diff options
-rw-r--r--docs/LINKS (renamed from doc/LINKS)0
-rw-r--r--docs/mercator.pdf (renamed from doc/mercator.pdf)bin104401 -> 104401 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/smallwolf.png (renamed from doc/smallwolf.png)bin4345 -> 4345 bytes
26 files changed, 3189 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0477f21
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Andreas Baumann <abaumann at yahoo dot com>
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cca7fc2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates
+the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public
+License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.
+ 0. Additional Definitions.
+ As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU
+General Public License.
+ "The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License,
+other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.
+ An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided
+by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library.
+Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode
+of using an interface provided by the Library.
+ A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an
+Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library
+with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked
+ The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the
+Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code
+for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are
+based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version.
+ The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the
+object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data
+and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the
+Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.
+ 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.
+ You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License
+without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL.
+ 2. Conveying Modified Versions.
+ If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a
+facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application
+that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the
+facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified
+ a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to
+ ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the
+ function or data, the facility still operates, and performs
+ whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or
+ b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of
+ this License applicable to that copy.
+ 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.
+ The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from
+a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object
+code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated
+material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure
+layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates
+(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following:
+ a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the
+ Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
+ covered by this License.
+ b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
+ document.
+ 4. Combined Works.
+ You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that,
+taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the
+portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of
+the following:
+ a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that
+ the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
+ covered by this License.
+ b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
+ document.
+ c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during
+ execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among
+ these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the
+ copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.
+ d) Do one of the following:
+ 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this
+ License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form
+ suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to
+ recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of
+ the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the
+ manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying
+ Corresponding Source.
+ 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
+ Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time
+ a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer
+ system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version
+ of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked
+ Version.
+ e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise
+ be required to provide such information under section 6 of the
+ GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is
+ necessary to install and execute a modified version of the
+ Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the
+ Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If
+ you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany
+ the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application
+ Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation
+ Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL
+ for conveying Corresponding Source.)
+ 5. Combined Libraries.
+ You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side by side in a single library together with other library
+facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this
+License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your
+choice, if you do both of the following:
+ a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based
+ on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities,
+ conveyed under the terms of this License.
+ b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it
+ is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the
+ accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+ 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new
+versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
+differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version
+of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version"
+applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that published version or of any later version
+published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you
+received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide
+whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall
+apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is
+permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the
diff --git a/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile
index 51119b6..92ad403 100644
--- a/GNUmakefile
+++ b/GNUmakefile
@@ -2,4 +2,7 @@ TOPDIR = .
SUBDIRS = tests
--include $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/
+PACKAGE_NAME = CrawlingWolf
+-include $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/
diff --git a/configure b/configure
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0a64dcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configure
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+cat <<EOF
+No way, Jose.
+Use 'make help' to see what you can do.
+Use the make of your platform, be it 'make', 'gmake', 'bmake', 'nmake', ...
diff --git a/doc/LINKS b/docs/LINKS
index 568183f..568183f 100644
--- a/doc/LINKS
+++ b/docs/LINKS
diff --git a/doc/mercator.pdf b/docs/mercator.pdf
index f4cb9b0..f4cb9b0 100644
--- a/doc/mercator.pdf
+++ b/docs/mercator.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/smallwolf.png b/docs/smallwolf.png
index 24114cc..24114cc 100644
--- a/doc/smallwolf.png
+++ b/docs/smallwolf.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/makefiles/gmake/ b/makefiles/gmake/
index efeef68..92061d4 100644
--- a/makefiles/gmake/
+++ b/makefiles/gmake/
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
# cleans up directories
# requires:
+# - SUBDIRS: for recursive cleaning
+# - local_clean, local_distclean targets in local GNUmakefile
+# - all artifacts to clean:
# provides:
# - target: clean
@@ -15,16 +18,19 @@ clean_recursive:
@test -z "$(SUBDIRS)" || ( set -e; for d in $(SUBDIRS)""; do \
(set -e; $(MAKE) -C $$d clean || exit 1); done)
-clean: clean_recursive local_clean
- -@rm *.bak 2>/dev/null
- -@rm *~ 2>/dev/null
- -@rm *.d port/*.d 2>/dev/null
- -@rm $(BINS) $(CPP_BINS) 2>/dev/null
- -@rm $(OBJS) $(CPPOBJS) $(BIN_OBJS) $(CPP_BIN_OBJS) 2>/dev/null
- -@rm exec/*
- -@rm *.core
- -@rm $(CMODULES .o=.d) $(CPPMODULES .o=.d)
+clean: clean_recursive clean_po local_clean
+ -@rm -f *.bak 2>/dev/null
+ -@rm -f *~ 2>/dev/null
+ -@rm -f *.d port/*.d 2>/dev/null
+ -@rm -f $(BINS) $(CPP_BINS) $(TEST_BINS) $(TEST_CPP_BINS) 2>/dev/null
+ -@rm -f $(OBJS) $(CPP_OBJS) $(BIN_OBJS) $(TEST_BIN_OBJS) $(CPP_BIN_OBJS) $(TEST_CPP_BIN_OBJS) 2>/dev/null
+ -@rm -f exec/* 2>/dev/null
+ -@rm -f *.core 2>/dev/null
+ -@rm -f $(CMODULES) $(CPPMODULES) 2>/dev/null
+ -@rm -f $(CMODULES:.o=.d) $(CPPMODULES:.o=.d) 2>/dev/null
+ -@rm -rf $(STATIC_LIB) 2>/dev/null
+ -@rm -f $(SH_OBJS) rm -f $(SHPP_OBJS) 2>/dev/null
.PHONY: distclean_recursive distclean local_distclean
diff --git a/makefiles/gmake/ b/makefiles/gmake/
index 4f93160..01e9837 100644
--- a/makefiles/gmake/
+++ b/makefiles/gmake/
@@ -4,9 +4,20 @@
# provides:
-# - BIN_OBJS: the object files we need for the binaries (containing the main)
+# - BIN_OBJS: the object files we need for the binaries which we build always
+# - CPP_BIN_OBJS: same for binaries which have C++ code in them
+# - TEST_BIN_OBJS: same as BIN_OBJS but for test binaries compiled only when
+# testing
+# - TEST_CPP_BIN_OBJS: same for C++ tests
+# start of gcc section
+ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "gcc"
+GCC_MAJOR_VERSION ?= $(shell $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --gcc-major-version $(CC) "$(CURDIR)" $(TOPDIR))
+GCC_MINOR_VERSION ?= $(shell $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --gcc-minor-version $(CC) "$(CURDIR)" $(TOPDIR))
