path: root/setedit/makes/djgpp/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'setedit/makes/djgpp/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 508 deletions
diff --git a/setedit/makes/djgpp/ b/setedit/makes/djgpp/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dc6a09..0000000
--- a/setedit/makes/djgpp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,508 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 1996-2003 by Salvador E. Tropea (SET),
-# see copyrigh file for details
-open(FIL,'../../version.txt') || die;
-$version1=~ s/\.//g;
-if ($r!~/$version/)
- {
- die "Error! inconsistent version in ced_inte.h\n";
- }
-$revision=$1 if $r=~/VERSION_REV\s+(\d+)/;
-$relname=$1 if $r=~/VERSION_NAME\s+\"([^\"]+)\"/;
-# Default prefix
-# Environment prefix
-if (length($i))
- {
- $prefix=$i;
- }
- {
- $i=$ENV{'PREFIX'};
- if (length($i))
- {
- $prefix=$i;
- }
- }
-# Parse command line
-$iMode=0; # Installation mode
-foreach $i (@ARGV)
- {
- if ($nextisprefix)
- {
- $prefix=$i;
- $nextisprefix=0;
- }
- elsif ($i eq '--prefix')
- {
- $nextisprefix=1;
- }
- elsif ($i eq '--install')
- {
- $iMode=1;
- }
- elsif ($i eq '--no-compress')
- {
- $iCompressExe=0;
- }
- elsif ($i eq '--no-strip')
- {
- $Strip=0;
- }
- elsif ($i eq '--only-source')
- {
- $OnlySources=1;
- }
- elsif ($i eq '--use-bzip2')
- {
- $UseBzip2=1;
- }
- else
- {
- print "Unknown command line option: $i\n";
- print "Usage: [--prefix path] [--install] [--no-compress]\n\n";
- }
- }
-# Update the makefiles if needed
-if (!$iMode)
- {
- print "Creating makefile: ";
- #system('cp -p ../djgppenv.env ../rhide.env');
- chdir('..');
- system('make makes');
- chdir('djgpp');
- print "done.\n\n";
- print "Creating Borland C++ makefile: ";
- chdir('../..');
- system('perl');
- chdir('makes/djgpp');
- print "done.\n\n";
- }
-if ($OnlySources)
- {
- GenerateSourceDistro();
- exit 0;
- }
-# Create the distribution tree if needed
-print "Creating directories: \n";
-if ($iMode)
- {
- # Installation directories
- $bindir =$prefix.'/bin';
- $contrib1 =$prefix.'/contrib';
- $contrib =$contrib1.'/setedit.bin';
- $contribX =$contrib.'/examples';
- $contribTg =$contrib.'/tag_imgs';
- $info =$prefix.'/info';
- $share1 =$prefix.'/share';
- $share =$share1.'/setedit';
- $manifest =$prefix.'/manifest';
- $Locale2 =$share1.'/locale';
- $spLocale1 =$Locale2.'/es';
- $spLocale =$spLocale1.'/LC_MESSAGES';
- $deLocale1 =$Locale2.'/de';
- $deLocale =$deLocale1.'/LC_MESSAGES';
- @tree=(
- $bindir,
- $contrib1,
- $contrib,
- $contribX,
- $contribTg,
- $info,
- $share1,
- $share,
- $manifest,
- $Locale2,
- $spLocale1,
- $spLocale,
- $deLocale1,
- $deLocale);
- }
- {
- # Distribution directories
- $distPrefix=$prefix.'/distrib';
- $bindir =$distPrefix.'/bin';
- $contrib1 =$distPrefix.'/contrib';
- $contrib =$contrib1.'/setedit.bin';
- $contribX =$contrib.'/examples';
- $contribTg =$contrib.'/tag_imgs';
- $info =$distPrefix.'/info';
- $share1 =$distPrefix.'/share';
- $share =$share1.'/setedit';
- $manifest =$distPrefix.'/manifest';
- $Locale2 =$share1.'/locale';
- $spLocale1 =$Locale2.'/es';
- $spLocale =$spLocale1.'/LC_MESSAGES';
- $deLocale1 =$Locale2.'/de';
- $deLocale =$deLocale1.'/LC_MESSAGES';
- $result =$prefix.'/result';
- @tree=(
- $distPrefix,
- $bindir,
- $contrib1,
- $contrib,
- $contribX,
- $contribTg,
- $info,
- $share1,
- $share,
- $manifest,
- $Locale2,
- $spLocale1,
- $spLocale,
- $deLocale1,
- $deLocale,
- $result);
- }
-foreach $i (@tree)
- {
- if (!(-d $i))
- {
- mkdir($i,00755);
- print "$i\n";
- }
- }
-print "done.\n\n";
-print "Copying the exe: ";
-if (!(-e $d) or (-M $d > -M $o))
- {
- system("cp -p $o .");
- if ($Strip)
- {
- system("zip -9u $result/setedit-$ editor.exe") unless($iMode);
- system('strip editor.exe');
- # I could use --best but is slooooowwwwwwwww and doesn't compress much in
- # the case of the editor.
