path: root/rhtvision/classes/alcon/
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Diffstat (limited to 'rhtvision/classes/alcon/')
1 files changed, 509 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rhtvision/classes/alcon/ b/rhtvision/classes/alcon/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..643bbdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rhtvision/classes/alcon/
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2004 by Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2009 by Salvador E. Tropea (SET) <>
+ TScreenAlcon
+ AlCon driver for Turbo Vision. It uses the conio.h emulation library on top
+ of Allegro.
+ Contributed by Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz <>
+ This is part of Turbo Vision ditribution and covered by the same license.
+#include <tv/configtv.h>
+#define Uses_stdio // DEBUG
+#define Uses_TScreen
+#define Uses_TEvent
+#define Uses_TGKey
+#include <tv.h>
+#include <tv/alcon/screen.h>
+#include <tv/alcon/mouse.h>
+#include <tv/alcon/key.h>
+#define Uses_AlCon_conio
+#include <tv/alcon/alcon.h>
+#define PRINTF(FORMAT, args...) printf("%s " FORMAT "\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, ## args)
+const unsigned foWmin=5, foHmin=7, foWmax=20, foHmax=32;
+TScreenFont256 TScreenAlcon::font8x16={ 8,16,AlCon_ShapeFont8x16 };
+TScreenFont256 TScreenAlcon::font10x20={ 10,20,AlCon_ShapeFont10x20 };
+TScreenFont256 *TScreenAlcon::defaultFont=&font8x16;
+uchar TScreenAlcon::primaryFontChanged=0;
+unsigned TScreenAlcon::fontW;
+unsigned TScreenAlcon::fontWb;
+unsigned TScreenAlcon::fontH;
+unsigned TScreenAlcon::fontSz;
+TScreen *TV_AlconDriverCheck()
+ TScreenAlcon *drv = new TScreenAlcon();
+ if (!TScreen::initialized) {
+ delete drv;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return drv;
+ // TODO: That's wrong we should be shure Allegro will succeed before doing it.
+ if (dCB) dCB();
+ screenWidth=80; screenHeight=25;
+ fontW=8; fontH=16;
+ /* Code page */
+ optSearch("AppCP",forcedAppCP);
+ optSearch("ScrCP",forcedScrCP);
+ optSearch("InpCP",forcedInpCP);
+ /* User settings have more priority than detected settings */
+ codePage=new TVCodePage(forcedAppCP!=-1 ? forcedAppCP : TVCodePage::ISOLatin1Linux,
+ forcedScrCP!=-1 ? forcedScrCP : TVCodePage::ISOLatin1Linux,
+ forcedInpCP!=-1 ? forcedInpCP : TVCodePage::ISOLatin1Linux);
+ SetDefaultCodePages(TVCodePage::ISOLatin1Linux,TVCodePage::ISOLatin1Linux,
+ TVCodePage::ISOLatin1Linux);
+ long aux;
+ if (optSearch("ScreenWidth",aux))
+ screenWidth=aux;
+ if (optSearch("ScreenHeight",aux))
+ screenHeight=aux;
+ if (optSearch("FontWidth",aux))
+ fontW=aux;
+ if (optSearch("FontHeight",aux))
+ fontH=aux;
+ const char *lang = optSearch("KeyboardMapping");
+ if (lang) {
+ AlCon_ForcedKeyboard[0] = lang[0];
+ if (lang[0])
+ AlCon_ForcedKeyboard[1] = lang[1];
+ }
+ // Set extra cursor bits through config parameters.
+ { \
+ if (optSearch(CONFIG_NAME, aux)) \
+ if (aux) \
+ AlCon_CursorBits |= BIT_NAME; \
+ }
+ #undef READ_BIT
+ uchar *fontData=NULL;
+ int freeFontData=1;
+ TScreenFont256 *secFont=NULL;
+ TScreenFont256 *useFont=NULL;
+ if (fontW==10 && fontH==20)
+ defaultFont=&font10x20;
+ if (!frCB || !(useFont=frCB(0,fontW,fontH)))
+ {
+ useFont=defaultFont;
+ freeFontData=0;
+ }
+ fontW=useFont->w;
+ fontH=useFont->h;
+ fontWb=(useFont->w+7)/8;
+ fontSz=fontWb*fontH;
+ fontData=useFont->data;
+ // Create screen.
