path: root/rhtvision/classes/linux/
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1 files changed, 937 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rhtvision/classes/linux/ b/rhtvision/classes/linux/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..253f5b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rhtvision/classes/linux/
@@ -0,0 +1,937 @@
+ Linux keyboard routines.
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Salvador E. Tropea (SET)
+ Some portions come from code:
+ Copyright (c) 1998 by Robert Hoehne.
+ Covered by the GPL license.
+ This driver is a relatively complex one because:
+ 1) Deals with console mode.
+ 2) Translates keyboard codes.
+ 3) Parses escape sequences.
+ 4) Patches keyboard tables and restores it on console switchs.
+ Todo:
+ * How do I setup things before they are hooked? SetKbdMapping needs to
+ be reworked.
+ * Should I move VT detection to a separated module?
+ * Asegurarse que atexit se llame el que restaura el teclado.
+ * El módulo de TScreenLinux tendría que llamar a InitOnce(), si esto le da
+ error no seguir. Y si el tien problemas debería llamar al Suspend() para
+ que restaure.
+#include <tv/configtv.h>
+#define Uses_stdio
+#define Uses_string
+#define Uses_unistd
+#define Uses_signal
+#define Uses_TEvent
+#define Uses_TGKey
+#define Uses_FullSingleKeySymbols
+#define Uses_TScreen
+#define Uses_TVCodePage
+#include <tv.h>
+// I delay the check to generate as much dependencies as possible
+#ifdef TVOSf_Linux
+#include <termios.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+// For the VT and key patch stuff
+#include <sys/kd.h>
+#include <sys/vt.h>
+#include <tv/linux/key.h>
+#include <tv/linux/screen.h>
+#include <tv/linux/log.h>
+int TGKeyLinux::hIn=-1;
+FILE *TGKeyLinux::fIn=NULL;
+int TGKeyLinux::oldInFlags;
+int TGKeyLinux::newInFlags;
+struct termios TGKeyLinux::inTermiosOrig;
+struct termios TGKeyLinux::inTermiosNew;
+const char *TGKeyLinux::error=NULL;
+int TGKeyLinux::bufferKeys[MaxLenEscapeSequence];
+int TGKeyLinux::keysInBuffer=0;
+int TGKeyLinux::nextKey=-1;
+int TGKeyLinux::lastKeyCode;
+int TGKeyLinux::lastModifiers;
+int TGKeyLinux::translatedModifiers;
+char TGKeyLinux::dontPatchKeyboard=0;
+int TGKeyLinux::ourVT=-1;
+struct vt_mode TGKeyLinux::oldVTMode;
+struct vt_mode TGKeyLinux::newVTMode;
+char TGKeyLinux::vtHooked=0;
+char TGKeyLinux::canPatchKeyboard=0;
+char TGKeyLinux::keyPatched=0;
+char TGKeyLinux::ascii;
+struct kbentry TGKeyLinux::entry;
+/* Linux IOCTL values found experimentally */
+const int kblNormal=0,kblShift=1,kblAltR=2,kblCtrl=4,kblAltL=8;
+ Description:
+ Does initialization tasks performed only once.
+ Return:
+ 0 if success, !=0 if an error ocurred. In the last case the error member
+points to a descriptive error.
+int TGKeyLinux::InitOnce()
+ LOG("TGKeyLinux::InitOnce");
+ hIn=fileno(stdin);
+ if (!isatty(hIn))
+ {
+ error=_("that's an interactive application, don't redirect stdin");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // We can't use stdin for all the operations, instead we must open it again
+ // using another file descriptor.
+ // Here is why: In order to get some keys, I saw it for ESC pressed alone,
+ // we must set the O_NONBLOCK attribute.
+ // We can do it, but the stdout file handle seems to be just a copy of the
+ // stdin file handle (dupped?). When you use duplicated file handles they
+ // share the "File Status Flags". It means that setting O_NONBLOCK will
+ // set O_NONBLOCK for output too. So what? well when we do that the one that
+ // doesn't block is Linux kernel, so if we send too much information to
+ // stdout, no matters if we use fflush, sometimes Linux could lose data.
