path: root/dldialog/src/DLD_TV/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dldialog/src/DLD_TV/')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dldialog/src/DLD_TV/ b/dldialog/src/DLD_TV/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75a5e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dldialog/src/DLD_TV/
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+** $Id:,v 1.6 1999/01/20 14:40:29 saturn Exp $
+** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+** 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+** (C) (C) 1999,2000 Harald Hoyer <> - All rights reserved -
+#define Uses_TStatusDef
+#define Uses_TStatusItem
+#define Uses_TStatusLine
+#define Uses_TBackground
+#define Uses_TMenuBar
+#define Uses_TSubMenu
+#define Uses_TMenuItem
+#define Uses_TKeys
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include "dld_tvlib.h"
+#include "dld_tvapp.h"
+#include "dld_dialog.h"
+static TStatusItem *statusItem = 0;
+#define DLD_cpBackground "\x08"
+#define cmDLDQuit 100
+class DLD_TVDesktop : public virtual TDeskTop , public virtual TDeskInit
+ DLD_TVDesktop( const TRect& bounds );
+ static TBackground *initBackground( TRect r );
+class DLD_TVBackground : public TBackground
+ DLD_TVBackground( const TRect& bounds, char aPattern ) :
+ TBackground(bounds,aPattern) {
+ };
+ TPalette& getPalette() const {
+ static TPalette
+ palette( DLD_cpBackground, sizeof( DLD_cpBackground )-1 );
+ return palette;
+ };
+TBackground *DLD_TVDesktop::initBackground( TRect r )
+ defaultBkgrnd = '\x20';
+ return new DLD_TVBackground( r, defaultBkgrnd);
+DLD_TVDesktop::DLD_TVDesktop( const TRect& bounds ) :
+ TDeskTop(bounds ),
+ TDeskInit( &DLD_TVDesktop::initBackground )
+DLD_TVApp (const string&, int _oldsid, int, char **):
+ TProgInit(&DLD_TVApp::initStatusLine, &DLD_TVApp::initMenuBar,
+ &DLD_TVApp::initDeskTop),
+ mainDialog(0),
+ running(false),
+ oldsid(_oldsid)
+ /*
+ * We don't wanna get stopped
+ */
+ signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN);
+ print_status ("->Starting<-");
+~DLD_TVApp ()
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ DLDdbg << "tvapp ending!" << endl << flush;
+DLD_Dialog *DLD_TVApp::
+dialog (const string& name, const DLD_Out& _out)
+ print_status ("->Adding Dialog<-");
+ DLD_TVDialog *p = new DLD_TVDialog (conname(name), this, _out);
+ add_child(p);
+ if(!mainDialog)
+ mainDialog = p;
+ return p;
+int DLD_TVApp::
+exec ()
+ if(!running && mainDialog) {
+ print_status ("->Running<-");
+ running = true;
+ * Obsoleted by setsid
+ * menuBar->draw();
+ */
+ run ();
+ running = false;
+ CI first = childlist.begin();
+ CI last = childlist.end();
+ while(first != last)
+ {
+ delete *first;
+ first = childlist.begin();
+ last = childlist.end();
+ }
+ print_status ("->Idle<-");
+ mainDialog = 0;
+ }
+ else if(!running) {
+ DLD_Gui::parse(-1);
+ }
+ return 0;
+void DLD_TVApp::
+idle ()
+ // DLD_Gui::idle for further parsing input, if any
+// if(running)
+ if(!DLD_Gui::parse(100000)) {
+ /* Now generate QUIT event */
+ TEvent te;
+ te.what = evCommand;
+ te.message.command = cmQuit;
+ te.message.infoPtr = 0;
+ /*
+ * needs fix in tvision to remove TProgram:: and call putEvent
+ * directly.
