path: root/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs')
6 files changed, 3081 insertions, 925 deletions
diff --git a/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/LzmaDecode.c b/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/LzmaDecode.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..951700bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/LzmaDecode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+ LzmaDecode.c
+ LZMA Decoder
+ LZMA SDK 4.05 Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Igor Pavlov (2004-08-25)
+ LZMA SDK is licensed under two licenses:
+ 1) GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL)
+ 2) Common Public License (CPL)
+ It means that you can select one of these two licenses and
+ follow rules of that license.
+ Igor Pavlov, as the author of this code, expressly permits you to
+ statically or dynamically link your code (or bind by name) to the
+ interfaces of this file without subjecting your linked code to the
+ terms of the CPL or GNU LGPL. Any modifications or additions
+ to this file, however, are subject to the LGPL or CPL terms.
+#include "LzmaDecode.h"
+#ifndef Byte
+#define Byte unsigned char
+#define kNumTopBits 24
+#define kTopValue ((UInt32)1 << kNumTopBits)
+#define kNumBitModelTotalBits 11
+#define kBitModelTotal (1 << kNumBitModelTotalBits)
+#define kNumMoveBits 5
+typedef struct _CRangeDecoder
+ Byte *Buffer;
+ Byte *BufferLim;
+ UInt32 Range;
+ UInt32 Code;
+ #ifdef _LZMA_IN_CB
+ ILzmaInCallback *InCallback;
+ int Result;
+ #endif
+ int ExtraBytes;
+} CRangeDecoder;
+Byte RangeDecoderReadByte(CRangeDecoder *rd)
+ if (rd->Buffer == rd->BufferLim)
+ {
+ #ifdef _LZMA_IN_CB
+ UInt32 size;
+ rd->Result = rd->InCallback->Read(rd->InCallback, &rd->Buffer, &size);
+ rd->BufferLim = rd->Buffer + size;
+ if (size == 0)
+ #endif
+ {
+ rd->ExtraBytes = 1;
+ return 0xFF;
+ }
+ }
+ return (*rd->Buffer++);
+/* #define ReadByte (*rd->Buffer++) */
+#define ReadByte (RangeDecoderReadByte(rd))
+void RangeDecoderInit(CRangeDecoder *rd,
+ #ifdef _LZMA_IN_CB
+ ILzmaInCallback *inCallback
+ #else
+ Byte *stream, UInt32 bufferSize
+ #endif
+ )
+ int i;
+ #ifdef _LZMA_IN_CB
+ rd->InCallback = inCallback;
+ rd->Buffer = rd->BufferLim = 0;
+ #else
+ rd->Buffer = stream;
+ rd->BufferLim = stream + bufferSize;
+ #endif
+ rd->ExtraBytes = 0;
+ rd->Code = 0;
+ rd->Range = (0xFFFFFFFF);
+ for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+ rd->Code = (rd->Code << 8) | ReadByte;
+#define RC_INIT_VAR UInt32 range = rd->Range; UInt32 code = rd->Code;
+#define RC_FLUSH_VAR rd->Range = range; rd->Code = code;
+#define RC_NORMALIZE if (range < kTopValue) { range <<= 8; code = (code << 8) | ReadByte; }
+UInt32 RangeDecoderDecodeDirectBits(CRangeDecoder *rd, int numTotalBits)
+ UInt32 result = 0;
+ int i;
+ for (i = numTotalBits; i > 0; i--)
+ {
+ /* UInt32 t; */
+ range >>= 1;
+ result <<= 1;
+ if (code >= range)
+ {
+ code -= range;
+ result |= 1;
+ }
+ /*
+ t = (code - range) >> 31;
+ t &= 1;
+ code -= range & (t - 1);
+ result = (result + result) | (1 - t);
+ */
+ }
+ return result;
+int RangeDecoderBitDecode(CProb *prob, CRangeDecoder *rd)
+ UInt32 bound = (rd->Range >> kNumBitModelTotalBits) * *prob;
+ if (rd->Code < bound)
+ {
+ rd->Range = bound;
+ *prob += (kBitModelTotal - *prob) >> kNumMoveBits;
+ if (rd->Range < kTopValue)
+ {
+ rd->Code = (rd->Code << 8) | ReadByte;
+ rd->Range <<= 8;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rd->Range -= bound;
+ rd->Code -= bound;
+ *prob -= (*prob) >> kNumMoveBits;
+ if (rd->Range < kTopValue)
+ {
+ rd->Code = (rd->Code << 8) | ReadByte;
+ rd->Range <<= 8;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+#define RC_GET_BIT2(prob, mi, A0, A1) \
+ UInt32 bound = (range >> kNumBitModelTotalBits) * *prob; \
+ if (code < bound) \
+ { A0; range = bound; *prob += (kBitModelTotal - *prob) >> kNumMoveBits; mi <<= 1; } \
+ else \
+ { A1; range -= bound; code -= bound; *prob -= (*prob) >> kNumMoveBits; mi = (mi + mi) + 1; } \
+#define RC_GET_BIT(prob, mi) RC_GET_BIT2(prob, mi, ; , ;)
+int RangeDecoderBitTreeDecode(CProb *probs, int numLevels, CRangeDecoder *rd)
+ int mi = 1;
+ int i;
+ #ifdef _LZMA_LOC_OPT
+ #endif
+ for(i = numLevels; i > 0; i--)
+ {
+ #ifdef _LZMA_LOC_OPT
+ CProb *prob = probs + mi;
+ RC_GET_BIT(prob, mi)
+ #else
+ mi = (mi + mi) + RangeDecoderBitDecode(probs + mi, rd);
+ #endif
+ }
+ #ifdef _LZMA_LOC_OPT
+ #endif
+ return mi - (1 << numLevels);
+int RangeDecoderReverseBitTreeDecode(CProb *probs, int numLevels, CRangeDecoder *rd)
+ int mi = 1;
+ int i;
+ int symbol = 0;
+ #ifdef _LZMA_LOC_OPT
+ #endif
+ for(i = 0; i < numLevels; i++)
+ {
+ #ifdef _LZMA_LOC_OPT
+ CProb *prob = probs + mi;
+ RC_GET_BIT2(prob, mi, ; , symbol |= (1 << i))
+ #else
+ int bit = RangeDecoderBitDecode(probs + mi, rd);
+ mi = mi + mi + bit;
+ symbol |= (bit << i);
+ #endif
+ }
+ #ifdef _LZMA_LOC_OPT
+ #endif
+ return symbol;
+Byte LzmaLiteralDecode(CProb *probs, CRangeDecoder *rd)
+ int symbol = 1;
+ #ifdef _LZMA_LOC_OPT
+ #endif
+ do
+ {
+ #ifdef _LZMA_LOC_OPT
+ CProb *prob = probs + symbol;
+ RC_GET_BIT(prob, symbol)
+ #else
+ symbol = (symbol + symbol) | RangeDecoderBitDecode(probs + symbol, rd);
+ #endif
+ }
+ while (symbol < 0x100);
+ #ifdef _LZMA_LOC_OPT
+ #endif
+ return symbol;
+Byte LzmaLiteralDecodeMatch(CProb *probs, CRangeDecoder *rd, Byte matchByte)
+ int symbol = 1;
+ #ifdef _LZMA_LOC_OPT
+ #endif
+ do
+ {
+ int bit;
+ int matchBit = (matchByte >> 7) & 1;
+ matchByte <<= 1;
+ #ifdef _LZMA_LOC_OPT
+ {
+ CProb *prob = probs + ((1 + matchBit) << 8) + symbol;
+ RC_GET_BIT2(prob, symbol, bit = 0, bit = 1)
+ }
+ #else
+ bit = RangeDecoderBitDecode(probs + ((1 + matchBit) << 8) + symbol, rd);
+ symbol = (symbol << 1) | bit;
+ #endif
+ if (matchBit != bit)
+ {
+ while (symbol < 0x100)
+ {
+ #ifdef _LZMA_LOC_OPT
+ CProb *prob = probs + symbol;
+ RC_GET_BIT(prob, symbol)
+ #else
+ symbol = (symbol + symbol) | RangeDecoderBitDecode(probs + symbol, rd);
+ #endif
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (symbol < 0x100);
+ #ifdef _LZMA_LOC_OPT
+ #endif
+ return symbol;
+#define kNumPosBitsMax 4
+#define kNumPosStatesMax (1 << kNumPosBitsMax)
+#define kLenNumLowBits 3
+#define kLenNumLowSymbols (1 << kLenNumLowBits)
+#define kLenNumMidBits 3
+#define kLenNumMidSymbols (1 << kLenNumMidBits)
+#define kLenNumHighBits 8
+#define kLenNumHighSymbols (1 << kLenNumHighBits)
+#define LenChoice 0
+#define LenChoice2 (LenChoice + 1)
+#define LenLow (LenChoice2 + 1)
+#define LenMid (LenLow + (kNumPosStatesMax << kLenNumLowBits))
+#define LenHigh (LenMid + (kNumPosStatesMax << kLenNumMidBits))
+#define kNumLenProbs (LenHigh + kLenNumHighSymbols)
+int LzmaLenDecode(CProb *p, CRangeDecoder *rd, int posState)
+ if(RangeDecoderBitDecode(p + LenChoice, rd) == 0)
+ return RangeDecoderBitTreeDecode(p + LenLow +
+ (posState << kLenNumLowBits), kLenNumLowBits, rd);
+ if(RangeDecoderBitDecode(p + LenChoice2, rd) == 0)
+ return kLenNumLowSymbols + RangeDecoderBitTreeDecode(p + LenMid +
+ (posState << kLenNumMidBits), kLenNumMidBits, rd);
+ return kLenNumLowSymbols + kLenNumMidSymbols +
+ RangeDecoderBitTreeDecode(p + LenHigh, kLenNumHighBits, rd);
+#define kNumStates 12
+#define kStartPosModelIndex 4
+#define kEndPosModelIndex 14
+#define kNumFullDistances (1 << (kEndPosModelIndex >> 1))
+#define kNumPosSlotBits 6
+#define kNumLenToPosStates 4
+#define kNumAlignBits 4
+#define kAlignTableSize (1 << kNumAlignBits)
+#define kMatchMinLen 2
+#define IsMatch 0
+#define IsRep (IsMatch + (kNumStates << kNumPosBitsMax))
+#define IsRepG0 (IsRep + kNumStates)
+#define IsRepG1 (IsRepG0 + kNumStates)
+#define IsRepG2 (IsRepG1 + kNumStates)
+#define IsRep0Long (IsRepG2 + kNumStates)
+#define PosSlot (IsRep0Long + (kNumStates << kNumPosBitsMax))
+#define SpecPos (PosSlot + (kNumLenToPosStates << kNumPosSlotBits))
+#define Align (SpecPos + kNumFullDistances - kEndPosModelIndex)
+#define LenCoder (Align + kAlignTableSize)
+#define RepLenCoder (LenCoder + kNumLenProbs)
+#define Literal (RepLenCoder + kNumLenProbs)
+#if Literal != LZMA_BASE_SIZE
+#ifdef _LZMA_OUT_READ
+typedef struct _LzmaVarState
+ CRangeDecoder RangeDecoder;
+ Byte *Dictionary;
+ UInt32 DictionarySize;
+ UInt32 DictionaryPos;
+ UInt32 GlobalPos;
+ UInt32 Reps[4];
+ int lc;
+ int lp;
+ int pb;
+ int State;
+ int PreviousIsMatch;
+ int RemainLen;
+} LzmaVarState;
+int LzmaDecoderInit(
+ unsigned char *buffer, UInt32 bufferSize,
+ int lc, int lp, int pb,
+ unsigned char *dictionary, UInt32 dictionarySize,
+ #ifdef _LZMA_IN_CB
+ ILzmaInCallback *inCallback
+ #else
+ unsigned char *inStream, UInt32 inSize
+ #endif
+ )
+ LzmaVarState *vs = (LzmaVarState *)buffer;
+ CProb *p = (CProb *)(buffer + sizeof(LzmaVarState));
+ UInt32 numProbs = Literal + ((UInt32)LZMA_LIT_SIZE << (lc + lp));
+ UInt32 i;
+ if (bufferSize < numProbs * sizeof(CProb) + sizeof(LzmaVarState))
+ vs->Dictionary = dictionary;
+ vs->DictionarySize = dictionarySize;
+ vs->DictionaryPos = 0;
+ vs->GlobalPos = 0;
+ vs->Reps[0] = vs->Reps[1] = vs->Reps[2] = vs->Reps[3] = 1;
+ vs->lc = lc;
+ vs->lp = lp;
+ vs->pb = pb;
+ vs->State = 0;
+ vs->PreviousIsMatch = 0;
+ vs->RemainLen = 0;
+ dictionary[dictionarySize - 1] = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < numProbs; i++)
+ p[i] = kBitModelTotal >> 1;
+ RangeDecoderInit(&vs->RangeDecoder,
+ #ifdef _LZMA_IN_CB
+ inCallback
+ #else
+ inStream, inSize
+ #endif
+ );
+ return LZMA_RESULT_OK;
+int LzmaDecode(unsigned char *buffer,
+ unsigned char *outStream, UInt32 outSize,
+ UInt32 *outSizeProcessed)
+ LzmaVarState *vs = (LzmaVarState *)buffer;
+ CProb *p = (CProb *)(buffer + sizeof(LzmaVarState));
+ CRangeDecoder rd = vs->RangeDecoder;
+ int state = vs->State;
+ int previousIsMatch = vs->PreviousIsMatch;
+ Byte previousByte;
+ UInt32 rep0 = vs->Reps[0], rep1 = vs->Reps[1], rep2 = vs->Reps[2], rep3 = vs->Reps[3];
+ UInt32 nowPos = 0;
+ UInt32 posStateMask = (1 << (vs->pb)) - 1;
+ UInt32 literalPosMask = (1 << (vs->lp)) - 1;
+ int lc = vs->lc;
+ int len = vs->RemainLen;
+ UInt32 globalPos = vs->GlobalPos;
+ Byte *dictionary = vs->Dictionary;
+ UInt32 dictionarySize = vs->DictionarySize;
+ UInt32 dictionaryPos = vs->DictionaryPos;
+ if (len == -1)
+ {
+ *outSizeProcessed = 0;
+ return LZMA_RESULT_OK;
+ }
+ while(len > 0 && nowPos < outSize)
+ {
+ UInt32 pos = dictionaryPos - rep0;
+ if (pos >= dictionarySize)
+ pos += dictionarySize;
+ outStream[nowPos++] = dictionary[dictionaryPos] = dictionary[pos];
+ if (++dictionaryPos == dictionarySize)
+ dictionaryPos = 0;
+ len--;
+ }
+ if (dictionaryPos == 0)
+ previousByte = dictionary[dictionarySize - 1];
+ else
+ previousByte = dictionary[dictionaryPos - 1];
+int LzmaDecode(
+ Byte *buffer, UInt32 bufferSize,
+ int lc, int lp, int pb,
+ #ifdef _LZMA_IN_CB
+ ILzmaInCallback *inCallback,
+ #else
+ unsigned char *inStream, UInt32 inSize,
+ #endif
+ unsigned char *outStream, UInt32 outSize,
+ UInt32 *outSizeProcessed)
+ UInt32 numProbs = Literal + ((UInt32)LZMA_LIT_SIZE << (lc + lp));
+ CProb *p = (CProb *)buffer;
+ CRangeDecoder rd;
+ UInt32 i;
+ int state = 0;
+ int previousIsMatch = 0;
+ Byte previousByte = 0;
+ UInt32 rep0 = 1, rep1 = 1, rep2 = 1, rep3 = 1;
+ UInt32 nowPos = 0;
+ UInt32 posStateMask = (1 << pb) - 1;
+ UInt32 literalPosMask = (1 << lp) - 1;
+ int len = 0;
+ if (bufferSize < numProbs * sizeof(CProb))
+ for (i = 0; i < numProbs; i++)
+ p[i] = kBitModelTotal >> 1;
+ RangeDecoderInit(&rd,
+ #ifdef _LZMA_IN_CB
+ inCallback
+ #else
+ inStream, inSize
+ #endif
+ );
+ *outSizeProcessed = 0;
+ while(nowPos < outSize)
+ {
+ int posState = (int)(
+ (nowPos
+ #ifdef _LZMA_OUT_READ
+ + globalPos
+ #endif
+ )
+ & posStateMask);
+ #ifdef _LZMA_IN_CB
+ if (rd.Result != LZMA_RESULT_OK)
+ return rd.Result;
+ #endif
+ if (rd.ExtraBytes != 0)
+ if (RangeDecoderBitDecode(p + IsMatch + (state << kNumPosBitsMax) + posState, &rd) == 0)
+ {
+ CProb *probs = p + Literal + (LZMA_LIT_SIZE *
+ (((
+ (nowPos
+ #ifdef _LZMA_OUT_READ
+ + globalPos
+ #endif
+ )
+ & literalPosMask) << lc) + (previousByte >> (8 - lc))));
+ if (state < 4) state = 0;
+ else if (state < 10) state -= 3;
+ else state -= 6;
+ if (previousIsMatch)
+ {
+ Byte matchByte;
+ #ifdef _LZMA_OUT_READ
+ UInt32 pos = dictionaryPos - rep0;
+ if (pos >= dictionarySize)
+ pos += dictionarySize;
+ matchByte = dictionary[pos];
+ #else
+ matchByte = outStream[nowPos - rep0];
+ #endif
+ previousByte = LzmaLiteralDecodeMatch(probs, &rd, matchByte);
+ previousIsMatch = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ previousByte = LzmaLiteralDecode(probs, &rd);
+ outStream[nowPos++] = previousByte;
+ #ifdef _LZMA_OUT_READ
+ dictionary[dictionaryPos] = previousByte;
+ if (++dictionaryPos == dictionarySize)
+ dictionaryPos = 0;
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ previousIsMatch = 1;
+ if (RangeDecoderBitDecode(p + IsRep + state, &rd) == 1)
+ {
+ if (RangeDecoderBitDecode(p + IsRepG0 + state, &rd) == 0)
+ {
+ if (RangeDecoderBitDecode(p + IsRep0Long + (state << kNumPosBitsMax) + posState, &rd) == 0)
+ {
+ #ifdef _LZMA_OUT_READ
+ UInt32 pos;
+ #endif
+ if (
+ (nowPos
+ #ifdef _LZMA_OUT_READ
+ + globalPos
+ #endif
+ )
+ == 0)
+ state = state < 7 ? 9 : 11;
+ #ifdef _LZMA_OUT_READ
+ pos = dictionaryPos - rep0;
+ if (pos >= dictionarySize)
+ pos += dictionarySize;
+ previousByte = dictionary[pos];
+ dictionary[dictionaryPos] = previousByte;
+ if (++dictionaryPos == dictionarySize)
+ dictionaryPos = 0;
+ #else
+ previousByte = outStream[nowPos - rep0];
+ #endif
+ outStream[nowPos++] = previousByte;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UInt32 distance;
+ if(RangeDecoderBitDecode(p + IsRepG1 + state, &rd) == 0)
+ distance = rep1;
+ else
+ {
+ if(RangeDecoderBitDecode(p + IsRepG2 + state, &rd) == 0)
+ distance = rep2;
+ else
+ {
+ distance = rep3;
+ rep3 = rep2;
+ }
+ rep2 = rep1;
+ }
+ rep1 = rep0;
+ rep0 = distance;
+ }
+ len = LzmaLenDecode(p + RepLenCoder, &rd, posState);
+ state = state < 7 ? 8 : 11;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int posSlot;
+ rep3 = rep2;
+ rep2 = rep1;
+ rep1 = rep0;
+ state = state < 7 ? 7 : 10;
+ len = LzmaLenDecode(p + LenCoder, &rd, posState);
+ posSlot = RangeDecoderBitTreeDecode(p + PosSlot +
+ ((len < kNumLenToPosStates ? len : kNumLenToPosStates - 1) <<
+ kNumPosSlotBits), kNumPosSlotBits, &rd);
+ if (posSlot >= kStartPosModelIndex)
+ {
+ int numDirectBits = ((posSlot >> 1) - 1);
+ rep0 = ((2 | ((UInt32)posSlot & 1)) << numDirectBits);
+ if (posSlot < kEndPosModelIndex)
+ {
+ rep0 += RangeDecoderReverseBitTreeDecode(
+ p + SpecPos + rep0 - posSlot - 1, numDirectBits, &rd);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rep0 += RangeDecoderDecodeDirectBits(&rd,
+ numDirectBits - kNumAlignBits) << kNumAlignBits;
+ rep0 += RangeDecoderReverseBitTreeDecode(p + Align, kNumAlignBits, &rd);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ rep0 = posSlot;
+ rep0++;
+ }
+ if (rep0 == (UInt32)(0))
+ {
+ /* it's for stream version */
+ len = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (rep0 > nowPos
+ #ifdef _LZMA_OUT_READ
+ + globalPos
+ #endif
+ )
+ {
+ }
+ len += kMatchMinLen;
+ do
+ {
+ #ifdef _LZMA_OUT_READ
+ UInt32 pos = dictionaryPos - rep0;
+ if (pos >= dictionarySize)
+ pos += dictionarySize;
+ previousByte = dictionary[pos];
+ dictionary[dictionaryPos] = previousByte;
+ if (++dictionaryPos == dictionarySize)
+ dictionaryPos = 0;
+ #else
+ previousByte = outStream[nowPos - rep0];
+ #endif
+ outStream[nowPos++] = previousByte;
+ len--;
+ }
+ while(len > 0 && nowPos < outSize);
+ }
+ }
+ #ifdef _LZMA_OUT_READ
+ vs->RangeDecoder = rd;
+ vs->DictionaryPos = dictionaryPos;
+ vs->GlobalPos = globalPos + nowPos;
+ vs->Reps[0] = rep0;
+ vs->Reps[1] = rep1;
+ vs->Reps[2] = rep2;
+ vs->Reps[3] = rep3;
+ vs->State = state;
+ vs->PreviousIsMatch = previousIsMatch;
+ vs->RemainLen = len;
+ #endif
+ *outSizeProcessed = nowPos;
+ return LZMA_RESULT_OK;
diff --git a/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/LzmaDecode.h b/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/LzmaDecode.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f58944e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/LzmaDecode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ LzmaDecode.h
+ LZMA Decoder interface
+ LZMA SDK 4.05 Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Igor Pavlov (2004-08-25)
+ LZMA SDK is licensed under two licenses:
+ 1) GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL)
+ 2) Common Public License (CPL)
+ It means that you can select one of these two licenses and
+ follow rules of that license.
