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+ <h1>cucu: a compiler you can understand (part&nbsp;1)</h1>
+<p>Let talk about the compilers. Have you ever thought of writing your own one?</p>
+<p>I will try to show you how simple it is. The first part will be pretty much
+theoretical, so keep patience.</p>
+<h2>what we&rsquo;re going to achieve?</h2>
+<p>CUCU is a toy compiler for a toy language. I want it to be as close to ANSI C
+as possible, so that every valid CUCU program could be compiled with a C
+compiler without any errors. Of course, the support of the whole ANSI C
+standard is very difficult, so I picked a very small C language subset.</p>
+<p>For example, here&rsquo;s a valid CUCU code snippet:</p>
+<pre><code>int cucu_strlen(char *s) {
+ int i = 0;
+ while (s[i]) {
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ return i;
+<p>We&rsquo;re about to define a grammar for our language. It&rsquo;s an important step,
+because everything in our compiler design depends on it.</p>
+<p>So, let&rsquo;s go from top to bottom. Our source file contains a <strong>program</strong>.
+What is a program? We know it&rsquo;s a list of <strong>variable declarations</strong>, <strong>function
+declarations</strong> and <strong>function definitions</strong>, e.g:</p>
+<pre><code>int func(char *s, int len); /* function declaration */
+int i; /* variable declaration */
+int func(char *s, int len) { /* function definition */
+ ...
+<p>Let&rsquo;s try to write it down in <a href="">EBNF</a> form (it&rsquo;s absolutely ok, if you don&rsquo;t
+know what EBNF is, it&rsquo;s really intuitive):</p>
+<pre><code>&lt;program&gt; ::= { &lt;var-decl&gt; | &lt;func-decl&gt; | &lt;func-def&gt; } ;
+<p>This notation says: &ldquo;a program is a repeating sequence of variable declarations,
+function declarations and function definitions. But what is all those
+declarations and definitions? Ok, let&rsquo;s go deeper:</p>
+<pre><code>&lt;var-decl&gt; ::= &lt;type&gt; &lt;ident&gt; &quot;;&quot;
+&lt;func-decl&gt; ::= &lt;type&gt; &lt;ident&gt; &quot;(&quot; &lt;func-args&gt; &quot;)&quot; &quot;;&quot;
+&lt;func-def&gt; ::= &lt;type&gt; &lt;ident&gt; &quot;(&quot; &lt;func-args&gt; &quot;)&quot; &lt;func-body&gt;
+&lt;func-args&gt; ::= { &lt;type&gt; &lt;ident&gt; &quot;,&quot; }
+&lt;type&gt; ::= &quot;int&quot; | &quot;char *&quot;
+<p>So, variable declaration is simple: it&rsquo;s a type name followed by the identifier,
+and followed by a semicolon, like we usually do in C, e.g.:</p>
+<pre><code>int i;
+char *s;
+<p>Function declaration is a bit more complicated. It&rsquo;s a &ldquo;type + identifier&rdquo;,
+and an optional list of function arguments <code>&lt;func-args&gt;</code> inside the braces.</p>
+<p>Function arguments list, in it&rsquo;s turn, is a sequence of comma-separated
+&ldquo;type + identifier&rdquo;, like:</p>
+<pre><code>char *s, int from, int to
+<p><em>Actually, trailing comma in CUCU is still allowed, but not required. It will
+just simplify our parser code.</em></p>
+<p>The supported data types are only <code>int</code> and <code>char *</code>. Identifier is a sequence
+of letters, digits and an underscore symbol.</p>
+<p>The only thing left is <code>&lt;func-body&gt;</code>. But let&rsquo;s talk about <strong>statements</strong> and
+<strong>expressions</strong> first.</p>
+<p><em>Statement</em> is a smallest standalone element of the language. Here are valid
