path: root/release/src/linux/linux/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_u32.c
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authorAndreas Baumann <>2015-01-03 13:58:15 +0100
committerAndreas Baumann <>2015-01-03 13:58:15 +0100
commit4aca87515a5083ae0e31ce3177189fd43b6d05ac (patch)
tree7b1d9a31393ca090757dc6f0d3859b4fcd93f271 /release/src/linux/linux/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_u32.c
parent008d0be72b2f160382c6e880765e96b64a050c65 (diff)
patch to Vanilla Tomato 1.28
Diffstat (limited to 'release/src/linux/linux/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_u32.c')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/release/src/linux/linux/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_u32.c b/release/src/linux/linux/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_u32.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c749563
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/src/linux/linux/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_u32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+/* Kernel module to match u32 packet content. */
+U32 tests whether quantities of up to 4 bytes extracted from a packet
+have specified values. The specification of what to extract is general
+enough to find data at given offsets from tcp headers or payloads.
+ --u32 tests
+ The argument amounts to a program in a small language described below.
+ tests := location = value | tests && location = value
+ value := range | value , range
+ range := number | number : number
+ a single number, n, is interpreted the same as n:n
+ n:m is interpreted as the range of numbers >=n and <=m
+ location := number | location operator number
+ operator := & | << | >> | @
+ The operators &, <<, >>, && mean the same as in c. The = is really a set
+ membership operator and the value syntax describes a set. The @ operator
+ is what allows moving to the next header and is described further below.
+ *** Until I can find out how to avoid it, there are some artificial limits
+ on the size of the tests:
+ - no more than 10 ='s (and 9 &&'s) in the u32 argument
+ - no more than 10 ranges (and 9 commas) per value
+ - no more than 10 numbers (and 9 operators) per location
+ To describe the meaning of location, imagine the following machine that
+ interprets it. There are three registers:
+ A is of type char*, initially the address of the IP header
+ B and C are unsigned 32 bit integers, initially zero
+ The instructions are:
+ number B = number;
+ C = (*(A+B)<<24)+(*(A+B+1)<<16)+(*(A+B+2)<<8)+*(A+B+3)
+ &number C = C&number
+ <<number C = C<<number
+ >>number C = C>>number
+ @number A = A+C; then do the instruction number
+ Any access of memory outside [skb->head,skb->end] causes the match to fail.
+ Otherwise the result of the computation is the final value of C.
+ Whitespace is allowed but not required in the tests.
+ However the characters that do occur there are likely to require
+ shell quoting, so it's a good idea to enclose the arguments in quotes.
+ match IP packets with total length >= 256
+ The IP header contains a total length field in bytes 2-3.
+ --u32 "0&0xFFFF=0x100:0xFFFF"
+ read bytes 0-3
+ AND that with FFFF (giving bytes 2-3),
+ and test whether that's in the range [0x100:0xFFFF]
+Example: (more realistic, hence more complicated)
+ match icmp packets with icmp type 0
+ First test that it's an icmp packet, true iff byte 9 (protocol) = 1
+ --u32 "6&0xFF=1 && ...
+ read bytes 6-9, use & to throw away bytes 6-8 and compare the result to 1
+ Next test that it's not a fragment.
+ (If so it might be part of such a packet but we can't always tell.)
+ n.b. This test is generally needed if you want to match anything
+ beyond the IP header.
+ The last 6 bits of byte 6 and all of byte 7 are 0 iff this is a complete
+ packet (not a fragment). Alternatively, you can allow first fragments
+ by only testing the last 5 bits of byte 6.
+ ... 4&0x3FFF=0 && ...
+ Last test: the first byte past the IP header (the type) is 0
+ This is where we have to use the @syntax. The length of the IP header
+ (IHL) in 32 bit words is stored in the right half of byte 0 of the
+ IP header itself.
+ ... 0>>22&0x3C@0>>24=0"
+ The first 0 means read bytes 0-3,
+ >>22 means shift that 22 bits to the right. Shifting 24 bits would give
+ the first byte, so only 22 bits is four times that plus a few more bits.
+ &3C then eliminates the two extra bits on the right and the first four
+ bits of the first byte.
+ For instance, if IHL=5 then the IP header is 20 (4 x 5) bytes long.