+ Igor Pavlov, as the author of this code, expressly permits you to
+ statically or dynamically link your code (or bind by name) to the
+ interfaces of this file without subjecting your linked code to the
+ terms of the CPL or GNU LGPL. Any modifications or additions
+ to this file, however, are subject to the LGPL or CPL terms.
+#ifndef __LZMADECODE_H
+#define __LZMADECODE_H
+/* #define _LZMA_IN_CB */
+/* Use callback for input data */
+/* #define _LZMA_OUT_READ */
+/* Use read function for output data */
+/* #define _LZMA_PROB32 */
+/* It can increase speed on some 32-bit CPUs,
+ but memory usage will be doubled in that case */
+/* #define _LZMA_LOC_OPT */
+/* Enable local speed optimizations inside code */
+#ifndef UInt32
+#define UInt32 unsigned long
+#define UInt32 unsigned int
+#ifdef _LZMA_PROB32
+#define CProb UInt32
+#define CProb unsigned short
+#define LZMA_RESULT_OK 0
+#ifdef _LZMA_IN_CB
+typedef struct _ILzmaInCallback
+ int (*Read)(void *object, unsigned char **buffer, UInt32 *bufferSize);
+} ILzmaInCallback;
+#define LZMA_BASE_SIZE 1846
+#define LZMA_LIT_SIZE 768
+bufferSize = (LZMA_BASE_SIZE + (LZMA_LIT_SIZE << (lc + lp)))* sizeof(CProb)
+bufferSize += 100 in case of _LZMA_OUT_READ
+by default CProb is unsigned short,
+but if specify _LZMA_PROB_32, CProb will be UInt32(unsigned int)
+#ifdef _LZMA_OUT_READ
+int LzmaDecoderInit(
+ unsigned char *buffer, UInt32 bufferSize,
+ int lc, int lp, int pb,
+ unsigned char *dictionary, UInt32 dictionarySize,
+ #ifdef _LZMA_IN_CB
+ ILzmaInCallback *inCallback
+ #else
+ unsigned char *inStream, UInt32 inSize
+ #endif
+int LzmaDecode(
+ unsigned char *buffer,
+ #ifndef _LZMA_OUT_READ
+ UInt32 bufferSize,
+ int lc, int lp, int pb,
+ #ifdef _LZMA_IN_CB
+ ILzmaInCallback *inCallback,
+ #else
+ unsigned char *inStream, UInt32 inSize,
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ unsigned char *outStream, UInt32 outSize,
+ UInt32 *outSizeProcessed);
diff --git a/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/Makefile b/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/Makefile
index 0dcd8d17..367dbfc2 100644
--- a/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/Makefile
+++ b/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/Makefile
@@ -4,7 +4,11 @@
O_TARGET := squashfs.o
-obj-y := inode.o
+obj-y := inode.o squashfs2_0.o
+obj-y += LzmaDecode.o
obj-m := $(O_TARGET)
diff --git a/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/inode.c b/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/inode.c
index 08193482..5c17f070 100644
--- a/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/inode.c
+++ b/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/inode.c
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
* Squashfs - a compressed read only filesystem for Linux
- * Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004 Phillip Lougher <>
+ * Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
+ * Phillip Lougher <>
+ *
+ * LZMA decompressor support added by Oleg I. Vdovikin
+ * Copyright (c) 2005 Oleg I.Vdovikin <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@@ -16,39 +20,47 @@
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- * Squashfs - a compressed read only filesystem for Linux
* inode.c
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/squashfs_fs.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
#include <linux/locks.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/dcache.h>
-#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/wait.h>
-#include <asm/semaphore.h>
#include <linux/zlib.h>
#include <linux/blkdev.h>
#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <asm/semaphore.h>
+#include <linux/autoconf.h>
-#define TRACE(s, args...) printk(KERN_NOTICE "SQUASHFS: "s, ## args)
-#define TRACE(s, args...) {}
+#include "squashfs.h"
-#define ERROR(s, args...) printk(KERN_ERR "SQUASHFS error: "s, ## args)
+#include "LzmaDecode.h"
+/* default LZMA settings, should be in sync with mksquashfs */
+#define LZMA_LC 3
+#define LZMA_LP 0
+#define LZMA_PB 2
+ (LZMA_LIT_SIZE << (LZMA_LC + LZMA_LP))) * sizeof(CProb))
-#define SERROR(s, args...) if(!silent) printk(KERN_ERR "SQUASHFS error: "s, ## args)
-#define WARNING(s, args...) printk(KERN_WARNING "SQUASHFS: "s, ## args)
static struct super_block *squashfs_read_super(struct super_block *, void *, int);
static void squashfs_put_super(struct super_block *);
@@ -58,26 +70,16 @@ static int squashfs_readpage(struct file *file, struct page *page);
static int squashfs_readpage4K(struct file *file, struct page *page);
static int squashfs_readdir(struct file *, void *, filldir_t);
static struct dentry *squashfs_lookup(struct inode *, struct dentry *);
-static unsigned int read_data(struct super_block *s, char *buffer,
- unsigned int index, unsigned int length, int, unsigned int *next_index);
-static int squashfs_get_cached_block(struct super_block *s, char *buffer,
- unsigned int block, unsigned int offset, int length,
- unsigned int *next_block, unsigned int *next_offset);
-static struct inode *squashfs_iget(struct super_block *s, squashfs_inode inode);
-static unsigned int read_blocklist(struct inode *inode, int index, int readahead_blks,
- char *block_list, char **block_p, unsigned int *bsize);
-static void squashfs_put_super(struct super_block *s);
-static int squashfs_readpage_lessthan4K(struct file *file, struct page *page);
-static struct inode *squashfs_iget_1(struct super_block *s, squashfs_inode inode);
-static unsigned int read_blocklist_1(struct inode *inode, int index, int readahead_blks,
- char *block_list, char **block_p, unsigned int *bsize);
+static struct inode *squashfs_iget(struct super_block *s, squashfs_inode_t inode);
+static long long read_blocklist(struct inode *inode, int index,
+ int readahead_blks, char *block_list,
+ unsigned short **block_p, unsigned int *bsize);
+static unsigned char lzma_workspace[LZMA_WORKSPACE_SIZE];
static z_stream stream;
static DECLARE_FSTYPE_DEV(squashfs_fs_type, "squashfs", squashfs_read_super);
@@ -86,140 +88,161 @@ static unsigned char squashfs_filetype_table[] = {
static struct super_operations squashfs_ops = {
- statfs: squashfs_statfs,
- put_super: squashfs_put_super,
+ .statfs = squashfs_statfs,
+ .put_super = squashfs_put_super,
-static struct address_space_operations squashfs_symlink_aops = {
- readpage: squashfs_symlink_readpage
+SQSH_EXTERN struct address_space_operations squashfs_symlink_aops = {
+ .readpage = squashfs_symlink_readpage
-static struct address_space_operations squashfs_aops = {
- readpage: squashfs_readpage
+SQSH_EXTERN struct address_space_operations squashfs_aops = {
+ .readpage = squashfs_readpage
-static struct address_space_operations squashfs_aops_4K = {
- readpage: squashfs_readpage4K
+SQSH_EXTERN struct address_space_operations squashfs_aops_4K = {
+ .readpage = squashfs_readpage4K
-static struct address_space_operations squashfs_aops_lessthan4K = {
- readpage: squashfs_readpage_lessthan4K
static struct file_operations squashfs_dir_ops = {
- read: generic_read_dir,
- readdir: squashfs_readdir
+ .read = generic_read_dir,
+ .readdir = squashfs_readdir
static struct inode_operations squashfs_dir_inode_ops = {
- lookup: squashfs_lookup
+ .lookup = squashfs_lookup
+static struct buffer_head *get_block_length(struct super_block *s,
+ int *cur_index, int *offset, int *c_byte)
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
+ unsigned short temp;
+ struct buffer_head *bh;
+ if (!(bh = sb_bread(s, *cur_index)))
+ goto out;
+ if (msblk->devblksize - *offset == 1) {
+ if (msblk->swap)
+ ((unsigned char *) &temp)[1] = *((unsigned char *)
+ (bh->b_data + *offset));
+ else
+ ((unsigned char *) &temp)[0] = *((unsigned char *)
+ (bh->b_data + *offset));
+ brelse(bh);
+ if (!(bh = sb_bread(s, ++(*cur_index))))
+ goto out;
+ if (msblk->swap)
+ ((unsigned char *) &temp)[0] = *((unsigned char *)
+ bh->b_data);
+ else
+ ((unsigned char *) &temp)[1] = *((unsigned char *)
+ bh->b_data);
+ *c_byte = temp;
+ *offset = 1;
+ } else {
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ ((unsigned char *) &temp)[1] = *((unsigned char *)
+ (bh->b_data + *offset));
+ ((unsigned char *) &temp)[0] = *((unsigned char *)
+ (bh->b_data + *offset + 1));
+ } else {
+ ((unsigned char *) &temp)[0] = *((unsigned char *)
+ (bh->b_data + *offset));
+ ((unsigned char *) &temp)[1] = *((unsigned char *)
+ (bh->b_data + *offset + 1));
+ }
+ *c_byte = temp;
+ *offset += 2;
+ }
+ if (SQUASHFS_CHECK_DATA(msblk->sblk.flags)) {
+ if (*offset == msblk->devblksize) {
+ brelse(bh);
+ if (!(bh = sb_bread(s, ++(*cur_index))))
+ goto out;
+ *offset = 0;
+ }
+ if (*((unsigned char *) (bh->b_data + *offset)) !=
+ ERROR("Metadata block marker corrupt @ %x\n",
+ *cur_index);
+ brelse(bh);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ (*offset)++;
+ }
+ return bh;
+ return NULL;
-static unsigned int read_data(struct super_block *s, char *buffer,
- unsigned int index, unsigned int length, int datablock, unsigned int *next_index)
+SQSH_EXTERN unsigned int squashfs_read_data(struct super_block *s, char *buffer,
+ long long index, unsigned int length,
+ long long *next_index)
- squashfs_sb_info *msBlk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
- struct buffer_head *bh[((SQUASHFS_FILE_MAX_SIZE - 1) >> msBlk->devblksize_log2) + 2];
- unsigned int offset = index & ((1 << msBlk->devblksize_log2) - 1);
- unsigned int cur_index = index >> msBlk->devblksize_log2;
- int bytes, avail_bytes, b, k;
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct buffer_head *bh[((SQUASHFS_FILE_MAX_SIZE - 1) >>
+ msblk->devblksize_log2) + 2];
+ unsigned int offset = index & ((1 << msblk->devblksize_log2) - 1);
+ unsigned int cur_index = index >> msblk->devblksize_log2;
+ int bytes, avail_bytes, b = 0, k;
char *c_buffer;
unsigned int compressed;
unsigned int c_byte = length;
- if(c_byte) {
- bytes = msBlk->devblksize - offset;
- if(datablock) {
- c_buffer = (compressed = SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED_BLOCK(c_byte)) ? msBlk->read_data : buffer;
- } else {
- c_buffer = (compressed = SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED(c_byte)) ? msBlk->read_data : buffer;
- c_byte = SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED_SIZE(c_byte);
- }
+ if (c_byte) {
+ bytes = msblk->devblksize - offset;
+ compressed = SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED_BLOCK(c_byte);
+ c_buffer = compressed ? msblk->read_data : buffer;
- TRACE("Block @ 0x%x, %scompressed size %d\n", index, compressed ? "" : "un", (unsigned int) c_byte);
+ TRACE("Block @ 0x%llx, %scompressed size %d\n", index, compressed
+ ? "" : "un", (unsigned int) c_byte);
- if(!(bh[0] = sb_getblk(s, cur_index)))
+ if (!(bh[0] = sb_getblk(s, cur_index)))
goto block_release;
- for(b = 1; bytes < c_byte; b++) {
- if(!(bh[b] = sb_getblk(s, ++cur_index)))
+ for (b = 1; bytes < c_byte; b++) {
+ if (!(bh[b] = sb_getblk(s, ++cur_index)))
goto block_release;
- bytes += msBlk->devblksize;
+ bytes += msblk->devblksize;
ll_rw_block(READ, b, bh);
} else {
- unsigned short temp;
- if(!(bh[0] = sb_bread(s, cur_index)))
+ if (!(bh[0] = get_block_length(s, &cur_index, &offset,
+ &c_byte)))
goto read_failure;
- if(msBlk->devblksize - offset == 1) {
- if(msBlk->swap)
- ((unsigned char *) &temp)[1] = *((unsigned char *) (bh[0]->b_data + offset));
- else
- ((unsigned char *) &temp)[0] = *((unsigned char *) (bh[0]->b_data + offset));
- brelse(bh[0]);
- if(!(bh[0] = sb_bread(s, ++cur_index)))
- goto read_failure;
- if(msBlk->swap)
- ((unsigned char *) &temp)[0] = *((unsigned char *) bh[0]->b_data);
- else
- ((unsigned char *) &temp)[1] = *((unsigned char *) bh[0]->b_data);
- c_byte = temp;
- offset = 1;
- }
- else {
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- unsigned short temp;
- ((unsigned char *) &temp)[1] = *((unsigned char *) (bh[0]->b_data + offset));
- ((unsigned char *) &temp)[0] = *((unsigned char *) (bh[0]->b_data + offset + 1));
- c_byte = temp;
- } else
- c_byte = *((unsigned short *) (bh[0]->b_data + offset));
- offset += 2;
- }
- if(SQUASHFS_CHECK_DATA(msBlk->sBlk.flags)) {
- if(offset == msBlk->devblksize) {
- brelse(bh[0]);
- if(!(bh[0] = sb_bread(s, ++cur_index)))
- goto read_failure;
- offset = 0;
- }
- if(*((unsigned char *) (bh[0]->b_data + offset)) != SQUASHFS_MARKER_BYTE) {
- ERROR("Metadata block marker corrupt @ %x\n", index);
- brelse(bh[0]);
- return 0;
- }
- offset ++;
- }
- bytes = msBlk->devblksize - offset;
- if(datablock) {
- c_buffer = (compressed = SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED_BLOCK(c_byte)) ? msBlk->read_data : buffer;
- } else {
- c_buffer = (compressed = SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED(c_byte)) ? msBlk->read_data : buffer;
- c_byte = SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED_SIZE(c_byte);
- }
+ bytes = msblk->devblksize - offset;
+ compressed = SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED(c_byte);
+ c_buffer = compressed ? msblk->read_data : buffer;
+ c_byte = SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED_SIZE(c_byte);
- TRACE("Block @ 0x%x, %scompressed size %d\n", index, compressed ? "" : "un", (unsigned int) c_byte);
+ TRACE("Block @ 0x%llx, %scompressed size %d\n", index, compressed
+ ? "" : "un", (unsigned int) c_byte);
- for(b = 1; bytes < c_byte; b++) {
- if(!(bh[b] = sb_getblk(s, ++cur_index)))
+ for (b = 1; bytes < c_byte; b++) {
+ if (!(bh[b] = sb_getblk(s, ++cur_index)))
goto block_release;
- bytes += msBlk->devblksize;
+ bytes += msblk->devblksize;
ll_rw_block(READ, b - 1, bh + 1);
- if(compressed)
- down(&read_data_mutex);
+ if (compressed)
+ down(&msblk->read_data_mutex);
- for(bytes = 0, k = 0; k < b; k++) {
- avail_bytes = (c_byte - bytes) > (msBlk->devblksize - offset) ? msBlk->devblksize - offset : c_byte - bytes;
+ for (bytes = 0, k = 0; k < b; k++) {
+ avail_bytes = (c_byte - bytes) > (msblk->devblksize - offset) ?
