path: root/setedit/setedit/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'setedit/setedit/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 460 deletions
diff --git a/setedit/setedit/ b/setedit/setedit/
deleted file mode 100644
index 14b01c4..0000000
--- a/setedit/setedit/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1996-2005 by Salvador E. Tropea (SET),
- see copyrigh file for details */
-// That's the first include because is used to configure the editor.
-#include "ceditint.h"
-#define Uses_stdio
-#define Uses_string
-#define Uses_TApplication
-#define Uses_TMenuBar
-#define Uses_TRect
-#define Uses_TMenu
-#define Uses_TSubMenu
-#define Uses_TMenuItem
-#define Uses_TStatusLine
-#define Uses_TStatusItem
-#define Uses_TStatusDef
-#define Uses_TPoint
-#define Uses_MsgBox
-#define Uses_TFileDialog
-#define Uses_TDeskTop
-#define Uses_TStringCollection
-#define Uses_TSortedListBox
-#define Uses_TKeys
-#define Uses_TVCodePage
-#define Uses_TScreen
-// InfView requests
-#include <infr.h>
-#define Uses_TInputLinePipedConst
-#define Uses_TCEditWindow
-#define Uses_TCEditor_Commands
-#include <ceditor.h>
-#include <setconst.h>
-#define Uses_TSetEditorApp
-#define Uses_TMultiMenu
-#define Uses_SETAppConst
-#define Uses_SETAppDialogs
-#include <setapp.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <inf.h>
-#include <editcoma.h>
-char *ExpandFileNameToThePointWhereTheProgramWasLoaded(const char *s);
-TMenuBar *TSetEditorApp::initMenuBar(TRect r)
- r.b.y = r.a.y+1;
- multiMenuBar=GetTVMenu(ExpandFileNameToThePointWhereTheProgramWasLoaded("menubind.smn"),r);
- if (multiMenuBar)
- return multiMenuBar;
- // Spanish: ABCEHMPRV
- // English: CEFHMPSVW
- TSubMenu& sub1 = *new TSubMenu( __("~F~ile"), kbAltF ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~O~pen..."), cmeOpen, kbF3 ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~N~ew"), cmeNew, kbNoKey ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~S~ave"), cmcSave, kbF2, hcNoContext, "F2" ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("S~a~ve as..."), cmcSaveAs, kbNoKey ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("Save as ~U~NIX..."), cmcSaveAsConvertEOL, kbNoKey ) +
- newLine() +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~C~hange dir..."), cmeChangeDrct, kbNoKey ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("S~h~ell"), cmeDosShell, kbNoKey ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("E~x~it"), cmeQuit, kbAltX, hcNoContext, "Alt-X" ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~Q~uit"), cmeQuitDelete, kbAltQ, hcNoContext, "Alt-Q" );
- TSubMenu& sub2 = *new TSubMenu( __("~E~dit"), kbAltE ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~U~ndo"), cmcUndo, kbAltBack, hcNoContext, "Alt+BackSpace" ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~R~edo"), cmcRedo, kbNoKey ) +
- newLine() +
- *new TMenuItem( __("Cu~t~"), cmcCut, kbShiftDel, hcNoContext, "Shift-Del" ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~C~opy"), cmcCopy, kbCtrlIns, hcNoContext, "Ctrl-Ins" ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~P~aste"), cmcPaste, kbShiftIns, hcNoContext, "Shift-Ins" ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~S~how clipboard"), cmeShowClip, kbNoKey ) +
- newLine() +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~C~lear"), cmcClear, kbCtrlDel, hcNoContext, "Ctrl-Del" ) +
- newLine() +
- *new TMenuItem( __("S~e~t Local"), cmcSetLocalOptions, kbAltL, hcNoContext, "Alt-L" ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("Set ~G~lobal"), cmcSetGlobalOptions, kbAltG, hcNoContext, "Alt-G" ) +
- newLine() +
- *new TMenuItem( __("E~x~pand all tabs"), cmcExpandAllTabs, kbNoKey ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("C~o~mpact text"), cmcCompactBuffer, kbNoKey ) +
- newLine() +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~J~ump to function"), cmcJumpToFunction, kbNoKey ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~P~rofile Editor"), cmcProfileEditor, kbNoKey );
