path: root/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia
diff options
authorAndreas Baumann <>2015-01-03 13:58:15 +0100
committerAndreas Baumann <>2015-01-03 13:58:15 +0100
commit4aca87515a5083ae0e31ce3177189fd43b6d05ac (patch)
tree7b1d9a31393ca090757dc6f0d3859b4fcd93f271 /release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia
parent008d0be72b2f160382c6e880765e96b64a050c65 (diff)
patch to Vanilla Tomato 1.28
Diffstat (limited to 'release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia')
7 files changed, 1421 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/Pat.h b/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/Pat.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d0ce6d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/Pat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+// Pat.h
+// #ifndef __PATRICIA__H
+// #define __PATRICIA__H
+#include "../../../../Common/MyCom.h"
+#include "../../../../Common/Types.h"
+#include "../LZInWindow.h"
+namespace PAT_NAMESPACE {
+struct CNode;
+typedef CNode *CNodePointer;
+// #define __AUTO_REMOVE
+// #define __NODE_4_BITS
+// #define __NODE_3_BITS
+// #define __NODE_2_BITS
+// #define __NODE_2_BITS_PADDING
+// #define __HASH_3
+typedef UInt32 CIndex;
+#ifdef __NODE_4_BITS
+ typedef UInt32 CIndex2;
+ typedef UInt32 CSameBitsType;
+#ifdef __NODE_3_BITS
+ typedef UInt32 CIndex2;
+ typedef UInt32 CSameBitsType;
+ typedef UInt32 CIndex;
+ typedef UInt32 CSameBitsType;
+ typedef CIndex CIndex2;
+const UInt32 kNumBitsInIndex = sizeof(CIndex) * 8;
+const UInt32 kMatchStartValue = UInt32(1) << (kNumBitsInIndex - 1);
+// don't change kMatchStartValue definition, since it is used in
+// PatMain.h:
+typedef CIndex CMatchPointer;
+const UInt32 kDescendantEmptyValue = kMatchStartValue - 1;
+union CDescendant
+ CIndex NodePointer;
+ CMatchPointer MatchPointer;
+ bool IsEmpty() const { return NodePointer == kDescendantEmptyValue; }
+ bool IsNode() const { return NodePointer < kDescendantEmptyValue; }
+ bool IsMatch() const { return NodePointer > kDescendantEmptyValue; }
+ void MakeEmpty() { NodePointer = kDescendantEmptyValue; }
+#undef MY_BYTE_SIZE
+#ifdef __NODE_4_BITS
+ #define MY_BYTE_SIZE 8
+ const UInt32 kNumSubBits = 4;
+#ifdef __NODE_3_BITS
+ #define MY_BYTE_SIZE 9
+ const UInt32 kNumSubBits = 3;
+ #define MY_BYTE_SIZE 8
+ #ifdef __NODE_2_BITS
+ const UInt32 kNumSubBits = 2;
+ #else
+ const UInt32 kNumSubBits = 1;
+ #endif
+const UInt32 kNumSubNodes = 1 << kNumSubBits;
+const UInt32 kSubNodesMask = kNumSubNodes - 1;
+struct CNode
+ CIndex2 LastMatch;
+ CSameBitsType NumSameBits;
+ union
+ {
+ CDescendant Descendants[kNumSubNodes];
+ UInt32 NextFreeNode;
+ };
+ #ifdef __NODE_2_BITS
+ #ifdef __NODE_2_BITS_PADDING
+ UInt32 Padding[2];
+ #endif
+ #endif
+#undef kIDNumBitsByte
+#undef kIDNumBitsString
+#ifdef __NODE_4_BITS
+ #define kIDNumBitsByte 0x30
+ #define kIDNumBitsString TEXT("4")
+#ifdef __NODE_3_BITS
+ #define kIDNumBitsByte 0x20
+ #define kIDNumBitsString TEXT("3")
+#ifdef __NODE_2_BITS
+ #define kIDNumBitsByte 0x10
+ #define kIDNumBitsString TEXT("2")
+ #define kIDNumBitsByte 0x00
+ #define kIDNumBitsString TEXT("1")
+#undef kIDManualRemoveByte
+#undef kIDManualRemoveString
+#ifdef __AUTO_REMOVE
+ #define kIDManualRemoveByte 0x00
+ #define kIDManualRemoveString TEXT("")
+ #define kIDManualRemoveByte 0x08
+ #define kIDManualRemoveString TEXT("R")
+#undef kIDHash3Byte
+#undef kIDHash3String
+#ifdef __HASH_3
+ #define kIDHash3Byte 0x04
+ #define kIDHash3String TEXT("H")
+ #define kIDHash3Byte 0x00
+ #define kIDHash3String TEXT("")
+#undef kIDUse3BytesByte
+#undef kIDUse3BytesString
+#define kIDUse3BytesByte 0x00
+#define kIDUse3BytesString TEXT("")
+#undef kIDPaddingByte
+#undef kIDPaddingString
+ #define kIDPaddingByte 0x01
+ #define kIDPaddingString TEXT("P")
+ #define kIDPaddingByte 0x00
+ #define kIDPaddingString TEXT("")
+// #undef kIDString
+// #define kIDString TEXT("Compress.MatchFinderPat") kIDNumBitsString kIDManualRemoveString kIDUse3BytesString kIDPaddingString kIDHash3String
+// {23170F69-40C1-278C-01XX-0000000000}
+0x23170F69, 0x40C1, 0x278C, 0x01,
+kIDNumBitsByte |
+kIDManualRemoveByte | kIDHash3Byte | kIDUse3BytesByte | kIDPaddingByte,
+0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
+class CPatricia:
+ public IMatchFinder,
+ public IMatchFinderSetCallback,
+ public CMyUnknownImp,
+ CLZInWindow
+ MY_UNKNOWN_IMP1(IMatchFinderSetCallback)
+ STDMETHOD(Init)(ISequentialInStream *aStream);
+ STDMETHOD_(void, ReleaseStream)();
+ STDMETHOD(MovePos)();
+ STDMETHOD_(Byte, GetIndexByte)(Int32 index);
+ STDMETHOD_(UInt32, GetMatchLen)(Int32 index, UInt32 back, UInt32 limit);
+ STDMETHOD_(UInt32, GetNumAvailableBytes)();
+ STDMETHOD(Create)(UInt32 historySize,