+ msblk->devblksize - offset :
+ c_byte - bytes;
+ if (!buffer_uptodate(bh[k]))
+ goto block_release;
memcpy(c_buffer + bytes, bh[k]->b_data + offset, avail_bytes);
bytes += avail_bytes;
offset = 0;
@@ -229,30 +252,46 @@ static unsigned int read_data(struct super_block *s, char *buffer,
* uncompress block
- if(compressed) {
+ if (compressed) {
int zlib_err;
+ if ((zlib_err = LzmaDecode(lzma_workspace,
+ c_buffer, c_byte, buffer, msblk->read_size, &bytes)) != LZMA_RESULT_OK)
+ {
+ ERROR("lzma returned unexpected result 0x%x\n", zlib_err);
+ bytes = 0;
+ }
stream.next_in = c_buffer;
stream.avail_in = c_byte;
stream.next_out = buffer;
- stream.avail_out = msBlk->read_size;
- if(((zlib_err = zlib_inflateInit(&stream)) != Z_OK) ||
- ((zlib_err = zlib_inflate(&stream, Z_FINISH)) != Z_STREAM_END) ||
- ((zlib_err = zlib_inflateEnd(&stream)) != Z_OK)) {
- ERROR("zlib_fs returned unexpected result 0x%x\n", zlib_err);
+ stream.avail_out = msblk->read_size;
+ if (((zlib_err = zlib_inflateInit(&stream)) != Z_OK) ||
+ ((zlib_err = zlib_inflate(&stream, Z_FINISH))
+ != Z_STREAM_END) || ((zlib_err =
+ zlib_inflateEnd(&stream)) != Z_OK)) {
+ ERROR("zlib_fs returned unexpected result 0x%x\n",
+ zlib_err);
bytes = 0;
} else
bytes = stream.total_out;
- up(&read_data_mutex);
+ up(&msblk->read_data_mutex);
- if(next_index)
- *next_index = index + c_byte + (length ? 0 : (SQUASHFS_CHECK_DATA(msBlk->sBlk.flags) ? 3 : 2));
+ if (next_index)
+ *next_index = index + c_byte + (length ? 0 :
+ (SQUASHFS_CHECK_DATA(msblk->sblk.flags)
+ ? 3 : 2));
return bytes;
- while(--b >= 0) brelse(bh[b]);
+ while (--b >= 0)
+ brelse(bh[b]);
ERROR("sb_bread failed reading block 0x%x\n", cur_index);
@@ -260,543 +299,668 @@ read_failure:
-static int squashfs_get_cached_block(struct super_block *s, char *buffer,
- unsigned int block, unsigned int offset, int length,
- unsigned int *next_block, unsigned int *next_offset)
+SQSH_EXTERN int squashfs_get_cached_block(struct super_block *s, char *buffer,
+ long long block, unsigned int offset,
+ int length, long long *next_block,
+ unsigned int *next_offset)
- squashfs_sb_info *msBlk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
int n, i, bytes, return_length = length;
- unsigned int next_index;
+ long long next_index;
- TRACE("Entered squashfs_get_cached_block [%x:%x]\n", block, offset);
+ TRACE("Entered squashfs_get_cached_block [%llx:%x]\n", block, offset);
- for(;;) {
- for(i = 0; i < SQUASHFS_CACHED_BLKS; i++)
- if(msBlk->block_cache[i].block == block)
+ while ( 1 ) {
+ for (i = 0; i < SQUASHFS_CACHED_BLKS; i++)
+ if (msblk->block_cache[i].block == block)
- down(&msBlk->block_cache_mutex);
+ down(&msblk->block_cache_mutex);
/* read inode header block */
- for(i = msBlk->next_cache, n = SQUASHFS_CACHED_BLKS; n ; n --, i = (i + 1) % SQUASHFS_CACHED_BLKS)
- if(msBlk->block_cache[i].block != SQUASHFS_USED_BLK)
+ for (i = msblk->next_cache, n = SQUASHFS_CACHED_BLKS;
+ n ; n --, i = (i + 1) %
+ if (msblk->block_cache[i].block !=
- if(n == 0) {
- up(&msBlk->block_cache_mutex);
- sleep_on(&msBlk->waitq);
+ if (n == 0) {
+ wait_queue_t wait;
+ init_waitqueue_entry(&wait, current);
+ add_wait_queue(&msblk->waitq, &wait);
+ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+ up(&msblk->block_cache_mutex);
+ schedule();
+ set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
+ remove_wait_queue(&msblk->waitq, &wait);
- msBlk->next_cache = (i + 1) % SQUASHFS_CACHED_BLKS;
- if(msBlk->block_cache[i].block == SQUASHFS_INVALID_BLK) {
- if(!(msBlk->block_cache[i].data = (unsigned char *)
- ERROR("Failed to allocate cache block\n");
- up(&msBlk->block_cache_mutex);
- return 0;
+ msblk->next_cache = (i + 1) % SQUASHFS_CACHED_BLKS;
+ if (msblk->block_cache[i].block ==
+ if (!(msblk->block_cache[i].data =
+ ERROR("Failed to allocate cache"
+ "block\n");
+ up(&msblk->block_cache_mutex);
+ goto out;
- msBlk->block_cache[i].block = SQUASHFS_USED_BLK;
- up(&msBlk->block_cache_mutex);
- if(!(msBlk->block_cache[i].length = read_data(s, msBlk->block_cache[i].data, block, 0, 0,
- &next_index))) {
- ERROR("Unable to read cache block [%x:%x]\n", block, offset);
- return 0;
+ msblk->block_cache[i].block = SQUASHFS_USED_BLK;
+ up(&msblk->block_cache_mutex);
+ if (!(msblk->block_cache[i].length =
+ squashfs_read_data(s,
+ msblk->block_cache[i].data,
+ block, 0, &next_index))) {
+ ERROR("Unable to read cache block [%llx:%x]\n",
+ block, offset);
+ goto out;
- down(&msBlk->block_cache_mutex);
- wake_up(&msBlk->waitq);
- msBlk->block_cache[i].block = block;
- msBlk->block_cache[i].next_index = next_index;
- TRACE("Read cache block [%x:%x]\n", block, offset);
+ down(&msblk->block_cache_mutex);
+ wake_up(&msblk->waitq);
+ msblk->block_cache[i].block = block;
+ msblk->block_cache[i].next_index = next_index;
+ TRACE("Read cache block [%llx:%x]\n", block, offset);
- if(msBlk->block_cache[i].block != block) {
- up(&msBlk->block_cache_mutex);
+ if (msblk->block_cache[i].block != block) {
+ up(&msblk->block_cache_mutex);
- if((bytes = msBlk->block_cache[i].length - offset) >= length) {
- if(buffer)
- memcpy(buffer, msBlk->block_cache[i].data + offset, length);
- if(msBlk->block_cache[i].length - offset == length) {
- *next_block = msBlk->block_cache[i].next_index;
+ if ((bytes = msblk->block_cache[i].length - offset) >= length) {
+ if (buffer)
+ memcpy(buffer, msblk->block_cache[i].data +
+ offset, length);
+ if (msblk->block_cache[i].length - offset == length) {
+ *next_block = msblk->block_cache[i].next_index;
*next_offset = 0;
} else {
*next_block = block;
*next_offset = offset + length;
- up(&msBlk->block_cache_mutex);
- return return_length;
+ up(&msblk->block_cache_mutex);
+ goto finish;
} else {
- if(buffer) {
- memcpy(buffer, msBlk->block_cache[i].data + offset, bytes);
+ if (buffer) {
+ memcpy(buffer, msblk->block_cache[i].data +
+ offset, bytes);
buffer += bytes;
- block = msBlk->block_cache[i].next_index;
- up(&msBlk->block_cache_mutex);
+ block = msblk->block_cache[i].next_index;
+ up(&msblk->block_cache_mutex);
length -= bytes;
offset = 0;
+ return return_length;
+ return 0;
-static int get_fragment_location(struct super_block *s, unsigned int fragment, unsigned int *fragment_start_block, unsigned int *fragment_size)
+static int get_fragment_location(struct super_block *s, unsigned int fragment,
+ long long *fragment_start_block,
+ unsigned int *fragment_size)
- squashfs_sb_info *msBlk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
- unsigned int start_block = msBlk->fragment_index[SQUASHFS_FRAGMENT_INDEX(fragment)];
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
+ long long start_block =
+ msblk->fragment_index[SQUASHFS_FRAGMENT_INDEX(fragment)];
int offset = SQUASHFS_FRAGMENT_INDEX_OFFSET(fragment);
- squashfs_fragment_entry fragment_entry;
+ struct squashfs_fragment_entry fragment_entry;
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- squashfs_fragment_entry sfragment_entry;
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ struct squashfs_fragment_entry sfragment_entry;
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &sfragment_entry, start_block, offset,
- sizeof(sfragment_entry), &start_block, &offset))
- return 0;
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &sfragment_entry,
+ start_block, offset,
+ sizeof(sfragment_entry), &start_block,
+ &offset))
+ goto out;
SQUASHFS_SWAP_FRAGMENT_ENTRY(&fragment_entry, &sfragment_entry);
} else
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &fragment_entry, start_block, offset,
- sizeof(fragment_entry), &start_block, &offset))
- return 0;
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &fragment_entry,
+ start_block, offset,
+ sizeof(fragment_entry), &start_block,
+ &offset))
+ goto out;
*fragment_start_block = fragment_entry.start_block;
*fragment_size = fragment_entry.size;
return 1;
+ return 0;
-void release_cached_fragment(squashfs_sb_info *msBlk, struct squashfs_fragment_cache *fragment)
+SQSH_EXTERN void release_cached_fragment(struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk, struct
+ squashfs_fragment_cache *fragment)
- down(&msBlk->fragment_mutex);
+ down(&msblk->fragment_mutex);
fragment->locked --;
- wake_up(&msBlk->fragment_wait_queue);
- up(&msBlk->fragment_mutex);
+ wake_up(&msblk->fragment_wait_queue);
+ up(&msblk->fragment_mutex);
-struct squashfs_fragment_cache *get_cached_fragment(struct super_block *s, unsigned int start_block, int length)
+SQSH_EXTERN struct squashfs_fragment_cache *get_cached_fragment(struct super_block
+ *s, long long start_block,
+ int length)
int i, n;
- squashfs_sb_info *msBlk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
- for(;;) {
- down(&msBlk->fragment_mutex);
- for(i = 0; i < SQUASHFS_CACHED_FRAGMENTS && msBlk->fragment[i].block != start_block; i++);
- for(i = msBlk->next_fragment, n = SQUASHFS_CACHED_FRAGMENTS;
- n && msBlk->fragment[i].locked; n--, i = (i + 1) % SQUASHFS_CACHED_FRAGMENTS);
- if(n == 0) {
- up(&msBlk->fragment_mutex);
- sleep_on(&msBlk->fragment_wait_queue);
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
+ while ( 1 ) {
+ down(&msblk->fragment_mutex);
+ for (i = 0; i < SQUASHFS_CACHED_FRAGMENTS &&
+ msblk->fragment[i].block != start_block; i++);
+ for (i = msblk->next_fragment, n =
+ msblk->fragment[i].locked; n--, i = (i + 1) %
+ if (n == 0) {
+ wait_queue_t wait;
+ init_waitqueue_entry(&wait, current);
+ add_wait_queue(&msblk->fragment_wait_queue,
+ &wait);
+ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+ up(&msblk->fragment_mutex);
+ schedule();
+ set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
+ remove_wait_queue(&msblk->fragment_wait_queue,
+ &wait);
- msBlk->next_fragment = (msBlk->next_fragment + 1) % SQUASHFS_CACHED_FRAGMENTS;
+ msblk->next_fragment = (msblk->next_fragment + 1) %
- if(msBlk->fragment[i].data == NULL)
- if(!(msBlk->fragment[i].data = (unsigned char *)
- ERROR("Failed to allocate fragment cache block\n");
- up(&msBlk->fragment_mutex);
- return NULL;
+ if (msblk->fragment[i].data == NULL)
+ if (!(msblk->fragment[i].data = SQUASHFS_ALLOC
+ ERROR("Failed to allocate fragment "
+ "cache block\n");
+ up(&msblk->fragment_mutex);
+ goto out;
- msBlk->fragment[i].block = SQUASHFS_INVALID_BLK;
- msBlk->fragment[i].locked = 1;
- up(&msBlk->fragment_mutex);
- if(!(msBlk->fragment[i].length = read_data(s, msBlk->fragment[i].data, start_block, length,
- 1, NULL))) {
- ERROR("Unable to read fragment cache block [%x]\n", start_block);
- msBlk->fragment[i].locked = 0;
- return NULL;
+ msblk->fragment[i].block = SQUASHFS_INVALID_BLK;
+ msblk->fragment[i].locked = 1;
+ up(&msblk->fragment_mutex);
+ if (!(msblk->fragment[i].length = squashfs_read_data(s,
+ msblk->fragment[i].data,
+ start_block, length, NULL))) {
+ ERROR("Unable to read fragment cache block "
+ "[%llx]\n", start_block);
+ msblk->fragment[i].locked = 0;
+ goto out;
- msBlk->fragment[i].block = start_block;
- TRACE("New fragment %d, start block %d, locked %d\n", i, msBlk->fragment[i].block, msBlk->fragment[i].locked);
- return &msBlk->fragment[i];
+ msblk->fragment[i].block = start_block;
+ TRACE("New fragment %d, start block %lld, locked %d\n",
+ i, msblk->fragment[i].block,
+ msblk->fragment[i].locked);
+ break;
- msBlk->fragment[i].locked ++;
- up(&msBlk->fragment_mutex);
- TRACE("Got fragment %d, start block %d, locked %d\n", i, msBlk->fragment[i].block, msBlk->fragment[i].locked);
- return &msBlk->fragment[i];
+ msblk->fragment[i].locked++;
+ up(&msblk->fragment_mutex);
+ TRACE("Got fragment %d, start block %lld, locked %d\n", i,
+ msblk->fragment[i].block,
+ msblk->fragment[i].locked);
+ break;
+ return &msblk->fragment[i];
+ return NULL;
-static struct inode *squashfs_iget_1(struct super_block *s, squashfs_inode inode)
+static struct inode *squashfs_new_inode(struct super_block *s,
+ struct squashfs_base_inode_header *inodeb)
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
struct inode *i = new_inode(s);
- squashfs_sb_info *msBlk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
- squashfs_super_block *sBlk = &msBlk->sBlk;
- unsigned int block = SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode) + sBlk->inode_table_start;
- unsigned int offset = SQUASHFS_INODE_OFFSET(inode);
- unsigned int next_block, next_offset;
- squashfs_base_inode_header_1 inodeb;
- TRACE("Entered squashfs_iget_1\n");
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- squashfs_base_inode_header_1 sinodeb;
+ if (i) {
+ i->i_ino = inodeb->inode_number;
+ i->i_mtime = inodeb->mtime;
+ i->i_atime = inodeb->mtime;
+ i->i_ctime = inodeb->mtime;
+ i->i_uid = msblk->uid[inodeb->uid];
+ i->i_mode = inodeb->mode;
+ i->i_size = 0;
+ if (inodeb->guid == SQUASHFS_GUIDS)
+ i->i_gid = i->i_uid;
+ else
+ i->i_gid = msblk->guid[inodeb->guid];
+ }
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &sinodeb, block, offset,
- sizeof(sinodeb), &next_block, &next_offset))
- goto failed_read;
- SQUASHFS_SWAP_BASE_INODE_HEADER_1(&inodeb, &sinodeb, sizeof(sinodeb));
- } else
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &inodeb, block, offset,
- sizeof(inodeb), &next_block, &next_offset))
- goto failed_read;
+ return i;
- i->i_nlink = 1;
- i->i_mtime = sBlk->mkfs_time;
- i->i_atime = sBlk->mkfs_time;
- i->i_ctime = sBlk->mkfs_time;
+static struct inode *squashfs_iget(struct super_block *s, squashfs_inode_t inode)
+ struct inode *i;
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
+ long long block = SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode) +
+ sblk->inode_table_start;
+ unsigned int offset = SQUASHFS_INODE_OFFSET(inode);
+ long long next_block;
+ unsigned int next_offset;
+ union squashfs_inode_header id, sid;
+ struct squashfs_base_inode_header *inodeb = &id.base,
+ *sinodeb = &sid.base;
- if(inodeb.inode_type != SQUASHFS_IPC_TYPE)
- i->i_uid = msBlk->uid[((inodeb.inode_type - 1) / SQUASHFS_TYPES) * 16 + inodeb.uid];
- i->i_ino = SQUASHFS_MK_VFS_INODE(block - sBlk->inode_table_start, offset);
+ TRACE("Entered squashfs_iget\n");
- i->i_mode = inodeb.mode;
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) sinodeb, block,
+ offset, sizeof(*sinodeb), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ sizeof(*sinodeb));
+ } else
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) inodeb, block,
+ offset, sizeof(*inodeb), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
- switch(inodeb.inode_type == SQUASHFS_IPC_TYPE ? SQUASHFS_IPC_TYPE : (inodeb.inode_type - 1) % SQUASHFS_TYPES + 1) {
+ switch(inodeb->inode_type) {
- squashfs_reg_inode_header_1 inodep;
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- squashfs_reg_inode_header_1 sinodep;
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &sinodep, block, offset, sizeof(sinodep),
- &next_block, &next_offset))
+ unsigned int frag_size;
+ long long frag_blk;
+ struct squashfs_reg_inode_header *inodep = &id.reg;
+ struct squashfs_reg_inode_header *sinodep = &sid.reg;
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ sinodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*sinodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
- SQUASHFS_SWAP_REG_INODE_HEADER_1(&inodep, &sinodep);
} else
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &inodep, block, offset, sizeof(inodep),
- &next_block, &next_offset))
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ inodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*inodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
- i->i_size = inodep.file_size;
+ if (inodep->fragment != SQUASHFS_INVALID_FRAG &&
+ !get_fragment_location(s,
+ inodep->fragment, &frag_blk, &frag_size))
+ goto failed_read;
+ if((i = squashfs_new_inode(s, inodeb)) == NULL)
+ goto failed_read1;
+ i->i_nlink = 1;
+ i->i_size = inodep->file_size;
i->i_fop = &generic_ro_fops;
- if(sBlk->block_size > 4096)
+ i->i_mode |= S_IFREG;
+ i->i_blocks = ((i->i_size - 1) >> 9) + 1;
+ i->i_blksize = PAGE_CACHE_SIZE;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s1.fragment_start_block = frag_blk;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s1.fragment_size = frag_size;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s1.fragment_offset = inodep->offset;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->start_block = inodep->start_block;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s1.block_list_start = next_block;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->offset = next_offset;
+ if (sblk->block_size > 4096)
i->i_data.a_ops = &squashfs_aops;
- else if(sBlk->block_size == 4096)
- i->i_data.a_ops = &squashfs_aops_4K;
- i->i_data.a_ops = &squashfs_aops_lessthan4K;
+ i->i_data.a_ops = &squashfs_aops_4K;
+ TRACE("File inode %x:%x, start_block %llx, "
+ "block_list_start %llx, offset %x\n",
+ SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode), offset,
+ inodep->start_block, next_block,
+ next_offset);
+ break;
+ }
+ unsigned int frag_size;
+ long long frag_blk;
+ struct squashfs_lreg_inode_header *inodep = &id.lreg;
+ struct squashfs_lreg_inode_header *sinodep = &sid.lreg;
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ sinodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*sinodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ } else
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ inodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*inodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ if (inodep->fragment != SQUASHFS_INVALID_FRAG &&
+ !get_fragment_location(s,
+ inodep->fragment, &frag_blk, &frag_size))
+ goto failed_read;
+ if((i = squashfs_new_inode(s, inodeb)) == NULL)
+ goto failed_read1;
+ i->i_nlink = inodep->nlink;
+ i->i_size = inodep->file_size;
+ i->i_fop = &generic_ro_fops;
i->i_mode |= S_IFREG;
- i->i_mtime = inodep.mtime;
- i->i_atime = inodep.mtime;
- i->i_ctime = inodep.mtime;
i->i_blocks = ((i->i_size - 1) >> 9) + 1;
i->i_blksize = PAGE_CACHE_SIZE;
- i->u.squashfs_i.fragment_start_block = SQUASHFS_INVALID_BLK;
- i->u.squashfs_i.fragment_offset = 0;
- i->u.squashfs_i.start_block = inodep.start_block;
- i->u.squashfs_i.block_list_start = next_block;
- i->u.squashfs_i.offset = next_offset;
- TRACE("File inode %x:%x, start_block %x, block_list_start %x, offset %x\n",
- SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode), offset, inodep.start_block, next_block, next_offset);
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s1.fragment_start_block = frag_blk;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s1.fragment_size = frag_size;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s1.fragment_offset = inodep->offset;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->start_block = inodep->start_block;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s1.block_list_start = next_block;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->offset = next_offset;
+ if (sblk->block_size > 4096)
+ i->i_data.a_ops = &squashfs_aops;
+ else
+ i->i_data.a_ops = &squashfs_aops_4K;
+ TRACE("File inode %x:%x, start_block %llx, "
+ "block_list_start %llx, offset %x\n",
+ SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode), offset,
+ inodep->start_block, next_block,
+ next_offset);
- squashfs_dir_inode_header_1 inodep;
+ struct squashfs_dir_inode_header *inodep = &id.dir;
+ struct squashfs_dir_inode_header *sinodep = &sid.dir;
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ sinodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*sinodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ } else
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ inodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*inodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- squashfs_dir_inode_header_1 sinodep;
+ if((i = squashfs_new_inode(s, inodeb)) == NULL)
+ goto failed_read1;