+statements in out language:</p>
+<pre><code>/* These are simple statements */
+i = 2 + 3; /* assignment statement */
+my_func(i); /* function call statement */
+return i; /* return statement */
+/* These are compound statements */
+if (x &gt; 0) { .. } else { .. }
+while (x &gt; 0) { .. }
+<p><em>Expression</em> is a smaller part of the statement. As opposed to statements,
+expressions always return a value. Usually, it&rsquo;s just the arithmetic. For
+example in the statement <code>func(x[2], i + j)</code> the expressions are <code>x[2]</code> and
+<p>So, looking back at <code>&lt;func-body&gt;</code>. It&rsquo;s just a valid statement (which is
+usually a block statement).</p>
+<p>Here&rsquo;s what we have:</p>
+<pre><code>&lt;func-body&gt; ::= &lt;statement&gt;
+&lt;statement&gt; ::= &quot;{&quot; { &lt;statement&gt; } &quot;}&quot; /* block statement */
+ | [&lt;type&gt;] &lt;ident&gt; [ &quot;=&quot; &lt;expr&gt; ] &quot;;&quot; /* assignment */
+ | &quot;return&quot; &lt;expr&gt; &quot;;&quot;
+ | &quot;if&quot; &quot;(&quot; &lt;expr&gt; &quot;)&quot; &lt;statement&gt; [ &quot;else&quot; &lt;statement&gt; ]
+ | &quot;while&quot; &quot;(&quot; &lt;expr&gt; &quot;)&quot; &lt;statement&gt;
+ | &lt;expr&gt; &quot;;&quot;
+<p>Here are possible expressions in CUCU language:</p>
+<pre><code>&lt;expr&gt; ::= &lt;bitwise-expr&gt;
+ | &lt;bitwise-expr&gt; = &lt;expr&gt;
+&lt;bitwise-expr&gt; ::= &lt;eq-expr&gt;
+ | &lt;bitwise-expr&gt; &amp; &lt;eq-expr&gt;
+ | &lt;bitwise-expr&gt; | &lt;eq-expr&gt;
+&lt;eq-expr&gt; ::= &lt;rel-expr&gt;
+ | &lt;eq-expr&gt; == &lt;rel-expr&gt;
+ | &lt;eq-expr&gt; != &lt;rel-expr&gt;
+&lt;rel-expr&gt; ::= &lt;shift-expr&gt;
+ | &lt;rel-expr&gt; &lt; &lt;shift-expr&gt;
+&lt;shift-expr&gt; ::= &lt;add-expr&gt;
+ | &lt;shift-expr&gt; &lt;&lt; &lt;add-expr&gt;
+ | &lt;shift-expr&gt; &gt;&gt; &lt;add-expr&gt;
+&lt;add-expr&gt; ::= &lt;postfix-expr&gt;
+ | &lt;add-expr&gt; + &lt;postfix-expr&gt;
+ | &lt;add-expr&gt; - &lt;postfix-expr&gt;
+&lt;postfix-expr&gt; ::= &lt;prim-expr&gt;
+ | &lt;postfix-expr&gt; [ &lt;expr&gt; ]
+ | &lt;postfix-expr&gt; ( &lt;expr&gt; { &quot;,&quot; &lt;expr&gt; } )
+&lt;prim-expr&gt; := &lt;number&gt; | &lt;ident&gt; | &lt;string&gt; | &quot;(&quot; &lt;expr&gt; &quot;)&quot;
+<p>That&rsquo;s it. Did you notice the recursion in the expression notation? Basically,
+the notation above shows us the precedence of the operators from bottom to top:
+parens and square brackets are evaluated first, and assignment goes the last.</p>
+<p>For example, according to this grammar an expression <code>8&gt;&gt;1+1</code>
+will be evaluated to 2 (like in <code>8&gt;&gt;(1+1)</code>), not to 5 (like in <code>(8&gt;&gt;1)+1</code>),
+because <code>&gt;&gt;</code> has lower precedence than <code>+</code>.</p>
+<p>Now we are done with grammar, and are ready to start. The first thing to do is
+a lexer. Our compiler takes a stream of bytes as an input, and lexer allows to
+split that stream into smaller tokens, that can be processed later. It gives us
+some level of abstraction and simplifies out parser.</p>
+<p>For example, a sequence of bytes &ldquo;int i = 2+31;&rdquo; will be split into tokens:</p>
+<p><em>In normal grown-up lexers every lexeme (token) has a type and a value, so
+instead of the list above we will get a list of pairs: <code>&lt;TYPE:int&gt;,&lt;ID:i&gt;,
+&lt;ASSIGN:=&gt;,&lt;NUM:2&gt;,&lt;PLUS:+&gt;,&lt;NUM:31&gt;,&lt;SEMI:;&gt;</code>. We are going to detect lexeme