# -Wswitch-default: not good for switches with enums
# -Wsystem-headers: bad idea, as header files are usually happily broken :-)
# -Wtraditional: we don't want to program tradition K&R C anymore!
@@ -22,12 +33,13 @@
# -fstack-protector-all: does something funny to the shared objects..
# -Wstack-protector makes no sense without SSP
# everything implied by -Wall is not explicitly specified (gcc 4.2.3)
+# TODO: reenable -O2
# -Waggregate-return: is for K&R code and mostly useless nowadays
-# -funit-at-a-time: TODO check first gcc version it appears
+# -Wno-long-long: sqlite.h on FreeBSD 6.2 shows problems otherwise
# compilation flags and compilers
+ -g -Wno-long-long \
-fstrict-aliasing \
-pedantic -Wall -Werror \
-Wunused -Wno-import \
@@ -35,18 +47,25 @@ COMMON_COMPILE_FLAGS = \
-Wswitch-enum -Wunknown-pragmas -Wfloat-equal \
-Wundef -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith \
-Wcast-qual -Wcast-align \
- -Wwrite-strings -Wconversion \
+ -Wwrite-strings \
-Wmissing-noreturn \
-Wno-multichar -Wparentheses -Wredundant-decls \
-Winline \
- -Wdisabled-optimization \
+ -Wdisabled-optimization
ifeq "$(GCC_MAJOR_VERSION)" "4"
-Wfatal-errors -Wmissing-include-dirs -Wvariadic-macros \
-Wvolatile-register-var \
-Wstrict-aliasing=2 -Wextra -Winit-self
+# -Wconversion had to meanings before gcc 4.3 (warn about ABI changes when porting
+# old K&R code without function prototypes) and warn about conversions loosing
+# precision. So we enable only -Wconversion (not -Wtraditional-conversion) for gcc
+# >= 4.3 and no -Wconversion for older gcc versions!
+# (see also
+ifeq "$(GCC_MINOR_VERSION)" "3"
ifeq "$(GCC_MAJOR_VERSION)" "3"
@@ -65,9 +84,12 @@ endif
+ -std=c99
- -std=c99 \
-Wnonnull \
-Wbad-function-cast -Wstrict-prototypes \
-Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations \
@@ -76,7 +98,8 @@ COMPILE_FLAGS = \
# gcc 4.x
ifeq "$(GCC_MAJOR_VERSION)" "4"
- -Wc++-compat -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wold-style-definition
+ -Wc++-compat -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wold-style-definition \
+ -funit-at-a-time
ifeq "$(GCC_MAJOR_VERSION)" "3"
@@ -84,7 +107,8 @@ ifeq "$(GCC_MAJOR_VERSION)" "3"
# gcc 3.4, not tested yet
ifeq "$(GCC_MINOR_VERSION)" "4"
- -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wold-style-definition
+ -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wold-style-definition \
+ -funit-at-a-time
# gcc 3.3, testend on OpenBSD 4.2
@@ -93,7 +117,6 @@ ifeq "$(GCC_MINOR_VERSION)" "3"
# -Wdeclaration-after-statement
@@ -103,8 +126,7 @@ CCPP_COMPILE_FLAGS = \
# gcc 4.x
ifeq "$(GCC_MAJOR_VERSION)" "4"
- -Wno-invalid-offsetof \
- -funit-at-a-time
+ -Wno-invalid-offsetof -funit-at-a-time
ifeq "$(GCC_MAJOR_VERSION)" "3"
@@ -123,13 +145,175 @@ endif
-CC = gcc
+#CC = gcc
CCPP = g++
+# end of gcc section
+# start of tcc section
+# currently we don't need this, the tcc flags are fairly consistent
+#TCC_MAJOR_VERSION ?= $(shell $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --tcc-major-version $(CC) "$(CURDIR)" $(TOPDIR))
+#TCC_MINOR_VERSION ?= $(shell $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --tcc-minor-version $(CC) "$(CURDIR)" $(TOPDIR))
+ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "tcc"
+ -Wall -Werror
+# end of tcc section
+# start of icc section
+# currently we don't need this, the icc flags are fairly consistent
+#ICC_MAJOR_VERSION ?= $(shell $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --icc-major-version $(CC) "$(CURDIR)" $(TOPDIR))
+#ICC_MINOR_VERSION ?= $(shell $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --icc-minor-version $(CC) "$(CURDIR)" $(TOPDIR))
+# -vec-report0: turn of SSE2 vector usage messages (they are common since P-4 anyway!)
+ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "icc"
+ -Wall -Werror -w1 -vec-report0
+# end of icc section
+# start of spro section
+# -xc99=all: full C99 compliance for the code (syntax and library functions)
+# -Xc: full ISO compliance, no K&R stuf
+# -mt: enable mutlithreading (-D_REENTRANT for header files, -lthread for ld)
+# -errwarn=%all: convert all warnings to errors
+# -v: do more restrictive syntax checking
+# TODO: enable -O2
+ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "spro"
+ -xc99=all
+ $(STD99_COMPILE_FLAGS) -Xc -errwarn=%all -mt -v
+# end of spro section
+# start of pcc section
+# currently we don't need this, the pcc flags are fairly consistent
+#PCC_MAJOR_VERSION ?= $(shell $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --pcc-major-version $(CC) "$(CURDIR)" $(TOPDIR))
+#PCC_MINOR_VERSION ?= $(shell $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --pcc-minor-version $(CC) "$(CURDIR)" $(TOPDIR))
+ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "pcc"
+ --fatal-warnings
+# end of pcc section
+# set flags for threading support using POSIX threads. This is completly different
+# between compiler/platforms
+ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "gcc"
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "LINUX"
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "SUNOS"
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "NETBSD"
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "CYGWIN"
+ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "tcc"
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "LINUX"
+PTHREADS_LIBS = -lpthread
+ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "pcc"
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "LINUX"
+ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "icc"
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "LINUX"
+# set flags for position independend code (as required for shared libraries
+# on some platforms)
+ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "gcc"
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "LINUX"
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "SUNOS"
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "NETBSD"
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "CYGWIN"
+# code on Cygwin is always position independend
+ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "icc"
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "LINUX"
+# TODO: test this
+#ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "spro"
+#ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "SUNOS"
+#ifeq "$(ARCH)" "sun4u"
+#SO_COMPILE_FLAGS = -xcode=pic32
LINK = $(CC)
@@ -139,20 +323,24 @@ CCPP_LINK = $(CCPP)
%.o : %.cpp
$(CCPP) -c -o $@ $(CCPPFLAGS) $<
-%$(EXE): %.o $(OBJS)
- $(CCPP_LINK) -o $@ $(LIBS) $(OBJS) $<
+%$(EXE): %.o $(OBJS) $(TEST_OBJS)
+ $(CCPP_LINK) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(TEST_OBJS) $< $(LIBS)
%.sho : %.c
- $(CC) -c -o $@ -fPIC -DSHARED $(CFLAGS) $<
+ $(CC) -c -o $@ $(SO_COMPILE_FLAGS) -DSHARED $(CFLAGS) $<
-%$(SO) : %.sho $(OBJS)
- $(LINK) -shared -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) $(OBJS) $<
+#%$(SO) : %.sho $(OBJS)
+# $(LINK) -shared -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) $(OBJS) $<
%.sho++ : %.cpp
- $(CCPP) -c -o $@ -fPIC -DSHARED $(CCPPFLAGS) $<
-%$(SO) : %.sho++ $(OBJS) $(CPPOBJS)
- $(CCPP_LINK) -shared -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) $(OBJS) $(CPPOBJS) $<
+#%$(SO) : %.sho++ $(OBJS) $(CPPOBJS)
+# $(CCPP_LINK) -shared -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) $(OBJS) $(CPPOBJS) $<
BIN_OBJS = $(BINS:$(EXE)=.o)
+SH_OBJS = $(OBJS:.o=.sho)
+SHPP_OBJS = $(CPP_OBJS:.o=.sho++)
diff --git a/makefiles/gmake/ b/makefiles/gmake/
index bd49fe1..eb832e7 100644
--- a/makefiles/gmake/
+++ b/makefiles/gmake/
@@ -4,27 +4,73 @@
# requires:
# - compilers CC and CCPP
# provides:
# - included dependency files
# author: Andreas Baumann, abaumann at yahoo dot com
+ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "gcc"
%.d : %.c
@echo Generating dependencies for $<
- @$(MAKEDEPEND) $(CFLAGS) $< | \
+ @$(CC) -DMAKE_DEPENDENCIES -MM -MT $(@:.d=.o) $(CFLAGS) $< | \
sed "s,\($*\.o\)[ :]*\(.*\),$@ : $$\(wildcard \2\)\&\&\&\1 : \2,g" | tr -s '&' "\n" > $@
%.d : %.cpp
@echo Generating dependencies for $<
+ @$(CCPP) -DMAKE_DEPENDENCIES -MM -MT $(@:.d=.o) $(CCPPFLAGS) $< | \
sed "s,\($*\.o\)[ :]*\(.*\),$@ : $$\(wildcard \2\)\&\&\&\1 : \2,g" | tr -s '&' "\n" > $@
+ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "tcc"
+%.d : %.c
+ @echo Generating dependencies for $<
+ @makedepend -DMAKE_DEPENDENCIES $(PLATFORM_COMPILE_FLAGS) $(INCLUDE_DIRS) -I/usr/lib/tcc/include -f - $< > $@
+ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "icc"
+%.d : %.c
+ @echo Generating dependencies for $<
+ @$(CC) -DMAKE_DEPENDENCIES -MM -MT $(@:.d=.o) $(CFLAGS) $< | \
+ sed "s,\($*\.o\)[ :]*\(.*\),$@ : $$\(wildcard \2\)\&\&\&\1 : \2,g" | tr -s '&' "\n" > $@
+%.d : %.cpp
+ @echo Generating dependencies for $<
+ @$(CCPP) -DMAKE_DEPENDENCIES -MM -MT $(@:.d=.o) $(CCPPFLAGS) $< | \
+ sed "s,\($*\.o\)[ :]*\(.*\),$@ : $$\(wildcard \2\)\&\&\&\1 : \2,g" | tr -s '&' "\n" > $@
+ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "spro"
+%.d : %.c
+ @echo Generating dependencies for $<
+%.d : %.cpp
+ @echo Generating dependencies for $<
+ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "pcc"
+# FIXME: platform in path of compiler include files, mmh, how to fix?