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &sinodep, block, offset, sizeof(sinodep),
- &next_block, &next_offset))
+ i->i_nlink = inodep->nlink;
+ i->i_size = inodep->file_size;
+ i->i_op = &squashfs_dir_inode_ops;
+ i->i_fop = &squashfs_dir_ops;
+ i->i_mode |= S_IFDIR;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->start_block = inodep->start_block;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->offset = inodep->offset;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_count = 0;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.parent_inode = inodep->parent_inode;
+ TRACE("Directory inode %x:%x, start_block %x, offset "
+ "%x\n", SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode),
+ offset, inodep->start_block,
+ inodep->offset);
+ break;
+ }
+ struct squashfs_ldir_inode_header *inodep = &id.ldir;
+ struct squashfs_ldir_inode_header *sinodep = &sid.ldir;
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ sinodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*sinodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
- SQUASHFS_SWAP_DIR_INODE_HEADER_1(&inodep, &sinodep);
+ sinodep);
} else
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &inodep, block, offset, sizeof(inodep),
- &next_block, &next_offset))
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ inodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*inodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
- i->i_size = inodep.file_size;
+ if((i = squashfs_new_inode(s, inodeb)) == NULL)
+ goto failed_read1;
+ i->i_nlink = inodep->nlink;
+ i->i_size = inodep->file_size;
i->i_op = &squashfs_dir_inode_ops;
i->i_fop = &squashfs_dir_ops;
i->i_mode |= S_IFDIR;
- i->i_mtime = inodep.mtime;
- i->i_atime = inodep.mtime;
- i->i_ctime = inodep.mtime;
- i->u.squashfs_i.start_block = inodep.start_block;
- i->u.squashfs_i.offset = inodep.offset;
- TRACE("Directory inode %x:%x, start_block %x, offset %x\n", SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode), offset,
- inodep.start_block, inodep.offset);
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->start_block = inodep->start_block;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->offset = inodep->offset;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_start = next_block;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_offset =
+ next_offset;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_count =
+ inodep->i_count;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.parent_inode = inodep->parent_inode;
+ TRACE("Long directory inode %x:%x, start_block %x, "
+ "offset %x\n",
+ SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode), offset,
+ inodep->start_block, inodep->offset);
- squashfs_symlink_inode_header_1 inodep;
+ struct squashfs_symlink_inode_header *inodep =
+ &id.symlink;
+ struct squashfs_symlink_inode_header *sinodep =
+ &sid.symlink;
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- squashfs_symlink_inode_header_1 sinodep;
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &sinodep, block, offset, sizeof(sinodep),
- &next_block, &next_offset))
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ sinodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*sinodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
+ sinodep);
} else
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &inodep, block, offset, sizeof(inodep),
- &next_block, &next_offset))
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ inodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*inodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
- i->i_size = inodep.symlink_size;
+ if((i = squashfs_new_inode(s, inodeb)) == NULL)
+ goto failed_read1;
+ i->i_nlink = inodep->nlink;
+ i->i_size = inodep->symlink_size;
i->i_op = &page_symlink_inode_operations;
i->i_data.a_ops = &squashfs_symlink_aops;
i->i_mode |= S_IFLNK;
- i->u.squashfs_i.start_block = next_block;
- i->u.squashfs_i.offset = next_offset;
- TRACE("Symbolic link inode %x:%x, start_block %x, offset %x\n",
- SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode), offset, next_block, next_offset);
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->start_block = next_block;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->offset = next_offset;
+ TRACE("Symbolic link inode %x:%x, start_block %llx, "
+ "offset %x\n",
+ SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode), offset,
+ next_block, next_offset);
- squashfs_dev_inode_header_1 inodep;
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- squashfs_dev_inode_header_1 sinodep;
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &sinodep, block, offset, sizeof(sinodep),
- &next_block, &next_offset))
+ struct squashfs_dev_inode_header *inodep = &;
+ struct squashfs_dev_inode_header *sinodep = &;
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ sinodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*sinodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
- SQUASHFS_SWAP_DEV_INODE_HEADER_1(&inodep, &sinodep);
} else
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &inodep, block, offset, sizeof(inodep),
- &next_block, &next_offset))
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ inodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*inodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
- i->i_size = 0;
- i->i_mode |= (inodeb.inode_type == SQUASHFS_CHRDEV_TYPE) ? S_IFCHR : S_IFBLK;
- init_special_inode(i, i->i_mode, inodep.rdev);
- TRACE("Device inode %x:%x, rdev %x\n", SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode), offset, inodep.rdev);
- break;
- }
- squashfs_ipc_inode_header_1 inodep;
+ if ((i = squashfs_new_inode(s, inodeb)) == NULL)
+ goto failed_read1;
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- squashfs_ipc_inode_header_1 sinodep;
+ i->i_nlink = inodep->nlink;
+ i->i_mode |= (inodeb->inode_type ==
+ init_special_inode(i, i->i_mode, inodep->rdev);
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &sinodep, block, offset, sizeof(sinodep),
- &next_block, &next_offset))
+ TRACE("Device inode %x:%x, rdev %x\n",
+ SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode), offset,
+ inodep->rdev);
+ break;
+ }
+ struct squashfs_ipc_inode_header *inodep = &id.ipc;
+ struct squashfs_ipc_inode_header *sinodep = &sid.ipc;
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ sinodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*sinodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
- SQUASHFS_SWAP_IPC_INODE_HEADER_1(&inodep, &sinodep);
} else
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &inodep, block, offset, sizeof(inodep),
- &next_block, &next_offset))
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ inodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*inodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
- i->i_size = 0;
- i->i_mode |= (inodep.type == SQUASHFS_FIFO_TYPE) ? S_IFIFO : S_IFSOCK;
- i->i_uid = msBlk->uid[inodep.offset * 16 + inodeb.uid];
+ if ((i = squashfs_new_inode(s, inodeb)) == NULL)
+ goto failed_read1;
+ i->i_nlink = inodep->nlink;
+ i->i_mode |= (inodeb->inode_type == SQUASHFS_FIFO_TYPE)
init_special_inode(i, i->i_mode, 0);
- ERROR("Unknown inode type %d in squashfs_iget!\n", inodeb.inode_type);
- goto failed_read1;
+ ERROR("Unknown inode type %d in squashfs_iget!\n",
+ inodeb->inode_type);
+ goto failed_read1;
- if(inodeb.guid == 15)
- i->i_gid = i->i_uid;
- else
- i->i_gid = msBlk->guid[inodeb.guid];
+ insert_inode_hash(i);
return i;
- ERROR("Unable to read inode [%x:%x]\n", block, offset);
+ ERROR("Unable to read inode [%llx:%x]\n", block, offset);
return NULL;
-static struct inode *squashfs_iget(struct super_block *s, squashfs_inode inode)
+int read_fragment_index_table(struct super_block *s)
- struct inode *i = new_inode(s);
- squashfs_sb_info *msBlk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
- squashfs_super_block *sBlk = &msBlk->sBlk;
- unsigned int block = SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode) + sBlk->inode_table_start;
- unsigned int offset = SQUASHFS_INODE_OFFSET(inode);
- unsigned int next_block, next_offset;
- squashfs_base_inode_header inodeb;
- TRACE("Entered squashfs_iget\n");
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- squashfs_base_inode_header sinodeb;
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &sinodeb, block, offset,
- sizeof(sinodeb), &next_block, &next_offset))
- goto failed_read;
- SQUASHFS_SWAP_BASE_INODE_HEADER(&inodeb, &sinodeb, sizeof(sinodeb));
- } else
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &inodeb, block, offset,
- sizeof(inodeb), &next_block, &next_offset))
- goto failed_read;
- i->i_nlink = 1;
- i->i_mtime = sBlk->mkfs_time;
- i->i_atime = sBlk->mkfs_time;
- i->i_ctime = sBlk->mkfs_time;
- if(inodeb.inode_type != SQUASHFS_IPC_TYPE)
- i->i_uid = msBlk->uid[((inodeb.inode_type - 1) / SQUASHFS_TYPES) * 16 + inodeb.uid];
- i->i_ino = SQUASHFS_MK_VFS_INODE(block - sBlk->inode_table_start, offset);
- i->i_mode = inodeb.mode;
- switch(inodeb.inode_type) {
- squashfs_reg_inode_header inodep;
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- squashfs_reg_inode_header sinodep;
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &sinodep, block, offset, sizeof(sinodep),
- &next_block, &next_offset))
- goto failed_read;
- SQUASHFS_SWAP_REG_INODE_HEADER(&inodep, &sinodep);
- } else
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &inodep, block, offset, sizeof(inodep),
- &next_block, &next_offset))
- goto failed_read;
+ if (!(msblk->fragment_index = kmalloc(SQUASHFS_FRAGMENT_INDEX_BYTES
+ (sblk->fragments), GFP_KERNEL))) {
+ ERROR("Failed to allocate uid/gid table\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (SQUASHFS_FRAGMENT_INDEX_BYTES(sblk->fragments) &&
+ !squashfs_read_data(s, (char *)
+ msblk->fragment_index,
+ sblk->fragment_table_start,
+ (sblk->fragments) |
+ ERROR("unable to read fragment index table\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
- i->u.squashfs_i.fragment_start_block = SQUASHFS_INVALID_BLK;
- if(inodep.fragment != SQUASHFS_INVALID_BLK && !get_fragment_location(s, inodep.fragment,
- &i->u.squashfs_i.fragment_start_block, &i->u.squashfs_i.fragment_size))
- goto failed_read;
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ int i;
+ long long fragment;
- i->u.squashfs_i.fragment_offset = inodep.offset;
- i->i_size = inodep.file_size;
- i->i_fop = &generic_ro_fops;
- if(sBlk->block_size > 4096)
- i->i_data.a_ops = &squashfs_aops;
- else
- i->i_data.a_ops = &squashfs_aops_4K;
- i->i_mode |= S_IFREG;
- i->i_mtime = inodep.mtime;
- i->i_atime = inodep.mtime;
- i->i_ctime = inodep.mtime;
- i->i_blocks = ((i->i_size - 1) >> 9) + 1;
- i->i_blksize = PAGE_CACHE_SIZE;
- i->u.squashfs_i.start_block = inodep.start_block;
- i->u.squashfs_i.block_list_start = next_block;
- i->u.squashfs_i.offset = next_offset;
- TRACE("File inode %x:%x, start_block %x, block_list_start %x, offset %x fragment_index %x fragment_offset %x\n",
- SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode), offset, inodep.start_block, next_block, next_offset, inodep.fragment, inodep.offset);
- break;
+ for (i = 0; i < SQUASHFS_FRAGMENT_INDEXES(sblk->fragments);
+ i++) {
+ &msblk->fragment_index[i], 1);
+ msblk->fragment_index[i] = fragment;
- squashfs_dir_inode_header inodep;
+ }
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- squashfs_dir_inode_header sinodep;
+ return 1;
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &sinodep, block, offset, sizeof(sinodep),
- &next_block, &next_offset))
- goto failed_read;
- SQUASHFS_SWAP_DIR_INODE_HEADER(&inodep, &sinodep);
- } else
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &inodep, block, offset, sizeof(inodep),
- &next_block, &next_offset))
- goto failed_read;
- i->i_size = inodep.file_size;
- i->i_op = &squashfs_dir_inode_ops;
- i->i_fop = &squashfs_dir_ops;
- i->i_mode |= S_IFDIR;
- i->i_mtime = inodep.mtime;
- i->i_atime = inodep.mtime;
- i->i_ctime = inodep.mtime;
- i->u.squashfs_i.start_block = inodep.start_block;
- i->u.squashfs_i.offset = inodep.offset;
- TRACE("Directory inode %x:%x, start_block %x, offset %x\n", SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode), offset,
- inodep.start_block, inodep.offset);
- break;
+static int supported_squashfs_filesystem(struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk, int silent)
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
+ msblk->iget = squashfs_iget;
+ msblk->read_blocklist = read_blocklist;
+ msblk->read_fragment_index_table = read_fragment_index_table;
+ if (sblk->s_major == 1) {
+ if (!squashfs_1_0_supported(msblk)) {
+ SERROR("Major/Minor mismatch, Squashfs 1.0 filesystems "
+ "are unsupported\n");
+ SERROR("Please recompile with "
+ "Squashfs 1.0 support enabled\n");
+ return 0;
- squashfs_symlink_inode_header inodep;
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- squashfs_symlink_inode_header sinodep;
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &sinodep, block, offset, sizeof(sinodep),
- &next_block, &next_offset))
- goto failed_read;
- } else
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &inodep, block, offset, sizeof(inodep),
- &next_block, &next_offset))
- goto failed_read;
- i->i_size = inodep.symlink_size;
- i->i_op = &page_symlink_inode_operations;
- i->i_data.a_ops = &squashfs_symlink_aops;
- i->i_mode |= S_IFLNK;
- i->u.squashfs_i.start_block = next_block;
- i->u.squashfs_i.offset = next_offset;
- TRACE("Symbolic link inode %x:%x, start_block %x, offset %x\n",
- SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode), offset, next_block, next_offset);
- break;
- }
- squashfs_dev_inode_header inodep;
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- squashfs_dev_inode_header sinodep;
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &sinodep, block, offset, sizeof(sinodep),
- &next_block, &next_offset))
- goto failed_read;
- SQUASHFS_SWAP_DEV_INODE_HEADER(&inodep, &sinodep);
- } else
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &inodep, block, offset, sizeof(inodep),
- &next_block, &next_offset))
- goto failed_read;
- i->i_size = 0;
- i->i_mode |= (inodeb.inode_type == SQUASHFS_CHRDEV_TYPE) ? S_IFCHR : S_IFBLK;
- init_special_inode(i, i->i_mode, inodep.rdev);
- TRACE("Device inode %x:%x, rdev %x\n", SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode), offset, inodep.rdev);
- break;
- }
- i->i_size = 0;
- i->i_mode |= (inodeb.inode_type == SQUASHFS_FIFO_TYPE) ? S_IFIFO : S_IFSOCK;
- init_special_inode(i, i->i_mode, 0);
- break;
- }
- default:
- ERROR("Unknown inode type %d in squashfs_iget!\n", inodeb.inode_type);
- goto failed_read1;
+ } else if (sblk->s_major == 2) {
+ if (!squashfs_2_0_supported(msblk)) {
+ SERROR("Major/Minor mismatch, Squashfs 2.0 filesystems "
+ "are unsupported\n");
+ SERROR("Please recompile with "
+ "Squashfs 2.0 support enabled\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if(sblk->s_major != SQUASHFS_MAJOR || sblk->s_minor >
+ SERROR("Major/Minor mismatch, trying to mount newer %d.%d "
+ "filesystem\n", sblk->s_major, sblk->s_minor);
+ SERROR("Please update your kernel\n");
+ return 0;
- if(inodeb.guid == SQUASHFS_GUIDS)
- i->i_gid = i->i_uid;
- else
- i->i_gid = msBlk->guid[inodeb.guid];
- return i;
- ERROR("Unable to read inode [%x:%x]\n", block, offset);
- return NULL;
+ return 1;
@@ -804,221 +968,204 @@ static struct super_block *squashfs_read_super(struct super_block *s,
void *data, int silent)
kdev_t dev = s->s_dev;
- squashfs_sb_info *msBlk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
- squashfs_super_block *sBlk = &msBlk->sBlk;
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
int i;
- TRACE("Entered squashfs_read_superblock\n");
- msBlk->devblksize = get_hardsect_size(dev);
- if(msBlk->devblksize < BLOCK_SIZE)
- msBlk->devblksize = BLOCK_SIZE;
- msBlk->devblksize_log2 = ffz(~msBlk->devblksize);
- set_blocksize(dev, msBlk->devblksize);
- s->s_blocksize = msBlk->devblksize;
- s->s_blocksize_bits = msBlk->devblksize_log2;
- init_MUTEX(&msBlk->read_page_mutex);
- init_MUTEX(&msBlk->block_cache_mutex);
- init_MUTEX(&msBlk->fragment_mutex);
+ struct inode *root;
+ msblk->devblksize = get_hardsect_size(dev);
+ if(msblk->devblksize < BLOCK_SIZE)
+ msblk->devblksize = BLOCK_SIZE;
+ msblk->devblksize_log2 = ffz(~msblk->devblksize);
+ set_blocksize(dev, msblk->devblksize);
+ s->s_blocksize = msblk->devblksize;
+ s->s_blocksize_bits = msblk->devblksize_log2;
+ init_MUTEX(&msblk->read_data_mutex);
+ init_MUTEX(&msblk->read_page_mutex);
+ init_MUTEX(&msblk->block_cache_mutex);
+ init_MUTEX(&msblk->fragment_mutex);
- init_waitqueue_head(&msBlk->waitq);
- init_waitqueue_head(&msBlk->fragment_wait_queue);
+ init_waitqueue_head(&msblk->waitq);
+ init_waitqueue_head(&msblk->fragment_wait_queue);
- if(!read_data(s, (char *) sBlk, SQUASHFS_START, sizeof(squashfs_super_block) | SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED_BIT, 0, NULL)) {
+ if (!squashfs_read_data(s, (char *) sblk, SQUASHFS_START,
+ sizeof(struct squashfs_super_block) |
SERROR("unable to read superblock\n");
goto failed_mount;
/* Check it is a SQUASHFS superblock */
- msBlk->swap = 0;
- if((s->s_magic = sBlk->s_magic) != SQUASHFS_MAGIC) {
- if(sBlk->s_magic == SQUASHFS_MAGIC_SWAP) {
- squashfs_super_block sblk;
- WARNING("Mounting a different endian SQUASHFS filesystem on %s\n", bdevname(dev));
- memcpy(sBlk, &sblk, sizeof(squashfs_super_block));
- msBlk->swap = 1;
+ msblk->swap = 0;
+ if ((s->s_magic = sblk->s_magic) != SQUASHFS_MAGIC) {
+ if (sblk->s_magic == SQUASHFS_MAGIC_SWAP) {
+ struct squashfs_super_block ssblk;
+ WARNING("Mounting a different endian SQUASHFS "
+ "filesystem on %s\n", bdevname(dev));
+ memcpy(sblk, &ssblk, sizeof(struct squashfs_super_block));
+ msblk->swap = 1;
} else {
- SERROR("Can't find a SQUASHFS superblock on %s\n", bdevname(dev));
+ SERROR("Can't find a SQUASHFS superblock on %s\n",
+ bdevname(dev));
goto failed_mount;
/* Check the MAJOR & MINOR versions */
- if((sBlk->s_major != 1) && (sBlk->s_major != 2 || sBlk->s_minor > SQUASHFS_MINOR)) {
- SERROR("Major/Minor mismatch, filesystem is (%d:%d), I support (1 : x) or (2 : <= %d)\n",
- sBlk->s_major, sBlk->s_minor, SQUASHFS_MINOR);
+ if(!supported_squashfs_filesystem(msblk, silent))
goto failed_mount;
- }
- if(sBlk->s_major == 1)
- sBlk->block_size = sBlk->block_size_1;
- if(sBlk->s_major != SQUASHFS_MAJOR || sBlk->s_minor > SQUASHFS_MINOR) {
- SERROR("Major/Minor mismatch, filesystem is (%d:%d), I support (%d: <= %d)\n",
- sBlk->s_major, sBlk->s_minor, SQUASHFS_MAJOR, SQUASHFS_MINOR);
- goto failed_mount;
- }
TRACE("Found valid superblock on %s\n", bdevname(dev));
- TRACE("Inodes are %scompressed\n", SQUASHFS_UNCOMPRESSED_INODES(sBlk->flags) ? "un" : "");
- TRACE("Data is %scompressed\n", SQUASHFS_UNCOMPRESSED_DATA(sBlk->flags) ? "un" : "");
- TRACE("Check data is %s present in the filesystem\n", SQUASHFS_CHECK_DATA(sBlk->flags) ? "" : "not");
- TRACE("Filesystem size %d bytes\n", sBlk->bytes_used);
- TRACE("Block size %d\n", sBlk->block_size);
- TRACE("Number of inodes %d\n", sBlk->inodes);
- if(sBlk->s_major > 1)
- TRACE("Number of fragments %d\n", sBlk->fragments);
- TRACE("Number of uids %d\n", sBlk->no_uids);
- TRACE("Number of gids %d\n", sBlk->no_guids);
- TRACE("sBlk->inode_table_start %x\n", sBlk->inode_table_start);
- TRACE("sBlk->directory_table_start %x\n", sBlk->directory_table_start);
- if(sBlk->s_major > 1)
- TRACE("sBlk->fragment_table_start %x\n", sBlk->fragment_table_start);
- TRACE("sBlk->uid_start %x\n", sBlk->uid_start);
+ TRACE("Inodes are %scompressed\n",
+ (sblk->flags) ? "un" : "");
+ TRACE("Data is %scompressed\n",
+ ? "un" : "");
+ TRACE("Check data is %s present in the filesystem\n",
+ SQUASHFS_CHECK_DATA(sblk->flags) ?