- TSubMenu& sub3 = *new TSubMenu( __("~S~earch"), kbAltS ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~F~ind..."), cmcFind, kbNoKey ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~R~eplace..."), cmcReplace, kbNoKey ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~S~earch again"), cmcSearchAgain, kbNoKey );
- TSubMenu& sub4 = *new TSubMenu( __("~M~acro"), kbAltM ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~R~ecord"), cmcRecordMacro, kbShiftF10, hcNoContext, "Shift+F10" ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~S~top"), cmcStopMacro, kbAltF10, hcNoContext, "Alt+F10" ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~P~lay"), cmcPlayMacro, kbCtrlF10, hcNoContext, "Ctrl+F10" );
- TSubMenu& sub5 = *new TSubMenu( __("Re~c~tangle"), kbAltR ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~S~tart"), cmcSelRectStart, kbNoKey ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~E~nd"), cmcSelRectEnd, kbNoKey ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~H~ide"), cmcSelRectHide, kbNoKey ) +
- newLine() +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~C~opy"), cmcSelRectCopy, kbNoKey ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~P~aste"), cmcSelRectPaste, kbNoKey ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("Cu~t~"), cmcSelRectCut, kbNoKey ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("C~l~ear"), cmcSelRectDel, kbNoKey ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~M~ove"), cmcSelRectMove, kbNoKey );
- TSubMenu& sub6 = *new TSubMenu( __("~W~indows"), kbAltW ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~S~ize/move"),cmeResize, kbCtrlF5, hcNoContext, "Ctrl-F5" ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~Z~oom"), cmeZoom, kbF5, hcNoContext, "F5" ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~T~ile"), cmeTile, kbNoKey ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("C~a~scade"), cmeCascade, kbNoKey ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~N~ext"), cmeNext, kbF6, hcNoContext, "F6" ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~P~revious"), cmePrev, kbShiftF6, hcNoContext, "Shift-F6" ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~C~lose"), cmeClose, kbAltF3, hcNoContext, "Alt-F3" ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~L~ist"), cmeListWin, kbAlt0, hcNoContext, "Alt-0" ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~U~ser Screen"), cmeUserScreen, kbAltF5, hcNoContext, "Alt-F5" );
- TSubMenu& sub7 = *new TSubMenu( __("~H~elp"), kbAltH ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~I~NF View"), cmeInfView, kbF1, hcNoContext, "F1" ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~A~nother InfView"), cmeAnotherInfView, kbNoKey );
- TSubMenu& sub8 = *new TSubMenu( __("~V~arious"), kbAltV ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~C~alculator"), cmeCalculator, kbAltF4, hcNoContext, "Alt+F4" ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~S~DG"), cmeSDG, kbF9, hcNoContext, "F9" ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("SDG ~O~ptions"), cmeSDGDialog, hcNoContext, kbNoKey) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("Copy to ~W~indows Clip."), cmcCopyClipWin, hcNoContext, kbNoKey) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("Paste ~f~rom Wind. Clip."), cmcPasteClipWin, hcNoContext, kbNoKey) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("Co~l~ors"), cmeSetColors, hcNoContext, kbNoKey);
- TSubMenu& sub9 = *new TSubMenu( __("~P~roject"), kbAltP ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~O~pen..."), cmeOpenPrj, kbNoKey ) +
- *new TMenuItem( __("~C~lose"), cmeClosePrj, kbNoKey );
- TMultiMenu *m=new TMultiMenu();
- m->add(&(sub1+sub2+sub3+sub4+sub5+sub6+sub7+sub8+sub9));
- multiMenuBar=new TMultiMenuBar(r,m);
- return multiMenuBar;
-TStatusLine *TSetEditorApp::initStatusLine( TRect r )
- // Note: any help context that belongs to a modal window (dialogs) must
- // contain F1 to get help.