+%.d : %.c
+ @echo Generating dependencies for $<
-include $(OBJS:.o=.d)
-include $(CPP_OBJS:.o=.d)
-include $(BIN_OBJS:.o=.d)
-include $(CPP_BIN_OBJS:.o=.d)
+-include $(TEST_BIN_OBJS:.o=.d)
+-include $(TEST_CPP_BIN_OBJS:.o=.d)
diff --git a/makefiles/gmake/ b/makefiles/gmake/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85ceae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makefiles/gmake/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# creates a source tarball ready for distribution
+# requires:
+# provides:
+# - target: dist
+# - target: dist-bz2, dist-gz, dist-Z
+.PHONY: dist dist-bz2 dist-gz dist-Z
+ -@rm -rf /tmp/$(PACKAGE_NAME)-$(PACKAGE_VERSION)
+ cp -r * /tmp/$(PACKAGE_NAME)-$(PACKAGE_VERSION)/.
+ -@cd /tmp/$(PACKAGE_NAME)-$(PACKAGE_VERSION) ; \
+ $(MAKE) distclean ; \
+ rm -f makefiles/gmake/; \
+ find . -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \; ; \
+ find . -name .git -exec rm -rf {} \; ; \
+ cd .. ; \
+ tar cvf $(PACKAGE_NAME)-$(PACKAGE_VERSION).tar \
+ -@rm -rf /tmp/$(PACKAGE_NAME)-$(PACKAGE_VERSION)
+ @mv /tmp/$(PACKAGE_NAME)-$(PACKAGE_VERSION).tar .
+dist-bz2: dist
+ @bzip2 -f $(PACKAGE_NAME)-$(PACKAGE_VERSION).tar
+dist-gz: dist
+dist-Z: dist
+ @compress -f $(PACKAGE_NAME)-$(PACKAGE_VERSION).tar
diff --git a/makefiles/gmake/guess_env b/makefiles/gmake/guess_env
index f11ef5a..2e4f3de 100755
--- a/makefiles/gmake/guess_env
+++ b/makefiles/gmake/guess_env
@@ -1,57 +1,74 @@
+# operating system and major, minor version, more should not be necessary
UNAME_SYSTEM=`(uname -s) 2>/dev/null`
UNAME_RELEASE=`(uname -r) 2>/dev/null`
UNAME_VERSION=`(uname -v) 2>/dev/null`
UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -m) 2>/dev/null`
-# operating system and major, minor version, more should not be necessary
OS_MAJOR_VERSION=`echo $UNAME_RELEASE | cut -d . -f 1`
OS_MINOR_VERSION=`echo $UNAME_RELEASE | cut -d . -f 2`
- LIBS_DL='-ldl'
+ if test -f /etc/arch-release; then
+ LINUX_DIST='arch'
+ LINUX_REV='current'
+ elif test -f /etc/debian_version; then
+ LINUX_DIST='debian'
+ LINUX_REV=`cat /etc/debian_version | cut -d . -f 1`
+ elif test -f /etc/slackware-version; then
+ LINUX_DIST='slackware'
+ LINUX_REV=`cat /etc/slackware-version | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | cut -d . -f 1`
+ elif test -f /etc/redhat-release; then
+ LINUX_DIST='redhat'
+ LINUX_REV=`cat /etc/redhat-release | sed s/.*release\ // | sed s/\ .*// | cut -f 1 -d .`
+ else
+ LINUX_DIST='unknown'
+ LINUX_REV='unknown'
+ fi
OS_MAJOR_VERSION=`echo $UNAME_RELEASE | cut -d . -f 1`
OS_MINOR_VERSION=`echo $UNAME_RELEASE | cut -d . -f 2 | cut -d - -f 1`
OS_MAJOR_VERSION=`echo $UNAME_RELEASE | cut -d . -f 1`
OS_MINOR_VERSION=`echo $UNAME_RELEASE | cut -d . -f 2 | cut -d - -f 1`
+ ;;
+ OS_MAJOR_VERSION=`echo $UNAME_RELEASE | cut -d . -f 1`
+ OS_MINOR_VERSION=`echo $UNAME_RELEASE | cut -d . -f 2 | cut -d - -f 1`
OS_MAJOR_VERSION=`echo $UNAME_RELEASE | cut -d . -f 1`
OS_MINOR_VERSION=`echo $UNAME_RELEASE | cut -d . -f 2`
- LIBS_DL='-ldl'
_tmp=`echo $UNAME_SYSTEM | cut -d - -f 2`
OS_MAJOR_VERSION=`echo $_tmp | cut -d . -f 1`
OS_MINOR_VERSION=`echo $_tmp | cut -d . -f 2`
- echo "Unknown platform '$UNAME_SYSTEM#$UNAME_RELEASE'"
+ echo "Unknown platform '$UNAME_SYSTEM $UNAME_RELEASE'"
exit 1
# the architecture
case "$UNAME_MACHINE" in
i*86*) ARCH=x86
+ x86_64) ARCH=x86_64
+ ;;
sun4u) ARCH=sun4u
@@ -61,10 +78,82 @@ case "$UNAME_MACHINE" in
+# get last line, old 'tail' syntax and POSIX syntax, both exist out there
+if test "x${PLATFORM}" = "xSUNOS"; then
+ TAIL1='tail -1'
+ TAIL1='tail -n 1'
# the compiler and version
-GCC_VERSION=`gcc -dumpversion`
-GCC_MAJOR_VERSION=`echo $GCC_VERSION | cut -d . -f 1`
-GCC_MINOR_VERSION=`echo $GCC_VERSION | cut -d . -f 2`
+# what compiler do we have (we can't relly on it's name as it may be a cc link to the binary!)