+ */
+ TProgram::putEvent (te);
+ }
+ // The native idle function for TApplications
+ TApplication::idle();
+TStatusLine *DLD_TVApp::
+initStatusLine (TRect r)
+ char *stptr = new char[21];
+ sprintf (stptr, "%20s", " ->Starting<-");
+ r.a.y = r.b.y - 1;
+ return new TStatusLine (r,
+ *new TStatusDef (0, 0xFFFF) +
+/* *new TStatusItem ("~Alt-X~ to Cancel!",
+ kbAltX, cmDLDQuit) + */
+ *new TStatusItem (_("SPACE selects - TAB to move -"),
+ 0, 0) +
+ *(statusItem = new TStatusItem (stptr, 0, 0)) +
+ *new TStatusItem (0, kbF10, cmMenu) +
+ *new TStatusItem (0, kbAltF3, cmClose) +
+ *new TStatusItem (0, kbF5, cmZoom) +
+ *new TStatusItem (0, kbCtrlF5, cmResize)
+ );
+int DLD_TVApp::
+print_status (const string& str)
+ if ((statusItem != 0) && (statusItem->text != 0))
+ {
+ strncpy (statusItem->text, str.c_str(), 20);
+ statusLine->draw ();
+ }
+ return 0;
+void DLD_TVApp::
+del_child(DLD_TVDialog *dia)
+ CI first = childlist.begin();
+ CI last = childlist.end();
+ while (first != last) {
+ if (*first == dia) {
+ // Remove it from the list
+ childlist.erase(first);
+ deskTop->remove(*first);
+ if(dia == mainDialog) {
+ /*
+ * First delete all other dialogs.
+ * This will get us here, but we already removed the mainDialog.
+ */
+ CI first = childlist.begin();
+ CI last = childlist.end();
+ while(first != last)
+ {
+ delete *first;
+ first = childlist.begin();
+ last = childlist.end();
+ }
+ /* Now generate QUIT event */
+ TEvent te;
+ te.what = evCommand;
+ te.message.command = cmQuit;
+ te.message.infoPtr = 0;
+ /*
+ * needs fix in tvision to remove TProgram:: and call putEvent
+ * directly.
+ */
+ TProgram::putEvent (te);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ first++;
+ }
+int DLD_TVApp::
+add_child (DLD_TVDialog * nobj)
+ Assert(Bad_arg, nobj);
+ childlist.push_back(nobj);
+ return 0;
+void DLD_TVApp::
+handleEvent( TEvent& event )
+ TApplication::handleEvent( event );
+ if (event.what == evCommand)
+ {
+ switch (event.message.command)
+ {
+ case cmTile: // Tile current file windows
+ deskTop->tile(deskTop->getExtent());
+ break;
+ case cmCascade: // Cascade current file windows
+ deskTop->cascade(deskTop->getExtent());
+ break;
+ case cmDLDQuit:
+ delete mainDialog;
+ break;
+ default: // Unknown command
+ return;
+ }
+ clearEvent (event);
+ }
+TMenuBar * DLD_TVApp::initMenuBar(TRect r)
+/* TSubMenu& sub2 =
+ *new TSubMenu( "~F~ile", 0, hcFile ) +
+ *new TMenuItem( "E~x~it", cmQuit, kbAltX, hcFExit, "Alt-X" );
+ TSubMenu& sub3 =
+ *new TSubMenu( "~W~indows", 0, hcWindows ) +
+ *new TMenuItem( "~R~esize/move", cmResize, kbCtrlF5, hcWSizeMove, "Ctrl-F5" ) +
+ *new TMenuItem( "~Z~oom", cmZoom, kbF5, hcWZoom, "F5" ) +
+ *new TMenuItem( "~N~ext", cmNext, kbF6, hcWNext, "F6" ) +
+ *new TMenuItem( "~C~lose", cmClose, kbAltF3, hcWClose, "Alt-F3" ) +
+ *new TMenuItem( "~T~ile", cmTile, kbNoKey, hcWTile ) +
+ *new TMenuItem( "C~a~scade", cmCascade, kbNoKey, hcWCascade );
+ r.b.y = r.a.y + 1;
+ return (new TMenuBar( r, sub3) );
+// return (new TMenuBar( r, sub2 + sub3) );
+TDeskTop *DLD_TVApp::initDeskTop( TRect r )
+ r.a.y++;
+ r.b.y--;
+ return new DLD_TVDesktop( r );
+/* TDeskTop::defaultBkgrnd = '\x20';
+ return new TDeskTop( r );