+ TScreenColor *pal=parseUserPalette() ? UserStartPalette : PC_BIOSPalette;
+ int res=AlCon_Init(screenWidth,screenHeight,fontW,fontH,fontData,(AlCon_Color *)pal);
+ if (freeFontData)
+ {/* Provided by the call back */
+ DeleteArray(useFont->data);
+ delete useFont;
+ }
+ if (res)
+ return;
+ // Secondary font.
+ aux=0;
+ if (frCB && optSearch("LoadSecondaryFont",aux) && aux)
+ {
+ secFont=frCB(1,fontW,fontH);
+ if (secFont)
+ {
+ AlCon_SetFont(1,secFont->data,fontW,fontH);
+ DeleteArray(secFont->data);
+ delete secFont;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ Even though we initialised AlCon with a wanted screen
+ width and height, it might have had to change it in order
+ to accomodate the font which was loaded.
+ */
+ screenWidth = AlCon_ScreenCols();
+ screenHeight = AlCon_ScreenRows();
+ memcpy(ActualPalette,AlCon_CurPalette,sizeof(ActualPalette));
+ memcpy(OriginalPalette,AlCon_CurPalette,sizeof(OriginalPalette));
+ // Find font geometry
+ AlCon_GetFontGeometry(&fontW,&fontH);
+ fontWb=(fontW+7)/8;
+ fontSz=fontWb*fontH;
+ TDisplayAlcon::Init();
+ TScreen::Resume=Resume;
+ TScreen::Suspend=Suspend;
+ TScreen::clearScreen=clearScreen;
+ TScreen::getCharacters=getCharacters;
+ TScreen::getCharacter=getCharacter;
+ TScreen::setCharacter=setCharacter;
+ TScreen::setCharacters=setCharacters;
+ TScreen::setDisPaletteColors=SetDisPaletteColors;
+ // Fonts stuff
+ TScreen::getFontGeometry=GetFontGeometry;
+ TScreen::getFontGeometryRange=GetFontGeometryRange;
+ TScreen::setFont_p=SetFont;
+ TScreen::restoreFonts=RestoreFonts;
+ TScreen::setCrtModeRes_p=SetCrtModeRes;
+ initialized=1;
+ TGKeyAlcon::Init();
+ THWMouseAlcon::Init();
+ // Tell TScreen that there is a cursor.
+ setCrtData();
+ startupCursor = cursorLines;
+ startupMode = screenMode;
+ // Create memory buffer for screen. We want a buffer (even though
+ // AlCon is buffered) because otherwise TVision will use simple
+ // memcpy calls to "paint" the screen. We don't want this, because
+ // Allegro has to be told when to update the screen. So it's a
+ // buffer on top of Allegro's buffer so that Allegro get's called.
+ // Wicked. But works.
+ screenBuffer=new uint16[screenWidth*screenHeight];
+ flags0|=CanSetPalette | CanReadPalette | CanSetBFont | CanSetSBFont |
+ CanSetVideoSize;
+ suspended=0;
+void TScreenAlcon::Resume()
+ AlCon_Redraw();
+ AlCon_EnableAsync();
+void TScreenAlcon::Suspend()
+ AlCon_DisableAsync();
+ delete[] screenBuffer;
+ // Deinitialize all.