+(( $CC -v 2>&1 | $TAIL1 ) | grep -i GCC ) 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+if test $? = 0; then
+ COMPILER='gcc'
+ ( $CC -v | grep tcc ) 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
+ if test $? = 0; then
+ COMPILER='tcc'
+ else
+ ( $CC -V 2>&1 | grep l_cproc_p ) >/dev/null
+ if test $? = 0; then
+ COMPILER='icc'
+ else
+ ( $CC -xhelp=readme | head -n 1 | grep 'Sun Studio' ) >/dev/null
+ if test $? = 0; then
+ COMPILER='spro'
+ else
+ ( $CC -v | head -n 1 | grep 'pcc' ) >/dev/null
+ if test $? = 0; then
+ COMPILER='pcc'
+ else
+ COMPILER='unknown'
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+# version of gcc (GNU C compiler)
+if test $COMPILER = "gcc"; then
+ GCC_VERSION=`gcc -dumpversion`
+ GCC_MAJOR_VERSION=`echo $GCC_VERSION | cut -d . -f 1`
+ GCC_MINOR_VERSION=`echo $GCC_VERSION | cut -d . -f 2`
+# version of tcc (Tiny C compiler)
+if test $COMPILER = "tcc"; then
+ TCC_VERSION=`tcc -v | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
+ TCC_MAJOR_VERSION=`echo $ICC_VERSION | cut -d . -f 1`
+ TCC_MINOR_VERSION=`echo $ICC_VERSION | cut -d . -f 2`
+# version of icc (Intel C compiler)
+if test $COMPILER = "icc"; then
+ ICC_VERSION=`icc -dumpversion`
+ ICC_MAJOR_VERSION=`echo $ICC_VERSION | cut -d . -f 1`
+ ICC_MINOR_VERSION=`echo $ICC_VERSION | cut -d . -f 2`
+# version of spro (Sun Pro compiler, Sun Studio)
+if test $COMPILER = "spro"; then
+ SPRO_VERSION=`$CC -xhelp=readme | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
+ SPRO_MAJOR_VERSION=`echo $SPRO_VERSION | cut -d : -f 1`
+# version of pcc (Portable C Compiler)
+if test $COMPILER = "pcc"; then
+ PCC_VERSION=`$CC -v | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2`
+ PCC_MAJOR_VERSION=`echo $PCC_VERSION | cut -d . -f 1`
+ PCC_MINOR_VERSION=`echo $PCC_VERSION | cut -d . -f 2`
case "$1" in
--platform) echo $PLATFORM
@@ -78,29 +167,58 @@ case "$1" in
--arch) echo $ARCH
- --libs-dl) echo $LIBS_DL
+ --compiler) echo $COMPILER
- --libs-ssl) echo $LIBS_SSL
- ;;
--gcc-major-version) echo $GCC_MAJOR_VERSION
--gcc-minor-version) echo $GCC_MINOR_VERSION
- *)
- cat <<EOF
+ --tcc-major-version) echo $TCC_MAJOR_VERSION
+ ;;
+ --tcc-minor-version) echo $TCC_MINOR_VERSION
+ ;;
+ --icc-major-version) echo $ICC_MAJOR_VERSION
+ ;;
+ --icc-minor-version) echo $ICC_MINOR_VERSION
+ ;;
+ --spro-major-version) echo $SPRO_MAJOR_VERSION
+ ;;
+ --pcc-major-version) echo $PCC_MAJOR_VERSION
+ ;;
+ --pcc-minor-version) echo $PCC_MINOR_VERSION
+# regenerate the cache file, otherwise building is far too slow!
+if test ! -f "${MAKEFILE_DIR}/makefiles/gmake/"; then
+ cat >"${MAKEFILE_DIR}/makefiles/gmake/" <<EOF
diff --git a/makefiles/gmake/ b/makefiles/gmake/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc7e321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makefiles/gmake/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Available targets:
+make [all] create all artifacts
+make test create test binaries and execute tests
+make doc build the documentation
+make clean clean up build artifacts
+make distclean clean up all generated artifacts
+make install install (set 'DESTDIR' and 'prefix' at will)
+make uninstall uninstall (set 'DESTDIR' and 'prefix' at will)
+make dist[-Z|-gz|-bz2] create tarball containing all sources
+make help show this very help page
+make init-po create initial version of the gettext files
+make merge-po merge the gettext files after changes
+make check-po check sanity of gettext files
diff --git a/makefiles/gmake/ b/makefiles/gmake/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08a29e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makefiles/gmake/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# handle localization stuff (gettext)
+# (this follows roughly the way Postgresql handles NLS)
+# requires:
+# - CATALOG_NAME: name of the catalog (name of the library or program)
+# will be installed as $(CATALOG_NAME).po in the localedir
+# - GETTEXT_LANGUAGES: list of languages supported
+# - GETTEXT_FILES: list of source files that contain message strings
+# - GETTEXT_TRIGGERS: (optional) list of functions/macros that contain
+# translatable strings
+# provides:
+# - target: init-po
+# - target: merge-po
+# - taget: check-po
+# - target: install_po
+# - target: uninstall_po
+.PHONY: init-po update-po all_po clean_po install_po uninstall_po
+ifeq "$(ENABLE_NLS)" "1"
+PO_FILES = $(addprefix po/, $(addsuffix .po, $(GETTEXT_LANGUAGES)))
+MO_FILES = $(addprefix po/, $(addsuffix .mo, $(GETTEXT_LANGUAGES)))
+ : %.po
+ $(MSGFMT) -c -o $@ $<
+ $(XGETTEXT) -n -F -d $(CATALOG_NAME) -o $@ \
+ $(addprefix -k, $(GETTEXT_TRIGGERS)) --flag=_:1:pass-c-format \
+ifneq "$(GETTEXT_FILES)" ""
+init-po: po/$(CATALOG_NAME).pot
+ifneq "$(GETTEXT_FILES)" ""
+merge-po: po/$(CATALOG_NAME).pot
+ @test -z "$(GETTEXT_LANGUAGES)" || \
+ for lang in $(GETTEXT_LANGUAGES)""; do ( \
+ echo "merging po/$$ and $<.." && \
+ if $(MSGMERGE) -F -o po/$$ po/$$lang.po $<; then \
+ cp po/$$lang.po po/$$lang.po.bak && \
+ mv po/$$ po/$$lang.po; \
+ else \
+ echo "Please check, msgmerge for po/$$lang.po failed!"; \
+ rm -f po/$$; \
+ fi \
+ ) done
+check-po: $(PO_FILES)
+ @test -z "$^" || \
+ for file in $^""; do ( \
+ echo "checking gettext file $$file of catalog $(CATALOG_NAME).." && \
+ $(MSGFMT) -c -v -o /dev/null $$file || exit 1 \
+ ) done
+ @-rm -f $(MO_FILES) 2>/dev/null
+ @-rm -f po/$(CATALOG_NAME).pot 2>/dev/null
+ @-rm -f po/*.bak 2>/dev/null
+ @-rm -f po/*~ 2>/dev/null
+# hooks for the standard targets handling gettext stuff
+all_po: $(MO_FILES)
+ @test -z "$(GETTEXT_LANGUAGES)" || \
+ for lang in $(GETTEXT_LANGUAGES)""; do ( \
+ echo "installing po/$$ to $(localedir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES.." && \
+ $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(localedir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES && \
