path: root/setedit/sdg/
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Diffstat (limited to 'setedit/sdg/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 281 deletions
diff --git a/setedit/sdg/ b/setedit/sdg/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c6091d..0000000
--- a/setedit/sdg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000 by Salvador E. Tropea (SET),
- see copyrigh file for details */
- Module: Lisp Interpreter for FRT files
- Comments:
- This module defines a derived class from TMLIBase that's suitable for FRT
-files. @x{TMLIBase (class)}.@p
- The derived interpreter adds support for SDG variables and adds commands
-like cutCprot.
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "ucdefs.h"
-#define Uses_TLispVariableCol
-#define Uses_TMLIBase
-#define Uses_TLispBaseVars
-#define Uses_TLispVarDefs
-#define Uses_TMLIArrayBase
-#define Uses_TMLISDG
-#define Uses_TLispSDGstring
-#include <mli.h>
-static char *emptyStr="";
-extern char *TakeNum(char *s,int *num);
-int TMLISDG::ParseSymbol(int &Params,int &Commands)
- int num;
- char *s,*e;
- int flags;
- if (*Code=='~' && ucisdigit(*(Code+1)))
- {
- Code=TakeNum(Code+1,&num);
- if (getVar(num,s,e,flags))
- array->Push(new TLispSDGstring(s,e+1,flags));
- else
- {
- s=e=emptyStr;
- flags=sdgSimpleString | sdgASCIIZ;
- array->Push(new TLispSDGstring(s,e,flags));
- }
- Params++;
- return 0;
- }
- return TMLIBase::ParseSymbol(Params,Commands);
-int TMLISDG::MLIBooleanValOf(TLispVar *var)
- if (GroupTypeOf(var)==MLIGSDGvar)
- {
- TLispSDGstring *s=(TLispSDGstring *)var;
- return s->start && s->start[0];
- }
- return TMLIBase::MLIBooleanValOf(var);
-Command TMLISDG::WhatCommand(char *s)
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<MLISDGCommands; i++)
- if (strcmp(s,cNames[i])==0)
- return cComms[i];
- return TMLIBase::WhatCommand(s);
-typedef struct
- char *buf;
- int len,pos;
-} strCatStruct;
-void StrCatInit(char *buf,int len,strCatStruct &s)
- s.buf=buf;
- s.len=len-1;
- s.pos=0;
-void StrCatSpaces(int cant,strCatStruct &s)
- if (s.pos+cant>s.len)
- cant=s.len-s.pos;
- for (; cant; s.pos++,cant--) s.buf[s.pos]=' ';
- s.buf[s.pos]=0;
-void StrCat(char *p,strCatStruct &s)
- for (; *p && s.pos<s.len; s.pos++,p++) s.buf[s.pos]=*p;
- s.buf[s.pos]=0;
-void StrCat(char *p,int cant,strCatStruct &s)
- for (; cant && *p && s.pos<s.len; s.pos++,p++,cant--) s.buf[s.pos]=*p;
- s.buf[s.pos]=0;
-void StrCat(char val,strCatStruct &s)
- if (s.pos<s.len)
- {
- s.buf[s.pos]=val;
- s.buf[++s.pos]=0;
- }
- Description:
- That's the C++ implementation of the sLisp cutCprot command. It reformats
-a C prototype to feet in a requested page width. The routine cuts the
-declaration only after a parameter an tries to align all using the first
-parenthesis as reference.
-void MLISDGcutCprot(TMLIBase *o,int start ,int cant)
- TLispVar *string=NULL;
- TLispVar *integer1=NULL;
- TLispVar *integer2=NULL;
- int error=0,len,indent,lstr;
- char *s;
- strCatStruct cat;
- if (cant!=3)
- {
- error=MLINumParam;
- goto CleanUp;
- }
- // Get the first parameter
- string=o->Solve(start);
- if (GroupTypeOf(string)!=MLIGSDGvar && GroupTypeOf(string)!=MLIGString)
- {
- error=MLITypeParam;
- goto CleanUp;
- }
- if (GroupTypeOf(string)==MLIGSDGvar)
- {
- TLispSDGstring *p=(TLispSDGstring *)string;
- s=p->start;
- if (p->flags & sdgASCIIZ)
- lstr=strlen(s);
- else
- lstr=p->end-s;
- }
- else
- {
- TLispString *p=(TLispString *)string;
- s=p->str;
- lstr=p->len;
- }
- // Get the second
- integer1=o->Solve(start+1);
- if (GroupTypeOf(integer1)!=MLIGInteger)
- {
- error=MLITypeParam;
- goto CleanUp;
- }
- len=((TLispInteger *)integer1)->val;
- // And now the third
- integer2=o->Solve(start+2);
- if (GroupTypeOf(integer2)!=MLIGInteger)
- {
- error=MLITypeParam;
- goto CleanUp;
- }
- indent=((TLispInteger *)integer2)->val;
- // After almost 1Kb of C code I have the parameters :-(
- #define maxParams 20
- char *Params[maxParams],*param,v;
- int Lens[maxParams],numparams,i;
- numparams=1;
- v=s[lstr];
- s[lstr]=0;
- Params[0]=s;
- for (param=s; *param && *param!='('; param++);
- Lens[0]=param-s+1;
- if (*param)
- {
- int level;
- param++;
- do
- {
- for (;*param && ucisspace(*param); param++);
- Params[numparams]=param;
- for (level=0; *param && !((*param==')' || *param==',') && level==0); param++)
- if (*param=='(')
- level++;
- else
- if (*param==')')
- level--;
- if (*param)
- param++;
- Lens[numparams]=param-Params[numparams];
- numparams++;
- }
- while (*param && numparams!=(maxParams-1));
- if (*param)
- {
- Params[numparams]=++param;
- Lens[numparams]=strlen(Params[numparams]);
- numparams++;
- }
- int maxLpar=0;
- for (i=1; i<numparams; i++)
- if (Lens[i]>maxLpar)
- maxLpar=Lens[i];
- int parIndent;
- if (len-maxLpar>Lens[0]+indent)
- parIndent=Lens[0]+indent;
- else
- if (len-maxLpar<indent)
- parIndent=indent;
- else
- parIndent=len-maxLpar;
- int maximorum=parIndent+maxLpar+2;
- if (Lens[0]+indent+2>maximorum)
- maximorum=Lens[0]+indent+2;
- char *rstr=new char[numparams*maximorum];
- StrCatInit(rstr,numparams*maximorum,cat);
- StrCatSpaces(indent,cat);
- StrCat(Params[0],Lens[0],cat);
- int col=indent+Lens[0];
- for (i=1; i<numparams; i++)
- {
- if (col+Lens[i]>len)
- {
- StrCat('\n',cat);
- StrCatSpaces(parIndent,cat);
- StrCat(Params[i],Lens[i],cat);
- col=parIndent+Lens[i];
- }
- else
- {
- StrCat(Params[i],Lens[i],cat);
- col+=Lens[i];
- }
- }
- s[lstr]=v;
- MLIRetString(rstr);
- }
- destroyFloatVar(string);
- destroyFloatVar(integer1);
- destroyFloatVar(integer2);
- if (error)
- {
- o->Error=error;
- }
- return;
-char *TMLISDG::cNames[MLISDGCommands]=
- "cutCprot"
-Command TMLISDG::cComms[MLISDGCommands]=
- MLISDGcutCprot