- system('upx -9 editor.exe') unless $iCompressExe==0;
- }
- system("mv editor.exe $d");
- }
-print "done.\n\n";
-print "Copying the batch: ";
-print "done.\n\n";
-print "Copying share files: ";
- '../../fonts/*.sft','../../sdg/txhgen-i.*','../../sdg/*.frt',
- '../../cfgfiles/*.smn','../../cfgfiles/simple.dst',
- '../../cfgfiles/*.slp','../../scrnsave/plasma1/ps1.exe',
- '../../scrnsave/plasma2/ps2.exe','../../scrnsave/plasma3/ps3.exe',
- '../../scrnsave/plasma4/ps4.exe','../../scrnsave/extrscsv.txt',
- '../../cfgfiles/*.cle');
-foreach $i (@cfgs)
- {
- @a=glob($i);
- foreach $o (@a)
- {
- $o =~ /.*\/(.*)/;
- $d = $share.'/'.$1;
- print $1.' ' if (CopyIf($o,$d,$binManifest));
- }
- }
-print "done.\n\n";
-print "Copying doc files: ";
-if (system('make txt info man')==0)
- {
- CopyIf('editor.inf',$info.'/setedit.inf',$binManifest);
- CopyIf('sdg.inf',$info.'/sdg.inf',$binManifest);
- CopyIf('infeng.inf',$info.'/infview.inf',$binManifest);
- CopyIf('setedit.1',$info.'/setedit.1',$binManifest);
- CopyIf('editor.txt',$contrib.'/setedit.txt',$binManifest);
- CopyIf('sdg.txt',$contrib.'/sdg.txt',$binManifest);
- CopyIf('infeng.txt',$contrib.'/infview.txt',$binManifest);
- }
- {
- print "\n************* Attention!! *************\n\n";
- print "Failed to generate the docs ... Skipping the documentation,\n";
- print "you can create it latter, now press ENTER or ^C to stop\n";
- <STDIN>;
- }
-print "done.\n\n";
-print "Copying other files: ";
-print ' ' if (CopyIf('../../distrib/',$contrib.'/',$binManifest));
-print ' ' if (CopyIf('../../distrib/',$contrib.'/',$binManifest));
-print ' ' if (CopyIf('../../distrib/',$contrib.'/',$binManifest));
-print 'change.log ' if (CopyIf('../../change.log',$contrib.'/change.log',$binManifest));
-print 'copyrigh ' if (CopyIf('../../copyrigh',$contrib.'/copyrigh',$binManifest));
-print ' ' if (CopyIf('../../',$contrib.'/',$binManifest));
-print 'copying.gpl ' if (CopyIf('../../copying.gpl',$contrib.'/copying.gpl',$binManifest));
-print 'copying.lgp ' if (CopyIf('../../copying.lgp',$contrib.'/copying.lgp',$binManifest));
-print 'copying.rh ' if (CopyIf('../../copying.rh',$contrib.'/copying.rh',$binManifest));
-print 'windos.faq ' if (CopyIf('../../windos.faq',$contrib.'/readme.faq',$binManifest));
-print 'setedit.pif ' if (CopyIf('../../distrib/setedit.pif',$bindir.'/setedit.pif',$binManifest));
-print 'Spanish messages ' if (CopyIf('../../internac/',$spLocale.'/',$binManifest));
-print 'German messages ' if (CopyIf('../../internac/',$deLocale.'/',$binManifest));
-$a= CopyIf('../../distrib/examples/tvrc',$contribX.'/tvrc',$binManifest);
-print 'Examples ' if ($a);
-$a= CopyIf('../../www-site/tags.html',$contrib.'/tags.html',$binManifest);
-print 'Tags tutorial ' if ($a);
-foreach $o (@a)
- {
- $o =~ /.*\/(.*)/;
- $d = $contribTg.'/'.$1;
- CopyIf($o,$d,$binManifest);
- }
-print "done.\n\n";
-print "Generating manifest and version files: \n";
-unlink glob("$manifest/edi*b.ver") unless $iMode;
-open(FIL,">$d") || die "Can't create version file";
-print FIL ("edi".$version1."b SET's editor v$version for DJGPP");
-open(FIL,">$d") || die "Can't create version.txt";
-print FIL ("$version\n$version1\n");
-if ($iMode)
- {
- $prefix.='/';
- $binManifest =~ s/$prefix//g;
- }
- {
