path: root/tolua/src/bin/lua/basic.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tolua/src/bin/lua/basic.lua')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 212 deletions
diff --git a/tolua/src/bin/lua/basic.lua b/tolua/src/bin/lua/basic.lua
index 0bfe8bb..26ceb4c 100644
--- a/tolua/src/bin/lua/basic.lua
+++ b/tolua/src/bin/lua/basic.lua
@@ -1,212 +1,212 @@
--- tolua: basic utility functions
--- Written by Waldemar Celes
--- TeCGraf/PUC-Rio
--- Jul 1998
--- Last update: Apr 2003
--- $Id: basic.lua,v 1.4 2009/11/24 16:45:13 fabraham Exp $
--- This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it.
--- The software provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and
--- the author has no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates,
--- enhancements, or modifications.
--- Basic C types and their corresponding Lua types
--- All occurrences of "char*" will be replaced by "_cstring",
--- and all occurrences of "void*" will be replaced by "_userdata"
-_basic = {
- ['void'] = '',
- ['char'] = 'number',
- ['tolua_index'] = 'number',
- ['tolua_byte'] = 'number',
- ['tolua_ubyte'] = 'number',
- ['int'] = 'number',
- ['short'] = 'number',
- ['long'] = 'number',
- ['unsigned'] = 'number',
- ['float'] = 'number',
- ['double'] = 'number',
- ['_cstring'] = 'string',
- ['_userdata'] = 'userdata',
- ['char*'] = 'string',
- ['void*'] = 'userdata',
- ['bool'] = 'boolean',
- ['lua_State*'] = 'state',
- ['_lstate'] = 'state',
- ['lua_Object'] = 'value',
- ['lua_Function'] = 'function',
- ['LUA_VALUE'] = 'value', -- for compatibility with tolua 4.0
-_basic_ctype = {
- number = "lua_Number",
- string = "const char*",
- userdata = "void*",
- boolean = "bool",
- value = "int",
--- List of user defined types
--- Each type corresponds to a variable name that stores its tag value.
-_usertype = {}
--- List of types that have to be collected
-_collect = {}
--- List of auto renaming
-_renaming = {}
-function appendrenaming (s)
- local b,e,old,new = strfind(s,"%s*(.-)%s*@%s*(.-)%s*$")
- if not b then
- error("#Invalid renaming syntax; it should be of the form: pattern@pattern")
- end
- tinsert(_renaming,{old=old, new=new})
-function applyrenaming (s)
- for i=1,getn(_renaming) do
- local m,n = gsub(s,_renaming[i].old,_renaming[i].new)
- if n ~= 0 then
- return m
- end
- end
- return nil
--- Error handler
-function tolua_error (s,f)
- local out = _OUTPUT
- if strsub(s,1,1) == '#' then
- write("\n** tolua: "..strsub(s,2)..".\n\n")
- if _curr_code then
- local _,_,s = strfind(_curr_code,"^%s*(.-\n)") -- extract first line
- if s==nil then s = _curr_code end
- s = gsub(s,"_userdata","void*") -- return with 'void*'
- s = gsub(s,"_cstring","char*") -- return with 'char*'
- s = gsub(s,"_lstate","lua_State*") -- return with 'lua_State*'
- write("Code being processed:\n"..s.."\n")
- end
- else
- print(debug.traceback("\n** tolua internal error: "..f..s..".\n\n"))
- return
- end
- _OUTPUT = out
-function warning (msg)
- local out = _OUTPUT
- write("\n** tolua warning: "..msg..".\n\n")
- _OUTPUT = out
--- register an user defined type: returns full type
-function regtype (t)
- local ft = findtype(t)
- if isbasic(t) then
- return t
- end
- if not ft then
- return appendusertype(t)
- end
--- return type name: returns full type
-function typevar(type)
- if type == '' or type == 'void' or type == "..." then
- return type
- else
- local ft = findtype(type)
- if ft then
- return ft
- end
- _usertype[type] = type
- return type
- end
--- check if basic type
-function isbasic (type)
- local t = gsub(type,'const ','')
- local m,t = applytypedef(t)
- local b = _basic[t]
- if b then
- return b,_basic_ctype[b]
- end
- return nil
--- split string using a token
-function split (s,t)
- local l = {n=0}
- local f = function (s)
- l.n = l.n + 1
- l[l.n] = s
- return ""
- end
- local p = "%s*(.-)%s*"..t.."%s*"
- s = gsub(s,"^%s+","")
- s = gsub(s,"%s+$","")
- s = gsub(s,p,f)
- l.n = l.n + 1
- l[l.n] = gsub(s,"(%s%s*)$","")
- return l
--- concatenate strings of a table
-function concat (t,f,l)
- local s = ''
- local i=f
- while i<=l do
- s = s..t[i]
- i = i+1
- if i <= l then s = s..' ' end
- end
- return s
--- concatenate all parameters, following output rules
-function concatparam (line, ...)