- r.a.y = r.b.y-1;
- TStatusLine *st=GetTVStatusLine(ExpandFileNameToThePointWhereTheProgramWasLoaded("menubind.smn"),r);
- if (st)
- return st;
- st=
- new TStatusLine( r,
- *new TStatusDef( 0, 255 ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~F2~ Save"), kbF2, cmcSave ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~F3~ Open"), kbF3, cmeOpen ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~Alt+F3~ Close"), kbAltF3, cmeClose ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~F5~ Zoom"), kbF5, cmeZoom ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~F6~ Next"), kbF6, cmeNext ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~F10~ Menu"), kbF10, cmMenu ) +
- *new TStatusItem( 0, kbCtrlF5, cmeResize ) +
- *new TStatusItem( 0, kbAltF1, cmeLastHelp ) +
- *new TStatusItem( 0, kbAltF8, cmeNextMessage ) +
- *new TStatusItem( 0, kbAltF7, cmePrevMessage ) +
- *new TStatusItem( 0, kbF1, cmeInfView ) +
- *new TStatusDef( hcInfView, hcInfView+4 ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~Alt+F1~ Back"), kbAltF1, cmInfBack ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~Alt+F10~ Control"), kbAltF10, cmInfControl ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~^H~ Help"), kbCtrlH, cmInfHelp ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~ESC~ Close"), kbEsc, cmClose ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~Alt+I~ Include"), kbAltI, cmInfPasteIn ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~Alt+B~ Bookmark"), kbAltB, cmInfBookM ) +
- *new TStatusItem( 0, kbF5, cmZoom ) +
- *new TStatusDef( hcListWin, hcListWin+4 ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~Del~ Close"), kbDel, cmDelete ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~Ins~ Open"), kbIns, cmInsert ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~F1~ Help"), kbF1, cmeInfView ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~Ctrl+Del~ Delete File"), kbCtrlDel, cmDelFile ) +
- *new TStatusDef( hcEditorProjectWindow, hcEditorProjectWindow+4 ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~Ins~ Insert"), kbIns, cmInsert ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~Del~ Delete"), kbDel, cmDelete ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~F5~ Zoom"), kbF5, cmZoom ) +
- *new TStatusItem( 0, kbAltF1, cmeLastHelp ) +
- *new TStatusDef( hcMessageWindow, hcMessageWindow+1 ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~Alt+F7~ Previous"), kbAltF7, cmePrevMessage ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~Alt+F8~ Next"), kbAltF8, cmeNextMessage ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~Ctrl+C~ Stop"), kbCtrlC, cmeStopChild ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("Save"), kbNoKey, cmcSaveAs ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~Ctrl+Ins~ Copy"), kbCtrlIns, cmcCopy ) +
- *new TStatusItem( 0, kbF5, cmZoom ) +
- *new TStatusItem( 0, kbAltF1, cmeLastHelp ) +
- *new TStatusDef( hcCalculator, hcCalculator+4 ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~ENTER~ Evaluate"), kbEnter, cmEval ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~Ctrl+Ins~ Copy"), kbCtrlIns, cmtilCopy ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~Shift+Ins~ Paste"), kbShiftIns, cmtilPaste ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~F1~ Help"), kbF1, cmeInfView ) +
- // Default for all the othe contexts
- *new TStatusDef( 0, 0xFFFF ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~F1~ Help"), kbF1, cmeInfView ) +
- *new TStatusItem( __("~F5~ Zoom"), kbF5, cmZoom )
- );
- return st;
-void TSetEditorApp::outOfMemory()
- messageBox(__("Not enough memory for this operation."), mfError | mfOKButton);
-#if 0
-// The following are here just for internationalization purposes
-_("Open Read-only ~c~opy")
-_("Save w/ same ~t~ime...")
-_("Save a~l~l")
-_("Pr~i~nt Setup...")
-_("S~e~t Local options")
-_("Set ~G~lobal options")
-_("Pus~h~ cursor position")
-_("Pop cursor pos~i~tion")
-_("C~a~se (upper/lower)")
-_("Block to ~u~pper")
-_("Block to ~l~ower")
-_("~C~haracter toggle")
-_("Block ~i~nvert")
-_("Block ~a~lternate")
-_("~G~o to line")
-_("Jump to ~p~rototype")
-_("~N~ame current function")
-_("~G~enerate Code")
-_("Ru~n~ selected code")
-_("Enter c~o~de to run")
-_("Pse~u~do macros...")
-_("To ~u~pper")
-_("To l~o~wer")
-_("Poc~k~et calculator")
-_("~R~un program")
-_("~A~SCII Chart")
-_("MP~3~ songs")
-_("~S~elect a song")
-_("~P~lay selected")
-_("S~t~op selected")
-_("~C~onvert to WAV")
-_("~E~dit/Create list")
-_("P~l~ay list")
-_("St~o~p list")
-_("~H~TML Accents")
-_("Convert ~a~ccents to tags")
-_("Convert ~t~ags to accents")
-_("E~x~port as HTML...")
-_("Re~m~ap code page...")
-_("~B~lock quoted printable decode")
-_("Un/~I~ndent block")
-_("Indent ~o~ne space")
-_("Unindent o~n~e character")
-_("Indent one ~t~ab/gap")
-_("~U~nindent one tab/gap")
-_("~C~omment indent")
-_("Comment unin~d~ent")
-_("~A~rbitrary indent")
-_("Paste ~E~macs mode")
-_("Test of macro from menu")
-_("~D~elete memorized backups")
-_("Redra~w~ screen")
-_("~L~ocal edition...")
-_("Glo~b~al edition...")
-_("Editor ~G~eneral...")
-_("Scr~e~en saver...")
-_("S~D~G Options...")
-_("~R~un program (which one)...")
-_("~K~ey assignment")
-_("~S~etup Alt keys")
-_("Key ~p~ad behavior")
-_("~B~ack to defaults")
-_("Consult ~s~can codes")
-_("~S~creen Options...")
-_("~U~ser words...")
-_("De~f~ault global edition...")
-_("~O~pen file dialog...")
-_("Do~n~'t create backups for...")
