path: root/src/stage1_functions.asm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/stage1_functions.asm')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/stage1_functions.asm b/src/stage1_functions.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ca3eb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/stage1_functions.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+; IN bx: begin of memory area to dump
+; IN ax: number of words to dump
+ mov dx, bx
+ call print_hex
+ mov dx, [bx]
+ call print_hex
+ call print_newline
+ add bx, 2
+ dec ax
+ cmp ax, 0
+ jnz dump_range
+ ret
+; IN bx: hex value to print
+ push bx
+ push si
+ mov si, HEX_TEMPLATE
+ mov bx, dx
+ shr bx, 12
+ mov bx, [HEXABET+bx]
+ mov [HEX_TEMPLATE+2], bl
+ mov bx, dx
+ and bx, 0x0FFF
+ shr bx, 8
+ mov bx, [HEXABET+bx]
+ mov [HEX_TEMPLATE+3], bl
+ mov bx, dx
+ and bx, 0x00FF
+ shr bx, 4
+ mov bx, [HEXABET+bx]
+ mov [HEX_TEMPLATE+4], bl
+ mov bx, dx
+ and bx, 0x000F
+ mov bx, [HEXABET+bx]
+ mov [HEX_TEMPLATE+5], bl
+ call print_string
+ pop si
+ pop bx
+ ret
+ db '0x???? ', 0
+ db '0123456789ABCDEF'
+ push ax
+ mov al, 10
+ call print_char
+ mov al, 13
+ call print_char
+ pop ax
+ ret
+; IN si
+ push ax
+ lodsb
+ cmp al, 0
+ je print_string_fini
+ call print_char
+ jmp _loop_print_string
+ pop ax
+ ret
+; IN al: character to print
+; MOD ah
+ mov ah, 0x0e
+ int 0x10
+ ret
+ push ax
+ push cx
+ mov ah, 0x01
+ mov cx, 0x0007
+ int 0x10
+ pop cx
+ pop ax
+ ret
+; OUT: current row
+ push ax
+ push bx
+ push cx
+ mov ah, 0x03
+ mov bh, 0
+ int 0x10
+ pop cx
+ pop bx
+ pop ax
+ ret
+; IN dl: drive to read from
+ mov ah, 0x02 ; read sectors from drive
+ mov al, 2 ; read 1 sector
+ mov ch, 0 ; select first cylinder
+ mov dh, 0 ; first head
+ mov cl, 2 ; second sector after boot sector
+ mov bx, 0 ; where to store the data
+ mov es, bx
+ mov bx, 0x7e00 ; 512 bytes after first sector
+ int 0x13
+ jc read_error
+ cmp al, 2 ; 1 sector read?
+ jne short_read ; if not, short read
+ ret
+ mov si, DISK_ERROR
+ call print_string
+ mov dh, 0
+ mov dl, ah
+ call print_hex
+ jmp $
+ mov si, SHORT_READ
+ call print_string
+ jmp $