+ UInt32 keepAddBufferBefore, UInt32 matchMaxLen,
+ UInt32 keepAddBufferAfter);
+ STDMETHOD_(UInt32, GetLongestMatch)(UInt32 *distances);
+ STDMETHOD_(void, DummyLongestMatch)();
+ STDMETHOD_(const Byte *, GetPointerToCurrentPos)();
+ void FreeMemory();
+ CPatricia();
+ ~CPatricia();
+ UInt32 _sizeHistory;
+ UInt32 _matchMaxLen;
+ CDescendant *m_HashDescendants;
+ #ifdef __HASH_3
+ CDescendant *m_Hash2Descendants;
+ #endif
+ CNode *m_Nodes;
+ UInt32 m_FreeNode;
+ UInt32 m_FreeNodeMax;
+ #ifdef __AUTO_REMOVE
+ UInt32 m_NumUsedNodes;
+ UInt32 m_NumNodes;
+ #else
+ bool m_SpecialRemoveMode;
+ #endif
+ bool m_SpecialMode;
+ UInt32 m_NumNotChangedCycles;
+ UInt32 *m_TmpBacks;
+ CMyComPtr<IMatchFinderCallback> m_Callback;
+ virtual void BeforeMoveBlock();
+ virtual void AfterMoveBlock();
+ // IMatchFinderSetCallback
+ STDMETHOD(SetCallback)(IMatchFinderCallback *callback);
+ void ChangeLastMatch(UInt32 hashValue);
+ #ifdef __AUTO_REMOVE
+ void TestRemoveDescendant(CDescendant &descendant, UInt32 limitPos);
+ void TestRemoveNodes();
+ void RemoveNode(UInt32 index);
+ void TestRemoveAndNormalizeDescendant(CDescendant &descendant,
+ UInt32 limitPos, UInt32 subValue);
+ void TestRemoveNodesAndNormalize();
+ #else
+ void NormalizeDescendant(CDescendant &descendant, UInt32 subValue);
+ void Normalize();
+ void RemoveMatch();
+ #endif
+ void AddInternalNode(CNodePointer aNode, CIndex *aNodePointerPointer,
+ Byte aByte, Byte aByteXOR, UInt32 aNumSameBits, UInt32 aPos)
+ {
+ while((aByteXOR & kSubNodesMask) == 0)
+ {
+ aByteXOR >>= kNumSubBits;
+ aByte >>= kNumSubBits;
+ aNumSameBits -= kNumSubBits;
+ }
+ // Insert New Node
+ CNodePointer aNewNode = &m_Nodes[m_FreeNode];
+ UInt32 aNodeIndex = *aNodePointerPointer;
+ *aNodePointerPointer = m_FreeNode;
+ m_FreeNode = aNewNode->NextFreeNode;
+ #ifdef __AUTO_REMOVE
+ m_NumUsedNodes++;
+ #endif
+ if (m_FreeNode > m_FreeNodeMax)
+ {
+ m_FreeNodeMax = m_FreeNode;
+ m_Nodes[m_FreeNode].NextFreeNode = m_FreeNode + 1;
+ }
+ UInt32 aBitsNew = aByte & kSubNodesMask;
+ UInt32 aBitsOld = (aByte ^ aByteXOR) & kSubNodesMask;
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < kNumSubNodes; i++)
+ aNewNode->Descendants[i].NodePointer = kDescendantEmptyValue;
+ aNewNode->Descendants[aBitsNew].MatchPointer = aPos + kMatchStartValue;
+ aNewNode->Descendants[aBitsOld].NodePointer = aNodeIndex;
+ aNewNode->NumSameBits = CSameBitsType(aNode->NumSameBits - aNumSameBits);
+ aNewNode->LastMatch = aPos;
+ aNode->NumSameBits = CSameBitsType(aNumSameBits - kNumSubBits);
+ }
+ void AddLeafNode(CNodePointer aNode, Byte aByte, Byte aByteXOR,
+ UInt32 aNumSameBits, UInt32 aPos, UInt32 aDescendantIndex)
+ {
+ for(;(aByteXOR & kSubNodesMask) == 0; aNumSameBits += kNumSubBits)
+ {
+ aByte >>= kNumSubBits;
+ aByteXOR >>= kNumSubBits;
+ }
+ UInt32 aNewNodeIndex = m_FreeNode;
+ CNodePointer aNewNode = &m_Nodes[m_FreeNode];
+ m_FreeNode = aNewNode->NextFreeNode;
+ #ifdef __AUTO_REMOVE
+ m_NumUsedNodes++;
+ #endif
+ if (m_FreeNode > m_FreeNodeMax)
+ {
+ m_FreeNodeMax = m_FreeNode;
+ m_Nodes[m_FreeNode].NextFreeNode = m_FreeNode + 1;
+ }
+ UInt32 aBitsNew = (aByte & kSubNodesMask);
+ UInt32 aBitsOld = (aByte ^ aByteXOR) & kSubNodesMask;
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < kNumSubNodes; i++)
+ aNewNode->Descendants[i].NodePointer = kDescendantEmptyValue;
+ aNewNode->Descendants[aBitsNew].MatchPointer = aPos + kMatchStartValue;
+ aNewNode->Descendants[aBitsOld].MatchPointer =
+ aNode->Descendants[aDescendantIndex].MatchPointer;
+ aNewNode->NumSameBits = CSameBitsType(aNumSameBits);
+ aNewNode->LastMatch = aPos;
+ aNode->Descendants[aDescendantIndex].NodePointer = aNewNodeIndex;
+ }
+// #endif
diff --git a/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/Pat2.h b/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/Pat2.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c97164d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/Pat2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Pat2.h
+#ifndef __PAT2__H
+#define __PAT2__H
+#undef PAT_CLSID
+#define PAT_CLSID CLSID_CMatchFinderPat2
+#define PAT_NAMESPACE NPat2
+#define __AUTO_REMOVE
+#define __NODE_2_BITS
+#include "Pat.h"
+#include "PatMain.h"
+#undef __AUTO_REMOVE
+#undef __NODE_2_BITS
diff --git a/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/Pat2H.h b/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/Pat2H.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3a374fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/Pat2H.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Pat2H.h
+#ifndef __PAT2H__H
+#define __PAT2H__H
+#undef PAT_CLSID
+#define PAT_CLSID CLSID_CMatchFinderPat2H
+#define __AUTO_REMOVE
+#define __NODE_2_BITS
+#define __HASH_3
+#include "Pat.h"
