path: root/setedit/distrib/distrib2.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'setedit/distrib/distrib2.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 265 deletions
diff --git a/setedit/distrib/distrib2.txt b/setedit/distrib/distrib2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 977a1cc..0000000
--- a/setedit/distrib/distrib2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-That's the announcement that I released the SET's editor @@relname@@ release
-What's SET's editor?
- SETEdit or setedit or SET's editor is a text mode oriented text editor
-with the look & feel of the old Borland's IDE. It have windows that can be
-overlapped, common widgets (buttons, menues, check and radio buttons,
-etc.), mouse support and old the funny things you usually find in a GUI
-editor (even when all is in text mode).
- The editor is mainly oriented for programmers because it have tons of
-tools that helps writing programs, specially C/C++, but suitable to edit
-any kind of text file. In fact the code page and fonts handling options
-make it very suitable to edit text in different encodings and convert it
-back and forth from one encoding to another. Some nice widgets like
-graphical screen savers and MP3 player also makes the editor a funny
- For those who know about RHIDE: setedit is the same editor you can find
-inside RHIDE but without the IDE itself, as it's the last version have more
-features (and bugs?, I hope it have less ;-), seriously, I killed a huge
-number of bugs most small but some very annoying).
- Is also true that some features takes a lot of time to be incorporated to
-RHIDE or just won't be incorporated to RHIDE at all. The standalone editor
-is also very suitable to be used for the parts of your project that are
-handled with makefiles.
-Main features:
-* Easy to use for DOS users because have a lot of CUA and Wordstar commands
-used in the editors of other compilers.
-* Full configurable keyboard.
-* Full configurable menu (OS dependent features and macros in menues).
-* Advanced features: Rectangular blocks, intelligent indent, configurable
-syntax highlight and more.
-* Simple macro language, will be expanded only if the people is interested
-and helps a bit (which is starting to happend).
-* PMacros for fast writing.
-* Real macros.
-* Debugger interface (only for Linux).
-* Documentation tool for libraries or large projects.
-* Fonts, code pages, screen modes and palette customization.
-* You can run make or grep from the editor collecting the errors/hints.
-* Clock and screen saver.
-* Linux and Win32 versions (FreeBSD, QNX and Solaris also supported).
-Why I could want to download it if RHIDE exists?
- The editor is the newest version v@@v@@ and have a lot of differences with
-the one included in RHIDE 1.4 (v0.3.6). Attention! Robert released a new
-beta of RHIDE (1.4.9) containing one of the newest editors.
- Here are some of the reasons you could have:
-1) You like the editor and want to use it without needing to start the whole
-IDE. The editor have a half of the size of RHIDE mainly because GDB isn't
-inside of the editor. I use my editor to edit all the files I create ;-).
-2) You are a RHIDE fanatic and want to test the new features or check if
-some bug was killed.
-3) You are a djgpp fanatic and want to collect anything made with djgpp (I'm
-one of these crazy mans ;-).
-4) You don't like RHIDE at all, you think it sucks, but you think you can
-help to make it a really good thing.
-Ok, where can I get it?
-(DOS/Linux/Win32 sources/binaries/cvs are available from this page
- QNX/FreeBSD/Solaris versions must be compiled from sources).
-[66 new things and 40 fixes]
-New [66 things]:
-+ Debug [12] --> NEW Functionality for *Linux* <--
-* Dialogs to configure the debug mode (local, remote and running process), the
-command line options for the program, gdb binary, xterm binary, messages
-displayed, etc.
-* Breakpoints, simple ones and advanced options including conditional
-breakpoints, breakpoints at functions, ignore count, etc.
-* Watchpoints, they are data breakpoints.
-* Options to run, continue, step over, trace into, run upto return, etc.
-* Options to stop and kill the program.
-* Thread selection.
-* Evaluate and modify data.
-* Data Window and Satck to browse the memory (very complete and with its own
-* Data Watches, like then ones in RHIDE and also with scope.
-* Data Inspectors, used to analyze complex data structures.
-* Disassembler Window, including syntax highlight and allowing to modify the
-* Calling stack, with functionality to browse the call chain.
-+ Various [15]
-* Alternative project sorting mode.
-* Commands to select any window, now Alt+Key is no longer hardcoded.
-* Sections in the docs to help finding what you need.
-* When asking for word completion if the word at the left looks like Class::
-then the editor looks for the class and offers the members.
-* Enhacements to the "Paste Emacs Mode" and the code to search Emacs
-* Now if you don't specify any path to "search files under cursor" the editor
-tries to automagically fills this list using the output of cpp.
-* If the editor fails to find the file under cursor now it also looks for it
-in the project and the current directory.
-* Some rudimentary $(VARIABLE) expansion to the "File under cursor" files
-* A button to recompute window numbers in the list of windows.
-* "File open" dialogs remmembers its size and position.
-* Non interactive versions of the cmcExpandAllTabs and cmcCompactBuffer
-commands to be used from sLisp.
-* Two new commands: cmeGPushCursorPos and cmeGPopCursorPos. They are "global
-push/pop cursor pos". So they also remmember the file.
-* Options to zoom the editor windows when inserted in the desktop.
-* An option to regenerate the central tags file. Used to workaround ctags bug.
-* Modified behavior of the paste operation in input lines: Now the text is
-pasted without destroying the previous value (unless it is selected).
-+ Menu files [4]
-* Context sensitive menues. Also extended the .smn file language to create
-such a thing. Currently used only for the data window and the help.
-* The conditionals in menu files can use the TV driver, CPU, OS, etc. for
-* More variables to check: MP3, PCRE, BZIP2, MIXER and UNIX.