+ // This effect seems to happend at exit, may be because owr process dies
+ // before Linux have a chance to process the remaining data and it closes
+ // the file handle. The fact is that using O_NONBLOCK sometimes we fail to
+ // restore the cursor position.
+ // Now a question remains: do I have to restore the mode?
+ char *ttyName=ttyname(hIn);
+ if (!ttyName)
+ {
+ error=_("failed to get the name of the current terminal used for input");
+ return 3;
+ }
+ fIn=fopen(ttyName,"r+b");
+ if (!fIn)
+ {
+ error=_("failed to open the input terminal");
+ return 4;
+ }
+ hIn=fileno(fIn);
+ if (tcgetattr(hIn,&inTermiosOrig))
+ {
+ error=_("can't get input terminal attributes");
+ return 2;
+ }
+ memcpy(&inTermiosNew,&inTermiosOrig,sizeof(inTermiosNew));
+ // Ignore breaks
+ inTermiosNew.c_iflag|= (IGNBRK | BRKINT);
+ // Disable Xon/off
+ inTermiosNew.c_iflag&= ~(IXOFF | IXON);
+ // Character oriented, no echo, no signals
+ inTermiosNew.c_lflag&= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ISIG);
+ if (tcsetattr(hIn,TCSAFLUSH,&inTermiosNew))
+ {
+ error=_("can't set input terminal attributes");
+ return 3;
+ }
+ // Don't block, needed to get some keys, even when the input is in character
+ // oriented mode. I saw it for ESC alone.
+ oldInFlags=fcntl(hIn,F_GETFL,0);
+ newInFlags=oldInFlags | O_NONBLOCK;
+ fcntl(hIn,F_SETFL,newInFlags);
+ // Find if we are running in a VT and if that's the case the number
+ // This name should be the same but ...
+ ttyName=ttyname(STDOUT_FILENO);
+ if (ttyName)
+ {
+ if (sscanf(ttyName,"/dev/tty%2d",&ourVT)!=1)
+ // SET: Some Slackware systems (I think that is what Andris uses)
+ // define /dev/ttyNN as symlinks to /dev/vc/NN:
+ if (sscanf(ttyName,"/dev/vc/%2d",&ourVT)!=1)
+ ourVT=-1;
+ }
+ // Get the mode of the current VT
+ if (ourVT!=-1)
+ {
+ if (ioctl(hIn,VT_GETMODE,&oldVTMode))
+ // If we fail disable it
+ ourVT=-1;
+ else
+ {// Tell the kernel to inform us about console changes
+ newVTMode=oldVTMode;
+ newVTMode.mode =VT_PROCESS;
+ newVTMode.relsig=SIGUSR1;
+ newVTMode.acqsig=SIGUSR2;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if we can patch the keyboard
+ canPatchKeyboard=0;
+ long optPatchKeys=1; // Default is patch the keyboard
+ TScreen::optSearch("PatchKeys",optPatchKeys);
+ if (optPatchKeys && ourVT!=-1 && ioctl(hIn,KDGKBENT,&entry)==0)
+ {
+ canPatchKeyboard=1;
+ keyMapInit();
+ }
+ // Now do the hook/patching
+ doHookAndPatch();
+ // We don't need to call Resume
+ suspended=0;
+ return 0;
+ Description:
+ Restore the original console state.
+void TGKeyLinux::Suspend()
+ doUnHookAndUnPatch();
+ // Now we use a new opened file handle for input.
+ // As these flags are the flags for the file handle (not the terminal itself)
+ // we don't need to restore the originals.
+ // Why don't do it anyways? because the TScreen::resume is called before and
+ // it needs to get the cursor position using escape sequences without waiting
+ // for an EOL.
+ //fcntl(hIn,F_SETFL,oldInFlags);
+ tcsetattr(hIn,TCSAFLUSH,&inTermiosOrig);
+ LOG("TGKeyLinux::Suspend");
+ Description:
+ Memorize current console state and setup the one needed for us.