+#include "PatMain.h"
+#undef __AUTO_REMOVE
+#undef __NODE_2_BITS
+#undef __HASH_3
diff --git a/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/Pat2R.h b/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/Pat2R.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c6267e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/Pat2R.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Pat2R.h
+#ifndef __PAT2R__H
+#define __PAT2R__H
+#undef PAT_CLSID
+#define PAT_CLSID CLSID_CMatchFinderPat2R
+#define __NODE_2_BITS
+#include "Pat.h"
+#include "PatMain.h"
+#undef __NODE_2_BITS
diff --git a/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/Pat3H.h b/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/Pat3H.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96bdccd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/Pat3H.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Pat3H.h
+#ifndef __PAT3H__H
+#define __PAT3H__H
+#undef PAT_CLSID
+#define PAT_CLSID CLSID_CMatchFinderPat3H
+#define __AUTO_REMOVE
+#define __NODE_3_BITS
+#define __HASH_3
+#include "Pat.h"
+#include "PatMain.h"
+#undef __AUTO_REMOVE
+#undef __NODE_3_BITS
+#undef __HASH_3
diff --git a/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/Pat4H.h b/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/Pat4H.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff5fdbf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/Pat4H.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Pat4H.h
+#ifndef __PAT4H__H
+#define __PAT4H__H
+#undef PAT_CLSID
+#define PAT_CLSID CLSID_CMatchFinderPat4H
+#define __AUTO_REMOVE
+#define __NODE_4_BITS
+#define __HASH_3
+#include "Pat.h"
+#include "PatMain.h"
+#undef __AUTO_REMOVE
+#undef __NODE_4_BITS
+#undef __HASH_3
diff --git a/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/PatMain.h b/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/PatMain.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..028f16ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/src/linux/linux/scripts/squashfs/lzma/C/7zip/Compress/LZ/Patricia/PatMain.h
@@ -0,0 +1,989 @@
+// PatMain.h
+#include "../../../../Common/Defs.h"
+#include "../../../../Common/Alloc.h"
+namespace PAT_NAMESPACE {
+STDMETHODIMP CPatricia::SetCallback(IMatchFinderCallback *callback)
+ m_Callback = callback;
+ return S_OK;
+void CPatricia::BeforeMoveBlock()
+ if (m_Callback)
+ m_Callback->BeforeChangingBufferPos();
+ CLZInWindow::BeforeMoveBlock();
+void CPatricia::AfterMoveBlock()
+ if (m_Callback)
+ m_Callback->AfterChangingBufferPos();
+ CLZInWindow::AfterMoveBlock();
+const UInt32 kMatchStartValue2 = 2;
+const UInt32 kDescendantEmptyValue2 = kMatchStartValue2 - 1;
+const UInt32 kDescendantsNotInitilized2 = kDescendantEmptyValue2 - 1;
+#ifdef __HASH_3
+static const UInt32 kNumHashBytes = 3;
+static const UInt32 kHashSize = 1 << (8 * kNumHashBytes);
+static const UInt32 kNumHash2Bytes = 2;
+static const UInt32 kHash2Size = 1 << (8 * kNumHash2Bytes);
+static const UInt32 kPrevHashSize = kNumHash2Bytes;
+static const UInt32 kNumHashBytes = 2;
+static const UInt32 kHashSize = 1 << (8 * kNumHashBytes);
+static const UInt32 kPrevHashSize = 0;
+ m_HashDescendants(0),
+ #ifdef __HASH_3
+ m_Hash2Descendants(0),
+ #endif
+ m_Nodes(0),
+ m_TmpBacks(0)
+ FreeMemory();
+void CPatricia::FreeMemory()
+ MyFree(m_TmpBacks);
+ m_TmpBacks = 0;
+ ::BigFree(m_Nodes);
+ m_Nodes = 0;
+ ::BigFree(m_HashDescendants);
+ m_HashDescendants = 0;
+ #ifdef __HASH_3
+ ::BigFree(m_Hash2Descendants);
+ m_Hash2Descendants = 0;
+ CLZInWindow::Free();
+ #endif
+STDMETHODIMP CPatricia::Create(UInt32 historySize, UInt32 keepAddBufferBefore,
+ UInt32 matchMaxLen, UInt32 keepAddBufferAfter)
+ FreeMemory();
+ int kNumBitsInNumSameBits = sizeof(CSameBitsType) * 8;
+ if (kNumBitsInNumSameBits < 32 && ((matchMaxLen * MY_BYTE_SIZE) > ((UInt32)1 << kNumBitsInNumSameBits)))
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ const UInt32 kAlignMask = (1 << 16) - 1;
+ UInt32 windowReservSize = historySize;
+ windowReservSize += kAlignMask;
+ windowReservSize &= ~(kAlignMask);
+ const UInt32 kMinReservSize = (1 << 19);
+ if (windowReservSize < kMinReservSize)
+ windowReservSize = kMinReservSize;
+ windowReservSize += 256;
+ if (!CLZInWindow::Create(historySize + keepAddBufferBefore,
+ matchMaxLen + keepAddBufferAfter, windowReservSize))
+ _sizeHistory = historySize;
+ _matchMaxLen = matchMaxLen;
+ m_HashDescendants = (CDescendant *)BigAlloc(kHashSize * sizeof(CDescendant));
+ if (m_HashDescendants == 0)
+ {
+ FreeMemory();
+ }
+ #ifdef __HASH_3
+ m_Hash2Descendants = (CDescendant *)BigAlloc(kHash2Size * sizeof(CDescendant));
+ if (m_Hash2Descendants == 0)
+ {
+ FreeMemory();
+ }
+ #endif
+ #ifdef __AUTO_REMOVE
+ #ifdef __HASH_3
