
+ 8.
+ 9.
+ 10.
+ 11.
+ 12.
+ 13.
+ 14.
+ 15.
+ 16.