+ AlCon_Exit();
+void TScreenAlcon::clearScreen()
+ TDisplay::clearScreen(AlCon_ScreenCols(), AlCon_ScreenCols());
+ushort TScreenAlcon::getCharacter(unsigned offset)
+ ushort buffer;
+ AlCon_GetScrChars(offset, &buffer, 1);
+ return buffer;
+void TScreenAlcon::getCharacters(unsigned offset, ushort *buffer, unsigned count)
+ AlCon_GetScrChars(offset, buffer, count);
+void TScreenAlcon::setCharacter(unsigned offset, ushort value)
+ AlCon_PutChar(offset, value);
+void TScreenAlcon::setCharacters(unsigned offset, ushort *values, unsigned count)
+ AlCon_PutBuf(offset, values, count);
+int TScreenAlcon::GetFontGeometry(unsigned &w, unsigned &h)
+ w=fontW;
+ h=fontH;
+ return 1;
+int TScreenAlcon::GetFontGeometryRange(unsigned &wmin, unsigned &hmin,
+ unsigned &wmax, unsigned &hmax)
+ wmin=foWmin;
+ hmin=foHmin;
+ wmax=foWmax;
+ hmax=foHmax;
+ return 1;
+int TScreenAlcon::SetFont(int changeP, TScreenFont256 *fontP,
+ int changeS, TScreenFont256 *fontS,
+ int fontCP, int appCP)
+ if (!changeP && !changeS) return 1;
+ // Check for restore fonts
+ if (changeP && !fontP && ((!changeS && !useSecondaryFont) || (changeS && !fontS)))
+ fontP=defaultFont;
+ // Solve the sizes
+ unsigned wP, hP, wS, hS;
+ if (changeP)
+ {
+ if (fontP)
+ {
+ wP=fontP->w;
+ hP=fontP->h;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wP=defaultFont->w;
+ hP=defaultFont->h;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wP=fontW;
+ hP=fontH;
+ }
+ if (changeS)
+ {
+ if (fontS)
+ {
+ wS=fontS->w;
+ hS=fontS->h;
+ }
+ else
+ {// Disabled
+ wS=wP;
+ hS=hP;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (useSecondaryFont)
+ {
+ wS=fontW;
+ hS=fontH;
+ }
+ else
+ {// Disabled
+ wS=wP;
+ hS=hP;
+ }
+ }
+ // Size missmatch
+ if (wP!=wS || hP!=hS) return 0;
+ // This driver currently doesn't support changing the font size on the fly
+ //if (wP!=fontW || hP!=fontH) return 0;
+ // Check if the size is in the range
+ if (wP<foWmin || wP>foWmax || hP<foHmin || hP>foHmax)
+ return 0;
+ // Change the requested fonts
+ if (changeP)
+ {
+ if (fontP && fontP->data)
+ {
+ AlCon_SetFont(0,fontP->data,wP,hP);
+ primaryFontChanged=1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AlCon_SetFont(0,defaultFont->data,wP,hP);
+ primaryFontChanged=0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (changeS)
+ {
+ if (fontS)
+ {
+ AlCon_SetFont(1,fontS->data,wP,hP);
+ useSecondaryFont=1;
+ AlCon_EnableSecFont();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ useSecondaryFont=0;
+ AlCon_DisableSecFont();
+ }
+ }
+ // Change the code page
+ if (changeP && fontCP!=-1)
+ {
+ if (appCP==-1)
+ TVCodePage::SetScreenCodePage(fontCP);
+ else
+ TVCodePage::SetCodePage(appCP,fontCP,-1);
+ }
+ if (wP!=fontW || hP!=fontH)
+ {
+ DoResize(wP,hP);
+ }
+ AlCon_Redraw();
+ return 1;
+void TScreenAlcon::RestoreFonts()
+ SetFont(1,NULL,1,NULL,TVCodePage::ISOLatin1Linux,TVCodePage::ISOLatin1Linux);
+int TScreenAlcon::SetDisPaletteColors(int from, int number, TScreenColor *colors)
+ int i=AlCon_SetDisPaletteColors(from,number,(AlCon_Color *)colors);
+ AlCon_Redraw();
+ return i;
+ Description: Called to perform a screen resize. The fonts for the new
+ screen size have already been loaded. The parameters indicate the size
+ in pixels of each text cell. Therefore, this function adjusts the cursor,
+ some internal variables, and requests Allegro to set a different size.