+ m_NumNodes = historySize + _sizeHistory * 4 / 8 + (1 << 19);
+ #else
+ m_NumNodes = historySize + _sizeHistory * 4 / 8 + (1 << 10);
+ #endif
+ #else
+ UInt32 m_NumNodes = historySize;
+ #endif
+ const UInt32 kMaxNumNodes = UInt32(1) << (sizeof(CIndex) * 8 - 1);
+ if (m_NumNodes + 32 > kMaxNumNodes)
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ // m_Nodes = (CNode *)::BigAlloc((m_NumNodes + 2) * sizeof(CNode));
+ m_Nodes = (CNode *)::BigAlloc((m_NumNodes + 12) * sizeof(CNode));
+ if (m_Nodes == 0)
+ {
+ FreeMemory();
+ }
+ m_TmpBacks = (UInt32 *)MyAlloc((_matchMaxLen + 1) * sizeof(UInt32));
+ if (m_TmpBacks == 0)
+ {
+ FreeMemory();
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+STDMETHODIMP CPatricia::Init(ISequentialInStream *aStream)
+ RINOK(CLZInWindow::Init(aStream));
+ // memset(m_HashDescendants, 0xFF, kHashSize * sizeof(m_HashDescendants[0]));
+ #ifdef __HASH_3
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < kHash2Size; i++)
+ m_Hash2Descendants[i].MatchPointer = kDescendantsNotInitilized2;
+ #else
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < kHashSize; i++)
+ m_HashDescendants[i].MakeEmpty();
+ #endif
+ m_Nodes[0].NextFreeNode = 1;
+ m_FreeNode = 0;
+ m_FreeNodeMax = 0;
+ #ifdef __AUTO_REMOVE
+ m_NumUsedNodes = 0;
+ #else
+ m_SpecialRemoveMode = false;
+ #endif
+ m_SpecialMode = false;
+ return S_OK;
+STDMETHODIMP_(void) CPatricia::ReleaseStream()
+ // CLZInWindow::ReleaseStream();
+// pos = _pos + kNumHashBytes
+// fullCurrentLimit = currentLimit + kNumHashBytes
+// fullMatchLen = matchLen + kNumHashBytes
+void CPatricia::ChangeLastMatch(UInt32 hashValue)
+ UInt32 pos = _pos + kNumHashBytes - 1;
+ UInt32 descendantIndex;
+ const Byte *currentBytePointer = _buffer + pos;
+ UInt32 numLoadedBits = 0;
+ Byte curByte = 0; // = 0 to disable warning of GCC
+ CNodePointer node = &m_Nodes[m_HashDescendants[hashValue].NodePointer];
+ while(true)
+ {
+ UInt32 numSameBits = node->NumSameBits;
+ if(numSameBits > 0)
+ {
+ if (numLoadedBits < numSameBits)
+ {
+ numSameBits -= numLoadedBits;
+ currentBytePointer += (numSameBits / MY_BYTE_SIZE);
+ numSameBits %= MY_BYTE_SIZE;
+ curByte = *currentBytePointer++;
+ numLoadedBits = MY_BYTE_SIZE;
+ }
+ curByte >>= numSameBits;
+ numLoadedBits -= numSameBits;
+ }
+ if(numLoadedBits == 0)
+ {
+ curByte = *currentBytePointer++;
+ numLoadedBits = MY_BYTE_SIZE;
+ }
+ descendantIndex = (curByte & kSubNodesMask);
+ node->LastMatch = pos;
+ numLoadedBits -= kNumSubBits;
+ curByte >>= kNumSubBits;
+ if(node->Descendants[descendantIndex].IsNode())
+ node = &m_Nodes[node->Descendants[descendantIndex].NodePointer];
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ node->Descendants[descendantIndex].MatchPointer = pos + kMatchStartValue;
+UInt32 CPatricia::GetLongestMatch(UInt32 *distances)
+ UInt32 fullCurrentLimit;
+ if (_pos + _matchMaxLen <= _streamPos)
+ fullCurrentLimit = _matchMaxLen;
+ else
+ {
+ fullCurrentLimit = _streamPos - _pos;
+ if(fullCurrentLimit < kNumHashBytes)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ UInt32 pos = _pos + kNumHashBytes;
+ #ifdef __HASH_3
+ UInt32 hash2Value = ((UInt32(_buffer[_pos])) << 8) | _buffer[_pos + 1];
+ UInt32 hashValue = (hash2Value << 8) | _buffer[_pos + 2];
+ CDescendant &hash2Descendant = m_Hash2Descendants[hash2Value];
+ CDescendant &hashDescendant = m_HashDescendants[hashValue];
+ if(hash2Descendant.MatchPointer <= kDescendantEmptyValue2)
+ {
+ if(hash2Descendant.MatchPointer == kDescendantsNotInitilized2)
+ {
+ UInt32 base = hashValue & 0xFFFF00;
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
+ m_HashDescendants[base + i].MakeEmpty();
+ }
+ hash2Descendant.MatchPointer = pos + kMatchStartValue2;
+ hashDescendant.MatchPointer = pos + kMatchStartValue;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ distances[kNumHash2Bytes] = pos - (hash2Descendant.MatchPointer - kMatchStartValue2) - 1;
+ hash2Descendant.MatchPointer = pos + kMatchStartValue2;
+ #ifdef __AUTO_REMOVE
+ if (distances[kNumHash2Bytes] >= _sizeHistory)
+ {
+ if (hashDescendant.IsNode())
+ RemoveNode(hashDescendant.NodePointer);
+ hashDescendant.MatchPointer = pos + kMatchStartValue;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ #endif
+ if (fullCurrentLimit == kNumHash2Bytes)
+ return kNumHash2Bytes;
+ #else
+ UInt32 hashValue = UInt32(GetIndexByte(1)) | (UInt32(GetIndexByte(0)) << 8);
+ CDescendant &hashDescendant = m_HashDescendants[hashValue];
+ #endif
+ if(m_SpecialMode)
+ {
+ if(hashDescendant.IsMatch())
+ m_NumNotChangedCycles = 0;
+ if(m_NumNotChangedCycles >= _sizeHistory - 1)
+ {
+ ChangeLastMatch(hashValue);
+ m_NumNotChangedCycles = 0;
+ }
+ if(GetIndexByte(fullCurrentLimit - 1) == GetIndexByte(fullCurrentLimit - 2))
+ {