+ "" : "not");
+ TRACE("Filesystem size %lld bytes\n", sblk->bytes_used);
+ TRACE("Block size %d\n", sblk->block_size);
+ TRACE("Number of inodes %d\n", sblk->inodes);
+ if (sblk->s_major > 1)
+ TRACE("Number of fragments %d\n", sblk->fragments);
+ TRACE("Number of uids %d\n", sblk->no_uids);
+ TRACE("Number of gids %d\n", sblk->no_guids);
+ TRACE("sblk->inode_table_start %llx\n", sblk->inode_table_start);
+ TRACE("sblk->directory_table_start %llx\n", sblk->directory_table_start);
+ if (sblk->s_major > 1)
+ TRACE("sblk->fragment_table_start %llx\n",
+ sblk->fragment_table_start);
+ TRACE("sblk->uid_start %llx\n", sblk->uid_start);
s->s_flags |= MS_RDONLY;
s->s_op = &squashfs_ops;
/* Init inode_table block pointer array */
- if(!(msBlk->block_cache = (squashfs_cache *) kmalloc(sizeof(squashfs_cache) * SQUASHFS_CACHED_BLKS, GFP_KERNEL))) {
+ if (!(msblk->block_cache = kmalloc(sizeof(struct squashfs_cache) *
ERROR("Failed to allocate block cache\n");
goto failed_mount;
- for(i = 0; i < SQUASHFS_CACHED_BLKS; i++)
- msBlk->block_cache[i].block = SQUASHFS_INVALID_BLK;
+ for (i = 0; i < SQUASHFS_CACHED_BLKS; i++)
+ msblk->block_cache[i].block = SQUASHFS_INVALID_BLK;
- msBlk->next_cache = 0;
+ msblk->next_cache = 0;
/* Allocate read_data block */
- msBlk->read_size = (sBlk->block_size < SQUASHFS_METADATA_SIZE) ? SQUASHFS_METADATA_SIZE : sBlk->block_size;
- if(!(msBlk->read_data = (char *) kmalloc(msBlk->read_size, GFP_KERNEL))) {
+ msblk->read_size = (sblk->block_size < SQUASHFS_METADATA_SIZE) ?
+ sblk->block_size;
+ if (!(msblk->read_data = kmalloc(msblk->read_size, GFP_KERNEL))) {
ERROR("Failed to allocate read_data block\n");
- goto failed_mount1;
+ goto failed_mount;
/* Allocate read_page block */
- if(sBlk->block_size > PAGE_CACHE_SIZE &&
- !(msBlk->read_page = (char *) kmalloc(sBlk->block_size, GFP_KERNEL))) {
+ if (!(msblk->read_page = kmalloc(sblk->block_size, GFP_KERNEL))) {
ERROR("Failed to allocate read_page block\n");
- goto failed_mount2;
+ goto failed_mount;
/* Allocate uid and gid tables */
- if(!(msBlk->uid = (squashfs_uid *) kmalloc((sBlk->no_uids +
- sBlk->no_guids) * sizeof(squashfs_uid), GFP_KERNEL))) {
+ if (!(msblk->uid = kmalloc((sblk->no_uids + sblk->no_guids) *
+ sizeof(unsigned int), GFP_KERNEL))) {
ERROR("Failed to allocate uid/gid table\n");
- goto failed_mount3;
+ goto failed_mount;
- msBlk->guid = msBlk->uid + sBlk->no_uids;
+ msblk->guid = msblk->uid + sblk->no_uids;
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- squashfs_uid suid[sBlk->no_uids + sBlk->no_guids];
- if(!read_data(s, (char *) &suid, sBlk->uid_start, ((sBlk->no_uids + sBlk->no_guids) *
- sizeof(squashfs_uid)) | SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED_BIT, 0, NULL)) {
- SERROR("unable to read uid/gid table\n");
- goto failed_mount4;
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ unsigned int suid[sblk->no_uids + sblk->no_guids];
+ if (!squashfs_read_data(s, (char *) &suid, sblk->uid_start,
+ ((sblk->no_uids + sblk->no_guids) *
+ sizeof(unsigned int)) |
+ ERROR("unable to read uid/gid table\n");
+ goto failed_mount;
- SQUASHFS_SWAP_DATA(msBlk->uid, suid, (sBlk->no_uids + sBlk->no_guids), (sizeof(squashfs_uid) * 8));
+ SQUASHFS_SWAP_DATA(msblk->uid, suid, (sblk->no_uids +
+ sblk->no_guids), (sizeof(unsigned int) * 8));
} else
- if(!read_data(s, (char *) msBlk->uid, sBlk->uid_start, ((sBlk->no_uids + sBlk->no_guids) *
- sizeof(squashfs_uid)) | SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED_BIT, 0, NULL)) {
- SERROR("unable to read uid/gid table\n");
- goto failed_mount4;
+ if (!squashfs_read_data(s, (char *) msblk->uid, sblk->uid_start,
+ ((sblk->no_uids + sblk->no_guids) *
+ sizeof(unsigned int)) |
+ ERROR("unable to read uid/gid table\n");
+ goto failed_mount;
- if(sBlk->s_major == 1) {
- msBlk->iget = squashfs_iget_1;
- msBlk->read_blocklist = read_blocklist_1;
- msBlk->fragment = (struct squashfs_fragment_cache *) msBlk->fragment_index = NULL;
+ if (sblk->s_major == 1 && squashfs_1_0_supported(msblk))
goto allocate_root;
- }
- msBlk->iget = squashfs_iget;
- msBlk->read_blocklist = read_blocklist;
- if(!(msBlk->fragment = (struct squashfs_fragment_cache *) kmalloc(sizeof(struct squashfs_fragment_cache) * SQUASHFS_CACHED_FRAGMENTS, GFP_KERNEL))) {
+ if (!(msblk->fragment = kmalloc(sizeof(struct squashfs_fragment_cache) *
ERROR("Failed to allocate fragment block cache\n");
- goto failed_mount4;
+ goto failed_mount;
- for(i = 0; i < SQUASHFS_CACHED_FRAGMENTS; i++) {
- msBlk->fragment[i].locked = 0;
- msBlk->fragment[i].block = SQUASHFS_INVALID_BLK;
- msBlk->fragment[i].data = NULL;
+ for (i = 0; i < SQUASHFS_CACHED_FRAGMENTS; i++) {
+ msblk->fragment[i].locked = 0;
+ msblk->fragment[i].block = SQUASHFS_INVALID_BLK;
+ msblk->fragment[i].data = NULL;
- msBlk->next_fragment = 0;
+ msblk->next_fragment = 0;
/* Allocate fragment index table */
- if(!(msBlk->fragment_index = (squashfs_fragment_index *) kmalloc(SQUASHFS_FRAGMENT_INDEX_BYTES(sBlk->fragments), GFP_KERNEL))) {
- ERROR("Failed to allocate uid/gid table\n");
- goto failed_mount5;
- }
- if(SQUASHFS_FRAGMENT_INDEX_BYTES(sBlk->fragments) &&
- !read_data(s, (char *) msBlk->fragment_index, sBlk->fragment_table_start,
- SERROR("unable to read fragment index table\n");
- goto failed_mount6;
- }
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- int i;
- squashfs_fragment_index fragment;
- for(i = 0; i < SQUASHFS_FRAGMENT_INDEXES(sBlk->fragments); i++) {
- SQUASHFS_SWAP_FRAGMENT_INDEXES((&fragment), &msBlk->fragment_index[i], 1);
- msBlk->fragment_index[i] = fragment;
- }
- }
+ if(msblk->read_fragment_index_table(s) == 0)
+ goto failed_mount;
- if(!(s->s_root = d_alloc_root((msBlk->iget)(s, sBlk->root_inode)))) {
+ if ((root = (msblk->iget)(s, sblk->root_inode)) == NULL)
+ goto failed_mount;
+ if ((s->s_root = d_alloc_root(root)) == NULL) {
ERROR("Root inode create failed\n");
- goto failed_mount5;
+ iput(root);
+ goto failed_mount;
TRACE("Leaving squashfs_read_super\n");
return s;
- kfree(msBlk->fragment_index);
- kfree(msBlk->fragment);
- kfree(msBlk->uid);
- kfree(msBlk->read_page);
- kfree(msBlk->read_data);
- kfree(msBlk->block_cache);
+ kfree(msblk->fragment_index);
+ kfree(msblk->fragment);
+ kfree(msblk->uid);
+ kfree(msblk->read_page);
+ kfree(msblk->read_data);
+ kfree(msblk->block_cache);
+ kfree(msblk->fragment_index_2);
return NULL;
static int squashfs_statfs(struct super_block *s, struct statfs *buf)
- squashfs_super_block *sBlk = &s->u.squashfs_sb.sBlk;
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
TRACE("Entered squashfs_statfs\n");
buf->f_type = SQUASHFS_MAGIC;
- buf->f_bsize = sBlk->block_size;
- buf->f_blocks = ((sBlk->bytes_used - 1) >> sBlk->block_log) + 1;
+ buf->f_bsize = sblk->block_size;
+ buf->f_blocks = ((sblk->bytes_used - 1) >> sblk->block_log) + 1;
buf->f_bfree = buf->f_bavail = 0;
- buf->f_files = sBlk->inodes;
+ buf->f_files = sblk->inodes;
buf->f_ffree = 0;
buf->f_namelen = SQUASHFS_NAME_LEN;
return 0;
@@ -1027,35 +1174,41 @@ static int squashfs_symlink_readpage(struct file *file, struct page *page)
struct inode *inode = page->mapping->host;
int index = page->index << PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT, length, bytes;
- int block = inode->u.squashfs_i.start_block;
- int offset = inode->u.squashfs_i.offset;
- void *pageaddr = kmap(page);
- TRACE("Entered squashfs_symlink_readpage, page index %x, start block %x, offset %x\n",
- (unsigned int) page->index, inode->u.squashfs_i.start_block, inode->u.squashfs_i.offset);
- for(length = 0; length < index; length += bytes) {
- if(!(bytes = squashfs_get_cached_block(inode->i_sb, NULL, block, offset,
- PAGE_CACHE_SIZE, &block, &offset))) {
- ERROR("Unable to read symbolic link [%x:%x]\n", block, offset);
+ long long block = SQUASHFS_I(inode)->start_block;
+ int offset = SQUASHFS_I(inode)->offset;
+ void *pageaddr = kmap(page);
+ TRACE("Entered squashfs_symlink_readpage, page index %ld, start block "
+ "%llx, offset %x\n", page->index,
+ SQUASHFS_I(inode)->start_block,
+ SQUASHFS_I(inode)->offset);
+ for (length = 0; length < index; length += bytes) {
+ if (!(bytes = squashfs_get_cached_block(inode->i_sb, NULL,
+ block, offset, PAGE_CACHE_SIZE, &block,
+ &offset))) {
+ ERROR("Unable to read symbolic link [%llx:%x]\n", block,
+ offset);
goto skip_read;
- if(length != index) {
+ if (length != index) {
ERROR("(squashfs_symlink_readpage) length != index\n");
bytes = 0;
goto skip_read;
- bytes = (inode->i_size - length) > PAGE_CACHE_SIZE ? PAGE_CACHE_SIZE : inode->i_size - length;
- if(!(bytes = squashfs_get_cached_block(inode->i_sb, pageaddr, block, offset, bytes, &block, &offset)))
- ERROR("Unable to read symbolic link [%x:%x]\n", block, offset);
+ bytes = (i_size_read(inode) - length) > PAGE_CACHE_SIZE ? PAGE_CACHE_SIZE :
+ i_size_read(inode) - length;
+ if (!(bytes = squashfs_get_cached_block(inode->i_sb, pageaddr, block,
+ offset, bytes, &block, &offset)))
+ ERROR("Unable to read symbolic link [%llx:%x]\n", block, offset);
memset(pageaddr + bytes, 0, PAGE_CACHE_SIZE - bytes);
- flush_dcache_page(page);
@@ -1063,155 +1216,358 @@ skip_read:
-#define SIZE 256
+struct meta_index *locate_meta_index(struct inode *inode, int index, int offset)
+ struct meta_index *meta = NULL;
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &inode->i_sb->u.squashfs_sb;
+ int i;
+ down(&msblk->meta_index_mutex);
+ TRACE("locate_meta_index: index %d, offset %d\n", index, offset);
+ if(msblk->meta_index == NULL)
+ goto not_allocated;
+ for (i = 0; i < SQUASHFS_META_NUMBER; i ++)
+ if (msblk->meta_index[i].inode_number == inode->i_ino &&
+ msblk->meta_index[i].offset >= offset &&
+ msblk->meta_index[i].offset <= index &&
+ msblk->meta_index[i].locked == 0) {
+ TRACE("locate_meta_index: entry %d, offset %d\n", i,
+ msblk->meta_index[i].offset);
+ meta = &msblk->meta_index[i];
+ offset = meta->offset;
+ }
-static unsigned int read_blocklist_1(struct inode *inode, int index, int readahead_blks,
- char *block_list, char **block_p, unsigned int *bsize)
+ if (meta)
+ meta->locked = 1;
+ up(&msblk->meta_index_mutex);
+ return meta;
+struct meta_index *empty_meta_index(struct inode *inode, int offset, int skip)
- squashfs_sb_info *msBlk = &inode->i_sb->u.squashfs_sb;
- unsigned short *block_listp;
- int i = 0;
- int block_ptr = inode->u.squashfs_i.block_list_start;
- int offset = inode->u.squashfs_i.offset;
- int block = inode->u.squashfs_i.start_block;
- for(;;) {
- int blocks = (index + readahead_blks - i);
- if(blocks > (SIZE >> 1)) {
- if((index - i) <= (SIZE >> 1))
- blocks = index - i;
- else
- blocks = SIZE >> 1;
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &inode->i_sb->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct meta_index *meta = NULL;
+ int i;
+ down(&msblk->meta_index_mutex);
+ TRACE("empty_meta_index: offset %d, skip %d\n", offset, skip);
+ if(msblk->meta_index == NULL) {
+ if (!(msblk->meta_index = kmalloc(sizeof(struct meta_index) *
+ ERROR("Failed to allocate meta_index\n");
+ goto failed;
+ for(i = 0; i < SQUASHFS_META_NUMBER; i++) {
+ msblk->meta_index[i].inode_number = 0;
+ msblk->meta_index[i].locked = 0;
+ }
+ msblk->next_meta_index = 0;
+ }
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- unsigned char sblock_list[SIZE];
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(inode->i_sb, (char *) sblock_list, block_ptr, offset, blocks << 1, &block_ptr, &offset)) {
- ERROR("Unable to read block list [%d:%x]\n", block_ptr, offset);
- return 0;
- }
- SQUASHFS_SWAP_SHORTS(((unsigned short *)block_list), ((unsigned short *)sblock_list), blocks);
- } else
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(inode->i_sb, (char *) block_list, block_ptr, offset, blocks << 1, &block_ptr, &offset)) {
- ERROR("Unable to read block list [%d:%x]\n", block_ptr, offset);
- return 0;
- }
- for(block_listp = (unsigned short *) block_list; i < index && blocks; i ++, block_listp ++, blocks --)
- block += SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED_SIZE(*block_listp);
- if(blocks >= readahead_blks)
- break;
+ for(i = SQUASHFS_META_NUMBER; i &&
+ msblk->meta_index[msblk->next_meta_index].locked; i --)
+ msblk->next_meta_index = (msblk->next_meta_index + 1) %
+ if(i == 0) {
+ TRACE("empty_meta_index: failed!\n");
+ goto failed;
- if(bsize)
- else
- (unsigned short *) *block_p = block_listp;
- return block;
+ TRACE("empty_meta_index: returned meta entry %d, %p\n",
+ msblk->next_meta_index,
+ &msblk->meta_index[msblk->next_meta_index]);
+ meta = &msblk->meta_index[msblk->next_meta_index];
+ msblk->next_meta_index = (msblk->next_meta_index + 1) %
+ meta->inode_number = inode->i_ino;
+ meta->offset = offset;
+ meta->skip = skip;
+ meta->entries = 0;
+ meta->locked = 1;
+ up(&msblk->meta_index_mutex);
+ return meta;
+void release_meta_index(struct inode *inode, struct meta_index *meta)
+ meta->locked = 0;
-static unsigned int read_blocklist(struct inode *inode, int index, int readahead_blks,
- char *block_list, char **block_p, unsigned int *bsize)
+static int read_block_index(struct super_block *s, int blocks, char *block_list,
+ long long *start_block, int *offset)
- squashfs_sb_info *msBlk = &inode->i_sb->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
unsigned int *block_listp;
- int i = 0;
- int block_ptr = inode->u.squashfs_i.block_list_start;
- int offset = inode->u.squashfs_i.offset;
- int block = inode->u.squashfs_i.start_block;
- for(;;) {
- int blocks = (index + readahead_blks - i);
- if(blocks > (SIZE >> 2)) {
- if((index - i) <= (SIZE >> 2))
- blocks = index - i;
- else
- blocks = SIZE >> 2;
+ int block = 0;
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ char sblock_list[blocks << 2];
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, sblock_list, *start_block,
+ *offset, blocks << 2, start_block, offset)) {
+ ERROR("Unable to read block list [%llx:%x]\n",
+ *start_block, *offset);
+ goto failure;
+ }
+ SQUASHFS_SWAP_INTS(((unsigned int *)block_list),
+ ((unsigned int *)sblock_list), blocks);
+ } else
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, block_list, *start_block,
+ *offset, blocks << 2, start_block, offset)) {
+ ERROR("Unable to read block list [%llx:%x]\n",
+ *start_block, *offset);
+ goto failure;
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- unsigned char sblock_list[SIZE];
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(inode->i_sb, (char *) sblock_list, block_ptr, offset, blocks << 2, &block_ptr, &offset)) {
- ERROR("Unable to read block list [%d:%x]\n", block_ptr, offset);
- return 0;
- }
- SQUASHFS_SWAP_INTS(((unsigned int *)block_list), ((unsigned int *)sblock_list), blocks);
- } else
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(inode->i_sb, (char *) block_list, block_ptr, offset, blocks << 2, &block_ptr, &offset)) {
- ERROR("Unable to read block list [%d:%x]\n", block_ptr, offset);
- return 0;
+ for (block_listp = (unsigned int *) block_list; blocks;
+ block_listp++, blocks --)
+ block += SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED_SIZE_BLOCK(*block_listp);
+ return block;
+ return -1;
+#define SIZE 256
+static inline int calculate_skip(int blocks) {
+ return skip >= 7 ? 7 : skip + 1;
+static int get_meta_index(struct inode *inode, int index,
+ long long *index_block, int *index_offset,
+ long long *data_block, char *block_list)
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &inode->i_sb->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
+ int skip = calculate_skip(i_size_read(inode) >> sblk->block_log);
+ int offset = 0;
+ struct meta_index *meta;
+ struct meta_entry *meta_entry;
+ long long cur_index_block = SQUASHFS_I(inode)->u.s1.block_list_start;
+ int cur_offset = SQUASHFS_I(inode)->offset;
+ long long cur_data_block = SQUASHFS_I(inode)->start_block;
+ int i;
+ index /= SQUASHFS_META_INDEXES * skip;
+ while ( offset < index ) {
+ meta = locate_meta_index(inode, index, offset + 1);
+ if (meta == NULL) {
+ if ((meta = empty_meta_index(inode, offset + 1,
+ skip)) == NULL)
+ goto all_done;
+ } else {
+ offset = index < meta->offset + meta->entries ? index :
+ meta->offset + meta->entries - 1;
+ meta_entry = &meta->meta_entry[offset - meta->offset];
+ cur_index_block = meta_entry->index_block + sblk->inode_table_start;
+ cur_offset = meta_entry->offset;
+ cur_data_block = meta_entry->data_block;
+ TRACE("get_meta_index: offset %d, meta->offset %d, "
+ "meta->entries %d\n", offset, meta->offset,
+ meta->entries);
+ TRACE("get_meta_index: index_block 0x%llx, offset 0x%x"
+ " data_block 0x%llx\n", cur_index_block,
+ cur_offset, cur_data_block);
+ }
+ for (i = meta->offset + meta->entries; i <= index &&
+ i < meta->offset + SQUASHFS_META_ENTRIES; i++) {
+ int blocks = skip * SQUASHFS_META_INDEXES;
+ while (blocks) {
+ int block = blocks > (SIZE >> 2) ? (SIZE >> 2) :
+ blocks;
