path: root/libfetch/httperr.h
diff options
authorAndreas Baumann <>2012-07-12 22:04:39 +0200
committerAndreas Baumann <>2012-07-12 22:04:39 +0200
commit701352f84ddd204d738407c29a4b6e501694a59c (patch)
treefe81b066da1244010e8317cef27e12f8af75358a /libfetch/httperr.h
parentd255a7489b6a64b1e972f5f7bd0f91a6684ff3b1 (diff)
ported libfetch to Linux and gcc 4.7 with almost all flags
Diffstat (limited to 'libfetch/httperr.h')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libfetch/httperr.h b/libfetch/httperr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a00dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libfetch/httperr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+static struct fetcherr http_errlist[] = {
+ { 100, FETCH_OK, "Continue" },
+ { 101, FETCH_OK, "Switching Protocols" },
+ { 200, FETCH_OK, "OK" },
+ { 201, FETCH_OK, "Created" },
+ { 202, FETCH_OK, "Accepted" },
+ { 203, FETCH_INFO, "Non-Authoritative Information" },
+ { 204, FETCH_OK, "No Content" },
+ { 205, FETCH_OK, "Reset Content" },
+ { 206, FETCH_OK, "Partial Content" },
+ { 300, FETCH_MOVED, "Multiple Choices" },
+ { 301, FETCH_MOVED, "Moved Permanently" },
+ { 302, FETCH_MOVED, "Moved Temporarily" },
+ { 303, FETCH_MOVED, "See Other" },
+ { 304, FETCH_UNCHANGED, "Not Modified" },
+ { 305, FETCH_INFO, "Use Proxy" },
+ { 307, FETCH_MOVED, "Temporary Redirect" },
+ { 400, FETCH_PROTO, "Bad Request" },
+ { 401, FETCH_AUTH, "Unauthorized" },
+ { 402, FETCH_AUTH, "Payment Required" },
+ { 403, FETCH_AUTH, "Forbidden" },
+ { 404, FETCH_UNAVAIL, "Not Found" },
+ { 405, FETCH_PROTO, "Method Not Allowed" },
+ { 406, FETCH_PROTO, "Not Acceptable" },
+ { 407, FETCH_AUTH, "Proxy Authentication Required" },
+ { 408, FETCH_TIMEOUT, "Request Time-out" },
+ { 409, FETCH_EXISTS, "Conflict" },
+ { 410, FETCH_UNAVAIL, "Gone" },
+ { 411, FETCH_PROTO, "Length Required" },
+ { 412, FETCH_SERVER, "Precondition Failed" },
+ { 413, FETCH_PROTO, "Request Entity Too Large" },
+ { 414, FETCH_PROTO, "Request-URI Too Large" },
+ { 415, FETCH_PROTO, "Unsupported Media Type" },
+ { 416, FETCH_UNAVAIL, "Requested Range Not Satisfiable" },
+ { 417, FETCH_SERVER, "Expectation Failed" },
+ { 500, FETCH_SERVER, "Internal Server Error" },
+ { 501, FETCH_PROTO, "Not Implemented" },
+ { 502, FETCH_SERVER, "Bad Gateway" },
+ { 503, FETCH_TEMP, "Service Unavailable" },
+ { 504, FETCH_TIMEOUT, "Gateway Time-out" },
+ { 505, FETCH_PROTO, "HTTP Version not supported" },
+ { 999, FETCH_PROTO, "Protocol error" },
+ { -1, FETCH_UNKNOWN, "Unknown HTTP error" }