-* $define and $undef and its expansion.
-+ Compilation [2]
-* The posibility to override the "install" command in makefiles.
-* Unified compilation mechanism for BC++.
-+ sLisp [9]
-* FindString, FindAgain, ReplaceString and ReplaceAgain for searches.
-* SelectWindowNumber used to change the focused window.
-* GetCurWindowNumber and GetMaxWindowNumber.
-* You can bind small portions of sLisp code to keys and menu entries.
-* KeyBindings and BindKey commands. With them you can change key bindings
-from sLisp.
-* prex to perform Perl regular expressions searches.
-* GetSystemInfo to know the current OS, TV driver, CPU, etc.
-* More macros examples.
-* Now you can send cme* commands.
-+ Syntax highlight and pmacros [8]
-* Flat Assembler syntax.
-* Ruby syntax.
-* SPARC assembler syntax.
-* WML syntax and pmacros.
-* Errors parser for Perl.
-* C,H and CPP as valid C extensions as valid for C/C++.
-* HTML extensions as valid for HTML.
-* vbe and vst as VHDL extensions.
-+ Cosmetic [16]
-* Project windows are "closed" (hided) when pressing ESC.
-* Windows are opened "zoomed" when the project window isn't visible.
-* When automatically opening a project item now its opened using the relative
-* Select the closest word when using double click and not the next.
-* History to the "arbitrary indent" and "run command" input lines.
-* To lock the screen while doing a search & replace operation to avoid
-"flashing" when doing a lot of S&R operations.
-* Modified: "Do not purge spaces" option to be "Keep trailing whitespace"
-that's more descriptive.
-* A new color scheme called "Classic Borland"
-* A new color scheme called "Midnight Commander"
-* If the Ctrl+Enter fails to find the file under cursor now that's informed
-in the "status line" of the current editor.
-* Most lists (like functions list) now centers the focused item when a match
-is selected.
-* OS/OS flavor,CPU,Compiler/Compiler flavor and Driver to the about box.
-* Configuration options to disable the calculator and calendar.
-* Now the meassure command reports the result in the status line.
-* A beep when "Run a program" finishes. Option to disable.
-* Busy indicator while we load the tags from disk.
-Fixed [40 things]:
-+ Fatal [4]
-* The "Jump" button in the main window of the class browser.
-* Undo count for the first undo wasn't initialized. Unknown consequence.
-* Corrupted MP3 files could produce a crash.
-* Abort when doing word completion and the starting word was "bigger" than
-the last tag in the list.
-+ Not fatal [17]
-* HTML export: missing body tag.
-* Errors in the conditionals parser for menu files.
-* Undo error when a character replaced a tab (overwrite enabled) and the
-cursor was inside the tab (not at the beggining).
-* Wrong match pair when the cursor was in the middle of a tab and the next
-character matched a pair (highlight in the middle of the tab).
-* No match pair after deleting some text and the cursor goes to a symbol.
-* When searching outside comments and the match was found in the first column
-of a line after a comment it was ignored.
-* When starting a project using a different window size the project window
-could get wrong size and even become outside the screen.
-* When aborting an overwrite (in save as) the name of the window was changed.
-* When pasting using the OS clipboard and the cursor was moved to the end of
-the selection it could go out of screen which is quite annoying.
-* When copying something from the calculator and the paste wasn't enabled
-before entering the calculator then you needed to at least move the cursor
-before you could paste.
-* Use of unitialized undo counter in some rectangular selection operations.
-* The heuristic C/C++ parser to support list of exceptions (function
-throw(...) {body}).
-* Some details in the heuristic C++ functions searcher. They address problems
-with the const and throw() attributes.
-* Various memory leaks.
-* "New" buffers shouldn't be added to the list of closed windows when closed.
-It generated a read out of bounds and a write of unitialized data to disk.
-* The menu files uses nested preprocessor directives but it wasn't supported.
-* cmcCutClipWin command not dis/enabled when selecting text.
-+ Compilation [13]
-* Cygwin: Collision between strndup and calculator parser.
-* Some gcc versions needs explicit use of libstdc++ to link C++ and
-internac/getcolors didn't have it.
-* Removed two comments containing non-ASCII chars.
-* Various gcc 3.x compilation issues (including gcc 3.4.1 support).
-* Problems with newer versions of makeinfo.
-* The memcpy usage to be more portable. It worked for all supported targets,
-but now should also work for unsupported targets. Same for malloc/new/new[]
-v.s. free/delete/delete[] calls.
-* Missing va_end and abuse of va_list type. It gave problems for Linux PPC
-* Use of "g++" in favor of "gcc -lstdc++".
-* strstr and strchr are declared different in C++ standard (compared to C
-standard). Needed to avoid BC++ compilation problems.
-* Various MSVC compilation issues.
-* --cxx-flags flag was reported as --cpp-flags in the help. Now both are
-* Cygwin can execute the "make install" target, but it installed binaries
-without .exe extension.
-* Detection of pcre header for systems where the header is in pcre/pcre.h.
-Red Hat is an example.
-+ Linux [3]
-* Code page problems when mixing console use and remote XTerm use.
-* RPM prereq for /sbin/install-info.
-* Problems to create the rpms using Fedora Core 2.
-+ Cosmetic [3]
-* Some drawing variables not initialized. Could make the row/col cursor
-appear until a new redraw.
-* Now the cmc*Win (Copy,Cut,Paste) commands are called cmc*OS to reflect
-their real use. The old names remains as aliases.
-* The list for word completion had a wrong vertical size when we had repeated
-tags in the list to choose. Only one was visible but the size was computed
-counting the repetitions.