+type by its value, which is not academical at all!</em></p>
+<p>The major problem with the lexer is that once a byte is read from the stream -
+it can not be &ldquo;un-read&rdquo;. And what if we&rsquo;ve read a byte that can not be added to
+the current token? Where should we store it until the current token is
+<p>Almost every lexer need to read ahead. Our grammar is simple enough, so all we
+need to have is a single byte buffer - <code>nextc</code>. It stores a byte, that was read
+from the stream, but has not yet been pushed to the token string.</p>
+<p>Also, I need to warn you - I use global variables a lot in CUCU code. I know
+it&rsquo;s a bad style, but if I pass all values as function arguments the compiler
+would loose it&rsquo;s simplicity.</p>
+<p>The whole lexer is just a single function <code>readtok()</code>. The algorithm is simple:</p>
+<li>skip leading spaces</li>
+<li>try to read an identifier (a sequence of letters, digits and <code>_</code>)</li>
+<li>if it&rsquo;s not an identifier - try to read a sequence of special operators, like
+<code>&amp;, |, &lt;, &gt;, =, !</code>.</li>
+<li>if it&rsquo;s not an operator - try to read a string literal &ldquo;&hellip;.&rdquo; or &lsquo;&hellip;.&rsquo;</li>
+<li>if failed - maybe it&rsquo;s a comment, like <code>/* ... */</code>?</li>
+<li>if failed again - just read a single byte. It might be another single-byte
+token, like &ldquo;(&rdquo; or &ldquo;[&ldquo;.</li>
+<p>Here&rsquo;s the whole CUCU sources we&rsquo;ve got so far:</p>
+<pre><code>#include &lt;stdio.h&gt; /* for vpritnf */
+#include &lt;stdarg.h&gt; /* for va_list */
+#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt; /* for exit() */
+#include &lt;ctype.h&gt; /* for isspace, isalpha... */
+#define MAXTOKSZ 256
+static FILE *f; /* input file */
+static char tok[MAXTOKSZ];
+static int tokpos;
+static int nextc;
+void readchr() {
+ if (tokpos == MAXTOKSZ - 1) {
+ tok[tokpos] = '\0';
+ fprintf(stderr, &quot;token too long: %s\n&quot;, tok);
+ }
+ tok[tokpos++] = nextc;
+ nextc = fgetc(f);
+void readtok() {
+ for (;;) {
+ while (isspace(nextc)) {
+ nextc = fgetc(f);
+ }
+ tokpos = 0;
+ while(isalnum(nextc) || nextc == '_') {
+ readchr();
+ }
+ if (tokpos == 0) {
+ while (nextc == '&lt;' || nextc == '=' || nextc == '&gt;'
+ || nextc == '!' || nextc == '&amp;' || nextc == '|') {
+ readchr();
+ }
+ }
+ if (tokpos == 0) {
+ if (nextc == '\'' || nextc == '&quot;') {
+ char c = nextc;
+ readchr();
+ while (nextc != c) {
+ readchr();
+ }
+ readchr();
+ } else if (nextc == '/') {
+ readchr();
+ if (nextc == '*') {
+ nextc = fgetc(f);
+ while (nextc != '/') {
+ while (nextc != '*') {
+ nextc = fgetc(f);
+ }
+ nextc = fgetc(f);
+ }
+ nextc = fgetc(f);
+ }
+ } else if (nextc != EOF) {
+ readchr();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ tok[tokpos] = '\0';
+int main() {
+ f = stdin;
+ nextc = fgetc(f);
+ for (;;) {
+ readtok();
+ printf(&quot;TOKEN: %s\n&quot;, tok);
+ if (tok[0] == '\0') break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+<p>If we put a C file as the compiler input - it will print us a list of tokens,
+one per line.</p>
+<p>Ok, have a cup of coffee, and let&rsquo;s <a href="/web/20160518154155/">go further &rarr;</a></p>
+<p><em>You can check <a href="/web/20160518154155/">part3</a> to know how the story ended.</em></p>
+ <p>Posted on 2012-10-23</p>
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