path: root/miniany/doc/unixwiz.net_techtips_win32-callconv-asm.txt
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+Intel x86 Function-call Conventions - Assembly View
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+ One of the "big picture" issues in looking at compiled C code is the
+ function-calling conventions. These are the methods that a calling
+ function and a called function agree on how parameters and return
+ values should be passed between them, and how the stack is used by the
+ function itself. The layout of the stack constitutes the "stack frame",
+ and knowing how this works can go a long way to decoding how something
+ works.
+ In C and modern CPU design conventions, the stack frame is a chunk of
+ memory, allocated from the stack, at run-time, each time a function is
+ called, to store its automatic variables. Hence nested or recursive
+ calls to the same function, each successively obtain their own separate
+ frames.
+ Physically, a function's stack frame is the area between the addresses
+ contained in esp, the stack pointer, and ebp, the frame pointer (base
+ pointer in Intel terminology). Thus, if a function pushes more values
+ onto the stack, it is effectively growing its frame.
+ This is a very low-level view: the picture as seen from the C/C++
+ programmer is illustrated elsewhere:
+ o [19] Tech Tip: Intel x86 Function-call Conventions - C
+ Programmer's View
+ For the sake of discussion, we're using the terms that the Microsoft
+ Visual C compiler uses to describe these conventions, even though other
+ platforms may use other terms.
+ __cdecl (pronounced see-DECK-'ll rhymes with "heckle")
+ This convention is the most common because it supports semantics
+ required by the C language. The C language supports variadic
+ functions (variable argument lists, à la printf), and this means
+ that the caller must clean up the stack after the function call:
+ the called function has no way to know how to do this. It's not
+ terribly optimal, but the C language semantics demand it.
+ __stdcall
+ Also known as __pascal, this requires that each function take a
+ fixed number of parameters, and this means that the called
+ function can do argument cleanup in one place rather than have
+ this be scattered throughout the program in every place that
+ calls it. The Win32 API primarily uses __stdcall.
+ It's important to note that these are merely conventions, and any
+ collection of cooperating code can agree on nearly anything. There are
+ other conventions (passing parameters in registers, for instance) that
+ behave differently, and of course the optimizer can make mincemeat of
+ any clear picture as well.
+ Our focus here is to provide an overview, and not an authoritative
+ definition for these conventions.
+Register use in the stack frame
+ In both __cdecl and __stdcall conventions, the same set of three
+ registers is involved in the function-call frame:
+ %ESP - Stack Pointer
+ This 32-bit register is implicitly manipulated by several CPU
+ instructions (PUSH, POP, CALL, and RET among others), it always
+ points to the last element used on the stack (not the first free
+ element): this means that the PUSH and POP operations would be
+ specified in pseudo-C as:
+*--ESP = value; // push
+value = *ESP++; // pop
+ The "Top of the stack" is an occupied location, not a free one,
+ and is at the lowest memory address.
+ %EBP - Base Pointer
+ This 32-bit register is used to reference all the function
+ parameters and local variables in the current stack frame.
+ Unlike the %esp register, the base pointer is manipulated only
+ explicitly. This is sometimes called the "Frame Pointer".
+ %EIP - Instruction Pointer
+ This holds the address of the next CPU instruction to be
+ executed, and it's saved onto the stack as part of the CALL
+ instruction. As well, any of the "jump" instructions modify the
+ %EIP directly.
+Assembler notation
+ Virtually everybody in the Intel assembler world uses the Intel
+ notation, but the GNU C compiler uses what they call the "AT&T syntax"
+ for backwards compatibility. This seems to us to be a really dumb idea,
+ but it's a fact of life.
+ There are minor notational differences between the two notations, but
+ by far the most annoying is that the AT&T syntax reverses the source
+ and destination operands. To move the immediate value 4 into the EAX
+ register:
+mov $4, %eax // AT&T notation
+mov eax, 4 // Intel notation
+ More recent GNU compilers have a way to generate the Intel syntax, but
+ it's not clear if the GNU assembler takes it. In any case, we'll use
+ the Intel notation exclusively.
+ There are other minor differences that are not of much concern to the
+ reverse engineer.
+Calling a __cdecl function
+ The best way to understand the stack organization is to see each step
+ in calling a function with the __cdecl conventions. These steps are
+ taken automatically by the compiler, and though not all of them are
+ used in every case (sometimes no parameters, sometimes no local
+ variables, sometimes no saved registers), but this shows the overall
+ mechanism employed.
+ Push parameters onto the stack, from right to left
+ Parameters are pushed onto the stack, one at a time, from right
+ to left. Whether the parameters are evaluated from right to left
+ is a different matter, and in any case this is unspecified by
+ the language and code should never rely on this. The calling
+ code must keep track of how many bytes of parameters have been
+ pushed onto the stack so it can clean it up later.
+ Call the function
+ Here, the processor pushes contents of the %EIP (instruction
+ pointer) onto the stack, and it points to the first byte after
+ the CALL instruction. After this finishes, the caller has lost
+ control, and the callee is in charge. This step does not change
+ the %ebp register.
+ Save and update the %ebp
+ Now that we're in the new function, we need a new local stack
+ frame pointed to by %ebp, so this is done by saving the current
+ %ebp (which belongs to the previous function's frame) and making
+ it point to the top of the stack.
