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+ <p>Let&rsquo;s talk about compiler backends. C should be a portable language, and there
+is no need to rewrite the whole compiler if you want to port it to the new CPU
+<p>Backend is a part of the compiler that generates low-level byte code. Compiler
+itself just calls backend functions. Good backend design makes the compiler
+highly portable.</p>
+<p>I wanted CUCU to be a portable compiler (actually, a cross-compiler).
+So, I decided to move backend code generator to a separate module.</p>
+<p>But before we dive into the backend code generation, let&rsquo;s think of how we will
+test it.</p>
+<h2>minimal target architecture</h2>
+<p>Our minimal target has two registers (let&rsquo;s call them A and B), and a stack.
+Register A is an accumulator. We could use fixed-size instruction codes, as
+many RISC CPUs do, but there&rsquo;s not much fun in decoding hexadecimal numbers to
+find out what the code actually does.</p>
+<p>I have chosen a simpler way. Every instruction is 8 bytes long (yes, it&rsquo;s huge,
+but who cares - it&rsquo;s a test imaginary architecture). And the first 7 bytes of
+the instruction are just ASCII symbols, and the last one is 0x10 (&rsquo;\n&rsquo;).</p>
+<p>This allows us to use human-readable instruction codes, like <code>A:=A+B</code>,
+<code>A:=1ef8</code>, or <code>push A</code>. These seem to be self-explanatory (&ldquo;add register B
+to register A&rdquo;, &ldquo;put 0x1ef8 to register A&rdquo; and &ldquo;push the value of register A
+to the stack&rdquo;).</p>
+<li><code>A:=NNNN</code> - put value of 0xNNNN to register A</li>
+<li><code>A:=m[A]</code> - put value at address stored in register A to register A (as byte)</li>
+<li><code>A:=M[A]</code> - put value at address stored in register A to register A (as int)</li>
+<li><code>m[B]:=A</code> - store the value of A to address stored in B (as byte)</li>
+<li><code>M[B]:=A</code> - store the value of A to address stored in B (as int)</li>
+<li><code>push A</code> - push the value of A on the stack</li>
+<li><code>pop B</code> - pop the value from the stack to B</li>
+<li><code>A:=B+A</code> - add A and B</li>
+<li><code>A:=B-A</code> - subtract A and B</li>
+<li><code>A:=B&amp;A</code> - bitwise AND operation</li>
+<li><code>A:=B|A</code> - bitwise OR operation</li>
+<li><code>A:=B!=A</code> - A is 1 if B!=A, and 0 otherwise</li>
+<li><code>A:=B==A</code> - A is 1 if B==A, and 0 otherwise</li>
+<li><code>A:=B&lt;&lt;A</code> - shift left the value of B to A bits</li>
+<li><code>A:=B&gt;&gt;A</code> - shift right the value of B to A bits</li>
+<li><code>A:=B&lt;A</code> - A is 1 if B&lt;A, and 0 otherwise</li>
+<li><code>popNNNN</code> - drop NNNN items from the stack</li>
+<li><code>sp@NNNN</code> - put the value at address NNNN on the stack to the register A</li>
+<li><code>jmpNNNN</code> - jump to address NNNN</li>
+<li><code>jpzNNNN</code> - jump to address NNNN if A is zero</li>
+<li><code>call A</code> - call function at address stored in A</li>
+<li><code>ret</code> - return from the function</li>
+<h2>cucu backend design</h2>
+<p>We include &ldquo;gen.c&rdquo; file, which is actually a backend implementation.
+Let&rsquo;s start with simple functions: <code>gen_start()</code> and <code>gen_finish()</code>.
+They are used to generate application prologue (like PE header, or ELF header)
+and to post-process byte code.</p>
+<p>Compiler provides the function <code>emit()</code>, that emits byte code to the <code>code[]</code>
+array. At the very end, <code>code[]</code> contains a ready-to-use compiled program.</p>
+<p>So, compiler calls backend function, and backend just calls emit() with the
+specific byte-codes, and this is how we get compiled machine code.</p>
+<p>Now we need to define what are the most common constructions, that backend
+should implement. Let&rsquo;s start with this simple program:</p>
+<pre><code>int main() {
+ return 0;
+<p>Let&rsquo;s talk about calling convention. This is how arguments are passed to the
+function and how the return value is fetched. We stated before, that arguments
+are placed on the stack (the 1st argument is pushed 1st). Let&rsquo;s make a deal,
+that the value of the register A when function returns is its return value.</p>
+<p>Actually, we will store all values to register A. Register B will be used as
+a temporary register.</p>
+<p>For the program above I would expect the byte code to be something like:</p>
+<p>So, we need a function to put immediate numeric value to the register A, and a
+function to do the return. We will call them <code>gen_const(int)</code> and <code>gen_ret()</code>.</p>
+<p><code>gen_const</code> will be called every time the compiler finds a primary expression
+which is a number, and <code>gen_ret</code> is called when the compiler finds a return
+statement. Though, some functions can be <code>void</code>, and thus have no explicit
+<code>return</code> statement. So, for safety and simplicity we will add an extra
+<code>get_ret()</code> at the end of every function, even if there has been an explicit
+return before.</p>
+<p><em>Our compiler never claimed to be optimal or fast or safe, so double-return is
+fine for us</em></p>
+<p>Now let&rsquo;s compile some arithmetic expressions. They are all similar, so I&rsquo;ll
+show how it&rsquo;s done with an example of addition. Remember how parser works? It
+parses (and theoretically, compiles) the left part of the expression, then the
+right part, and then performs an operation.</p>
+<p>This is how a typical math expression is compiled (remember a joke about an
+elephant, a giraffe and a fridge?):</p>
+<pre><code>..evaluate left part
+push A
+..evaluate right path
+pop B
+<p>After we compiler the left part we need to store the results (register A)
+somewhere. Stack is the most simple way to do it. So, an expression
+<code>1+2+3</code> will be compiled to:</p>
+<pre><code>A:=0001 -+ -+
+push A | |
+A:=0002 | 1+2 |
+pop B | |
+A:=A+B -+ | +3
+push A |
+A:=0003 |
+pop B |
+A:=A+B ----+
+<h2>other stuff</h2>
+<p>Work with symbols is easy, too.</p>
+<p>To call a function we put its address to register A,
+then to a <code>gen_call()</code> which emits <code>call A</code>.</p>
+<p>Accessing local symbols is done using <code>gen_stack_addr</code> which
+return the address of the given item on the stack.</p>
+<p>Accessing global symbols is done using <code>gen_sym_addr()</code>.