- local arg = {...}
- local i=1
- while i<=#arg do
- if _cont and not strfind(_cont,'[%(,"]') and
- strfind(arg[i],"^[%a_~]") then
- line = line .. ' '
- end
- line = line .. arg[i]
- if arg[i] ~= '' then
- _cont = strsub(arg[i],-1,-1)
- end
- i = i+1
- end
- if strfind(arg[#arg],"[%/%)%;%{%}]$") then
- _cont=nil line = line .. '\n'
- end
- return line
--- output line
-function output (...)
- local arg = {...}
- local i=1
- while i<=#arg do
- if _cont and not strfind(_cont,'[%(,"]') and
- strfind(arg[i],"^[%a_~]") then
- write(' ')
- end
- write(arg[i])
- if arg[i] ~= '' then
- _cont = strsub(arg[i],-1,-1)
- end
- i = i+1
- end
- if strfind(arg[#arg],"[%/%)%;%{%}]$") then
- _cont=nil write('\n')
- end
+-- tolua: basic utility functions
+-- Written by Waldemar Celes
+-- TeCGraf/PUC-Rio
+-- Jul 1998
+-- Last update: Apr 2003
+-- $Id: basic.lua,v 1.4 2009/11/24 16:45:13 fabraham Exp $
+-- This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it.
+-- The software provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and
+-- the author has no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates,
+-- enhancements, or modifications.
+-- Basic C types and their corresponding Lua types
+-- All occurrences of "char*" will be replaced by "_cstring",
+-- and all occurrences of "void*" will be replaced by "_userdata"
+_basic = {
+ ['void'] = '',
+ ['char'] = 'number',
+ ['tolua_index'] = 'number',
+ ['tolua_byte'] = 'number',
+ ['tolua_ubyte'] = 'number',
+ ['int'] = 'number',
+ ['short'] = 'number',
+ ['long'] = 'number',
+ ['unsigned'] = 'number',
+ ['float'] = 'number',
+ ['double'] = 'number',
+ ['_cstring'] = 'string',
+ ['_userdata'] = 'userdata',
+ ['char*'] = 'string',
+ ['void*'] = 'userdata',
+ ['bool'] = 'boolean',
+ ['lua_State*'] = 'state',
+ ['_lstate'] = 'state',
+ ['lua_Object'] = 'value',
+ ['lua_Function'] = 'function',
+ ['LUA_VALUE'] = 'value', -- for compatibility with tolua 4.0
+_basic_ctype = {
+ number = "lua_Number",
+ string = "const char*",
+ userdata = "void*",
+ boolean = "bool",
+ value = "int",
+-- List of user defined types
+-- Each type corresponds to a variable name that stores its tag value.