+ int res = read_block_index(inode->i_sb, block,
+ block_list, &cur_index_block,
+ &cur_offset);
+ if (res == -1)
+ goto failed;
+ cur_data_block += res;
+ blocks -= block;
- for(block_listp = (unsigned int *) block_list; i < index && blocks; i ++, block_listp ++, blocks --)
- block += SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED_SIZE_BLOCK(*block_listp);
- if(blocks >= readahead_blks)
- break;
+ meta_entry = &meta->meta_entry[i - meta->offset];
+ meta_entry->index_block = cur_index_block - sblk->inode_table_start;
+ meta_entry->offset = cur_offset;
+ meta_entry->data_block = cur_data_block;
+ meta->entries ++;
+ offset ++;
+ }
+ TRACE("get_meta_index: meta->offset %d, meta->entries %d\n",
+ meta->offset, meta->entries);
+ release_meta_index(inode, meta);
- *bsize = *block_listp;
+ *index_block = cur_index_block;
+ *index_offset = cur_offset;
+ *data_block = cur_data_block;
+ return offset * SQUASHFS_META_INDEXES * skip;
+ release_meta_index(inode, meta);
+ return -1;
+static long long read_blocklist(struct inode *inode, int index,
+ int readahead_blks, char *block_list,
+ unsigned short **block_p, unsigned int *bsize)
+ long long block_ptr;
+ int offset;
+ long long block;
+ int res = get_meta_index(inode, index, &block_ptr, &offset, &block,
+ block_list);
+ TRACE("read_blocklist: res %d, index %d, block_ptr 0x%llx, offset"
+ " 0x%x, block 0x%llx\n", res, index, block_ptr, offset,
+ block);
+ if(res == -1)
+ goto failure;
+ index -= res;
+ while ( index ) {
+ int blocks = index > (SIZE >> 2) ? (SIZE >> 2) : index;
+ int res = read_block_index(inode->i_sb, blocks, block_list,
+ &block_ptr, &offset);
+ if (res == -1)
+ goto failure;
+ block += res;
+ index -= blocks;
+ }
+ if (read_block_index(inode->i_sb, 1, block_list,
+ &block_ptr, &offset) == -1)
+ goto failure;
+ *bsize = *((unsigned int *) block_list);
return block;
+ return 0;
static int squashfs_readpage(struct file *file, struct page *page)
struct inode *inode = page->mapping->host;
- squashfs_sb_info *msBlk = &inode->i_sb->u.squashfs_sb;
- squashfs_super_block *sBlk = &msBlk->sBlk;
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &inode->i_sb->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
unsigned char block_list[SIZE];
- unsigned int bsize, block, i = 0, bytes = 0, byte_offset = 0;
- int index = page->index >> (sBlk->block_log - PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT);
- void *pageaddr = kmap(page);
- struct squashfs_fragment_cache *fragment;
- char *data_ptr = msBlk->read_page;
+ long long block;
+ unsigned int bsize, i = 0, bytes = 0, byte_offset = 0;
+ int index = page->index >> (sblk->block_log - PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT);
+ void *pageaddr;
+ struct squashfs_fragment_cache *fragment = NULL;
+ char *data_ptr = msblk->read_page;
- int mask = (1 << (sBlk->block_log - PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT)) - 1;
+ int mask = (1 << (sblk->block_log - PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT)) - 1;
int start_index = page->index & ~mask;
int end_index = start_index | mask;
- TRACE("Entered squashfs_readpage, page index %x, start block %x\n", (unsigned int) page->index,
- inode->u.squashfs_i.start_block);
+ TRACE("Entered squashfs_readpage, page index %lx, start block %llx\n",
+ page->index,
+ SQUASHFS_I(inode)->start_block);
- if(inode->u.squashfs_i.fragment_start_block == SQUASHFS_INVALID_BLK || index < (inode->i_size >> sBlk->block_log)) {
- if((block = (msBlk->read_blocklist)(inode, index, 1, block_list, NULL, &bsize)) == 0)
+ if (page->index >= ((i_size_read(inode) + PAGE_CACHE_SIZE - 1) >>
+ goto skip_read;
+ if (SQUASHFS_I(inode)->u.s1.fragment_start_block == SQUASHFS_INVALID_BLK
+ || index < (i_size_read(inode) >>
+ sblk->block_log)) {
+ if ((block = (msblk->read_blocklist)(inode, index, 1,
+ block_list, NULL, &bsize)) == 0)
goto skip_read;
- down(&msBlk->read_page_mutex);
- if(!(bytes = read_data(inode->i_sb, msBlk->read_page, block, bsize, 1, NULL))) {
- ERROR("Unable to read page, block %x, size %x\n", block, bsize);
- up(&msBlk->read_page_mutex);
+ down(&msblk->read_page_mutex);
+ if (!(bytes = squashfs_read_data(inode->i_sb, msblk->read_page,
+ block, bsize, NULL))) {
+ ERROR("Unable to read page, block %llx, size %x\n", block,
+ bsize);
+ up(&msblk->read_page_mutex);
goto skip_read;
} else {
- if((fragment = get_cached_fragment(inode->i_sb, inode->u.squashfs_i.fragment_start_block, inode->u.squashfs_i.fragment_size)) == NULL) {
- ERROR("Unable to read page, block %x, size %x\n", inode->u.squashfs_i.fragment_start_block, (int) inode->u.squashfs_i.fragment_size);
+ if ((fragment = get_cached_fragment(inode->i_sb,
+ SQUASHFS_I(inode)->
+ u.s1.fragment_start_block,
+ SQUASHFS_I(inode)->u.s1.fragment_size))
+ == NULL) {
+ ERROR("Unable to read page, block %llx, size %x\n",
+ SQUASHFS_I(inode)->
+ u.s1.fragment_start_block,
+ (int) SQUASHFS_I(inode)->
+ u.s1.fragment_size);
goto skip_read;
- bytes = inode->u.squashfs_i.fragment_offset + (inode->i_size & (sBlk->block_size - 1));
- byte_offset = inode->u.squashfs_i.fragment_offset;
+ bytes = SQUASHFS_I(inode)->u.s1.fragment_offset +
+ (i_size_read(inode) & (sblk->block_size
+ - 1));
+ byte_offset = SQUASHFS_I(inode)->u.s1.fragment_offset;
data_ptr = fragment->data;
- for(i = start_index; i <= end_index && byte_offset < bytes; i++, byte_offset += PAGE_CACHE_SIZE) {
+ for (i = start_index; i <= end_index && byte_offset < bytes;
+ i++, byte_offset += PAGE_CACHE_SIZE) {
struct page *push_page;
- int available_bytes = (bytes - byte_offset) > PAGE_CACHE_SIZE ? PAGE_CACHE_SIZE : bytes - byte_offset;
- TRACE("bytes %d, i %d, byte_offset %d, available_bytes %d\n", bytes, i, byte_offset, available_bytes);
- if(i == page->index) {
- memcpy(pageaddr, data_ptr + byte_offset, available_bytes);
- memset(pageaddr + available_bytes, 0, PAGE_CACHE_SIZE - available_bytes);
- kunmap(page);
+ int available_bytes = (bytes - byte_offset) > PAGE_CACHE_SIZE ?
+ PAGE_CACHE_SIZE : bytes - byte_offset;
+ TRACE("bytes %d, i %d, byte_offset %d, available_bytes %d\n",
+ bytes, i, byte_offset, available_bytes);
+ if (i == page->index) {
+ pageaddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER0);
+ memcpy(pageaddr, data_ptr + byte_offset,
+ available_bytes);
+ memset(pageaddr + available_bytes, 0,
+ PAGE_CACHE_SIZE - available_bytes);
+ kunmap_atomic(pageaddr, KM_USER0);
- } else if((push_page = grab_cache_page_nowait(page->mapping, i))) {
- void *pageaddr = kmap(push_page);
- memcpy(pageaddr, data_ptr + byte_offset, available_bytes);
- memset(pageaddr + available_bytes, 0, PAGE_CACHE_SIZE - available_bytes);
- kunmap(push_page);
+ } else if ((push_page =
+ grab_cache_page_nowait(page->mapping, i))) {
+ pageaddr = kmap_atomic(push_page, KM_USER0);
+ memcpy(pageaddr, data_ptr + byte_offset,
+ available_bytes);
+ memset(pageaddr + available_bytes, 0,
+ PAGE_CACHE_SIZE - available_bytes);
+ kunmap_atomic(pageaddr, KM_USER0);
@@ -1219,16 +1575,19 @@ static int squashfs_readpage(struct file *file, struct page *page)
- if(inode->u.squashfs_i.fragment_start_block == SQUASHFS_INVALID_BLK || index < (inode->i_size >> sBlk->block_log))
- up(&msBlk->read_page_mutex);
+ if (SQUASHFS_I(inode)->u.s1.fragment_start_block == SQUASHFS_INVALID_BLK
+ || index < (i_size_read(inode) >>
+ sblk->block_log))
+ up(&msblk->read_page_mutex);
- release_cached_fragment(msBlk, fragment);
+ release_cached_fragment(msblk, fragment);
return 0;
+ pageaddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER0);
memset(pageaddr + bytes, 0, PAGE_CACHE_SIZE - bytes);
- kunmap(page);
+ kunmap_atomic(pageaddr, KM_USER0);
@@ -1240,34 +1599,61 @@ skip_read:
static int squashfs_readpage4K(struct file *file, struct page *page)
struct inode *inode = page->mapping->host;
- squashfs_sb_info *msBlk = &inode->i_sb->u.squashfs_sb;
- squashfs_super_block *sBlk = &msBlk->sBlk;
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &inode->i_sb->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
unsigned char block_list[SIZE];
- unsigned int bsize, block, bytes = 0;
- void *pageaddr = kmap(page);
+ long long block;
+ unsigned int bsize, bytes = 0;
+ void *pageaddr;
- TRACE("Entered squashfs_readpage4K, page index %x, start block %x\n", (unsigned int) page->index,
- inode->u.squashfs_i.start_block);
+ TRACE("Entered squashfs_readpage4K, page index %lx, start block %llx\n",
+ page->index,
+ SQUASHFS_I(inode)->start_block);
- if(page->index < (inode->i_size >> sBlk->block_log)) {
- block = (msBlk->read_blocklist)(inode, page->index, 1, block_list, NULL, &bsize);
+ if (page->index >= ((i_size_read(inode) + PAGE_CACHE_SIZE - 1) >>
+ pageaddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER0);
+ goto skip_read;
+ }
- if(!(bytes = read_data(inode->i_sb, pageaddr, block, bsize, 1, NULL)))
- ERROR("Unable to read page, block %x, size %x\n", block, bsize);
+ if (SQUASHFS_I(inode)->u.s1.fragment_start_block == SQUASHFS_INVALID_BLK
+ || page->index < (i_size_read(inode) >>
+ sblk->block_log)) {
+ block = (msblk->read_blocklist)(inode, page->index, 1,
+ block_list, NULL, &bsize);
+ down(&msblk->read_page_mutex);
+ bytes = squashfs_read_data(inode->i_sb, msblk->read_page, block,
+ bsize, NULL);
+ pageaddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER0);
+ if (bytes)
+ memcpy(pageaddr, msblk->read_page, bytes);
+ else
+ ERROR("Unable to read page, block %llx, size %x\n",
+ block, bsize);
+ up(&msblk->read_page_mutex);
} else {
- struct squashfs_fragment_cache *fragment;
- if((fragment = get_cached_fragment(inode->i_sb, inode->u.squashfs_i.fragment_start_block, inode->u.squashfs_i.fragment_size)) == NULL)
- ERROR("Unable to read page, block %x, size %x\n", inode->u.squashfs_i.fragment_start_block, (int) inode->u.squashfs_i.fragment_size);
- else {
- bytes = inode->i_size & (sBlk->block_size - 1);
- memcpy(pageaddr, fragment->data + inode->u.squashfs_i.fragment_offset, bytes);
- release_cached_fragment(msBlk, fragment);
- }
+ struct squashfs_fragment_cache *fragment =
+ get_cached_fragment(inode->i_sb,
+ SQUASHFS_I(inode)->
+ u.s1.fragment_start_block,
+ SQUASHFS_I(inode)-> u.s1.fragment_size);
+ pageaddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER0);
+ if (fragment) {
+ bytes = i_size_read(inode) & (sblk->block_size - 1);
+ memcpy(pageaddr, fragment->data + SQUASHFS_I(inode)->
+ u.s1.fragment_offset, bytes);
+ release_cached_fragment(msblk, fragment);
+ } else
+ ERROR("Unable to read page, block %llx, size %x\n",
+ SQUASHFS_I(inode)->
+ u.s1.fragment_start_block, (int)
+ SQUASHFS_I(inode)-> u.s1.fragment_size);
memset(pageaddr + bytes, 0, PAGE_CACHE_SIZE - bytes);
- kunmap(page);
+ kunmap_atomic(pageaddr, KM_USER0);
@@ -1276,191 +1662,331 @@ static int squashfs_readpage4K(struct file *file, struct page *page)
-static int squashfs_readpage_lessthan4K(struct file *file, struct page *page)
+static int get_dir_index_using_offset(struct super_block *s, long long
+ *next_block, unsigned int *next_offset,
+ long long index_start,
+ unsigned int index_offset, int i_count,
+ long long f_pos)
- struct inode *inode = page->mapping->host;
- squashfs_sb_info *msBlk = &inode->i_sb->u.squashfs_sb;
- squashfs_super_block *sBlk = &msBlk->sBlk;
- unsigned char block_list[SIZE];
- unsigned short *block_listp, block, bytes = 0;
- int index = page->index << (PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT - sBlk->block_log);
- int file_blocks = ((inode->i_size - 1) >> sBlk->block_log) + 1;
- int readahead_blks = 1 << (PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT - sBlk->block_log);
- void *pageaddr = kmap(page);
- int i_end = index + (1 << (PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT - sBlk->block_log));
- int byte;
- TRACE("Entered squashfs_readpage_lessthan4K, page index %x, start block %x\n", (unsigned int) page->index,
- inode->u.squashfs_i.start_block);
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
+ int i, length = 0;
+ struct squashfs_dir_index index;
+ TRACE("Entered get_dir_index_using_offset, i_count %d, f_pos %d\n",
+ i_count, (unsigned int) f_pos);
+ f_pos -= 3;
+ if (f_pos == 0)
+ goto finish;
+ for (i = 0; i < i_count; i++) {
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ struct squashfs_dir_index sindex;
+ squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &sindex,
+ index_start, index_offset,
+ sizeof(sindex), &index_start,
+ &index_offset);
+ SQUASHFS_SWAP_DIR_INDEX(&index, &sindex);
+ } else
+ squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &index,
+ index_start, index_offset,
+ sizeof(index), &index_start,
+ &index_offset);
- block = read_blocklist_1(inode, index, readahead_blks, block_list, (char **) &block_listp, NULL);
+ if (index.index > f_pos)
+ break;
- if(i_end > file_blocks)
- i_end = file_blocks;
+ squashfs_get_cached_block(s, NULL, index_start, index_offset,
+ index.size + 1, &index_start,
+ &index_offset);
- while(index < i_end) {
- if(!(byte = read_data(inode->i_sb, pageaddr, block, *block_listp, 0, NULL))) {
- ERROR("Unable to read page, block %x, size %x\n", block, *block_listp);
- goto skip_read;
- }
- block += SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED_SIZE(*block_listp);
- pageaddr += byte;
- bytes += byte;
- index ++;
- block_listp ++;
+ length = index.index;
+ *next_block = index.start_block + sblk->directory_table_start;
- memset(pageaddr, 0, PAGE_CACHE_SIZE - bytes);
- kunmap(page);
- flush_dcache_page(page);
- SetPageUptodate(page);
- UnlockPage(page);
+ *next_offset = (length + *next_offset) % SQUASHFS_METADATA_SIZE;
- return 0;
+ return length + 3;
+static int get_dir_index_using_name(struct super_block *s, long long
+ *next_block, unsigned int *next_offset,
+ long long index_start,
+ unsigned int index_offset, int i_count,
+ const char *name, int size)
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
+ int i, length = 0;
+ char buffer[sizeof(struct squashfs_dir_index) + SQUASHFS_NAME_LEN + 1];
+ struct squashfs_dir_index *index = (struct squashfs_dir_index *) buffer;
+ char str[SQUASHFS_NAME_LEN + 1];
+ TRACE("Entered get_dir_index_using_name, i_count %d\n", i_count);
+ strncpy(str, name, size);
+ str[size] = '\0';
+ for (i = 0; i < i_count; i++) {
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ struct squashfs_dir_index sindex;
+ squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &sindex,
+ index_start, index_offset,
+ sizeof(sindex), &index_start,
+ &index_offset);
+ SQUASHFS_SWAP_DIR_INDEX(index, &sindex);
+ } else
+ squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) index,
+ index_start, index_offset,
+ sizeof(struct squashfs_dir_index),
+ &index_start, &index_offset);
+ squashfs_get_cached_block(s, index->name, index_start,
+ index_offset, index->size + 1,
+ &index_start, &index_offset);
+ index->name[index->size + 1] = '\0';
+ if (strcmp(index->name, str) > 0)
+ break;
+ length = index->index;
+ *next_block = index->start_block + sblk->directory_table_start;
+ }
+ *next_offset = (length + *next_offset) % SQUASHFS_METADATA_SIZE;
+ return length + 3;
static int squashfs_readdir(struct file *file, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir)
struct inode *i = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
- squashfs_sb_info *msBlk = &i->i_sb->u.squashfs_sb;
- squashfs_super_block *sBlk = &msBlk->sBlk;
- int next_block = i->u.squashfs_i.start_block + sBlk->directory_table_start, next_offset =
- i->u.squashfs_i.offset, length = 0, dirs_read = 0, dir_count;
- squashfs_dir_header dirh;
- char buffer[sizeof(squashfs_dir_entry) + SQUASHFS_NAME_LEN + 1];
- squashfs_dir_entry *dire = (squashfs_dir_entry *) buffer;
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &i->i_sb->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
+ long long next_block = SQUASHFS_I(i)->start_block +
+ sblk->directory_table_start;
+ int next_offset = SQUASHFS_I(i)->offset, length = 0, dirs_read = 0,
+ dir_count;
+ struct squashfs_dir_header dirh;
+ char buffer[sizeof(struct squashfs_dir_entry) + SQUASHFS_NAME_LEN + 1];
+ struct squashfs_dir_entry *dire = (struct squashfs_dir_entry *) buffer;
+ TRACE("Entered squashfs_readdir [%llx:%x]\n", next_block, next_offset);
+ while(file->f_pos < 3) {
+ char *name;
+ int size, i_ino;
+ if(file->f_pos == 0) {
+ name = ".";
+ size = 1;
+ i_ino = i->i_ino;
+ } else {
+ name = "..";
+ size = 2;
+ i_ino = SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.parent_inode;
+ }
+ TRACE("Calling filldir(%x, %s, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n",
+ (unsigned int) dirent, name, size, (int)
+ file->f_pos, i_ino,
+ squashfs_filetype_table[1]);
+ if (filldir(dirent, name, size,
+ file->f_pos, i_ino,
+ squashfs_filetype_table[1]) < 0) {
+ TRACE("Filldir returned less than 0\n");
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ file->f_pos += size;
+ dirs_read++;
+ }