+void TGKeyLinux::Resume()
+{// Read current state
+ tcgetattr(hIn,&inTermiosOrig);
+ oldInFlags=fcntl(hIn,F_GETFL,0);
+ // Set our state
+ tcsetattr(hIn,TCSAFLUSH,&inTermiosNew);
+ // The following shouldn't be needed, I'll let it here unless I discover
+ // some side effect.
+ fcntl(hIn,F_SETFL,newInFlags);
+ // The user could do some action to alter the keyboard mapping tables
+ if (canPatchKeyboard)
+ keyMapInit();
+ // Patch keyboard and hook the signals
+ doHookAndPatch();
+ LOG("TGKeyLinux::Resume");
+int TGKeyLinux::KbHit()
+ if (keysInBuffer || nextKey!=-1)
+ return 1; // We have a key waiting for processing
+ nextKey=fgetc(fIn);
+ return nextKey!=-1;
+void TGKeyLinux::Clear()
+ // Discard our buffer
+ keysInBuffer=0;
+ // Discard a key waiting
+ nextKey=-1;
+ // Flush the input
+ fflush(fIn);
+ Here starts the keyboard parser and translator.
+ It uses a static tree/hash to parse the escape sequences, may be this should
+be configurable.
+// - 9 = Tab tiene conflicto con kbI+Control lo cual es natural, por otro
+// -lado Ctrl+Tab no lo reporta en forma natural
+// - a = Enter tiene conflicto con ^J, como ^J no lo reporta naturalmente sino
+// -forzado por el keymap lo mejor es definirlo directamente.
+unsigned char TGKeyLinux::kbToName[128] =
+ 0,kbA,kbB,kbC,kbD,kbE,kbF,kbG, // 00-07
+ kbH,kbTab,kbEnter,kbK,kbL,kbM,kbN,kbO, // 08-0F
+ kbP,kbQ,kbR,kbS,kbT,kbU,kbV,kbW, // 10-17
+ kbX,kbY,kbZ,kbEsc,0,kbCloseBrace,kb6,kbMinus, // 18-1F
+ kbSpace,kbAdmid,kbDobleQuote,kbNumeral,kbDolar,kbPercent,kbAmper,kbQuote,// 20-27
+ kbOpenPar,kbClosePar,kbAsterisk,kbPlus,kbComma,kbMinus,kbStop,kbSlash, // 28-2F
+ kb0,kb1,kb2,kb3,kb4,kb5,kb6,kb7, // 30-37
+ kb8,kb9,kbDoubleDot,kbColon,kbLessThan,kbEqual,kbGreaterThan,kbQuestion, // 38-3F
+ kbA_Roba,kbA,kbB,kbC,kbD,kbE,kbF,kbG, // 40-47
+ kbH,kbI,kbJ,kbK,kbL,kbM,kbN,kbO, // 48-4F
+ kbP,kbQ,kbR,kbS,kbT,kbU,kbV,kbW, // 50-57
+ kbX,kbY,kbZ,kbOpenBrace,kbBackSlash,kbCloseBrace,kbCaret,kbUnderLine, // 58-5F
+ kbGrave,kbA,kbB,kbC,kbD,kbE,kbF,kbG, // 60-67
+ kbH,kbI,kbJ,kbK,kbL,kbM,kbN,kbO, // 68-6F
+ kbP,kbQ,kbR,kbS,kbT,kbU,kbV,kbW, // 70-77
+ kbX,kbY,kbZ,kbOpenCurly,kbOr,kbCloseCurly,kbTilde,kbBackSpace // 78-7F
+unsigned char TGKeyLinux::kbExtraFlags[128] =
+ 0,kblCtrl,kblCtrl,kblCtrl,kblCtrl,kblCtrl,kblCtrl,kblCtrl, // 00-07
+ kblCtrl,0,0,kblCtrl,kblCtrl,kblCtrl,kblCtrl,kblCtrl, // 08-0F
+ kblCtrl,kblCtrl,kblCtrl,kblCtrl,kblCtrl,kblCtrl,kblCtrl,kblCtrl, // 10-17
+ kblCtrl,kblCtrl,kblCtrl,0,0,kblCtrl,kblCtrl,kblCtrl, // 18-1F
+ 0,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,0, // 20-27
+ kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,0,0,0,0, // 28-2F
+ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 30-37
+ 0,0,kblShift,0,kblShift,0,kblShift,kblShift, // 38-3F
+ kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift, // 40-47
+ kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift, // 48-4F
+ kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift, // 50-57
+ kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,0,0,0,kblShift,kblShift, // 58-5F
+ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 60-67
+ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 68-6F
+ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 70-77
+ 0,0,0,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,kblShift,0, // 78-7F
+/************************** Escape sequences tree **************************/
+struct node
+ char value;
+ unsigned char code;
+ unsigned char modifiers;
+ node *next;
+static node F6[]={{1,0,0},{'~',kbF6,0,0}};
+static node F7[]={{1,0,0},{'~',kbF7,0,0}};
+static node F8[]={{1,0,0},{'~',kbF8,0,0}};
+static node F9[]={{1,0,0},{'~',kbF9,0,0}};
+static node F10[]={{1,0,0},{'~',kbF10,0,0}};
+static node F11[]={{1,0,0},{'~',kbF11,0,0}};
+static node F12[]={{1,0,0},{'~',kbF12,0,0}};
+static node Delete[]={{1,0,0},{'~',kbDelete,0,0}};
+static node End[]={{1,0,0},{'~',kbEnd,0,0}};
+static node PgUp[]={{1,0,0},{'~',kbPgUp,0,0}};
+static node PgDn[]={{1,0,0},{'~',kbPgDn,0,0}};
+static node Brace1[]=
+ {4,0,0},
+ {'~',kbHome,0,0},
+ {'7',0,0,F6},
+ {'8',0,0,F7},
+ {'9',0,0,F8}
+static node Brace2[]=
+ {5,0,0},
+ {'~',kbInsert,0,0},
+ {'0',0,0,F9},
+ {'1',0,0,F10},
+ {'3',0,0,F11},
+ {'4',0,0,F12}
+static node BraceKeys[]=
+ {5,0,0},
+ {'A',kbF1,0,0},
+ {'B',kbF2,0,0},
+ {'C',kbF3,0,0},
+ {'D',kbF4,0,0},
+ {'E',kbF5,0,0},
+static node Sequences[]=
+ {13,0,0},
+ {'[',0,0,BraceKeys},
+ {'A',kbUp,0,0},
+ {'B',kbDown,0,0},
+ {'C',kbRight,0,0},
+ {'D',kbLeft,0,0},
+ {'G',kb5,0,0},
+ {'P',kbPause,0,0},
+ {'1',0,0,Brace1},
+ {'2',0,0,Brace2},
+ {'3',0,0,Delete},
+ {'4',0,0,End},
+ {'5',0,0,PgUp},
+ {'6',0,0,PgDn}
+static node Keys[]=
+ {1,0,0},
+ {'[',0,0,Sequences}
+/*********************** End of escape sequences tree ***********************/
+ Description:
+ Parse a escape sequence.
+ Returns: 1 if the sequence found, 0 if not and the keys are stored in the
+int TGKeyLinux::ProcessEscape()
+ int nextVal;
+ nextVal=fgetc(fIn);
+ if (nextVal==EOF) // Just ESC
+ return 0;
+ node *p=Keys;
+ int cant,i;
+ keysInBuffer=0;
+ while (nextVal!=EOF)
+ {
+ NextNode:
+ bufferKeys[keysInBuffer++]=nextVal;
+ cant=p->value;
+ for (i=1; i<=cant; i++)
+ {
+ if (p[i].value==nextVal)
+ {
+ if (p[i].next)
+ {
+ p=p[i].next;
+ nextVal=fgetc(fIn);
+ goto NextNode;
+ }
+ lastKeyCode=p[i].code;
+ lastModifiers=p[i].modifiers;
+ keysInBuffer=0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int TGKeyLinux::GetKeyFromBuffer()
+ int ret=bufferKeys[--keysInBuffer];
+ if (keysInBuffer)
+ memcpy(bufferKeys,bufferKeys+1,keysInBuffer);
+ return ret;
+ Description:
+ Gets a key from the buffer, waiting value or stdin and if needed calls
+the escape sequence parser.