+ if(hashDescendant.IsMatch())
+ hashDescendant.MatchPointer = pos + kMatchStartValue;
+ else
+ m_NumNotChangedCycles++;
+ for(UInt32 i = kNumHashBytes; i <= fullCurrentLimit; i++)
+ distances[i] = 0;
+ return fullCurrentLimit;
+ }
+ else if(m_NumNotChangedCycles > 0)
+ ChangeLastMatch(hashValue);
+ m_SpecialMode = false;
+ }
+ if(hashDescendant.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ hashDescendant.MatchPointer = pos + kMatchStartValue;
+ return kPrevHashSize;
+ }
+ UInt32 currentLimit = fullCurrentLimit - kNumHashBytes;
+ if(hashDescendant.IsMatch())
+ {
+ CMatchPointer matchPointer = hashDescendant.MatchPointer;
+ UInt32 backReal = pos - (matchPointer - kMatchStartValue);
+ UInt32 back = backReal - 1;
+ #ifdef __AUTO_REMOVE
+ if (back >= _sizeHistory)
+ {
+ hashDescendant.MatchPointer = pos + kMatchStartValue;
+ return kPrevHashSize;
+ }
+ #endif
+ UInt32 matchLen;
+ distances += kNumHashBytes;
+ Byte *buffer = _buffer + pos;
+ for(matchLen = 0; true; matchLen++)
+ {
+ *distances++ = back;
+ if (matchLen == currentLimit)
+ {
+ hashDescendant.MatchPointer = pos + kMatchStartValue;
+ return kNumHashBytes + matchLen;
+ }
+ if (buffer[matchLen] != buffer[(size_t)matchLen - backReal])
+ break;
+ }
+ // UInt32 matchLen = GetMatchLen(kNumHashBytes, back, currentLimit);
+ UInt32 fullMatchLen = matchLen + kNumHashBytes;
+ hashDescendant.NodePointer = m_FreeNode;
+ CNodePointer node = &m_Nodes[m_FreeNode];
+ m_FreeNode = node->NextFreeNode;
+ #ifdef __AUTO_REMOVE
+ m_NumUsedNodes++;
+ #endif
+ if (m_FreeNode > m_FreeNodeMax)
+ {
+ m_FreeNodeMax = m_FreeNode;
+ m_Nodes[m_FreeNode].NextFreeNode = m_FreeNode + 1;
+ }
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < kNumSubNodes; i++)
+ node->Descendants[i].NodePointer = kDescendantEmptyValue;
+ node->LastMatch = pos;
+ Byte byteNew = GetIndexByte(fullMatchLen);
+ Byte byteOld = GetIndexByte(fullMatchLen - backReal);
+ Byte bitsNew, bitsOld;
+ UInt32 numSameBits = matchLen * MY_BYTE_SIZE;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ bitsNew = (byteNew & kSubNodesMask);
+ bitsOld = (byteOld & kSubNodesMask);
+ if(bitsNew != bitsOld)
+ break;
+ byteNew >>= kNumSubBits;
+ byteOld >>= kNumSubBits;
+ numSameBits += kNumSubBits;
+ }
+ node->NumSameBits = CSameBitsType(numSameBits);
+ node->Descendants[bitsNew].MatchPointer = pos + kMatchStartValue;
+ node->Descendants[bitsOld].MatchPointer = matchPointer;
+ return fullMatchLen;
+ }
+ const Byte *baseCurrentBytePointer = _buffer + pos;
+ const Byte *currentBytePointer = baseCurrentBytePointer;
+ UInt32 numLoadedBits = 0;
+ Byte curByte = 0;
+ CIndex *nodePointerPointer = &hashDescendant.NodePointer;
+ CNodePointer node = &m_Nodes[*nodePointerPointer];
+ distances += kNumHashBytes;
+ const Byte *bytePointerLimit = baseCurrentBytePointer + currentLimit;
+ const Byte *currentAddingOffset = _buffer;
+ #ifdef __AUTO_REMOVE
+ UInt32 lowPos;
+ if (pos > _sizeHistory)
+ lowPos = pos - _sizeHistory;
+ else
+ lowPos = 0;
+ #endif
+ while(true)
+ {
+ #ifdef __AUTO_REMOVE
+ if (node->LastMatch < lowPos)
+ {
+ RemoveNode(*nodePointerPointer);
+ *nodePointerPointer = pos + kMatchStartValue;
+ if (currentBytePointer == baseCurrentBytePointer)
+ return kPrevHashSize;
+ return kNumHashBytes + (UInt32)(currentBytePointer - baseCurrentBytePointer - 1);
+ }
+ #endif
+ if(numLoadedBits == 0)
+ {
+ *distances++ = pos - node->LastMatch - 1;
+ if(currentBytePointer >= bytePointerLimit)
+ {
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < kNumSubNodes; i++)
+ node->Descendants[i].MatchPointer = pos + kMatchStartValue;
+ node->LastMatch = pos;
+ node->NumSameBits = 0;
+ return fullCurrentLimit;
+ }
+ curByte = (*currentBytePointer++);
+ currentAddingOffset++;
+ numLoadedBits = MY_BYTE_SIZE;
+ }
+ UInt32 numSameBits = node->NumSameBits;
+ if(numSameBits > 0)
+ {
+ Byte byteXOR = ((*(currentAddingOffset + node->LastMatch -1)) >>
+ (MY_BYTE_SIZE - numLoadedBits)) ^ curByte;
+ while(numLoadedBits <= numSameBits)
+ {
+ if(byteXOR != 0)
+ {
+ AddInternalNode(node, nodePointerPointer, curByte, byteXOR,
+ numSameBits, pos);
+ return kNumHashBytes + (UInt32)(currentBytePointer - baseCurrentBytePointer - 1);
+ }
+ *distances++ = pos - node->LastMatch - 1;
+ numSameBits -= numLoadedBits;
+ if(currentBytePointer >= bytePointerLimit)
+ {
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < kNumSubNodes; i++)
+ node->Descendants[i].MatchPointer = pos + kMatchStartValue;
+ node->LastMatch = pos;
+ node->NumSameBits = CSameBitsType(node->NumSameBits - numSameBits);
+ return fullCurrentLimit;
+ }
+ numLoadedBits = MY_BYTE_SIZE;
+ curByte = (*currentBytePointer++);
+ byteXOR = curByte ^ (*(currentAddingOffset + node->LastMatch));
+ currentAddingOffset++;
+ }
+ if((byteXOR & ((1 << numSameBits) - 1)) != 0)