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp // ebp « esp
+ Once %ebp has been changed, it can now refer directly to the
+ function's arguments as 8(%ebp), 12(%ebp).
+ Note that 0(%ebp) is the old base pointer and 4(%ebp) is the old
+ instruction pointer, but this applies to near calls only - far
+ calls include segment registers too, but these are uncommon in
+ real programs.
+ Save CPU registers used for temporaries
+ [__cdecl stack frame] If this function will use any CPU
+ registers, it has to save the old values first lest it walk on
+ data used by the calling functions. Each register to be used is
+ pushed onto the stack one at a time, and the compiler must
+ remember what it did so it can unwind it later.
+ Allocate local variables
+ The function may choose to use local stack-based variables, and
+ they are allocated here simply by decrementing the stack pointer
+ by the amount of space required. This is always done in
+ four-byte chunks.
+ Now, the local variables are located on the stack between the
+ %ebp and %esp registers, and though it would be possible to
+ refer to them as offsets from either one, by convention the %ebp
+ register is used. This means that -4(%ebp) refers to the first
+ local variable.
+ Perform the function's purpose
+ At this point, the stack frame is set up correctly, and this is
+ represented by the diagram to the right. All the parameters and
+ locals are offsets from the %ebp register:
+ 16(%ebp) - third function parameter
+ 12(%ebp) - second function parameter
+ 8(%ebp) - first function parameter
+ 4(%ebp) - old %EIP (the function's "return address")
+ 0(%ebp) - old %EBP (previous function's base pointer)
+ -4(%ebp) - first local variable
+ -8(%ebp) - second local variable
+ -12(%ebp) - third local variable
+ The function is free to use any of the registers that had been
+ saved onto the stack upon entry, but it must not change the
+ stack pointer or all Hell will break loose upon function return.
+ Release local storage
+ When the function allocates local, temporary space, it does so
+ by decrementing from the stack point by the amount space needed,
+ and this process must be reversed to reclaim that space. It's
+ usually done by adding to the stack pointer the same amount
+ which was subtracted previously, though a series of POP
+ instructions could achieve the same thing.
+ Restore saved registers
+ For each register saved onto the stack upon entry, it must be
+ restored from the stack in reverse order. If the "save" and
+ "restore" phases don't match exactly, catastrophic stack
+ corruption will occur.
+ Restore the old base pointer
+ The first thing this function did upon entry was save the
+ caller's %ebp base pointer, and by restoring it now (popping the
+ top item from the stack), we effectively discard the entire
+ local stack frame and put the caller's frame back in play.
+ Return from the function
+ This is the last step of the called function, and the RET
+ instruction pops the old %EIP from the stack and jumps to that
+ location. This gives control back to the calling function. Only
+ the stack pointer and instruction pointers are modified by a
+ subroutine return.
+ Clean up pushed parameters
+ In the __cdecl convention, the caller must clean up the
+ parameters pushed onto the stack, and this is done either by
+ popping the stack into don't-care registers (for a few
+ parameters) or by adding the parameter-block size to the stack
+ pointer directly.
+__cdecl -vs- __stdcall
+ The __stdcall convention is mainly used by the Windows API, and it's a
+ bit more compact than __cdecl. The main difference is that any given
+ function has a hard-coded set of parameters, and this cannot vary from
+ call to call like it can in C (no "variadic functions").
+ Because the size of the parameter block is fixed, the burden of
+ cleaning these parameters off the stack can be shifted to the called
+ function, instead of being done by the calling function as in __cdecl.
+ There are several effects of this:
+ 1. the code is a tiny bit smaller, because the parameter-cleanup code
+ is found once -- in the called function itself -- rather than in
+ every place the function is called. These may be only a few bytes
+ per call, but for commonly-used functions it can add up. This
+ presumably means that the code may be a tiny bit faster as well.
+ 2. calling the function with the wrong number of parameters is
+ catastrophic - the stack will be badly misaligned, and general
+ havoc will surely ensue.
+ 3. As an offshoot of #2, Microsoft Visual C takes special care of
+ functions that are B{__stdcall}. Since the number of parameters is
+ known at compile time, the compiler encodes the parameter byte
+ count in the symbol name itself, and this means that calling the
+ function wrong leads to a link error.
+ For instance, the function int foo(int a, int b) would generate --
+ at the assembler level -- the symbol "_foo@8", where "8" is the
+ number of bytes expected. This means that not only will a call with
+ 1 or 3 parameters not resolve (due to the size mismatch), but
+ neither will a call expecting the __cdecl parameters (which looks
+ for _foo). It's a clever mechanism that avoids a lot of problems.
+Variations and Notes
+ The x86 architecture provides a number of built-in mechanisms for
+ assisting with frame management, but they don't seem to be commonly
+ used by C compilers. Of particular interest is the ENTER instruction,
+ which handles most of the function-prolog code.
+ENTER 10,0 PUSH ebp
+ MOV ebp, esp
+ SUB esp, 10
+ We're pretty sure these are functionally equivalent, but our 80386
+ processor reference suggests that the ENTER version is more compact (6
+ bytes -vs- 9) but slower (15 clocks -vs- 6). The newer processors are
+ probably harder to pin down, but somebody has probably figured out that
+ ENTER is slower. Sigh.
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