- $i="$distPrefix/";
- $binManifest =~ s/$i//g;
- unlink glob("$manifest/edi*b.mft");
- }
-print FIL ($binManifest);
-print "done.\n\n";
-if ($iMode)
- {
- print "End of installation\n";
- }
- {
- print "Compressing the files: ";
- $i=Pwd();
- chdir($distPrefix);
- system("zip -9ru $result/edi".$version1." *");
- chdir($i);
- print "done.\n\n";
- CopyIfRpl('../../distrib/distrib1.txt',"$result/readme.1st");
- CopyIfRpl('../../distrib/distrib2.txt',"$result/announce.txt");
- GenerateSourceDistro();
- #############################
- # Change.log in HTML format #
- #############################
- $a=cat('../../change.log');
- # Line separators
- $a =~ s/\n(-)+\n/<hr>/mg;
- # Lines between text are paragraphs
- $a =~ s/\n\n/<p>\n/mg;
- $a =~ s/\n\.\n/<p>\n/mg;
- # Convert * to list items
- $a =~ s/\n\*/<br>\n<li>/mg;
- # If any survives
- $a =~ s/\n-/<br>-/mg;
- $a =~ s/-\n/-<br>/mg;
- # Beautyful ;-)
- $a =~ s/Revision/<b>Revision<\/b>/mg;
- $a =~ s/\$\n/\$<br>/mg;
- open(FIL,">$result/change.html") || die 'Can not create changelog';
- print FIL ('<HTML><Title>change.log for setedit</Title><Body>');
- print FIL ($a);
- print FIL ('<p>Converted to HTML by a simple Perl script &copy; by SET</Body></HTML>');
- close(FIL);
- ToHTML("$result/readme.1st","$result/readme.html",'readme.1st');
- ToHTML("$result/announce.txt","$result/announce.html",'announce');
- }
-sub ToHTML
- my $a;
- $a=cat($_[0]);
- $a=~s/</&lt;/g;
- $a=~s/>/&gt;/g;
- open(FIL,">$_[1]") || die "Can't create readme $_[1]";
- print FIL ("<HTML><Title>$_[2] for setedit</Title><Body><Pre>");
- print FIL ($a);
- print FIL ('</Pre></Body></HTML>');
- close(FIL);
-sub cat
- local $/;
- my $b;
- open(FIL,$_[0]) || return 0;
- $b=<FIL>;
- close(FIL);
- $b;
-sub replace
- my $b=$_[1];
- open(FIL,">$_[0]") || return 0;
- print FIL ($b);
- close(FIL);
-sub CopyIf
- my ($o,$d)=@_;
- my $list=\$_[2];
- $$list.=$d."\n";
- if (!(-e $d) or (-M $d > -M $o))
- {
- system("cp -p $o $d");
- return 1;
- }
- 0;
-sub CopyIfRpl
- my ($o,$d)=@_;
- my $a;
- my $list=\$_[2];
- $$list.=$d."\n";
- if (!(-e $d) or (-M $d > -M $o))
- {
- $a=cat($o);
- $a =~ s/\@\@v\@\@/$version/g;
- $a =~ s/\@\@v1\@\@/$version1/g;
- $a =~ s/\@\@relname\@\@/$relname/g;
- $a =~ s/\@\@rev\@\@/$revision/g;
- replace($d,$a);
- return 1;
- }
- 0;
-sub Pwd
- my $pwd;
- $pwd=`pwd`;
- $pwd=`sh pwd` unless $pwd;
- chop($pwd);
- return $pwd;
-sub GenerateSourceDistro
- print "\n\nCreating source distribution\n";
- $srcmft="manifest/edi$version1".'s.mft';
- $srcver="manifest/edi$version1".'s.ver';
- chdir('../../../..');
- open(FIL,'contrib/setedit/makes/lista');
- @files=<FIL>;
- close(FIL);
- $r='';
- foreach $i (@files)
- {
- $a=substr($i,0,1);
- if (($a eq '-') or ($a eq '+') or ($a eq '*'))
- {
- $i=substr($i,1);
- }
- $r.='contrib/setedit/'.$i;
- }
- open(FIL,'contrib/setedit/makes/listaxtr');
- @files=<FIL>;
- close(FIL);
- foreach $i (@files)
- {
- chop($i);
- $r.=join("\r",glob('contrib/setedit/'.$i))."\r";
- }
- $r.="$srcmft\n$srcver\n";
- replace($srcmft,$r);
- replace($srcver,"edi".$version1."s SET's editor v$version for DJGPP");
- # Generate the zip files
- $srcdist="edi$version1".'';
- unlink($srcdist);
- system("zip -9u $result/$srcdist \@$srcmft");
- chdir('contrib/setedit/makes/djgpp');