+int TGKeyLinux::GetKeyParsed()
+ lastModifiers=0;
+ translatedModifiers=-1;
+ // If we have keys in the buffer take from there.
+ // They already failed the escape sequence test.
+ if (keysInBuffer)
+ return GetKeyFromBuffer();
+ // Use the value we have on hold or get a new one
+ int nextVal=nextKey;
+ nextKey=-1;
+ if (nextVal==-1)
+ nextVal=fgetc(fIn);
+ if (nextVal==-1)
+ return -1;
+ // Is that an escape sequence?
+ if (nextVal=='\e')
+ {
+ if (ProcessEscape())
+ return -2;
+ if (!keysInBuffer)
+ return '\e';
+ lastKeyCode=GetKeyFromBuffer();
+ lastModifiers=kblAltL;
+ return -3;
+ }
+ return nextVal;
+ Description:
+ Gets the next key, their modifiers and ASCII. Is a postprocessor for
+int TGKeyLinux::GetRaw()
+ int result=GetKeyParsed();
+ if (result==-1)
+ return 0; // No key
+ if (result==-2)
+ {
+ lastModifiers|=GetLinuxShiftState();
+ ascii=0;
+ return 1; // Key already processed
+ }
+ if (result==-3) // Forced modifier
+ {
+ result=lastKeyCode;
+ ascii=result>127 ? result : 0;
+ }
+ else
+ ascii=result;
+ // Translate the key
+ if (result>=128)
+ lastKeyCode=kbUnkNown;
+ else
+ {
+ lastModifiers|=kbExtraFlags[result];
+ lastKeyCode=kbToName[result];
+ }
+ lastModifiers|=GetLinuxShiftState();
+ return 1;
+ Description:
+ Gets a key from the input and converts it into the TV format.
+ushort TGKeyLinux::GKey()
+ if (GetRaw())
+ { // Here I add the modifiers to the key code
+ if (lastModifiers & kblShift)
+ lastKeyCode|=kbShiftCode;
+ if (lastModifiers & kblCtrl)
+ lastKeyCode|=kbCtrlCode;
+ switch (AltSet)
+ {
+ case 0: // Normal thing, left is left, right is right
+ if (lastModifiers & kblAltL)
+ lastKeyCode|=kbAltLCode;
+ else
+ if (lastModifiers & kblAltR)
+ lastKeyCode|=kbAltRCode;
+ break;
+ case 1: // Reverse thing
+ if (lastModifiers & kblAltL)
+ lastKeyCode|=kbAltRCode;
+ else
+ if (lastModifiers & kblAltR)
+ lastKeyCode|=kbAltLCode;
+ break;
+ default: // Compatibility
+ if (lastModifiers & (kblAltL | kblAltR))
+ lastKeyCode|=kbAltLCode;
+ }
+ return lastKeyCode;
+ }
+ return kbUnkNown;
+ End of parser and translator.
+ Description:
+ Finds the value of the modifiers, if the ioctl fails the values we know
+from the last key are used.
+ Return: The modifiers in Linux kernel format.
+unsigned TGKeyLinux::GetLinuxShiftState()
+ int arg=6; /* TIOCLINUX function #6 */
+ unsigned shift=0;
+ if (ioctl(hIn,TIOCLINUX,&arg)!=-1)
+ shift=arg;
+ else
+ shift=lastModifiers;
+ return shift;
+ Description:
+ Finds the value of the modifiers in TV format.
+unsigned TGKeyLinux::GetShiftState()
+ lastModifiers=GetLinuxShiftState();
+ if (!lastModifiers) return 0;
+ if (translatedModifiers==-1)
+ {
+ translatedModifiers=0;
+ if (lastModifiers & kblShift)
+ translatedModifiers|=kbLeftShiftDown | kbRightShiftDown;
+ if (lastModifiers & kblCtrl)
+ translatedModifiers|=kbLeftCtrlDown | kbRightCtrlDown | kbCtrlDown;
+ if (lastModifiers & kblAltR)
+ translatedModifiers|=kbRightAltDown | kbAltDown;
+ if (lastModifiers & kblAltL)
+ translatedModifiers|=kbLeftAltDown | kbAltDown;
+ }
+ return translatedModifiers;
+ Description:
+ Fills the TV event structure for a key.