+ {
+ AddInternalNode(node, nodePointerPointer, curByte, byteXOR,
+ numSameBits, pos);
+ return kNumHashBytes + (UInt32)(currentBytePointer - baseCurrentBytePointer - 1);
+ }
+ curByte >>= numSameBits;
+ numLoadedBits -= numSameBits;
+ }
+ UInt32 descendantIndex = (curByte & kSubNodesMask);
+ numLoadedBits -= kNumSubBits;
+ nodePointerPointer = &node->Descendants[descendantIndex].NodePointer;
+ UInt32 nextNodeIndex = *nodePointerPointer;
+ node->LastMatch = pos;
+ if (nextNodeIndex < kDescendantEmptyValue)
+ {
+ curByte >>= kNumSubBits;
+ node = &m_Nodes[nextNodeIndex];
+ }
+ else if (nextNodeIndex == kDescendantEmptyValue)
+ {
+ node->Descendants[descendantIndex].MatchPointer = pos + kMatchStartValue;
+ return kNumHashBytes + (UInt32)(currentBytePointer - baseCurrentBytePointer - 1);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ UInt32 descendantIndex = (curByte & kSubNodesMask);
+ curByte >>= kNumSubBits;
+ CMatchPointer matchPointer = node->Descendants[descendantIndex].MatchPointer;
+ CMatchPointer realMatchPointer;
+ realMatchPointer = matchPointer - kMatchStartValue;
+ #ifdef __AUTO_REMOVE
+ if (realMatchPointer < lowPos)
+ {
+ node->Descendants[descendantIndex].MatchPointer = pos + kMatchStartValue;
+ return kNumHashBytes + (UInt32)(currentBytePointer - baseCurrentBytePointer - 1);
+ }
+ #endif
+ Byte byteXOR;
+ UInt32 numSameBits = 0;
+ if(numLoadedBits != 0)
+ {
+ Byte matchByte = *(currentAddingOffset + realMatchPointer -1);
+ matchByte >>= (MY_BYTE_SIZE - numLoadedBits);
+ byteXOR = matchByte ^ curByte;
+ if(byteXOR != 0)
+ {
+ AddLeafNode(node, curByte, byteXOR, numSameBits, pos, descendantIndex);
+ return kNumHashBytes + (UInt32)(currentBytePointer - baseCurrentBytePointer - 1);
+ }
+ numSameBits += numLoadedBits;
+ }
+ const Byte *matchBytePointer = _buffer + realMatchPointer +
+ (currentBytePointer - baseCurrentBytePointer);
+ for(; currentBytePointer < bytePointerLimit; numSameBits += MY_BYTE_SIZE)
+ {
+ curByte = (*currentBytePointer++);
+ *distances++ = pos - realMatchPointer - 1;
+ byteXOR = curByte ^ (*matchBytePointer++);
+ if(byteXOR != 0)
+ {
+ AddLeafNode(node, curByte, byteXOR, numSameBits, pos, descendantIndex);
+ return kNumHashBytes + (UInt32)(currentBytePointer - baseCurrentBytePointer - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ *distances = pos - realMatchPointer - 1;
+ node->Descendants[descendantIndex].MatchPointer = pos + kMatchStartValue;
+ if(*distances == 0)
+ {
+ m_SpecialMode = true;
+ m_NumNotChangedCycles = 0;
+ }
+ return fullCurrentLimit;
+STDMETHODIMP_(void) CPatricia::DummyLongestMatch()
+ GetLongestMatch(m_TmpBacks);
+// ------------------------------------
+// Remove Match
+typedef Byte CRemoveDataWord;
+static const int kSizeRemoveDataWordInBits = MY_BYTE_SIZE * sizeof(CRemoveDataWord);
+#ifndef __AUTO_REMOVE
+void CPatricia::RemoveMatch()
+ if(m_SpecialRemoveMode)
+ {
+ if(GetIndexByte(_matchMaxLen - 1 - _sizeHistory) ==
+ GetIndexByte(_matchMaxLen - _sizeHistory))
+ return;
+ m_SpecialRemoveMode = false;
+ }
+ UInt32 pos = _pos + kNumHashBytes - _sizeHistory;
+ #ifdef __HASH_3
+ const Byte *pp = _buffer + _pos - _sizeHistory;
+ UInt32 hash2Value = ((UInt32(pp[0])) << 8) | pp[1];
+ UInt32 hashValue = (hash2Value << 8) | pp[2];
+ CDescendant &hashDescendant = m_HashDescendants[hashValue];
+ CDescendant &hash2Descendant = m_Hash2Descendants[hash2Value];
+ if (hash2Descendant >= kMatchStartValue2)
+ if(hash2Descendant.MatchPointer == pos + kMatchStartValue2)
+ hash2Descendant.MatchPointer = kDescendantEmptyValue2;
+ #else
+ UInt32 hashValue = UInt32(GetIndexByte(1 - _sizeHistory)) |
+ (UInt32(GetIndexByte(0 - _sizeHistory)) << 8);
+ CDescendant &hashDescendant = m_HashDescendants[hashValue];
+ #endif
+ if(hashDescendant.IsEmpty())
+ return;
+ if(hashDescendant.IsMatch())
+ {
+ if(hashDescendant.MatchPointer == pos + kMatchStartValue)
+ hashDescendant.MakeEmpty();
+ return;
+ }
+ UInt32 descendantIndex;
+ const CRemoveDataWord *currentPointer = (const CRemoveDataWord *)(_buffer + pos);
+ UInt32 numLoadedBits = 0;
+ CRemoveDataWord curWord = 0; // = 0 to disable GCC warning
+ CIndex *nodePointerPointer = &hashDescendant.NodePointer;
+ CNodePointer node = &m_Nodes[hashDescendant.NodePointer];
+ while(true)
+ {
+ if(numLoadedBits == 0)
+ {
+ curWord = *currentPointer++;
+ numLoadedBits = kSizeRemoveDataWordInBits;
+ }
+ UInt32 numSameBits = node->NumSameBits;
+ if(numSameBits > 0)
+ {
+ if (numLoadedBits <= numSameBits)
+ {
+ numSameBits -= numLoadedBits;
+ currentPointer += (numSameBits / kSizeRemoveDataWordInBits);
+ numSameBits %= kSizeRemoveDataWordInBits;
+ curWord = *currentPointer++;
+ numLoadedBits = kSizeRemoveDataWordInBits;
+ }
+ curWord >>= numSameBits;