+ $(INSTALL) -m 644 po/$$ $(localedir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES/$(CATALOG_NAME).mo || exit 1 \
+ ) done
+ @test -z "$(GETTEXT_LANGUAGES)" || \
+ for lang in $(GETTEXT_LANGUAGES)""; do ( \
+ echo "uninstalling $(localedir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES.." && \
+ rm $(localedir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES/$(CATALOG_NAME).mo && \
+ rmdir $(localedir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES || exit 1 \
+ ) done
+# No NLS supported wanted, provide dummy targets
diff --git a/makefiles/gmake/ b/makefiles/gmake/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac6d49d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makefiles/gmake/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# install
+# requires:
+# - DESTDIR: temporary or final destination dir for installation
+# - prefix: prefix for the directory root (e.g. /usr)
+# provides:
+# - target: install
+# - target: uninstall
+# default values
+# standard directories following FHS
+.PHONY: install_recursive install local_install
+ @test -z "$(SUBDIRS)" || ( set -e; for d in $(SUBDIRS)""; do \
+ (set -e; $(MAKE) -C $$d install || exit 1); done)
+install: install_recursive local_install install_po
+ @test -d "$(libdir)" || mkdir -p "$(libdir)"
+ @test -z "$(STATIC_LIB)" || ( \
+ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(STATIC_LIB) $(libdir)/$(STATIC_LIB) )
+ @test -z "$(DYNAMIC_LIB)" || ( \
+ @test -z "$(DYNAMIC_LIB)" || ( \
+ rm -f "$(libdir)/$(DYNAMIC_LIB).$(DYNAMIC_LIB_MAJOR)" && \
+ "$(libdir)/$(DYNAMIC_LIB).$(DYNAMIC_LIB_MAJOR)" )
+ @test -z "$(DYNAMIC_LIB)" || ( \
+ rm -f "$(libdir)/$(DYNAMIC_LIB)" && \
+ "$(libdir)/$(DYNAMIC_LIB)" )
+.PHONY: uninstall_recursive uninstall local_uninstall
+ @test -z "$(SUBDIRS)" || ( set -e; for d in $(SUBDIRS)""; do \
+ (set -e; $(MAKE) -C $$d uninstall || exit 1); done)
+uninstall: uninstall_recursive local_uninstall uninstall_po
+ test -z "$(DYNAMIC_LIB)" || ( \
+ test -z "$(DYNAMIC_LIB)" || ( \
+ test ! -h "$(libdir)/$(DYNAMIC_LIB).$(DYNAMIC_LIB_MAJOR)" || \
+ rm "$(libdir)/$(DYNAMIC_LIB).$(DYNAMIC_LIB_MAJOR)" )
+ test -z "$(DYNAMIC_LIB)" || ( \
+ test ! -h "$(libdir)/$(DYNAMIC_LIB)" || \
+ rm "$(libdir)/$(DYNAMIC_LIB)" )
+ test -z "$(STATIC_LIB)" || ( \
+ test ! -f "$(libdir)/$(STATIC_LIB)" || rm "$(libdir)/$(STATIC_LIB)" )
diff --git a/makefiles/gmake/ b/makefiles/gmake/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08899c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makefiles/gmake/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# provides explicit library rules
+# requires:
+# - STATIC_LIB: name of the static library
+# - DYNAMIC_LIB: soname and versions of the shared library
+# provides:
+# - targets to build the static and dynamic version of the project's library
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "LINUX"
+SO_FLAGS = -shared -Wl,-soname,$(DYNAMIC_LIB).$(DYNAMIC_LIB_MAJOR)
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "SUNOS"
+ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "gcc"
+ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "spro"
+SO_FLAGS = -shared -Wl,-x,-soname,$(DYNAMIC_LIB).$(DYNAMIC_LIB_MAJOR)
+SO_FLAGS = -shared -Wl,-soname,$(DYNAMIC_LIB).$(DYNAMIC_LIB_MAJOR)
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "NETBSD"
+SO_FLAGS = -shared -Wl,-soname,$(DYNAMIC_LIB).$(DYNAMIC_LIB_MAJOR)
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "CYGWIN"
+SO_FLAGS = -shared -Wl,-soname,$(DYNAMIC_LIB).$(DYNAMIC_LIB_MAJOR)
+ifneq "$(STATIC_LIB)" ""
+ $(AR) cr $@ $(OBJS) $(CPP_OBJS)
+ifneq "$(DYNAMIC_LIB)" ""
diff --git a/makefiles/gmake/ b/makefiles/gmake/
index 36d5ebb..452c9e1 100644
--- a/makefiles/gmake/
+++ b/makefiles/gmake/
@@ -7,28 +7,229 @@
# provides:
# - EXE
# - SO
# author: Andreas Baumann, abaumann at yahoo dot com
-PLATFORM = $(shell $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --platform)
-OS_MAJOR_VERSION = $(shell $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --os-major-version)
-OS_MINOR_VERSION = $(shell $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --os-minor-version)
+-include $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/
+PLATFORM ?= $(shell $(SHELL) $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --platform $(CC) "$(CURDIR)" $(TOPDIR))
+OS_MAJOR_VERSION ?= $(shell $(SHELL) $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --os-major-version $(CC) "$(CURDIR)" $(TOPDIR))
+OS_MINOR_VERSION ?= $(shell $(SHELL) $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --os-minor-version $(CC) "$(CURDIR)" $(TOPDIR))
+COMPILER ?= $(shell $(SHELL) $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --compiler $(CC) "$(CURDIR)" $(TOPDIR))
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "LINUX"
+LINUX_DIST ?= $(shell $(SHELL) $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --linux-dist $(CC) "$(CURDIR)" $(TOPDIR))
+LINUX_REV ?= $(shell $(SHELL) $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --linux-rev $(CC) "$(CURDIR)" $(TOPDIR))
+# platform specific flags
-LIBS_DL = $(shell $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --libs-dl)
-LIBS_SSP = $(shell $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --libs-ssl)
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "LINUX"
+# extensions for binaries
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "CYGWIN"
+EXE = .exe
+# extensions for shared libraries
+# (TOOD: HP/Unix has .shlib, Mac/X has .lib, but we can't test it currently)
SO = .so
-GCC_MAJOR_VERSION = $(shell $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --gcc-major-version $(CC))
-GCC_MINOR_VERSION = $(shell $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --gcc-minor-version $(CC))
+# name if the installation program
+# (TODO: use the MIT or openradio install-sh script instead?)