+void TGKeyLinux::FillTEvent(TEvent &e)
+ GKey();
+ e.keyDown.charScan.charCode=lastModifiers & kblAltL ? 0 : ascii;
+ e.keyDown.charScan.scanCode=ascii;
+ e.keyDown.raw_scanCode=ascii;
+ e.keyDown.keyCode=lastKeyCode;
+ e.keyDown.shiftState=lastModifiers;
+ e.what=evKeyDown;
+ Here starts the code to modify Linux kernel tables in order to get better
+keyboard information.
+ Basically it makes Linux kernel map the key+modifiers to the key alone.
+That's because these keys acts in special ways when a modifier is applied and
+the application can't receive the key.
+ An example: Shift+PgUp is usually mapped to "scroll up one screen", so we
+map it to just PgUp. In this way we get the key, then we get the modifiers
+from the ioctl.
+ That's the code based in Robert's code it was readapted but the idea is
+the same.
+ The code is complicated because we must restore the map when the user
+changes to another console. So most of the code deals with the signals
+related to virtual console switching.
+typedef struct
+ uchar change_table;
+ uchar change_index;
+ uchar old_table;
+ uchar old_index;
+ ushort old_val;
+ ushort new_val;
+} change_entry;
+#define SCAN_F1 0x3b
+#define SCAN_F2 0x3c
+#define SCAN_F3 0x3d
+#define SCAN_F4 0x3e
+#define SCAN_F5 0x3f
+#define SCAN_F6 0x40
+#define SCAN_F7 0x41
+#define SCAN_F8 0x42
+#define SCAN_F9 0x43
+#define SCAN_F10 0x44
+#define SCAN_Q 0x10
+#define SCAN_S 0x1f
+#define SCAN_J 0x24
+#define SCAN_M 0x32
+#define SCAN_Z 0x2C
+#define SCAN_PGUP 104
+#define SCAN_PGDN 109
+#define SCAN_BKSP 14
+#define SCAN_SPAC 57
+#define SCAN_TAB 15
+// As ^[ is usually Esc we must be sure it doesn't happend
+#define SCAN_LFBR 26
+// The Scroll lock key is evil for an interactive application
+// As in my keyboard that's above Home and some people wrongly
+// press it instead of Home I'm translating to Home.
+#define SCAN_SCRL 70
+#define SCAN_HOME 102
+change_entry changes[]=
+ { kblAltL, SCAN_F1, kblNormal, SCAN_F1, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltR, SCAN_F1, kblNormal, SCAN_F1, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_F1, kblNormal, SCAN_F1, 0, 0},
+ { kblShift, SCAN_F1, kblNormal, SCAN_F1, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltL, SCAN_F2, kblNormal, SCAN_F2, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltR, SCAN_F2, kblNormal, SCAN_F2, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_F2, kblNormal, SCAN_F2, 0, 0},
+ { kblShift, SCAN_F2, kblNormal, SCAN_F2, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltL, SCAN_F3, kblNormal, SCAN_F3, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltR, SCAN_F3, kblNormal, SCAN_F3, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_F3, kblNormal, SCAN_F3, 0, 0},
+ { kblShift, SCAN_F3, kblNormal, SCAN_F3, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltL, SCAN_F4, kblNormal, SCAN_F4, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltR, SCAN_F4, kblNormal, SCAN_F4, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_F4, kblNormal, SCAN_F4, 0, 0},
+ { kblShift, SCAN_F4, kblNormal, SCAN_F4, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltL, SCAN_F5, kblNormal, SCAN_F5, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltR, SCAN_F5, kblNormal, SCAN_F5, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_F5, kblNormal, SCAN_F5, 0, 0},