-_("~T~ip of the day")
-_("~S~yntax help")
-_("~F~iles to search")
-_("~M~an page View")
-_("Searc~h~ files under cursor in...")
-_("Insert key ~n~ame")
-_("Sc~r~oll Up")
-_("Scroll ~D~own")
-_("Cop~y~ to file Clipboard")
-_("Paste ~f~rom file Clipboard")
-_("Copy to OS Clipboar~d~")
-_("Paste from OS Clip~b~oard")
-_("Save ~d~esktop here")
-_("Sa~v~e as DOS...")
-_("T~a~g files")
-_("~L~ist of tag files...")
-_("Jump ~t~o symbol")
-_("~C~lass browser")
-_("~W~ord completion")
-_("E~x~port project")
-_("~I~mport project items")
-_("Save As")
-_("Calendar (holida~y~s)...")
-_("Checking for ~m~odified files...")
-_("Advice dialogs...")
-_("Jump to ~l~ast cursor position")
-_("Jump to last ~u~ndo position")
-_("Insert ~n~ew line (don't move)")
-_("Pro~j~ect Window")
-_("~M~essage Window")
-_("~E~dition Windows")
-_("Window ~2~")
-_("Window ~3~")
-_("Window ~4~")
-_("Window ~5~")
-_("Window ~6~")
-_("Window ~7~")
-_("Window ~8~")
-_("Window ~9~")
-_("Window 10")
-_("Window 11")
-_("Window 12")
-_("Window 13")
-_("Window 14")
-_("Window 15")
-_("Window 16")
-_("Window 17")
-_("Window 18")
-_("Window 19")
-_("Pus~h~ cursor position and window")
-_("P~o~p cursor position and window (tag ret)")
-_("Debu~g~ger Window")
-_("~W~atches Window")
-_("~P~rogram and mode...")
-_("Path for ~s~ources...")
-_("~M~essages displayed...")
-_("Go to 'Connected' ~1~")
-_("Go to 'Ready to run' ~2~")
-_("~S~tep over")
-_("~T~race into")
-_("~G~o to cursor")
-_("~U~ntil return")
-_("Return ~n~ow")
-_("Restart (~K~ill)")
-_("~W~atch an expression")
-_("~C~alling stack")
-_("~D~ebug session")
-_("~D~estroy (DANGER!)")
-_("~E/+~ Expand")
-_("~C/-~ Collapse")
-_("~+~ Enable")
-_("~-~ Disable")
-_("~Ins~ Send command")
-_("~Ctrl+A/+~ Add w/scope")
-_("~R~egenerate central file")
-_("Ed~i~t breakpoints...")
-_("Edit watchpoints... ~3~")
-_("Se~l~ect thread...")
-_("Disasse~m~bler Window...")
-_("~N~ormal watch...")
-_("~W~ith scope...")
-_("~U~sing the Inspector...")
-_("~D~ata window...")
-_("~S~tack window")
-_("Clear deb~u~g elements...")
-_("~R~ead block...")
-_("~W~rite block...")
-_("Page d~o~wn")
-_("Page u~p~")
-_("Fir~s~t column")
-_("L~a~st column")
-_("First ro~w~")
-_("Las~t~ row")
-_("First addr. ~i~ncrement")
-_("~F~irst addr. decrement")
-_("Change ~b~ase address...")
-_("~G~o to new address...")
-_("Follow ~p~ointer")
-_("Follow pointer in ~n~ew window")
-_("~R~ecompute address")
-_("Toggle ~a~uto follow")
-_("Change ~d~isplay mode")
-_("Toggle ~e~ndian mode")
-_("Change ~r~adix")
-_("~L~ess bytes per line")
-_("~M~ore bytes per line")
-_("~U~pdate memory")
-_("Go to st~a~te")
-_("~R~eady to run")
-_("~O~pen info file...")
-_("Con~f~iguration dialog...")
-_("List of ~n~odes...")
-_("~G~o to '(file)node'...")
-_("~L~ast visited topic")
-_("~N~ext topic")
-_("~P~revious topic")
-_("Go ~u~p in herarchy")
-_("Main menu for ~t~his file")
-_("Info ~d~irectory")
-_("~J~ump to last link")
-_("~G~o to link number")
-_("Link ~1~")
-_("Link ~2~")
-_("Link ~3~")
-_("Link ~4~")
-_("Link ~5~")
-_("Link ~6~")
-_("Link ~7~")
-_("Link ~8~")
-_("Link ~9~")
-_("How to use the ~h~elp")
-_("Con~t~rol dialog...")
-_("S~e~arch selection forward")
-_("Search selection ~b~ackward")
-_("Replace in ~a~ll opened...")
-_("Replace in all project ~i~tems...")