- TRACE("Entered squashfs_readdir [%x:%x]\n", next_block, next_offset);
+ length = get_dir_index_using_offset(i->i_sb, &next_block, &next_offset,
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_start,
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_offset,
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_count,
+ file->f_pos);
- while(length < i->i_size) {
+ while (length < i_size_read(i)) {
/* read directory header */
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- squashfs_dir_header sdirh;
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *) &sdirh, next_block,
- next_offset, sizeof(sdirh), &next_block, &next_offset))
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ struct squashfs_dir_header sdirh;
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *) &sdirh,
+ next_block, next_offset, sizeof(sdirh),
+ &next_block, &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
length += sizeof(sdirh);
} else {
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *) &dirh, next_block,
- next_offset, sizeof(dirh), &next_block, &next_offset))
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *) &dirh,
+ next_block, next_offset, sizeof(dirh),
+ &next_block, &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
length += sizeof(dirh);
dir_count = dirh.count + 1;
- while(dir_count--) {
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- squashfs_dir_entry sdire;
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *) &sdire, next_block,
- next_offset, sizeof(sdire), &next_block, &next_offset))
+ while (dir_count--) {
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ struct squashfs_dir_entry sdire;
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *)
+ &sdire, next_block, next_offset,
+ sizeof(sdire), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
length += sizeof(sdire);
} else {
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *) dire, next_block,
- next_offset, sizeof(*dire), &next_block, &next_offset))
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *)
+ dire, next_block, next_offset,
+ sizeof(*dire), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
length += sizeof(*dire);
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, dire->name, next_block,
- next_offset, dire->size + 1, &next_block, &next_offset))
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, dire->name,
+ next_block, next_offset,
+ dire->size + 1, &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
length += dire->size + 1;
- if(file->f_pos >= length)
+ if (file->f_pos >= length)
dire->name[dire->size + 1] = '\0';
- TRACE("Calling filldir(%x, %s, %d, %d, %x:%x, %d)\n", (unsigned int) dirent,
- dire->name, dire->size + 1, (int) file->f_pos,
- dirh.start_block, dire->offset, squashfs_filetype_table[dire->type]);
- if(filldir(dirent, dire->name, dire->size + 1, file->f_pos, SQUASHFS_MK_VFS_INODE(dirh.start_block,
- dire->offset), squashfs_filetype_table[dire->type]) < 0) {
+ TRACE("Calling filldir(%x, %s, %d, %d, %x:%x, %d, %d)\n",
+ (unsigned int) dirent, dire->name,
+ dire->size + 1, (int) file->f_pos,
+ dirh.start_block, dire->offset,
+ dirh.inode_number + dire->inode_number,
+ squashfs_filetype_table[dire->type]);
+ if (filldir(dirent, dire->name, dire->size + 1,
+ file->f_pos,
+ dirh.inode_number + dire->inode_number,
+ squashfs_filetype_table[dire->type])
+ < 0) {
TRACE("Filldir returned less than 0\n");
- return dirs_read;
+ goto finish;
file->f_pos = length;
- dirs_read ++;
+ dirs_read++;
return dirs_read;
- ERROR("Unable to read directory block [%x:%x]\n", next_block, next_offset);
+ ERROR("Unable to read directory block [%llx:%x]\n", next_block,
+ next_offset);
return 0;
static struct dentry *squashfs_lookup(struct inode *i, struct dentry *dentry)
- const char *name =dentry->;
+ const unsigned char *name = dentry->;
int len = dentry->d_name.len;
struct inode *inode = NULL;
- squashfs_sb_info *msBlk = &i->i_sb->u.squashfs_sb;
- squashfs_super_block *sBlk = &msBlk->sBlk;
- int next_block = i->u.squashfs_i.start_block + sBlk->directory_table_start, next_offset =
- i->u.squashfs_i.offset, length = 0, dir_count;
- squashfs_dir_header dirh;
- char buffer[sizeof(squashfs_dir_entry) + SQUASHFS_NAME_LEN];
- squashfs_dir_entry *dire = (squashfs_dir_entry *) buffer;
- TRACE("Entered squashfs_lookup [%x:%x]\n", next_block, next_offset);
- while(length < i->i_size) {
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &i->i_sb->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
+ long long next_block = SQUASHFS_I(i)->start_block +
+ sblk->directory_table_start;
+ int next_offset = SQUASHFS_I(i)->offset, length = 0,
+ dir_count;
+ struct squashfs_dir_header dirh;
+ char buffer[sizeof(struct squashfs_dir_entry) + SQUASHFS_NAME_LEN];
+ struct squashfs_dir_entry *dire = (struct squashfs_dir_entry *) buffer;
+ TRACE("Entered squashfs_lookup [%llx:%x]\n", next_block, next_offset);
+ if (len > SQUASHFS_NAME_LEN)
+ goto exit_loop;
+ length = get_dir_index_using_name(i->i_sb, &next_block, &next_offset,
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_start,
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_offset,
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_count, name,
+ len);
+ while (length < i_size_read(i)) {
/* read directory header */
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- squashfs_dir_header sdirh;
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *) &sdirh, next_block, next_offset,
- sizeof(sdirh), &next_block, &next_offset))
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ struct squashfs_dir_header sdirh;
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *) &sdirh,
+ next_block, next_offset, sizeof(sdirh),
+ &next_block, &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
length += sizeof(sdirh);
} else {
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *) &dirh, next_block, next_offset,
- sizeof(dirh), &next_block, &next_offset))
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *) &dirh,
+ next_block, next_offset, sizeof(dirh),
+ &next_block, &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
length += sizeof(dirh);
dir_count = dirh.count + 1;
- while(dir_count--) {
- if(msBlk->swap) {
- squashfs_dir_entry sdire;
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *) &sdire,
- next_block,next_offset, sizeof(sdire), &next_block, &next_offset))
+ while (dir_count--) {
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ struct squashfs_dir_entry sdire;
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *)
+ &sdire, next_block,next_offset,
+ sizeof(sdire), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
length += sizeof(sdire);
} else {
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *) dire,
- next_block,next_offset, sizeof(*dire), &next_block, &next_offset))
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *)
+ dire, next_block,next_offset,
+ sizeof(*dire), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
length += sizeof(*dire);
- if(!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, dire->name,
- next_block, next_offset, dire->size + 1, &next_block, &next_offset))
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, dire->name,
+ next_block, next_offset, dire->size + 1,
+ &next_block, &next_offset))
goto failed_read;
length += dire->size + 1;
- if((len == dire->size + 1) && !strncmp(name, dire->name, len)) {
- squashfs_inode ino = SQUASHFS_MKINODE(dirh.start_block, dire->offset);
+ if (name[0] < dire->name[0])
+ goto exit_loop;
+ if ((len == dire->size + 1) && !strncmp(name,
+ dire->name, len)) {
+ squashfs_inode_t ino =
+ SQUASHFS_MKINODE(dirh.start_block,
+ dire->offset);
- TRACE("calling squashfs_iget for directory entry %s, inode %x:%x\n",
- name, dirh.start_block, dire->offset);
+ TRACE("calling squashfs_iget for directory "
+ "entry %s, inode %x:%x, %d\n", name,
+ dirh.start_block, dire->offset,
+ dirh.inode_number + dire->inode_number);
- inode = (msBlk->iget)(i->i_sb, ino);
+ inode = (msblk->iget)(i->i_sb, ino);
goto exit_loop;
@@ -1472,36 +1998,63 @@ exit_loop:
return ERR_PTR(0);
- ERROR("Unable to read directory block [%x:%x]\n", next_block, next_offset);
+ ERROR("Unable to read directory block [%llx:%x]\n", next_block,
+ next_offset);
goto exit_loop;
static void squashfs_put_super(struct super_block *s)
- if(s->u.squashfs_sb.block_cache) kfree(s->u.squashfs_sb.block_cache);
- if(s->u.squashfs_sb.read_data) kfree(s->u.squashfs_sb.read_data);
- if(s->u.squashfs_sb.read_page) kfree(s->u.squashfs_sb.read_page);
- if(s->u.squashfs_sb.uid) kfree(s->u.squashfs_sb.uid);
- s->u.squashfs_sb.block_cache = (void *) s->u.squashfs_sb.uid =
- s->u.squashfs_sb.read_data = s->u.squashfs_sb.read_page = NULL;
+ int i;
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *sbi = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
+ if (sbi->block_cache)
+ for (i = 0; i < SQUASHFS_CACHED_BLKS; i++)
+ if (sbi->block_cache[i].block !=
+ kfree(sbi->block_cache[i].data);
+ if (sbi->fragment)
+ for (i = 0; i < SQUASHFS_CACHED_FRAGMENTS; i++)
+ SQUASHFS_FREE(sbi->fragment[i].data);
+ kfree(sbi->fragment);
+ kfree(sbi->block_cache);
+ kfree(sbi->read_data);
+ kfree(sbi->read_page);
+ kfree(sbi->uid);
+ kfree(sbi->fragment_index);
+ kfree(sbi->fragment_index_2);
+ sbi->block_cache = NULL;
+ sbi->uid = NULL;
+ sbi->read_data = NULL;
+ sbi->read_page = NULL;
+ sbi->fragment = NULL;
+ sbi->fragment_index = NULL;
+ sbi->fragment_index_2 = NULL;
static int __init init_squashfs_fs(void)
- if(!(stream.workspace = (char *) vmalloc(zlib_inflate_workspacesize()))) {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "squashfs: version 3.0 (2006/03/15) "
+ "Phillip Lougher\n");
+ if (!(stream.workspace = vmalloc(zlib_inflate_workspacesize()))) {
ERROR("Failed to allocate zlib workspace\n");
return -ENOMEM;
return register_filesystem(&squashfs_fs_type);
static void __exit exit_squashfs_fs(void)
@@ -1511,5 +2064,5 @@ EXPORT_NO_SYMBOLS;
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("squashfs, a compressed read-only filesystem");
-MODULE_AUTHOR("Phillip Lougher <>");
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Phillip Lougher <>");
diff --git a/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/squashfs.h b/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/squashfs.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e53ceeff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/squashfs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * Squashfs - a compressed read only filesystem for Linux
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
+ * Phillip Lougher <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2,
+ * or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * squashfs.h
+ */
+#define TRACE(s, args...) printk(KERN_NOTICE "SQUASHFS: "s, ## args)
+#define TRACE(s, args...) {}
+#define ERROR(s, args...) printk(KERN_ERR "SQUASHFS error: "s, ## args)
+#define SERROR(s, args...) do { \
+ if (!silent) \
+ printk(KERN_ERR "SQUASHFS error: "s, ## args);\
+ } while(0)
+#define WARNING(s, args...) printk(KERN_WARNING "SQUASHFS: "s, ## args)
+#define SQUASHFS_I(INO) (&INO->u.squashfs_i)
+#define i_size_read(INO) (INO->i_size)
+#define SQSH_EXTERN
+extern unsigned int squashfs_read_data(struct super_block *s, char *buffer,
+ long long index, unsigned int length,
+ long long *next_index);
+extern int squashfs_get_cached_block(struct super_block *s, char *buffer,
+ long long block, unsigned int offset,
+ int length, long long *next_block,
+ unsigned int *next_offset);
+extern void release_cached_fragment(struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk, struct
+ squashfs_fragment_cache *fragment);
+extern struct squashfs_fragment_cache *get_cached_fragment(struct super_block
+ *s, long long start_block,
+ int length);
+extern struct address_space_operations squashfs_symlink_aops;
+extern struct address_space_operations squashfs_aops;
+extern struct address_space_operations squashfs_aops_4K;
+extern struct file_operations squashfs_dir_ops;
+extern struct inode_operations squashfs_dir_inode_ops;
+#define SQSH_EXTERN static
+extern int squashfs_1_0_supported(struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk);
+static inline int squashfs_1_0_supported(struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk)
+ return 0;
+extern int squashfs_2_0_supported(struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk);
+static inline int squashfs_2_0_supported(struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk)
+ return 0;
diff --git a/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/squashfs2_0.c b/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/squashfs2_0.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4efd8a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/src/linux/linux/fs/squashfs/squashfs2_0.c
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
+ * Squashfs - a compressed read only filesystem for Linux
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
+ * Phillip Lougher <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2,
+ * or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * squashfs2_0.c
+ */
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/squashfs_fs.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+#include <linux/locks.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/dcache.h>
+#include <linux/wait.h>
+#include <linux/zlib.h>
+#include <linux/blkdev.h>
+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <asm/semaphore.h>
+#include "squashfs.h"
+static int squashfs_readdir_2(struct file *file, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir);
+static struct dentry *squashfs_lookup_2(struct inode *i, struct dentry *dentry);
+static struct file_operations squashfs_dir_ops_2 = {
+ .read = generic_read_dir,
+ .readdir = squashfs_readdir_2
+static struct inode_operations squashfs_dir_inode_ops_2 = {
+ .lookup = squashfs_lookup_2
+static unsigned char squashfs_filetype_table[] = {
+static int read_fragment_index_table_2(struct super_block *s)
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
+ if (!(msblk->fragment_index_2 = kmalloc(SQUASHFS_FRAGMENT_INDEX_BYTES_2
+ (sblk->fragments), GFP_KERNEL))) {
+ ERROR("Failed to allocate uid/gid table\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (SQUASHFS_FRAGMENT_INDEX_BYTES_2(sblk->fragments) &&
+ !squashfs_read_data(s, (char *)
+ msblk->fragment_index_2,
+ sblk->fragment_table_start,
+ (sblk->fragments) |
+ ERROR("unable to read fragment index table\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ int i;
+ unsigned int fragment;
+ for (i = 0; i < SQUASHFS_FRAGMENT_INDEXES_2(sblk->fragments);
+ i++) {
+ &msblk->fragment_index_2[i], 1);
+ msblk->fragment_index_2[i] = fragment;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int get_fragment_location_2(struct super_block *s, unsigned int fragment,
+ long long *fragment_start_block,
+ unsigned int *fragment_size)
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
+ long long start_block =
+ msblk->fragment_index_2[SQUASHFS_FRAGMENT_INDEX_2(fragment)];
+ int offset = SQUASHFS_FRAGMENT_INDEX_OFFSET_2(fragment);
+ struct squashfs_fragment_entry_2 fragment_entry;
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ struct squashfs_fragment_entry_2 sfragment_entry;
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &sfragment_entry,
+ start_block, offset,
+ sizeof(sfragment_entry), &start_block,
+ &offset))
+ goto out;
+ SQUASHFS_SWAP_FRAGMENT_ENTRY_2(&fragment_entry, &sfragment_entry);
+ } else
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &fragment_entry,
+ start_block, offset,
+ sizeof(fragment_entry), &start_block,
+ &offset))
+ goto out;
+ *fragment_start_block = fragment_entry.start_block;
+ *fragment_size = fragment_entry.size;
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static struct inode *squashfs_new_inode(struct super_block *s,
+ struct squashfs_base_inode_header_2 *inodeb, unsigned int ino)
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
+ struct inode *i = new_inode(s);
+ if (i) {
+ i->i_ino = ino;
+ i->i_mtime = sblk->mkfs_time;
+ i->i_atime = sblk->mkfs_time;
+ i->i_ctime = sblk->mkfs_time;
+ i->i_uid = msblk->uid[inodeb->uid];
+ i->i_mode = inodeb->mode;
+ i->i_nlink = 1;
+ i->i_size = 0;
+ if (inodeb->guid == SQUASHFS_GUIDS)
+ i->i_gid = i->i_uid;
+ else
+ i->i_gid = msblk->guid[inodeb->guid];
+ }
+ return i;
+static struct inode *squashfs_iget_2(struct super_block *s, squashfs_inode_t inode)
+ struct inode *i;
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
+ unsigned int block = SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode) +
+ sblk->inode_table_start;
+ unsigned int offset = SQUASHFS_INODE_OFFSET(inode);
+ unsigned int ino = SQUASHFS_MK_VFS_INODE(block
+ - sblk->inode_table_start, offset);
+ long long next_block;