+void TScreenAlcon::DoResize(unsigned w, unsigned h)
+ ASSERT(w>0);
+ ASSERT(h>0);
+ int ret=AlCon_Resize(screenWidth,screenHeight,w,h);
+ if (ret!=0)
+ {
+ PRINTF("Ayeeee! A monkey with three heads! %d\n", ret);
+ exit(ret);
+ }
+ if (w!=fontW || h!=fontH)
+ {
+ int cShapeFrom, cShapeTo;
+ AlCon_GetCursorShape(&cShapeFrom,&cShapeTo);
+ double start=cShapeFrom/(double)fontH;
+ double end =cShapeTo/(double)fontH;
+ fontW=w;
+ fontWb=(w+7)/8;
+ fontH=h;
+ fontSz=fontWb*h;
+ /* Change the cursor shape */
+ cShapeFrom=int(start*fontH+0.5);
+ cShapeTo =int(end*fontH+0.5);
+ if ((unsigned)cShapeFrom>=fontH) cShapeFrom=fontH-1;
+ if ((unsigned)cShapeTo>=fontH) cShapeTo=fontH-1;
+ AlCon_SetCursorShape(cShapeFrom,cShapeTo);
+ }
+ /* Compute cursor position and draw it */
+ AlCon_GotoXY(AlCon_WhereX(),AlCon_WhereY());
+int TScreenAlcon::SetCrtModeRes(unsigned w, unsigned h, int fW, int fH)
+ if (fW==-1) fW=fontW;
+ if (fH==-1) fH=fontH;
+ if (w==screenWidth && h==screenHeight &&
+ fontW==(unsigned)fW && fontH==(unsigned)fH) return 0;
+ unsigned nW=fontW, nH=fontH;
+ TScreenFont256 *nFont=NULL,*nsFont=NULL;
+ int releaseFont=0, releaseSFont=0, resetFont=0;
+ // Solve the fonts, don't change them yet.
+ if ((unsigned)fW!=fontW || (unsigned)fH!=fontH)
+ {
+ if (primaryFontChanged)
+ {// The application set a font, ask for this new one
+ if (frCB && (nFont=frCB(0,fW,fH)))
+ releaseFont=1;
+ else
+ {// No replacement available, revert to our font.
+ resetFont=1;
+ nFont=&font8x16;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (fW==8 && fH==16)
+ resetFont=1, nFont=&font8x16;
+ else if (frCB && (nFont=frCB(0,fW,fH)))
+ releaseFont=1;
+ else
+ resetFont=1, nFont=&font8x16;
+ }
+ nW=nFont->w;
+ nH=nFont->h;
+ if ((nW!=fontW || nH!=fontH) && useSecondaryFont)
+ {
+ if (frCB && (nsFont=frCB(1,nW,nH)))
+ releaseSFont=1;
+ }
+ }
+ AlCon_DisableAsync();
+ if (nFont)
+ {
+ AlCon_SetFont(0,nFont->data,nW,nH);
+ if (resetFont)
+ primaryFontChanged=0;
+ if (releaseFont)
+ {
+ DeleteArray(nFont->data);
+ delete nFont;
+ }
+ }
+ if (useSecondaryFont)
+ {
+ if (nsFont)
+ AlCon_SetFont(1,nsFont->data,nW,nH);
+ }
+ // Should I check the size?
+ screenWidth=w; screenHeight=h;
+ delete[] screenBuffer;
+ screenBuffer=new uint16[screenWidth*screenHeight];
+ memset(screenBuffer,0,screenWidth*screenHeight*sizeof(uint16));
+ AlCon_EnableAsync();
+ DoResize(nW,nH);
+ return (nW==(unsigned)fW && nH==(unsigned)fH) ? 1 : 2;
+#endif // HAVE_ALLEGRO