+INSTALL = $(shell $(SHELL) $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/guess_env --install)
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "SUNOS"
+INSTALL = /usr/ucb/install
+INSTALL = install
+# dynamic linker
+# the linker library for dynamically loadable modules
+# (TODO: check for all platforms, as soon we add loadable modules here from
+# old TextWolf)
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "LINUX"
+LIBS_DL = -ldl
+# i18n, gettext/libintl
+# enable or disable internationalization code
+ifeq "$(ENABLE_NLS)" "1"
+# we relly only on the GNU version, other versions (e.g. Solaris) are not
+# so nice..
+# the GNU internationalization support is sometimes in separate libarries
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "LINUX"
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "SUNOS"
+INCLUDE_FLAGS_LT = -I/usr/local/include
+LDFLAGS_LT = -L/usr/local/lib
+LIBS_LT = -lintl
+INCLUDE_FLAGS_LT = -I/usr/local/include
+LDFLAGS_LT = -L/usr/local/lib
+LIBS_LT = -lintl
+INCLUDE_FLAGS_LT = -I/usr/local/include
+LDFLAGS_LT = -L/usr/local/lib
+LIBS_LT = -lintl -liconv
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "CYGWIN"
+LIBS_LT = -lintl
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "NETBSD"
+LIBS_LT = -lintl
+# command line parser generator gengetopt
+# location of gengetopt (default: in the path)
+# some platform either have no getopt/getopt_long or a broken one, so
+# gengetopt can include its own one
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "SUNOS"
+ifeq "$(OS_MAJOR_VERSION)" "5"
+ifeq "$(OS_MINOR_VERSION)" "8"
+GENGETOPT_INCLUDE_GETOPT = --include-getopt
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "LINUX"
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "SUNOS"
+LIBS_NET = -lsocket -lnsl
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "CYGWIN"
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "NETBSD"
+# sqlite3
+# the GNU internationalization support is sometimes in separate libarries
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "LINUX"
+INCLUDE_FLAGS_SQLITE3 = -I/usr/include
+LDFLAGS_SQLITE3 = -L/usr/lib
+LIBS_SQLITE3 = -lsqlite3
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "SUNOS"
+LIBS_SQLITE3 = -lsqlite3
+LIBS_SQLITE3 = -lsqlite3
+LIBS_SQLITE3 = -lsqlite3
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "CYGWIN"
+LIBS_SQLITE3 = -lsqlite3
+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "NETBSD"
+INCLUDE_FLAGS_SQLITE3 = -I/usr/pkg/include
+LDFLAGS_SQLITE3 = -L/usr/pkg/lib
+LIBS_SQLITE3 = -lsqlite3
diff --git a/makefiles/gmake/ b/makefiles/gmake/
index 024bb76..962c63f 100644
--- a/makefiles/gmake/
+++ b/makefiles/gmake/
@@ -12,14 +12,17 @@
-include $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/
.PHONY: all $(SUBDIRS) local_all
@test -z "$(SUBDIRS)" || ( set -e; for d in $(SUBDIRS)""; do \
(set -e; $(MAKE) -C $$d all || exit 1); done)
.PHONY: test local_test
-test: local_test $(OBJS) $(CPPOBJS) $(BIN_OBJS) $(BINS) $(CPP_BINS) $(CMODULES) $(CPPMODULES)
@test -z "$(SUBDIRS)" || ( set -e; for d in $(SUBDIRS)""; do \
(set -e; $(MAKE) -C $$d test || exit 1); done)
-include $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/
-include $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/
+-include $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/
+-include $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/
+-include $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/
diff --git a/makefiles/gmake/ b/makefiles/gmake/
index 98993f7..810bedc 100644
--- a/makefiles/gmake/
+++ b/makefiles/gmake/
@@ -9,6 +9,13 @@
# - target 'clean'
# - target 'distclean'
# - target 'test'
+# - target 'doc'
+# - target 'dist'
+# - target 'help'
+# - target 'install'
+# - target 'uninstall'
+-include makefiles/gmake/
.PHONY: all
@@ -19,12 +26,49 @@ all:
@test -z "$(SUBDIRS)" || ( set -e; for d in $(SUBDIRS)""; do \
(set -e; $(MAKE) -C $$d clean || exit 1); done)
+ @-rm $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/
.PHONY: distclean
-distclean: clean
- test -z "$(SUBDIRS)" || ( set -e; for d in $(SUBDIRS)""; do \
+ @test -z "$(SUBDIRS)" || ( set -e; for d in $(SUBDIRS)""; do \
(set -e; $(MAKE) -C $$d distclean || exit 1); done)
+ @-rm $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/
+.PHONY: install
+ @test -z "$(SUBDIRS)" || ( set -e; for d in $(SUBDIRS)""; do \
+ (set -e; $(MAKE) -C $$d install || exit 1); done)
+.PHONY: uninstall
+ @test -z "$(SUBDIRS)" || ( set -e; for d in $(SUBDIRS)""; do \
+ (set -e; $(MAKE) -C $$d uninstall || exit 1); done)
.PHONY: test
test: all
@$(MAKE) -C tests test
+.PHONY: doc
+ cd docs; $(MAKE) doc
+.PHONY: help
+ @cat $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/
+.PHONY: init-po