+_usertype = {}
+-- List of types that have to be collected
+_collect = {}
+-- List of auto renaming
+_renaming = {}
+function appendrenaming (s)
+ local b,e,old,new = strfind(s,"%s*(.-)%s*@%s*(.-)%s*$")
+ if not b then
+ error("#Invalid renaming syntax; it should be of the form: pattern@pattern")
+ end
+ tinsert(_renaming,{old=old, new=new})
+function applyrenaming (s)
+ for i=1,getn(_renaming) do
+ local m,n = gsub(s,_renaming[i].old,_renaming[i].new)
+ if n ~= 0 then
+ return m
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+-- Error handler
+function tolua_error (s,f)
+ local out = _OUTPUT
+ if strsub(s,1,1) == '#' then
+ write("\n** tolua: "..strsub(s,2)..".\n\n")
+ if _curr_code then
+ local _,_,s = strfind(_curr_code,"^%s*(.-\n)") -- extract first line
+ if s==nil then s = _curr_code end
+ s = gsub(s,"_userdata","void*") -- return with 'void*'
+ s = gsub(s,"_cstring","char*") -- return with 'char*'
+ s = gsub(s,"_lstate","lua_State*") -- return with 'lua_State*'
+ write("Code being processed:\n"..s.."\n")
+ end
+ else
+ print(debug.traceback("\n** tolua internal error: "..f..s..".\n\n"))
+ return
+ end
+ _OUTPUT = out
+function warning (msg)
+ local out = _OUTPUT
+ write("\n** tolua warning: "..msg..".\n\n")
+ _OUTPUT = out
+-- register an user defined type: returns full type
+function regtype (t)
+ local ft = findtype(t)
+ if isbasic(t) then
+ return t
+ end
+ if not ft then
+ return appendusertype(t)
+ end
+-- return type name: returns full type
+function typevar(type)
+ if type == '' or type == 'void' or type == "..." then
+ return type
+ else
+ local ft = findtype(type)
+ if ft then
+ return ft
+ end
+ _usertype[type] = type
+ return type
+ end
+-- check if basic type
+function isbasic (type)
+ local t = gsub(type,'const ','')
+ local m,t = applytypedef(t)
+ local b = _basic[t]
+ if b then
+ return b,_basic_ctype[b]
+ end
+ return nil
+-- split string using a token
+function split (s,t)
+ local l = {n=0}
+ local f = function (s)
+ l.n = l.n + 1
+ l[l.n] = s
+ return ""
+ end
+ local p = "%s*(.-)%s*"..t.."%s*"
+ s = gsub(s,"^%s+","")
+ s = gsub(s,"%s+$","")
+ s = gsub(s,p,f)
+ l.n = l.n + 1
+ l[l.n] = gsub(s,"(%s%s*)$","")
+ return l
+-- concatenate strings of a table
+function concat (t,f,l)
+ local s = ''
+ local i=f
+ while i<=l do
+ s = s..t[i]
+ i = i+1
+ if i <= l then s = s..' ' end
+ end
+ return s
+-- concatenate all parameters, following output rules
+function concatparam (line, ...)
+ local arg = {...}
+ local i=1
+ while i<=#arg do
+ if _cont and not strfind(_cont,'[%(,"]') and
+ strfind(arg[i],"^[%a_~]") then
+ line = line .. ' '
+ end
+ line = line .. arg[i]
+ if arg[i] ~= '' then
+ _cont = strsub(arg[i],-1,-1)
+ end
+ i = i+1
+ end
+ if strfind(arg[#arg],"[%/%)%;%{%}]$") then
+ _cont=nil line = line .. '\n'
+ end
+ return line
+-- output line
+function output (...)
+ local arg = {...}
+ local i=1
+ while i<=#arg do
+ if _cont and not strfind(_cont,'[%(,"]') and
+ strfind(arg[i],"^[%a_~]") then
+ write(' ')
+ end
+ write(arg[i])
+ if arg[i] ~= '' then
+ _cont = strsub(arg[i],-1,-1)
+ end
+ i = i+1
+ end
+ if strfind(arg[#arg],"[%/%)%;%{%}]$") then
+ _cont=nil write('\n')
+ end