+ { kblShift, SCAN_F5, kblNormal, SCAN_F5, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltL, SCAN_F6, kblNormal, SCAN_F6, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltR, SCAN_F6, kblNormal, SCAN_F6, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_F6, kblNormal, SCAN_F6, 0, 0},
+ { kblShift, SCAN_F6, kblNormal, SCAN_F6, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltL, SCAN_F7, kblNormal, SCAN_F7, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltR, SCAN_F7, kblNormal, SCAN_F7, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_F7, kblNormal, SCAN_F7, 0, 0},
+ { kblShift, SCAN_F7, kblNormal, SCAN_F7, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltL, SCAN_F8, kblNormal, SCAN_F8, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltR, SCAN_F8, kblNormal, SCAN_F8, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_F8, kblNormal, SCAN_F8, 0, 0},
+ { kblShift, SCAN_F8, kblNormal, SCAN_F8, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltL, SCAN_F9, kblNormal, SCAN_F9, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltR, SCAN_F9, kblNormal, SCAN_F9, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_F9, kblNormal, SCAN_F9, 0, 0},
+ { kblShift, SCAN_F9, kblNormal, SCAN_F9, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltL, SCAN_F10, kblNormal, SCAN_F10, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltR, SCAN_F10, kblNormal, SCAN_F10, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_F10, kblNormal, SCAN_F10, 0, 0},
+ { kblShift, SCAN_F10, kblNormal, SCAN_F10, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_Q, kblNormal, SCAN_Q, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_S, kblNormal, SCAN_S, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_J, kblNormal, SCAN_J, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_M, kblNormal, SCAN_M, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_Z, kblNormal, SCAN_Z, 0, 0},
+ { kblShift, SCAN_PGUP, kblNormal, SCAN_PGUP, 0, 0},
+ { kblShift, SCAN_PGDN, kblNormal, SCAN_PGDN, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_BKSP, kblNormal, SCAN_BKSP, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_SPAC, kblNormal, SCAN_SPAC, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_LFBR, kblNormal, SCAN_LFBR, 0, 0},
+ { kblNormal,SCAN_SCRL, kblNormal, SCAN_HOME, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltL, SCAN_SCRL, kblNormal, SCAN_HOME, 0, 0},
+ { kblAltR, SCAN_SCRL, kblNormal, SCAN_HOME, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl, SCAN_TAB, kblNormal, SCAN_TAB, 0, 0},
+ { kblCtrl | kblShift, SCAN_TAB, kblNormal, SCAN_TAB, 0, 0}
+#define changeSize (sizeof(changes)/sizeof(change_entry))
+void TGKeyLinux::unPatchKeyMap()
+ if (!canPatchKeyboard || !keyPatched)
+ return;
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i=0;i<changeSize;i++)
+ {
+ change_entry *e=&changes[i];
+ entry.kb_table=e->change_table;
+ entry.kb_index=e->change_index;
+ entry.kb_value=e->old_val;
+ ioctl(hIn,KDSKBENT,&entry);
+ }
+ keyPatched=0;
+void TGKeyLinux::patchKeyMap()
+ if (!canPatchKeyboard || keyPatched)
+ return;
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i=0;i<changeSize;i++)
+ {
+ change_entry *e=&changes[i];
+ entry.kb_table=e->change_table;
+ entry.kb_index=e->change_index;
+ entry.kb_value=e->new_val;
+ ioctl(hIn,KDSKBENT,&entry);
+ }
+ keyPatched=1;
+// Get the information needed to patch/unpatch
+void TGKeyLinux::keyMapInit()