+ @test -z "$(SUBDIRS)" || ( set -e; for d in $(SUBDIRS)""; do \
+ (set -e; $(MAKE) -C $$d init-po || exit 1); done)
+.PHONY: merge-po
+ @test -z "$(SUBDIRS)" || ( set -e; for d in $(SUBDIRS)""; do \
+ (set -e; $(MAKE) -C $$d merge-po || exit 1); done)
+.PHONY: check-po
+ @test -z "$(SUBDIRS)" || ( set -e; for d in $(SUBDIRS)""; do \
+ (set -e; $(MAKE) -C $$d check-po || exit 1); done)
+-include $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/
diff --git a/tests/GNUmakefile b/tests/GNUmakefile
index 838ea49..934e454 100644
--- a/tests/GNUmakefile
+++ b/tests/GNUmakefile
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-SUBDIRS = curl psql
+SUBDIRS = curl psql sqlite
--include $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/
+-include $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/
diff --git a/tests/curl/GNUmakefile b/tests/curl/GNUmakefile
index deb408b..7d56906 100644
--- a/tests/curl/GNUmakefile
+++ b/tests/curl/GNUmakefile
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ CPP_BINS = \
--include $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/
+-include $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/
diff --git a/tests/psql/GNUmakefile b/tests/psql/GNUmakefile
index 8ba71a0..3e3e1ea 100644
--- a/tests/psql/GNUmakefile
+++ b/tests/psql/GNUmakefile
@@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ SUBDIRS =
INCLUDE_DIRS = -I. -I$(TOPDIR) -I/usr/include/pqxx
- -L/usr/lib
-lpqxx -lpq
test1$(EXE) \
--include $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/
+-include $(TOPDIR)/makefiles/gmake/
+ -@rm -f *.db *.db-journal 2>/dev/null
+ -@rm -f *.RES *.DIFF
-local_test: $(CPP_BINS)
- @echo "libpqxx simple test.."
- ./test1
- \ No newline at end of file
+ @./exec_test test1 "libpqxx simple test" "$(PLATFORM)" "$(LINUX_DIST)" "$(LINUX_REV)"
+ @./exec_test test2 "prepared statements" "$(PLATFORM)" "$(LINUX_DIST)" "$(LINUX_REV)"
diff --git a/tests/psql/exec_test b/tests/psql/exec_test
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b49999b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/psql/exec_test
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+if test "x${PLATFORM}" = "xLINUX"; then
+printf "$BINARY: $TITLE .. "
+./$BINARY | sed 's/\(time: .* ms\)//g' >$BINARY.RES 2>&1
+if test -f $BINARY.MUST.$SPECIAL; then
+ diff $BINARY.MUST.$SPECIAL $BINARY.RES > $BINARY.DIFF && printf "OK\n" || printf "ERROR\n"
+ diff $BINARY.MUST $BINARY.RES > $BINARY.DIFF && printf "OK\n" || printf "ERROR\n"
diff --git a/tests/psql/test1.MUST b/tests/psql/test1.MUST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70b5308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/psql/test1.MUST
@@ -0,0 +1,1005 @@
+Conntected to database.
+Backend protocol version: 80401
+Protocol version: 3
+Prepared Statements: 1
+a b
+0 0
+1 1
+2 2
+3 3
+4 4
+5 5
+6 6
+7 7
+8 8
+9 9
+10 10
+11 11
+12 12
+13 13
+14 14
+15 15
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+17 17
+18 18
+19 19
+20 20
+21 21
+22 22
+23 23
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+52 52
+53 53
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+120 120
+121 121
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+123 123
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+125 125
+126 126
+127 127
+128 128
+129 129
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+131 131
+132 132
+133 133
+134 134
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+139 139
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diff --git a/tests/psql/test1.cpp b/tests/psql/test1.cpp
index 5d4e06f..fd5de3d 100644
--- a/tests/psql/test1.cpp
+++ b/tests/psql/test1.cpp
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ int main( ) {
cout << "Conntected to database." << endl
<< "Backend protocol version: " << c.server_version( ) << endl
<< "Protocol version: " << c.protocol_version( ) << endl
- << "Server PID: " << c.backendpid( ) << endl
<< "Prepared Statements: " << c.supports( c.cap_prepared_statements ) << endl;
work t( c, "test transaction" );
diff --git a/tests/psql/test2.MUST b/tests/psql/test2.MUST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08d9be2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/psql/test2.MUST
@@ -0,0 +1,1001 @@
+a b
+0 0
+1 1
+2 2
+3 3
+4 4
+5 5
+6 6
+7 7
+8 8
+9 9
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+15 15
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+19 19
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+23 23
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+25 25
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+33 33
+34 34
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+37 37
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+92 92
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