+ In this case bytes 0-1 are (in binary) xxxx0101 yyzzzzzz,
+ >>22 gives the 10 bit value xxxx0101yy and &3C gives 010100.
+ @ means to use this number as a new offset into the packet, and read
+ four bytes starting from there. This is the first 4 bytes of the icmp
+ payload, of which byte 0 is the icmp type. Therefore we simply shift
+ the value 24 to the right to throw out all but the first byte and compare
+ the result with 0.
+ tcp payload bytes 8-12 is any of 1, 2, 5 or 8
+ First we test that the packet is a tcp packet (similar to icmp).
+ --u32 "6&0xFF=6 && ...
+ Next, test that it's not a fragment (same as above).
+ ... 0>>22&0x3C@12>>26&0x3C@8=1,2,5,8"
+ 0>>22&3C as above computes the number of bytes in the IP header.
+ @ makes this the new offset into the packet, which is the start of the
+ tcp header. The length of the tcp header (again in 32 bit words) is
+ the left half of byte 12 of the tcp header. The 12>>26&3C
+ computes this length in bytes (similar to the IP header before).
+ @ makes this the new offset, which is the start of the tcp payload.
+ Finally 8 reads bytes 8-12 of the payload and = checks whether the
+ result is any of 1, 2, 5 or 8
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/skbuff.h>
+#include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_u32.h>
+#include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
+/* #include <asm-i386/timex.h> for timing */
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Don Cohen <>");
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("IP tables u32 matching module");
+static int
+match(const struct sk_buff *skb,
+ const struct net_device *in,
+ const struct net_device *out,
+ const void *matchinfo,
+ int offset,
+ const void *hdr,
+ u_int16_t datalen,
+ int *hotdrop)
+ const struct ipt_u32 *data = matchinfo;
+ int testind, i;
+ unsigned char* origbase = (char*)skb->nh.iph;
+ unsigned char* base = origbase;
+ unsigned char* head = skb->head;
+ unsigned char* end = skb->end;
+ int nnums, nvals;
+ u_int32_t pos, val;
+ /* unsigned long long cycles1, cycles2, cycles3, cycles4;
+ cycles1 = get_cycles(); */
+ for (testind=0; testind < data->ntests; testind++) {
+ base = origbase; /* reset for each test */
+ pos = data->tests[testind].location[0].number;
+ if (base+pos+3 > end || base+pos < head)
+ return 0;
+ val = (base[pos]<<24) + (base[pos+1]<<16) +
+ (base[pos+2]<<8) + base[pos+3];
+ nnums = data->tests[testind].nnums;
+ for (i=1; i < nnums; i++) {
+ u_int32_t number = data->tests[testind].location[i].number;
+ switch (data->tests[testind].location[i].nextop) {
+ case IPT_U32_AND:
+ val = val & number;
+ break;
+ case IPT_U32_LEFTSH:
+ val = val << number;
+ break;
+ case IPT_U32_RIGHTSH:
+ val = val >> number;
+ break;
+ case IPT_U32_AT:
+ base = base + val;
+ pos = number;
+ if (base+pos+3 > end || base+pos < head)
+ return 0;
+ val = (base[pos]<<24) + (base[pos+1]<<16) +
+ (base[pos+2]<<8) + base[pos+3];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ nvals = data->tests[testind].nvalues;
+ for (i=0; i < nvals; i++) {
+ if ((data->tests[testind].value[i].min <= val) &&
+ (val <= data->tests[testind].value[i].max)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i >= data->tests[testind].nvalues) {
+ /* cycles2 = get_cycles();
+ printk("failed %d in %d cycles\n", testind,
+ cycles2-cycles1); */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* cycles2 = get_cycles();
+ printk("succeeded in %d cycles\n", cycles2-cycles1); */
+ return 1;
+static int
+checkentry(const char *tablename,
+ const struct ipt_ip *ip,
+ void *matchinfo,
+ unsigned int matchsize,
+ unsigned int hook_mask)
+ if (matchsize != IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_u32)))
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+static struct ipt_match u32_match
+= { { NULL, NULL }, "u32", &match, &checkentry, NULL, THIS_MODULE };
+static int __init init(void)
+ return ipt_register_match(&u32_match);
+static void __exit fini(void)
+ ipt_unregister_match(&u32_match);