+ numLoadedBits -= numSameBits;
+ }
+ descendantIndex = (curWord & kSubNodesMask);
+ numLoadedBits -= kNumSubBits;
+ curWord >>= kNumSubBits;
+ UInt32 nextNodeIndex = node->Descendants[descendantIndex].NodePointer;
+ if (nextNodeIndex < kDescendantEmptyValue)
+ {
+ nodePointerPointer = &node->Descendants[descendantIndex].NodePointer;
+ node = &m_Nodes[nextNodeIndex];
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (node->Descendants[descendantIndex].MatchPointer != pos + kMatchStartValue)
+ {
+ const Byte *currentBytePointer = _buffer + _pos - _sizeHistory;
+ const Byte *currentBytePointerLimit = currentBytePointer + _matchMaxLen;
+ for(;currentBytePointer < currentBytePointerLimit; currentBytePointer++)
+ if(*currentBytePointer != *(currentBytePointer+1))
+ return;
+ m_SpecialRemoveMode = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ UInt32 numNodes = 0, numMatches = 0;
+ UInt32 i;
+ for (i = 0; i < kNumSubNodes; i++)
+ {
+ UInt32 nodeIndex = node->Descendants[i].NodePointer;
+ if (nodeIndex < kDescendantEmptyValue)
+ numNodes++;
+ else if (nodeIndex > kDescendantEmptyValue)
+ numMatches++;
+ }
+ numMatches -= 1;
+ if (numNodes + numMatches > 1)
+ {
+ node->Descendants[descendantIndex].MakeEmpty();
+ return;
+ }
+ if(numNodes == 1)
+ {
+ UInt32 i;
+ for (i = 0; i < kNumSubNodes; i++)
+ if (node->Descendants[i].IsNode())
+ break;
+ UInt32 nextNodeIndex = node->Descendants[i].NodePointer;
+ CNodePointer nextNode = &m_Nodes[nextNodeIndex];
+ nextNode->NumSameBits += node->NumSameBits + kNumSubBits;
+ *node = *nextNode;
+ nextNode->NextFreeNode = m_FreeNode;
+ m_FreeNode = nextNodeIndex;
+ return;
+ }
+ UInt32 matchPointer = 0; // = 0 to disable GCC warning
+ for (i = 0; i < kNumSubNodes; i++)
+ if (node->Descendants[i].IsMatch() && i != descendantIndex)
+ {
+ matchPointer = node->Descendants[i].MatchPointer;
+ break;
+ }
+ node->NextFreeNode = m_FreeNode;
+ m_FreeNode = *nodePointerPointer;
+ *nodePointerPointer = matchPointer;
+// Commented code is more correct, but it gives warning
+// on GCC: (1 << 32)
+// So we use kMatchStartValue twice:
+// kMatchStartValue = UInt32(1) << (kNumBitsInIndex - 1);
+// must be defined in Pat.h
+const UInt32 kNormalizeStartPos = (UInt32(1) << (kNumBitsInIndex)) -
+ kMatchStartValue - kNumHashBytes - 1;
+const UInt32 kNormalizeStartPos = kMatchStartValue - kNumHashBytes - 1;
+STDMETHODIMP CPatricia::MovePos()
+ #ifndef __AUTO_REMOVE
+ if(_pos >= _sizeHistory)
+ RemoveMatch();
+ #endif
+ RINOK(CLZInWindow::MovePos());
+ #ifdef __AUTO_REMOVE
+ if (m_NumUsedNodes >= m_NumNodes)
+ TestRemoveNodes();
+ #endif
+ if (_pos >= kNormalizeStartPos)
+ {
+ #ifdef __AUTO_REMOVE
+ TestRemoveNodesAndNormalize();
+ #else
+ Normalize();
+ #endif
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+#ifndef __AUTO_REMOVE
+void CPatricia::NormalizeDescendant(CDescendant &descendant, UInt32 subValue)
+ if (descendant.IsEmpty())
+ return;
+ if (descendant.IsMatch())
+ descendant.MatchPointer = descendant.MatchPointer - subValue;
+ else
+ {
+ CNode &node = m_Nodes[descendant.NodePointer];
+ node.LastMatch = node.LastMatch - subValue;
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < kNumSubNodes; i++)
+ NormalizeDescendant(node.Descendants[i], subValue);
+ }
+void CPatricia::Normalize()
+ UInt32 subValue = _pos - _sizeHistory;
+ CLZInWindow::ReduceOffsets(subValue);
+ #ifdef __HASH_3
+ for(UInt32 hash = 0; hash < kHash2Size; hash++)
+ {
+ CDescendant &descendant = m_Hash2Descendants[hash];
+ if (descendant.MatchPointer != kDescendantsNotInitilized2)
+ {
+ UInt32 base = hash << 8;
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
+ NormalizeDescendant(m_HashDescendants[base + i], subValue);
+ }
+ if (descendant.MatchPointer < kMatchStartValue2)
+ continue;
+ descendant.MatchPointer = descendant.MatchPointer - subValue;
+ }
+ #else
+ for(UInt32 hash = 0; hash < kHashSize; hash++)
+ NormalizeDescendant(m_HashDescendants[hash], subValue);
+ #endif
+void CPatricia::TestRemoveDescendant(CDescendant &descendant, UInt32 limitPos)
+ CNode &node = m_Nodes[descendant.NodePointer];
+ UInt32 numChilds = 0;
+ UInt32 childIndex = 0; // = 0 to disable GCC warning
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < kNumSubNodes; i++)
+ {
+ CDescendant &descendant2 = node.Descendants[i];
+ if (descendant2.IsEmpty())
+ continue;
+ if (descendant2.IsMatch())
+ {
+ if (descendant2.MatchPointer < limitPos)
+ descendant2.MakeEmpty();
+ else
+ {
+ numChilds++;
+ childIndex = i;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TestRemoveDescendant(descendant2, limitPos);
+ if (!descendant2.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ numChilds++;
+ childIndex = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (numChilds > 1)
+ return;