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i=0; i<changeSize; i++)
+ {
+ change_entry *e=&changes[i];
+ entry.kb_table=e->change_table;
+ entry.kb_index=e->change_index;
+ ioctl(hIn,KDGKBENT,&entry);
+ e->old_val=entry.kb_value;
+ entry.kb_table=e->old_table;
+ entry.kb_index=e->old_index;
+ ioctl(hIn,KDGKBENT,&entry);
+ e->new_val=entry.kb_value;
+ }
+void TGKeyLinux::hookVTSignals()
+ if (vtHooked || dontPatchKeyboard || ourVT==-1)
+ return;
+ // -------- Set up signal handlers to know about console switches
+ struct sigaction sig;
+ sigemptyset(&sig.sa_mask);
+ sigaddset(&sig.sa_mask,SIGUSR1);
+ sigaddset(&sig.sa_mask,SIGUSR2);
+ sig.sa_flags=SA_RESTART;
+ sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK,&sig.sa_mask,NULL); // No switches now, we are not
+ // initialized yet
+ sig.sa_handler=releaseVTHandler;
+ sigaction(SIGUSR1,&sig,NULL);
+ sig.sa_handler=acquireVTHandler;
+ sigaction(SIGUSR2,&sig,NULL);
+ vtHooked=1;
+ // -------- Tell our console to inform us about switches
+ if (ioctl(hIn,VT_SETMODE,&newVTMode))
+ {
+ error=_("ioctl VT_SETMODE failed");
+ return;
+ }
+ sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,&sig.sa_mask,NULL);
+void TGKeyLinux::unHookVTSignals()
+ if (!vtHooked || ourVT==-1)
+ return;
+ // Make both signals to behave as default
+ struct sigaction sig;
+ sigemptyset(&sig.sa_mask);
+ sigaddset(&sig.sa_mask,SIGUSR1);
+ sigaddset(&sig.sa_mask,SIGUSR2);
+ sig.sa_flags=SA_RESTART;
+ sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK,&sig.sa_mask,NULL); // No switches now, we are not
+ // initialized yet
+ sig.sa_handler=SIG_DFL;
+ sigaction(SIGUSR1,&sig,NULL);
+ sig.sa_handler=SIG_DFL;
+ sigaction(SIGUSR2,&sig,NULL);
+ ioctl(hIn,VT_SETMODE,&oldVTMode);
+ sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,&sig.sa_mask,NULL);
+ vtHooked=0;
+void TGKeyLinux::releaseVTHandler(int)
+ unPatchKeyMap();
+ TMouse::suspend();
+ TScreenLinux::SuspendFont();
+ ioctl(hIn,VT_RELDISP,1);
+void TGKeyLinux::acquireVTHandler(int)
+ ioctl(hIn,VT_WAITACTIVE,ourVT);
+ patchKeyMap();
+ TMouse::resume();
+ TScreenLinux::ResumeFont();
+void TGKeyLinux::doHookAndPatch()
+ if (!dontPatchKeyboard && canPatchKeyboard)
+ {
+ patchKeyMap();
+ hookVTSignals();
+ }
+void TGKeyLinux::doUnHookAndUnPatch()
+ unPatchKeyMap();
+ unHookVTSignals();
+ End of keyboard patching and VT change hooking
+void TGKeyLinux::SetKbdMapping(int version)
+ if (version==linuxDisableKeyPatch)
+ {
+ dontPatchKeyboard=1;
+ doUnHookAndUnPatch();
+ }
+ else if (version==linuxEnableKeyPatch)
+ {
+ dontPatchKeyboard=0;
+ doHookAndPatch();
+ }
+ Mode=version;
+int TGKeyLinux::GetKbdMapping(int version)
+ if (version==linuxDisableKeyPatch)
+ {
+ return dontPatchKeyboard;
+ }
+ else if (version==linuxEnableKeyPatch)
+ {
+ return !dontPatchKeyboard;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void TGKeyLinux::Init(int map)
+ TGKey::Suspend =TGKeyLinux::Suspend;
+ TGKey::Resume =TGKeyLinux::Resume;
+ TGKey::kbhit =KbHit;
+ TGKey::clear =Clear;
+ TGKey::gkey =GKey;
+ TGKey::getShiftState =GetShiftState;
+ TGKey::fillTEvent =FillTEvent;
+ TGKey::SetKbdMapping =TGKeyLinux::SetKbdMapping;
+ TGKey::GetKbdMapping =TGKeyLinux::GetKbdMapping;
+ if (map==KOI8)
+ {
+ TGKey::SetCodePage(TVCodePage::KOI8r);
+ LOG("Using KOI8 keyboard table");
+ }
+#else // TVOSf_Linux
+#include <tv/linux/key.h>
+#include <tv/linux/log.h>
+#endif // else TVOSf_Linux