path: root/src/kernel/memorymanagement.c
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-08-01memory_manager_allocate takes an alignment parameter nowAndreas Baumann
added C11 aligned_alloc to stdlib
2017-07-14added stats functions to memory manager, don't use internal membersAndreas Baumann
added simple chunk-based allocation/deallocation strategy (leads to framgentation)
2017-07-13forgot to add test_malloc.cAndreas Baumann
remove buffer memory functions again (can be done with a simple cast in the caller)
2017-07-13added a simple test for malloc/freeAndreas Baumann
added a memorymanager initilializer which works on a buffer instead on an offset (thus we can but the heap area also onto the stack for testing) added a kernel_stub module to test modules using kernel_panic (for now, maybe have a callback later)
2017-07-10VGA Z-buffer is now dynamically allocated and freedAndreas Baumann
memory management can reuse the last pointer malloced if freed again
2017-07-05'mem' command shows memory usage of kernel heap nowAndreas Baumann
implemented a malloc/free and memory manager (simplest possible implementation, just allocating linearly and never freeing)