+ unsigned int next_offset;
+ union squashfs_inode_header_2 id, sid;
+ struct squashfs_base_inode_header_2 *inodeb = &id.base,
+ *sinodeb = &sid.base;
+ TRACE("Entered squashfs_iget\n");
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) sinodeb, block,
+ offset, sizeof(*sinodeb), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ sizeof(*sinodeb));
+ } else
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) inodeb, block,
+ offset, sizeof(*inodeb), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ switch(inodeb->inode_type) {
+ struct squashfs_reg_inode_header_2 *inodep = &id.reg;
+ struct squashfs_reg_inode_header_2 *sinodep = &sid.reg;
+ long long frag_blk;
+ unsigned int frag_size;
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ sinodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*sinodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ SQUASHFS_SWAP_REG_INODE_HEADER_2(inodep, sinodep);
+ } else
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ inodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*inodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ if (inodep->fragment != SQUASHFS_INVALID_FRAG &&
+ !get_fragment_location_2(s,
+ inodep->fragment, &frag_blk, &frag_size))
+ goto failed_read;
+ if((i = squashfs_new_inode(s, inodeb, ino)) == NULL)
+ goto failed_read1;
+ i->i_size = inodep->file_size;
+ i->i_fop = &generic_ro_fops;
+ i->i_mode |= S_IFREG;
+ i->i_mtime = inodep->mtime;
+ i->i_atime = inodep->mtime;
+ i->i_ctime = inodep->mtime;
+ i->i_blocks = ((i->i_size - 1) >> 9) + 1;
+ i->i_blksize = PAGE_CACHE_SIZE;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s1.fragment_start_block = frag_blk;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s1.fragment_size = frag_size;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s1.fragment_offset = inodep->offset;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->start_block = inodep->start_block;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s1.block_list_start = next_block;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->offset = next_offset;
+ if (sblk->block_size > 4096)
+ i->i_data.a_ops = &squashfs_aops;
+ else
+ i->i_data.a_ops = &squashfs_aops_4K;
+ TRACE("File inode %x:%x, start_block %x, "
+ "block_list_start %llx, offset %x\n",
+ SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode), offset,
+ inodep->start_block, next_block,
+ next_offset);
+ break;
+ }
+ struct squashfs_dir_inode_header_2 *inodep = &id.dir;
+ struct squashfs_dir_inode_header_2 *sinodep = &sid.dir;
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ sinodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*sinodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ SQUASHFS_SWAP_DIR_INODE_HEADER_2(inodep, sinodep);
+ } else
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ inodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*inodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ if((i = squashfs_new_inode(s, inodeb, ino)) == NULL)
+ goto failed_read1;
+ i->i_size = inodep->file_size;
+ i->i_op = &squashfs_dir_inode_ops_2;
+ i->i_fop = &squashfs_dir_ops_2;
+ i->i_mode |= S_IFDIR;
+ i->i_mtime = inodep->mtime;
+ i->i_atime = inodep->mtime;
+ i->i_ctime = inodep->mtime;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->start_block = inodep->start_block;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->offset = inodep->offset;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_count = 0;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.parent_inode = 0;
+ TRACE("Directory inode %x:%x, start_block %x, offset "
+ "%x\n", SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode),
+ offset, inodep->start_block,
+ inodep->offset);
+ break;
+ }
+ struct squashfs_ldir_inode_header_2 *inodep = &id.ldir;
+ struct squashfs_ldir_inode_header_2 *sinodep = &sid.ldir;
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ sinodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*sinodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ sinodep);
+ } else
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ inodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*inodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ if((i = squashfs_new_inode(s, inodeb, ino)) == NULL)
+ goto failed_read1;
+ i->i_size = inodep->file_size;
+ i->i_op = &squashfs_dir_inode_ops_2;
+ i->i_fop = &squashfs_dir_ops_2;
+ i->i_mode |= S_IFDIR;
+ i->i_mtime = inodep->mtime;
+ i->i_atime = inodep->mtime;
+ i->i_ctime = inodep->mtime;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->start_block = inodep->start_block;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->offset = inodep->offset;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_start = next_block;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_offset =
+ next_offset;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_count =
+ inodep->i_count;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.parent_inode = 0;
+ TRACE("Long directory inode %x:%x, start_block %x, "
+ "offset %x\n",
+ SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode), offset,
+ inodep->start_block, inodep->offset);
+ break;
+ }
+ struct squashfs_symlink_inode_header_2 *inodep =
+ &id.symlink;
+ struct squashfs_symlink_inode_header_2 *sinodep =
+ &sid.symlink;
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ sinodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*sinodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ sinodep);
+ } else
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ inodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*inodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ if((i = squashfs_new_inode(s, inodeb, ino)) == NULL)
+ goto failed_read1;
+ i->i_size = inodep->symlink_size;
+ i->i_op = &page_symlink_inode_operations;
+ i->i_data.a_ops = &squashfs_symlink_aops;
+ i->i_mode |= S_IFLNK;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->start_block = next_block;
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->offset = next_offset;
+ TRACE("Symbolic link inode %x:%x, start_block %llx, "
+ "offset %x\n",
+ SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode), offset,
+ next_block, next_offset);
+ break;
+ }
+ struct squashfs_dev_inode_header_2 *inodep = &;
+ struct squashfs_dev_inode_header_2 *sinodep = &;
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ sinodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*sinodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ SQUASHFS_SWAP_DEV_INODE_HEADER_2(inodep, sinodep);
+ } else
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *)
+ inodep, block, offset,
+ sizeof(*inodep), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ if ((i = squashfs_new_inode(s, inodeb, ino)) == NULL)
+ goto failed_read1;
+ i->i_mode |= (inodeb->inode_type ==
+ init_special_inode(i, i->i_mode, inodep->rdev);
+ TRACE("Device inode %x:%x, rdev %x\n",
+ SQUASHFS_INODE_BLK(inode), offset,
+ inodep->rdev);
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((i = squashfs_new_inode(s, inodeb, ino)) == NULL)
+ goto failed_read1;
+ i->i_mode |= (inodeb->inode_type == SQUASHFS_FIFO_TYPE)
+ init_special_inode(i, i->i_mode, 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ ERROR("Unknown inode type %d in squashfs_iget!\n",
+ inodeb->inode_type);
+ goto failed_read1;
+ }
+ insert_inode_hash(i);
+ return i;
+ ERROR("Unable to read inode [%x:%x]\n", block, offset);
+ return NULL;
+static int get_dir_index_using_offset(struct super_block *s, long long
+ *next_block, unsigned int *next_offset,
+ long long index_start,
+ unsigned int index_offset, int i_count,
+ long long f_pos)
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
+ int i, length = 0;
+ struct squashfs_dir_index_2 index;
+ TRACE("Entered get_dir_index_using_offset, i_count %d, f_pos %d\n",
+ i_count, (unsigned int) f_pos);
+ if (f_pos == 0)
+ goto finish;
+ for (i = 0; i < i_count; i++) {
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ struct squashfs_dir_index_2 sindex;
+ squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &sindex,
+ index_start, index_offset,
+ sizeof(sindex), &index_start,
+ &index_offset);
+ SQUASHFS_SWAP_DIR_INDEX_2(&index, &sindex);
+ } else
+ squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &index,
+ index_start, index_offset,
+ sizeof(index), &index_start,
+ &index_offset);
+ if (index.index > f_pos)
+ break;
+ squashfs_get_cached_block(s, NULL, index_start, index_offset,
+ index.size + 1, &index_start,
+ &index_offset);
+ length = index.index;
+ *next_block = index.start_block + sblk->directory_table_start;
+ }
+ *next_offset = (length + *next_offset) % SQUASHFS_METADATA_SIZE;
+ return length;
+static int get_dir_index_using_name(struct super_block *s, long long
+ *next_block, unsigned int *next_offset,
+ long long index_start,
+ unsigned int index_offset, int i_count,
+ const char *name, int size)
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &s->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
+ int i, length = 0;
+ char buffer[sizeof(struct squashfs_dir_index_2) + SQUASHFS_NAME_LEN + 1];
+ struct squashfs_dir_index_2 *index = (struct squashfs_dir_index_2 *) buffer;
+ char str[SQUASHFS_NAME_LEN + 1];
+ TRACE("Entered get_dir_index_using_name, i_count %d\n", i_count);
+ strncpy(str, name, size);
+ str[size] = '\0';
+ for (i = 0; i < i_count; i++) {
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ struct squashfs_dir_index_2 sindex;
+ squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) &sindex,
+ index_start, index_offset,
+ sizeof(sindex), &index_start,
+ &index_offset);
+ SQUASHFS_SWAP_DIR_INDEX_2(index, &sindex);
+ } else
+ squashfs_get_cached_block(s, (char *) index,
+ index_start, index_offset,
+ sizeof(struct squashfs_dir_index_2),
+ &index_start, &index_offset);
+ squashfs_get_cached_block(s, index->name, index_start,
+ index_offset, index->size + 1,
+ &index_start, &index_offset);
+ index->name[index->size + 1] = '\0';
+ if (strcmp(index->name, str) > 0)
+ break;
+ length = index->index;
+ *next_block = index->start_block + sblk->directory_table_start;
+ }
+ *next_offset = (length + *next_offset) % SQUASHFS_METADATA_SIZE;
+ return length;
+static int squashfs_readdir_2(struct file *file, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir)
+ struct inode *i = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &i->i_sb->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
+ long long next_block = SQUASHFS_I(i)->start_block +
+ sblk->directory_table_start;
+ int next_offset = SQUASHFS_I(i)->offset, length = 0, dirs_read = 0,
+ dir_count;
+ struct squashfs_dir_header_2 dirh;
+ char buffer[sizeof(struct squashfs_dir_entry_2) + SQUASHFS_NAME_LEN + 1];
+ struct squashfs_dir_entry_2 *dire = (struct squashfs_dir_entry_2 *) buffer;
+ TRACE("Entered squashfs_readdir_2 [%llx:%x]\n", next_block, next_offset);
+ length = get_dir_index_using_offset(i->i_sb, &next_block, &next_offset,
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_start,
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_offset,
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_count,
+ file->f_pos);
+ while (length < i_size_read(i)) {
+ /* read directory header */
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ struct squashfs_dir_header_2 sdirh;
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *) &sdirh,
+ next_block, next_offset, sizeof(sdirh),
+ &next_block, &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ length += sizeof(sdirh);
+ SQUASHFS_SWAP_DIR_HEADER_2(&dirh, &sdirh);
+ } else {
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *) &dirh,
+ next_block, next_offset, sizeof(dirh),
+ &next_block, &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ length += sizeof(dirh);
+ }
+ dir_count = dirh.count + 1;
+ while (dir_count--) {
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ struct squashfs_dir_entry_2 sdire;
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *)
+ &sdire, next_block, next_offset,
+ sizeof(sdire), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ length += sizeof(sdire);
+ SQUASHFS_SWAP_DIR_ENTRY_2(dire, &sdire);
+ } else {
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *)
+ dire, next_block, next_offset,
+ sizeof(*dire), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ length += sizeof(*dire);
+ }
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, dire->name,
+ next_block, next_offset,
+ dire->size + 1, &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ length += dire->size + 1;
+ if (file->f_pos >= length)
+ continue;
+ dire->name[dire->size + 1] = '\0';
+ TRACE("Calling filldir(%x, %s, %d, %d, %x:%x, %d)\n",
+ (unsigned int) dirent, dire->name,
+ dire->size + 1, (int) file->f_pos,
+ dirh.start_block, dire->offset,
+ squashfs_filetype_table[dire->type]);
+ if (filldir(dirent, dire->name, dire->size + 1,
+ file->f_pos, SQUASHFS_MK_VFS_INODE(
+ dirh.start_block, dire->offset),
+ squashfs_filetype_table[dire->type])
+ < 0) {
+ TRACE("Filldir returned less than 0\n");
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ file->f_pos = length;
+ dirs_read++;
+ }
+ }
+ return dirs_read;
+ ERROR("Unable to read directory block [%llx:%x]\n", next_block,
+ next_offset);
+ return 0;
+static struct dentry *squashfs_lookup_2(struct inode *i, struct dentry *dentry)
+ const unsigned char *name = dentry->;
+ int len = dentry->d_name.len;
+ struct inode *inode = NULL;
+ struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk = &i->i_sb->u.squashfs_sb;
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
+ long long next_block = SQUASHFS_I(i)->start_block +
+ sblk->directory_table_start;
+ int next_offset = SQUASHFS_I(i)->offset, length = 0,
+ dir_count;
+ struct squashfs_dir_header_2 dirh;
+ char buffer[sizeof(struct squashfs_dir_entry_2) + SQUASHFS_NAME_LEN];
+ struct squashfs_dir_entry_2 *dire = (struct squashfs_dir_entry_2 *) buffer;
+ int sorted = sblk->s_major == 2 && sblk->s_minor >= 1;
+ TRACE("Entered squashfs_lookup [%llx:%x]\n", next_block, next_offset);
+ if (len > SQUASHFS_NAME_LEN)
+ goto exit_loop;
+ length = get_dir_index_using_name(i->i_sb, &next_block, &next_offset,
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_start,
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_offset,
+ SQUASHFS_I(i)->u.s2.directory_index_count, name,
+ len);
+ while (length < i_size_read(i)) {
+ /* read directory header */
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ struct squashfs_dir_header_2 sdirh;
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *) &sdirh,
+ next_block, next_offset, sizeof(sdirh),
+ &next_block, &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ length += sizeof(sdirh);
+ SQUASHFS_SWAP_DIR_HEADER_2(&dirh, &sdirh);
+ } else {
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *) &dirh,
+ next_block, next_offset, sizeof(dirh),
+ &next_block, &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ length += sizeof(dirh);
+ }
+ dir_count = dirh.count + 1;
+ while (dir_count--) {
+ if (msblk->swap) {
+ struct squashfs_dir_entry_2 sdire;
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *)
+ &sdire, next_block,next_offset,
+ sizeof(sdire), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ length += sizeof(sdire);
+ SQUASHFS_SWAP_DIR_ENTRY_2(dire, &sdire);
+ } else {
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, (char *)
+ dire, next_block,next_offset,
+ sizeof(*dire), &next_block,
+ &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ length += sizeof(*dire);
+ }
+ if (!squashfs_get_cached_block(i->i_sb, dire->name,
+ next_block, next_offset, dire->size + 1,
+ &next_block, &next_offset))
+ goto failed_read;
+ length += dire->size + 1;
+ if (sorted && name[0] < dire->name[0])
+ goto exit_loop;
+ if ((len == dire->size + 1) && !strncmp(name,
+ dire->name, len)) {
+ squashfs_inode_t ino =
+ SQUASHFS_MKINODE(dirh.start_block,
+ dire->offset);
+ TRACE("calling squashfs_iget for directory "
+ "entry %s, inode %x:%x, %d\n", name,
+ dirh.start_block, dire->offset, ino);
+ inode = (msblk->iget)(i->i_sb, ino);
+ goto exit_loop;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ d_add(dentry, inode);
+ return ERR_PTR(0);
+ ERROR("Unable to read directory block [%llx:%x]\n", next_block,
+ next_offset);
+ goto exit_loop;
+int squashfs_2_0_supported(struct squashfs_sb_info *msblk)
+ struct squashfs_super_block *sblk = &msblk->sblk;
+ msblk->iget = squashfs_iget_2;
+ msblk->read_fragment_index_table = read_fragment_index_table_2;
+ sblk->bytes_used = sblk->bytes_used_2;
+ sblk->uid_start = sblk->uid_start_2;
+ sblk->guid_start = sblk->guid_start_2;
+ sblk->inode_table_start = sblk->inode_table_start_2;
+ sblk->directory_table_start = sblk->directory_table_start_2;
+ sblk->fragment_table_start = sblk->fragment_table_start_2;
+ return 1;