+Also, when a new symbols is created the compiler might need to
+generate some code (e.g. when generation assembler code).
+<code>gen_sym</code> is used for such cases.</p>
+<p><code>gen_pop</code> drops N items from the stack (increases stack pointer).</p>
+<p><code>gen_unref</code> is used to unreference pointers. Depending on the type (byte or int)
+it generates <code>A:=m[A]</code> or <code>A:=M[A]</code> code.</p>
+<p><code>gen_array</code> puts the constant array on the stack. Or maybe if there is a
+separate segment for data it should store the array there.</p>
+<p>Finally, <code>gen_patch()</code> is used to patch jump address when compiling if/while
+statement. The reason is that when we meet such statement we must generate a
+jump instruction, but the address is not known yet - it depends on how many code
+is compiled for the body statetment. So, after the body is compiled
+we patch jump address with the correct value.</p>
+<p>We are done. Let&rsquo;s try the following program:</p>
+<pre><code>int main() {
+ int k;
+ k = 3;
+ if (k == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+jmp0008 # by gen_start(): jump to main(), which is the next instruction at 0x8
+push A # add space for local variable &quot;k&quot;
+sp@0000 # get the address of the local variable #0 (&quot;k&quot;)
+push A # store it
+A:=0003 # put 3 to A
+pop B # get the stored earlier address of &quot;k&quot;
+M[B]:=A # put the value of A to &quot;k&quot; as int
+sp@0000 # get the address of &quot;k&quot;
+A:=M[A] # get its value as int
+push A # store it
+A:=0000 # put 0 to A
+pop B # get the value of &quot;k&quot; stored earlier
+A:=B==A # compare A and B (&quot;k&quot; and zero)
+jmz0090 # if false (A!=B, k!=0) - jump to 0x90
+A:=0001 # store 1 to A as return value
+pop0001 # free space allocated for &quot;k&quot; on the stack
+ret # and return
+jmp0090 # &quot;else&quot; branch should be here, instead jump to 0x90 (next instruction)
+A:=0000 # store 0 to A as return value
+pop0001 # free space allocated for &quot;k&quot; on the stack
+ret # and return
+ret # remember about double-return for safety? ;)
+<p>Yeah, the code is so dirty and bloated. But it works. And which is more
+important, you know now how compilers work and how create your own one.</p>
+<p>But I should warn you&hellip;</p>
+<p>Never, please, never do it this way! If you want to write your own compiler -
+use real grown-up tools:</p>
+<li>and many others</li>
+<p>Also, it&rsquo;s worth checking real literature, like <a href=",_Techniques,_and_Tools">Dragon Book</a>. Maybe the
+courses from <a href=""></a> will be useful for you, too.</p>
+<p>If you need to port existing languages for your own architecture -
+you&rsquo;d better learn how to write LLVM backends or GCC backends.</p>
+<p>If you want to read more about toy compilers - check <a href="">SmallC</a>.</p>
+<p>If you want to write compiler for a simple language - check PL/0 or Basic or C.</p>
+<p>But please, never write compilers manually for real tasks.</p>
+<h2>final word</h2>
+<p>The full sources of the compiler are available on <a href="">my bitbucket page</a>. They
+are licensed under MIT, feel free to use and modify. I&rsquo;m not sure if there is
+any sense in submitting issues to this project, so do it only if you know how
+to fix them :)</p>
+<p>Anyway, compilers is fun. I hope you liked it!</p>
+<p><em>Check <a href="/web/20160511234108/">part 1</a> or <a href="/web/20160511234108/">part 2</a> if
+you missed something</em></p>
+ <p>Posted on 2012-10-25</p>
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