+ CIndex nodePointerTemp = descendant.NodePointer;
+ if (numChilds == 1)
+ {
+ const CDescendant &descendant2 = node.Descendants[childIndex];
+ if (descendant2.IsNode())
+ m_Nodes[descendant2.NodePointer].NumSameBits += node.NumSameBits + kNumSubBits;
+ descendant = descendant2;
+ }
+ else
+ descendant.MakeEmpty();
+ node.NextFreeNode = m_FreeNode;
+ m_FreeNode = nodePointerTemp;
+ m_NumUsedNodes--;
+void CPatricia::RemoveNode(UInt32 index)
+ CNode &node = m_Nodes[index];
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < kNumSubNodes; i++)
+ {
+ CDescendant &descendant2 = node.Descendants[i];
+ if (descendant2.IsNode())
+ RemoveNode(descendant2.NodePointer);
+ }
+ node.NextFreeNode = m_FreeNode;
+ m_FreeNode = index;
+ m_NumUsedNodes--;
+void CPatricia::TestRemoveNodes()
+ UInt32 limitPos = kMatchStartValue + _pos - _sizeHistory + kNumHashBytes;
+ #ifdef __HASH_3
+ UInt32 limitPos2 = kMatchStartValue2 + _pos - _sizeHistory + kNumHashBytes;
+ for(UInt32 hash = 0; hash < kHash2Size; hash++)
+ {
+ CDescendant &descendant = m_Hash2Descendants[hash];
+ if (descendant.MatchPointer != kDescendantsNotInitilized2)
+ {
+ UInt32 base = hash << 8;
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
+ {
+ CDescendant &descendant = m_HashDescendants[base + i];
+ if (descendant.IsEmpty())
+ continue;
+ if (descendant.IsMatch())
+ {
+ if (descendant.MatchPointer < limitPos)
+ descendant.MakeEmpty();
+ }
+ else
+ TestRemoveDescendant(descendant, limitPos);
+ }
+ }
+ if (descendant.MatchPointer < kMatchStartValue2)
+ continue;
+ if (descendant.MatchPointer < limitPos2)
+ descendant.MatchPointer = kDescendantEmptyValue2;
+ }
+ #else
+ for(UInt32 hash = 0; hash < kHashSize; hash++)
+ {
+ CDescendant &descendant = m_HashDescendants[hash];
+ if (descendant.IsEmpty())
+ continue;
+ if (descendant.IsMatch())
+ {
+ if (descendant.MatchPointer < limitPos)
+ descendant.MakeEmpty();
+ }
+ else
+ TestRemoveDescendant(descendant, limitPos);
+ }
+ #endif
+void CPatricia::TestRemoveAndNormalizeDescendant(CDescendant &descendant,
+ UInt32 limitPos, UInt32 subValue)
+ if (descendant.IsEmpty())
+ return;
+ if (descendant.IsMatch())
+ {
+ if (descendant.MatchPointer < limitPos)
+ descendant.MakeEmpty();
+ else
+ descendant.MatchPointer = descendant.MatchPointer - subValue;
+ return;
+ }
+ CNode &node = m_Nodes[descendant.NodePointer];
+ UInt32 numChilds = 0;
+ UInt32 childIndex = 0; // = 0 to disable GCC warning
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < kNumSubNodes; i++)
+ {
+ CDescendant &descendant2 = node.Descendants[i];
+ TestRemoveAndNormalizeDescendant(descendant2, limitPos, subValue);
+ if (!descendant2.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ numChilds++;
+ childIndex = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (numChilds > 1)
+ {
+ node.LastMatch = node.LastMatch - subValue;
+ return;
+ }
+ CIndex nodePointerTemp = descendant.NodePointer;
+ if (numChilds == 1)
+ {
+ const CDescendant &descendant2 = node.Descendants[childIndex];
+ if (descendant2.IsNode())
+ m_Nodes[descendant2.NodePointer].NumSameBits += node.NumSameBits + kNumSubBits;
+ descendant = descendant2;
+ }
+ else
+ descendant.MakeEmpty();
+ node.NextFreeNode = m_FreeNode;
+ m_FreeNode = nodePointerTemp;
+ m_NumUsedNodes--;
+void CPatricia::TestRemoveNodesAndNormalize()
+ UInt32 subValue = _pos - _sizeHistory;
+ UInt32 limitPos = kMatchStartValue + _pos - _sizeHistory + kNumHashBytes;
+ CLZInWindow::ReduceOffsets(subValue);
+ #ifdef __HASH_3
+ UInt32 limitPos2 = kMatchStartValue2 + _pos - _sizeHistory + kNumHashBytes;
+ for(UInt32 hash = 0; hash < kHash2Size; hash++)
+ {
+ CDescendant &descendant = m_Hash2Descendants[hash];
+ if (descendant.MatchPointer != kDescendantsNotInitilized2)
+ {
+ UInt32 base = hash << 8;
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
+ TestRemoveAndNormalizeDescendant(m_HashDescendants[base + i], limitPos, subValue);
+ }
+ if (descendant.MatchPointer < kMatchStartValue2)
+ continue;
+ if (descendant.MatchPointer < limitPos2)
+ descendant.MatchPointer = kDescendantEmptyValue2;
+ else
+ descendant.MatchPointer = descendant.MatchPointer - subValue;
+ }
+ #else
+ for(UInt32 hash = 0; hash < kHashSize; hash++)
+ TestRemoveAndNormalizeDescendant(m_HashDescendants[hash], limitPos, subValue);
+ #endif
+STDMETHODIMP_(Byte) CPatricia::GetIndexByte(Int32 index)
+ return CLZInWindow::GetIndexByte(index);
+STDMETHODIMP_(UInt32) CPatricia::GetMatchLen(Int32 index, UInt32 back, UInt32 limit)
+ return CLZInWindow::GetMatchLen(index, back, limit);
+STDMETHODIMP_(UInt32) CPatricia::GetNumAvailableBytes()
+ return CLZInWindow::GetNumAvailableBytes();
+STDMETHODIMP_(const Byte *) CPatricia::GetPointerToCurrentPos()
+ return CLZInWindow::GetPointerToCurrentPos();